Priceless Sensation

NXT: December 28, 2010

The next morning I'm half awake, half asleep. I did feel that the blanket was off of me, and I felt a chill in the air from the heat not kicking in yet after it shut off when it hit temperature. I shiver and roll over onto my side, bumping into Ted. And since he felt warm, I pulled the blanket over me more and cuddled into his side. He curls around me, warming me up. I mumble incoherently in my sleep, the more I relax from getting warm. I fall back sleep completely for a while longer. When I actually do wake up, I'm the only one in the room. That's when I notice a note on the pillow. I read it and it's from Ted saying where he went and that he should be back shortly. I put the note on the side table and drag myself out of bed, and head to the bathroom to go. Right when I walk out, the room door opens and Ted walks in with breakfast.

"Tada." He declares.

"Aww, aren't you sweet."

"It gets even better. I may have got coffee for myself, but I got chocolate."

"Awww thank you."

"Anything for you."

I kiss his cheek as he sets everything in reach.

"So what are the plans for today? Besides NXT." I ask, grabbing the hot chocolate he got me first.

"Well I was thinking maybe some shopping. Maybe go to the Park."

"Shopping so you can almost buy out a whole store because everything looks so good on me." I laugh.

He laughs and nods.

"I knew it."

"I like to spoil you."

"I know. Even though you don't have to. But you want to, I know."

"I do." He kisses my cheek.

"And as for the park...we are so not coming out of there without some the snow."

"Of course."

"Watch out for snowballs." I smirk.

"Backatcha." He grins.

"Oh it's on now."

"Like Donkey Kong."

"Yes, like Donkey Kong." I laugh.

"Sounds like a plan."

While we sit and eat, I notice that he has not stopped staring at me.


"Oh nothing. You're just beautiful."

"With my hair a mess and everything."

"Even with that."

"If anything, the bed head and everything is cute." He adds.

"You're silly."

"Oh that's not silly..." He trails off, getting up from where he was sitting and over to me. "....get up for a second."

I look at him curiously but do what he says. Next thing I know, he hoists me over his shoulder and carries me over to the bed, dropping me onto it. He then proceeds to climb onto the bed, sitting next to me and start to tickle me.

"This is silly."

I squeal and laugh helplessly.

"Ahhhh....nooooo!" I say between laughs.

"Yessssssssss." He laughs.

"What take to...get you to stop?"


"And don't say nothing, because there's got to be something. Take your time."

He tickles me more, amused by my squirming.


He eases off enough to let me breathe. I take that chance to quickly slip away.

"I'm free!"

"Damn." He laughs.

"So what're you gonna do about that now huh?" I challenge.


"...well there are many things I could do..." He trails off, getting up from the bed and walking in my direction, which ended up making me walk backwards trying to avoid him.

I bump into the wall.


"And now I have you right where I want you." He smirks.

Ted traps me against the wall.

"Where are you gonna go now? Hmm?"



"The pout isn't gonna work this time."


"Sorry." He chuckles.

"Breakfast is getting cold."

"One thing first." He grins, before pressing his lips to mine.

I respond, arms going around his neck. That's when I pull him closer to me, because he wasn't close enough. Ted presses me into the wall as the kiss gets deeper. In response to that, one of my hands move to his hair and tugs gently. He growls softly. I smirk against his lips and wait some time before doing it once again, earning the same reaction, but louder. I smirk again, satisfied. I'm the one who starts to pull away from the kiss, still remembering about the breakfast getting cold.

"Food." I remind him. "Oh. Right."

He moves away so that I could move away from the wall and then we sit back down to finish eating. We finish eating without any other incidents. After cleaning everything up, I decide to get dressed so the day can start. After finding clothes and such, I go into the bathroom and do the usual routine. Ted sprawls out on the bed to wait.

"Comfortable?" I laugh as I walk out of the bathroom.


"Looks like it."

"Feeling colorful today?"

"I guess you could say that."


"If you think this is colorful, I can just imagine what you'll want me to wear tonight."

He chuckles.

"We'll see."

"Yes we will."

He gets up.



We grab what we need and head out. We head down to the car, which thankfully wasn't blocked by snow, despite how much fell overnight. We get into the car after Ted unlocks it and wait for the car to warm up before leaving. I look out the window, admiring how everything looks covered in snow.

"I can't believe how much snow is up here."

"I know, its crazy."

"I feel bad for people who had to push their cars out in this. We were lucky."

"Yeah we were."

"You know we should stay here for New Years."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Always wanted to actually be here, than watching the whole New Years thing on TV."

"Right, of course."

"But this New Years is gonna be special."

"Yes it is. We're engaged and by next New Years, we'll be married. That is unless you plan on waiting longer." Ted says.

"That's something we'll talk about. I don't think I can wait longer than a year though."


"Sometime this coming year for sure."

"Okay." He nods.

"You're gonna get me all excited for this already."

"I'm excited too." He grins.

He then laces his fingers with mine and when we're at a red light, I lean over and kiss him quickly.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

It isn't long until we pull up to a store. We go in and find it's a dressier, more formal type of store.

"Well this is gonna be fun."


Ted kisses my cheek and wanders off. While he does his searching, I do my own. Looking through various racks and such. I gather a few dresses to try on. Once I've got all that I wanted to try on, I head to the dressing rooms. Ted got finished going crazy himself and met me there. He hands me what he found and I go into the stall.

"You just love going crazy."

"I do."

"What am I gonna do with you?" I laugh.

"Love me?" He suggests with a grin.

"Yes. Which I already do."


"Love you to pieces." I add, coming out of the stall with the first dress.

"I love you too and wow you look fantastic."

"And you picked this one out too."

"It's better than I thought."

"Everything tends to be."

"Good point."

"I know you'll definitely be getting me this one, that's for sure."


"Thought so." I remark, heading in to try on another.

"Let me know if you need a different size in any of those."

"I will. Even though you seem to have the right size for all of them." I say, checking them.

"Good, I was hoping so."

"You know me that well, so of course you would know what size to pick out."

"I know."

Meanwhile with Riss and Justin, they both were sound asleep. She's wrapped up securely in Justin's arms, warm and cozy. She shifts in her sleep and nuzzles his neck. He shifts in his sleep too, but he doesn't wake up just yet. She turns over and he follows, cuddling up against her. His arm then drapes over her waist and his grip tightens on her. Her arm lays over his and they sleep on. It isn't until a while later when they wake up. She feels him moving and she grumbles.

"Only getting more comfortable..." He mutters.


"Going to have to get up at some point though."

"Not yet."

"I know."

She tugs him back so he's draped over her.

"Mmm." She sighs contentedly.

While she lays there, he starts to play with her hair.

"That feels nice." She says drowsily.

"I know you like it."

"Mmhmm." She leans into his hand.

"Always been one of your favorite things I do."

"True." She agrees.

"And it's one of your favorite things to do...obviously."

"Yes it is."

"One of many things." He adds.

"Mmm. Yeah."

"What did you have in mind for today?" She asks.

"Well one thing is a surprise. I was thinking we could go ice skating though."


"Sounds good." She nods.

"Thought so."

"Anything else?"

"I think I'll leave that up to you to decide."

"Hmm. I think I need to do some shopping." She muses.

"Well that's always fun."

"You like trying to sneak in the dressing rooms."

"This is true."

"What can I say, I like seeing you get dressed." He nips at her shoulder.

She twitches and laughs.

"I know."

"We'll see if you can sneak in this time."

He grins against her shoulder and nips again.

"Would you quit?" She laughs. "I think I have enough marks."

"I can't help it."

"Well try." She swats his chest after she rolls over.

"Oh alright."

"I love you, silly goose." She kisses him quickly on the mouth.

"Love you too."

"I think maybe after shopping and stuff, we could consider the jacuzzi or the pool. I know the pool is heated."


"We'll see how you are after." She smirks.

"Of course."

"Since you're usually all over me after these trips."

"Yes, yes I am."

She rubs her nose against his and kisses him softly. After she pulls away, she snuggles into him. Justin kisses her head and runs a hand up and down her back.

"Oohhh..if you want me out of bed, you shouldn't do that."

"Oops." He chuckles.

"Might need some convincing..."

"Oh of course."

"Cuz otherwise I don't know if I'll get up."

"I know exactly what to do, to convince you." He grins.

"Oh boy."

"Oh boy is right."

She giggles and kisses his jaw. He takes that chance to move and press his lips against hers.

"Mmm." She hums, responding.

He holds her close, his arms wrapped around her. He makes it a long, heated kiss before eventually backing away.


"...uh huh."

"Want me to carry you to your things?"


"Of course." He grins, shifting so he can lift her.

He slides out of bed and holds her to him. He walks to their bags and he sets her down.

"Thanks lover."

"You're welcome."

She rummages through her stuff for clothes she wants to wear. Then she heads into the bathroom to get changed and such. She leaves the door half open, knowing he'll want to come in. After he gets dressed, that's when he comes in. She's dressed and doing her hair, a curling iron in hand.

"Someone looks amazing." He grins.


"Love you too."

She puts a bunch of curls in before turning off the iron. She picks up a slouchy beanie hat and puts it on.

"Now you look cute."

"Thanks." She says amusedly as she starts her makeup.


She does that easily and puts everything away. Then she passes him in the doorway, going back into the room to put boots on. She jumps as she gets smacked on the butt.


"What?" He grins innocently.

"Unnecessary." She sticks her tongue out.

"You know I like to do that."

"This is true."

"Couldn't resist."

"Of course not."

He stands in the doorway as she finishes getting ready. She gets done and sees him staring. She points at her shirt.

"I know." He chuckles.

"Are you coming or not?"

"I'm coming."

She grabs her coat, gloves, and whatever else she needs. He does the same and then they both head out. They find a place to eat and they get breakfast. It wasn't too far from the hotel, and they're seated fairly quickly. They order and then cuddle against each other.

"Too cold out." She remarks.

"I know."

"But do you want to stay here for New Years?" He asks.

"Sure. It would be cool to see Times Square and the ball drop."


"It always looks fun on tv."

"It does." He nods.

Their food arrives and they eat.

"Could you believe all the people who had to push their cars out of the snow last night?"

"That was crazy." He agrees. "Scary too."

"Crazy weather last night."

"Yeah it was."

"Worst weather to be in."

"Yes. I can't wait for warmer weather."

"Me neither."

"I'm ready to get back to wearing less layers."

"Tell me about it."

"I know you love me wearing that kind of stuff."

"I really do."

She laughs and kisses his cheek.

"Just like I love you being shirtless in the warmer weather." She adds.

"Yup." He smirks.

"Although you get a lot of that between the shows, when we're home, and when we're in our hotel room.*

"Good point." She giggles.

"But I do get your point about the warmer weather." He chuckles.


"A few more months or so."

"Yeah. I hope they go by fast."

"Me too."

They finish eating and pay before leaving.

"So what first? Ice skating or shopping?" He asks.


"Alright." He nods, as both of then get into the car.

Justin drives to a store and they hurry in because its cold.



Justin then wraps his arms around her.

"Body heat." He chuckles.

"Mmm." She burrows in against him.

"I won't let go until you're warm."


Once she gets warm, she lets him know that he can let go. After he does, they go browsing around the store. She grabs things to try on that catches her eyes. Justin grabs a few things that catches his eyes as well that would look great on her. They meet by the dressing room. She takes what he gives her and kisses him before shutting the stall door in his face.

"Awwww." He pouts.

"No sneaking."


"You'll live."

"I'll try."

She laughs and starts trying things on. Basically everything that she came out in, Justin loved and said she should get.


"You deserve it."

"You always tell me so."

"Because it's true."

"I know."

"You can pick your favorites." He nods.

"I'm going to."

She heads back in to pick out her favorites. She hangs what she doesn't want on the rack labelled for such items. Then they go pay. After they pay for the outfits and such, they head back out to the car, putting the bags in the back seat. Then they get in and Justin heads off to ice skating.

"I've always wanted to do this." I say as we pull up.

"And now you can."

"And with you." She smiles.

"With you." He repeats with a smile of his own.

They get out and meet in front of the car. She leans up and kisses him. After they pull away, they head to go ice skating. They get skates and pay. They find somewhere to sit and get the skates on. Once they have skates on, they head out onto the ice. Both of them have done it before so they skate around rather smoothly, holding hands.

"I love this."

"Me too. This is a great experience."

"Remember the first time we did this?"

"Yeah. That was fun." She giggles.

"You fell so many times." She adds with another giggle.

"Yeah I did." He chuckles.

"Brought you down with me." He adds.


"It was fun though."

"Yeah it was."

"Should definitely do this every year."

"Sure. A new tradition."


She leans her head against his shoulder.

"New marriage, new traditions."

"Yes, I like the sound of that."

"I do too." She smiles.

"Can't wait to make more."

"I agree. I like having these things to share with you."

"Me too."

She leans up and gets a kiss.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

Then they continue to skate around together.

"Wonder what Air and Marvin are up to."

"Probably something fun."

"Sounds like them."

"Fun in the snow maybe."

"That sounds good. Snowball fight."

"Yes." He chuckles.

"Wanna have one?"

"It sounds like it could be tons of fun."

"A few more laps and we'll go have some snow fun."

"Alright." He nods.

They go around a few more times before leaving. They return the skates before heading back to the car. They go to the park.

"Ohhhh yeah. Optimal snow fight areas."

"I believe I'm going to win this fight." He grins.

"You can try." I laugh.

"And I will succeed."

"We shall see."

"Yes we shall."

They go out and find an area. She grabs a handful of snow, makes a ball, and throws it at Justin.

"Hey I wasn't ready yet."

"So?" I laugh, running away.

"Oh that's it."

She throws another at him.

"Heyy! I wasn't ready yet."

"Again." He adds.

"Nyah nyah nyah nyahhhhh."

"You better run now." He says, grabbing snow too.


He runs after her and throws the snowball, missing.


"I'll get you."

"Bring it on lover." She grins.

"Oh it's on."

She throws another at him and laughs. Luckily he manages to avoid that one and picks up some more snow and throws it at her again. It catches her on the arm but she shrugs it off and throws her own.

"Aw, no fair."

"Gotta try harder!"

"Oh I will." He says to himself.

He then finds a different way to go. When she doesn't feel any snowballs or see any snow flying through the air, she turns to look at him, only to see him not there anymore.


When she turns back around, his arms go around her and then she's brought down to the snowy ground. She squeals loudly in surprise.

"Got you!"

"Now I'm wet." She laughs.


"Silly goose." She says amusedly as he hovers over her.

"Love you too."

She keeps him distracted with the kiss for her to be able to grab a handful of snow and put it in his hair.

"Gah!" He yelps, pulling away.

She starts laughing.

"Be lucky I didn't put it down your jacket." She gives him a look.

"That's a good point."

"Help me up?"

He nods and gets up, pulling her to her feet.

"We need to go. I don't want to get sick from being in wet clothes."

"Right. That would be bad."

"Yes." She nods as they head to the car.

Once in the car, they head back to the hotel. They get to their room and start taking off all the wet stuff. They hang those up to dry after getting into warm, dry clothes.

"That's better."

"Much better."

He gets on the bed, propping himself against the pillows. She climbs into his lap and gets comfortable. He wraps his arms around her and holds her close.

"Mmm." She sighs as he nuzzles her neck.

His now warm hands slip beneath her shirt to roam soothingly over her skin.


"Can't resist."

"I know."

"But I love you anyway." She adds.

"I know you do. Love you too."

She turns on the TV and finds something to watch. Ted and I in the meantime have gotten done with the shopping and headed off to the park.

"Oh this is going to be so fun." I clap.

"Yes it is." He chuckles at my excitement.

"Looks like some other people had fun." I say as I see footprints all over one area.

"Hmmm...who could they be?"

"Who knows. So many people come through here."

"But I say before we even get to that fun, we walk around a bit. It's just so pretty." I add.

"Sure, we can do that." Ted nods.

I keep one hand in my jacket pocket while my other grabs his and laces my fingers with his as we walk. Ted leans over and kisses my cheek. We walk around the park, admiring the scenery and enjoying time together. After a bit of walking, we stray from the path and into the snow. I pull away and lean down, scooping up some snow and throwing it at Ted.

"Oops." I snicker.

"No fair!" He laughs.

"Time to have fun."

Ted grins and makes a snowball, throwing it at me.

"Eeep!" I squeak and move out of the way at the last second. "Haha! You missed!"

"I'll get you eventually!"

"Yes, eventually. But not now." I laugh as I start to run away the best I could.

But of course, as I'm running, he gets be in the back. I quickly find shelter behind some bushes, and stock up on snowballs.

"I've got you now."

"It's on like Donkey Kong."

I grab a snowball and quickly pop up from behind the bush and throw it, it hitting him in the shoulder. I sit there and laugh to myself. But the next time I pop up, he gets me in the neck.

"Ahhh! Cold! Cold! Cold!" I exclaim, standing and jumping around.

Ted cracks up.

"Ohhhh youuu." I say once the cold goes away.

"Sorry." He snickers.

The next snowball I throw ends up hitting him in the chest. He just brushes it off like nothing though.

"Oh Mr. Tough Guy now?"


"Do you have anymore snowballs?" He asks.

"Uh..." I look down to see none.

"You don't have any, do you?" He smirks.

"Uh..." I giggle nervously.

"You're in trouble now."

"Eep!" I squeak, hiding.

"I know you're hiding there."


"It's not going to be much of a challenge to find you."

"I'm going to get you." He laughs.

"And what are you going to do when you catch me?"

"Hmm...we'll see."

When he comes over to the bush, I grab some snow. And once he sees me, I throw the snow into the air.

"Poof, I'm gone." I state, before running again.

He can't help but laugh before chasing me. He pays close attention to where I was heading and he goes a different way. After a bit, I look behind me to check on how close he was, only to not see him. I then bump into something and end up falling into the snow, looking up to find him.


"That's me." He says with a lopsided grin.

"Help me up?" I ask, extending a hand.

"Well since I did cause you to fall, it would only seem right." He nods, taking my hand, thinking he's going to help me up, but instead I pull him down into the snow.



He chuckles and steals a kiss.

"Maybe we should get up though. Wet clothes in the winter. Not a good combination."

"Good point." He agrees.

"But this was fun."


"I call the snowball fight a draw."

"For today."

"Yes." I nod, as we both get up.

We go back to the car and drive to the hotel. When we get back and up to our room, we both change into dry clothes, leaving our wet clothes in the bathroom to dry.

"Cuddle and watch a movie?" Ted suggests.

"I love the sound of that."

We both get on the bed and get comfortable. Ted grabs the remote and finds something. After he does, I wrap my arms around him and cuddle into his side, resting my head on his shoulder. Little did I know, I dozed off during the movie because I was so comfortable. When I did wake up, Ted was getting his things ready to go, it was pitch black out and the light was what was lighting the room up.

"Hey sleepyhead. Time to get ready."

"I slept the rest of the day?" I ask, stretching as I sit up.

"Yeah you did."


"Hey, you were tired. Nothing wrong with that."

"Right. I think I'll just bring everything with me. It's cold out, I know and it's going to be far too cold to walk out with my dress on underneath my jacket."

"That would be a good idea."

I yawn and stretch again before I move from the bed. I go over to my things and pack everything I'll need to get ready at the arena, before putting my shoes on and pulling my jacket on.



We leave for the car. As soon as we get outside, I shiver. Ted unlocks the car and we get inside, it heating up after he starts it.

"Ah, that's better." I say.

"Good. I would hope so."


We head to the arena, hurrying inside once we get there. We find out locker room and I head into the changing area to get ready for the show. He let me get ready first, like the gentleman he is.

"So what color are you wearing tonight?"


"Oh you know I love that on you."

"Yes, I know."

"You always look amazing in blue."

"Just wait until you see this dress then." I say as I make my way to the doorway to go back into the main locker room.

"Oh wow." He says, looking me up and down when I walk into view.

"Is it okay to wear? Just want to get a second opinion."

"It's great."

"Okay good."

"You look perfect. Trust me."

"I do trust you."


"Your turn to get ready now."

He nods and gets up. He kisses me quick as he passes by me. I sit on the arm of the couch while he's in getting ready. It doesn't take him too long before he's back out.

"You know that really doesn't help me and the whole staring at you situation." I laugh.

"I know." He smirks.

"Just like your dress isn't helping me and the whole staring situation either." He adds.


"Oops." I snicker.

"I know." He laughs.

"Shall we start heading out now?"

"Yeah, probably should."

He comes over and laces his fingers with mine and we leave the room to go wait a bit by the curtain until all the pros start to head out since there isn't going to be any pyro tonight, so we'll be sitting out on the stage ahead of time. Ted makes sure to sit between me and the next person this time. It isn't too long before the show starts like always. The WWE Intro and then the NXT intro. There were no pyro considering the fact that we all were on the stage ahead of time. Truth comes out however, with Johnny.

"Rochester! What's up!"

And then Dolph's music goes off and he walks out with Vickie and Jacob. Obviously this being a match to start off the show.

"I still stand by what I say about Dolph's rookie. Big nose." I snicker.

Ted laughs.

"He could be a clown, just paint it red."

"That would be hilarious."

Dolph's music fades and Dolph's the one facing Johnny in the match. The bell rings to start the match and they circle. They lock up and Johnny gets pushed into the corner. Dolph backs up and they circle and lock up again, pushing Johnny into the corner again, backing up again before hitting him with a cheap shot and repeated kicks to the chest. Dolph keeps the match in his favor. And with a cheap shot, Johnny almost ends up hitting Vickie as he goes through the ropes a bit, and Jacob moves her back to safety. In the end of the match, it was Dolph picking up the win after Johnny misses a high risk move and Dolph hits him with the ZigZag.


We only sit out on the stage for a bit longer before Ted motions for me to follow him backstage, because after the next match we're going to have a backstage segment with Brodus. I hold hands with Ted as always. We're able to go back to the locker room and as soon as he sits, he pulls me down onto his lap.

"All alone."

"For now, yes."

Then I find him playing with the ring on my finger.

"You know, I've been so much happier than before, when you said yes."

"Me too. This makes me so happy. I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together."

"Neither can I."

I kiss him.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

We then watch as the next match begins, Derrick vs Conor.

"The rat."


Derrick used some submission moves that Daniel taught him to stay on top of the match, but Conor comes back with the control. At one point it does look like Derrick has this won, but in the end, Conor goes after the injured arm and hits him with his finisher and wins the match. And then Del Rio has Ricardo announce Conor as the winner.

"Poor Ricardo. Someone seems a little jealous that the rookie is getting all the attention."

"Just a bit."

While they're celebrating in the ring, one of the cameramen comes into the locker room to get ready. Ted and I stand, getting ready ourselves. We're cued and we talk to each other about random things, and I get Ted's attention when Brodus walks into the locker room.

"Yo, Ted DiBiase, what's up man?"


"Hey man, I just want to take this time to say thank you for everything you've done for me so far. You've been a great pro. And you emulate everything I'm trying to be. You got the money, you got the fame, you got the girls, and you do know that."

I raise an eyebrow. "Excuse me? Girls? There's only one girl in his life, and're looking at her."

"Wait a minute. Are you patronizing me?" Ted asks.

"Ain't nobody trying to patronize nobody."

"I'll tell you what Brodus. Why don't you bring out a pen and a pad, take some notes tonight by the ring. And see how a pro gets the job done. Since last week, you couldn't do that. You feel me?"

"Yeah, I feel you." He says, leaving the locker room.

"Girls? Who does he think he is saying that?" I complain.

"I don't know. You're it for me." Ted says before kissing me.

"I better be."

"You are."

For those watching, the screen fades on us, just for a quick break before the next part of the show. The camera guy leaves the room as well since his job was done. Ted kisses me again.

"Just can't get enough can you?" I ask, laughing after he pulls away.


"Well neither can I. Now I believe we need to get back out onto that stage."


"I know you don't want to, but I'm sure the first challenge of the night is coming up next."

"Yeah." He nods, getting up reluctantly.

"You can make up for all the time lost tonight when we're back at the hotel though." I grin, running my nails across the back of his neck before retracting my hand and starting to leave the room.

"Oooh you minx."

"Love you too."

Ted walks out after me, shutting the door behind him. We make our way back out onto the stage and take our seats once again, and we see that there's a machine on the stage, the Power of the Punch challenge machine.

"Ohhh this thing."

"Oh yeah."

"I bet you could win this."

"Probably." He chuckles.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, please welcome once again your NXT rookies. Rookies as you are well aware, winning NXT does not only guarantee you becoming the WWE's next breakout star, but you will also earn a championship match. Now let's not forget, that starting tomorrow on 12 noon eastern on, you the WWE Universe can cast your vote along with the WWE pros to determine who will be eliminated next week. With our first elimination coming next week, I'd like to remind everyone of our immunity points standings. Currently in the lead, Derrick Bateman with 3 immunity points. Johnny Curtis right behind with 2 immunity points. Jacob Novak and Byron Saxton are tied with one, but for Conor and Brodus, now's your time. It's time for our rookie challenge, the Power of the Punch. The rules are very simple. You'll stand in front of the bag, hit it as hard as you can, whoever has the highest score will earn two immunity points. But as a special edition, if you can break the all-time record set by Alex Riley of 896, you will earn an additional immunity point. So technically you guys are working for three immunity points and our first elimination is next week. Understand?"

"I really don't think anyone will beat Alex's score."

"Me either."

"With that said, Derrick Bateman. You just had a tough match, I know it goes by quick. On your mark, get set, punch."

He punches it like nothing and gets the score of 750.

"Oooh, 750. 750 is the score to beat. Johnny Curtis, you all set?"

"Let's do this."

"750 is the score to beat. Johnny you need to approach it from this way. On your mark, get set-" Johnny punches it without waiting for the signal to go and he gets a score of 814.

"Wow, 814. Johnny Curtis is in the lead. Derrick Bateman you can be excused to the back. Johnny fall back in line. Up next is Byron Saxton. Byron, I like your shirt. Any motivation behind it?"

"Matthew I'm ready to rock and roll."

"That's not the question I asked you, but I'm just trying to kill time until this thing resets, but that's fine. Guys, think Byron Saxton can break this? Good. Anytime this machine is ready to work, we will go. Byron any strategy?"

"...lubricate my muscles, did some tri-"

"Alright you just said lubrication, we're done."


Ted snickers, shaking his head.

"Okay. On your mark, get set, punch."

He goes and gets the score of 625 and I laugh a bit.

"Oooh, I think it may have been the lubrication. You can go to the back."

"Oh god. Enough with that."

"Johnny Curtis is still in the lead. While we wait for this to reset, Conor O'Brian step forward. Conor, you've watched guys do it, now do you have a strategy?"

"I'm gonna put a hole in this like swiss cheese."

"That was clever. Ready, set, punch."

He hits it and gets a score of 531.

"Buh bye rat."

And then Del Rio just throws his clipboard on the ground in frustration I snicker.

"Yeah I know, you had a tough match. You can return to the rat hole. I'll be there later."

"Novak." Dolph gets his attention. "Novak. Novak Novak. Take the blazer off before you punch, it'll help. Take it off."

"You ain't the boss of him." Truth remarks.

"Jacob, I'll hold your nice, white blazer Brother Love, that's great, okay."

"Hey, that's from Express." Dolph comments.

"Alright, anytime you're ready Jake."

He punches it and gets the score of 721.

"Good job princess." Truth remarks.

"Maybe you should've left it on, you would've had an excuse. That was good though." Dolph adds.

I laugh quietly.

"Alright Johnny Curtis. Before you get too comfortable being in the lead, strictly business Brodus Clay's getting ready."

And surprisingly the crowd is behind him for this.

"Heyyy, would you look at that."


"On your mark, get set, punch."

When he hits it, it's the score of 636. Dolph just burts into laughter.

"WOW!" Truth starts jumping around for joy since Johnny had won the two immunity points.

"What is that?" I complain.

Ted facepalms.

"Johnny Curtis has won two immunity points and takes the lead with the elimination next week.

Up next is Ted's match, but we head backstage since we would be having an entrance.

"Looks like someone isn't going to be taking notes on the match like you said." I motion to Brodus who doesn't have the pen and pad of paper to take notes.

Ted scowls a bit.

"We'll just have to see if he takes anything from this match."


The break wasn't too long and once it was over and Byron was in the ring with Chris, we make our entrance, Ted and I walking ahead of Brodus. When we reach the ring, I get a quick kiss before Ted gets into the ring and does his usual in-ring stuff. Once his music fades, the bell rings, Brodus gets out of the ring to be ringside along with me, except we're on different sides of the ring. I motion for him to pay attention.

Ted and Bryon circle before locking up and Ted sends him across the ring and gloats about it a bit. They circle again and lock up again, and Byron does a few takedowns of his own, Ted leaning against the corner afterwards with Bryon telling him to 'come on'. The crowd cheers for Byron and Ted tells them to shut up. Again they circle and lock up, Ted pushing Byron into the corner, having to let go. He goes right back with kicks to the midsection, pressing his foot to his throat before the ref pushes him off. After a punch to the head, Byron leans against the ropes for support, Ted takes him away from the ropes, only to be countered and kneed in the gut, and hit with a bulldog, followed by a cover by Bryon, with Ted kicking out at one. Ted quickly gets up and backs into the corner and Byron charges at him, Ted moving at the last second and Byron landing on the top turnbuckle. After he gets down and turns around, Ted hits him with a standing dropkick. I laugh at him while he's being covered by Ted, but Byron kicks out at two.

Using the ropes as leverage, he stomps on Byron's chest with one foot.

"You see this? This is how it's done!" Ted yells to Brodus.

He helps Bryon up and gets him in a headlock, bringing Byron down to the canvas. With the crowd clapping, Byron gets up and out of the hold. The comeback doesn't last long, as Ted hits him with a clothesline. He goes for the cover, but Byron kicks out at two. After a few knees to the face, he goes for the cover again, but it still doesn't work. Another potential submission move, and with the crowd clapping, Byron gets out of it and starts fighting back. Ted reverses and sends Byron into the ropes, but when he comes back, he hops over Ted and goes for a rollup pin, Ted powering out at two and 1/2. Another clothesline, followed by repeated punches. He goes and talks trash with Chris before turning his attention back on Byron. He helps him up once again, only to knock him back down. With the ref distracted, Brodus gets a cheap shot in. And now he's outside the ropes. He ends up getting knocked down when Ted drops him face first onto the top rope. Brodus then starts to get fired up and wants to charge at him, but Chris comes around and stops him. Brodus thinks the ref is distracted and he plows Byron down, resulting in Ted getting disqualified.

I facepalm and growl in annoyance.

"Brodus! Brodus what're you doing?! What're you doing?!" Ted yells at him and demands he gets in the ring.

I just shake my head as I get into the ring as well, Ted and I standing before Brodus, not too happy with his stunt.

"What're you doing?! Trying to help?! How does that help?!"

"You got him disqualified! Are you crazy?!" I scream as well.

"Teach him a lesson. Slap him. Maybe then he'll learn." Ted tells me.

"Gladly." I grin, making sure to slap him extra hard across the face. "Now next time you do your job, and stop being an idiot!"

Then Ted gets back in his face and Brodus acts like he's going to hit Ted, but decides against it, giving him a mocking smile, while Ted leads me out of the ring with him. He hops down first, before taking my hands and helping me down and we walk backwards up the ramp.

"Next time you pull something like that, you're gonna get it much worse." I tell him.

"Proud of you." Ted says as he kisses my cheek.

"Well I'm not scared of him so..."

"Of course."

I hand Ted his shirt back since he did hand it to me before the match after he took it off. He put it back on and we went back up to our seats on the stage because of the next challenge would be happening soon. Me still being a little ticked off about the match result.

"He's so not my favorite person right now." I grumble.

"I know, me either."

"I just want this night to be over."

Ted nods in agreement. In the meantime, Riss and Justin have been awake for a while, but they've started to get ready for the night he had planned for the both of them.

"Make sure you're warm." He says.

"We're doing something outside?"

"Mmhmm. You'll love it."

"I always do."

"I think I'll be warm enough." She adds.


"I just wanted to make sure." He nods.

"I know. Thank you for being concerned."

"You're welcome."

"There. All ready."

"Amazing." He grins.

"Always for you."

"And I love it."

"I know."

Then she pulls on her boots after she sits on the bed and grabs her jacket, pulling that on as well.

"You and your surprises." She says as they leave, hand in hand.

"I'm full of them."

"Yes you are."

"And so are you."

"I can be, yes."

"That's one of many things I love about you."

"I love you too."

And instead of taking the car, he decides to have them walk, since where he's taking her isn't too far from the hotel.

"No hints?"

"Not this time."


"You'll survive."

"I guess."

"I know you will."


"We don't have to go that much further."

"Oh good."

It isn't too much longer before they get to where he was bringing her.

"What're we doing here?" She asks, looking at the street with confusion.

"Just wait."

"If you say so..."

"..should be coming"

A horse drawn carriage pulls up.

"Ohh...this again?" She smiles.

"I knew you loved it last time."

"I did. This is perfect." She kisses his cheek.

"You're welcome."

He helps her up and then gets in himself. Once they're settled in and sitting, the carriage starts moving again. She snuggles up against Justin as he drapes a blanket over them.

"I'm thinking this and then we go back and end the night with all your favorite movies."

"That sounds great lover." She smiles, stealing a light kiss.

"I thought so."

"It's nice to have these moments after the let down at work."

"Which is why I planned this."

"You're so sweet."

"Because I love you."

"Love you too."

He leans down and kisses her. They happily exchange a series of kisses after that. Shortly after that, it had started to snow, but very lightly.

"Aha, its snowing."

"That just makes things even more perfect."

"It does. Really adds to the atmosphere."

"It really does." He nods.

She takes out her phone and snaps some pictures.

"So pretty."

"Just like you."

"Romeo." She says affectionately.


"And forever."

"Forever" He repeats.

They settle down and enjoy the rest of the trip. When they come back to where they started, Justin helps her out of the carriage. He gets down himself. They thank the driver and tip him before heading back towards the hotel. When they get back, they head back up to their room, walking inside. They take off their winter gear and then get ready for bed. He changes before he and is waiting in bed already. She smiles and climbs in bed. She cuddles up to him.

"Good day."

"It was."

"Now it's movie time. You can pick first."


He picks a move and she approves, grinning. He moves from the bed and puts it in, coming back to bed and taking his spot next to her. They get comfortable and starts the movie.

"That reminds me, I got you snacks. All your favorites." He grins.

"Oh you spoiler."

"Yes, I know I am."

He brings the snacks out and she kisses his cheek happily.

"You're very welcome."

"You are just on top of everything."

"Yes I am."

"I love that."


She leans on him and munches on the snacks. After a few movies or so, she ends up running out of snacks.


"They were that good I suppose."


"Well anymore and you probably would be up all night." He chuckles.


"Don't have to go to sleep, but we can shut the lights off and continue watching the movies."

"Okay." She agrees, reaching over to the light.

Then she snuggles into him as she continues watching the movie. It isn't long before he starts playing with her curls.

"Having fun?"


"I figured."

"I love your hair."

"I know."

"You tell me all the time."

"Because it's true. I do."

"I know lover. Its very obvious."

"Because I make it obvious, I know."

"Yes you do."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

A little bit later, she starts to doze off. When he notices the change in her breathing, he smiles to himself. He presses a kiss to the top of her head, before shutting the movie and TV off. He gets comfortable and falls asleep himself. It was now time for the last challenge of the night...a talent show. All the rookies are in the ring, while all of us pros were on the stage.

"Alright rookies welcome. It is time for your second challenge of the evening. As you know, all night we've been talking about it. Next week, one of you will be eliminated. The voting starts tomorrow. 12 noon eastern on Let's quickly congratulate Johnny Curtis for earning two points in the Power of the Punch challenge. Looking at the standings, Johnny Curtis with 4 points, leads the quest for immunity. With that said, we're going to have our talent portion of the evening. Each of the rookies will display a talent. Good luck. Derrick Bateman, please step forward. What is your talent?"

"Well Matthew, while I was trapped in an airport over the weekend, I decided to write a little poetry. This will be a haiku, following the classic 5-7-5 syllable format. I'd like to call it, cheap pop. Boy does it feel great. Here in the empire state. Rochester, New York."



"Haiku would be proud, that's great. Um Derrick, I forgot to tell you that your judges here the live crowd right here in Rochester. With that said, Johnny Curtis. Nice outfit, uh...what's your talent?"

"Let's dance Rochester."

He goes over and gets handed one of those ribbons on a stick.

"Oh god."

"Anyone could do that." I scoff.

"It's so girly." Ted snickers.

"Girly man." I laugh.


"Alright Johnny. You're done with your ribbon dancing, you can stop giving your stuff away. Alright. You want your ribbon? No, yes? Take your ribbon, we don't have all day. Byron Saxton please get up, do something. I know you just got knocked out. What's your talent?"

"Ugh Matthew, I'd like to read a fairytale."

"A fairytale. That's appropriate. Here take the microphone, go."

"Ahem. There once was a rookie in a land so grand. Almost as grand as the WWE Universe! But this rookie had a plan. To deliver warm apple cider to his NXT clan. Well, that is until he came across the creepiest, most conniving, crazy creature ever seen by mankind. And his name was Claywolf. Brodus Claywolf. Clay who coincidentally craves apple cider told the rookie, 'Yo, give me you clay because I want my apple cider, now. You dig?'. Oh but boys and girls this was no ordinary rookie. His name was Byron Saxton! So he slid to the left, and slid to the right. Dodging Claywolf's attempt for a fight. And soon Saxton successfully delivered-" The buzzer cuts him off, but he keeps going after the fact.

I look at Byron strangely.


"Thanks Byron, that's good. That's good. Mess with the biggest guy in the ring. You're very bright. Fall back in line. Conor O'Brian please step forward. Conor what is your talent?"

"Joke time with Conor O'Brian, see. Rochester, New York. Heyyyyyy. What do you call a deer with no eyes? I have no I-deer. Oh!"



"Hey hey hey hey hey hey. Did you hear about the energizer bunny? Apparently he got arrested. Yeah I couldn't believe it. Yeah, apparently he got charged with battery. Oh!"

"And that my friends. That Rochester, New York, takes the cheese. See."

"Can we just have Brodus Clay destroy everyone at this talent please?"

"I wish."

"Alright Jacob Novak, what's your talent?"

"I'm gonna do what the other rookies can't do, and I'm gonna look good."

This music plays, the lights dim, and he grabs a chair and he basically just poses.

"What in the holy hell am I watching?"

"I...have no idea."

"Well, he gets zero votes for that on my account."

"Uh yeah."

"Alright, that's great. Thanks. Thanks a lot. No we cannot take away immunity points Josh, but that's very funny. Brodus, we know you're in a bad mood, and we appreciate you participating in the challenge. So please tell everyone what your talent is and try not to hurt anybody."

"See Brodus Clay is from the school of Hard Knox. School colors, black and blue. School alma mater, pain and agony. School cry, cheeee. And I can make anyone for one minute look hood cool. So send me anyone from the back and we gonna get it done."

"Hood cool? Oh jeez."

The Raw theme then goes off.

"Can I have your attention please!"

"Oh nooo."

"Oh great." He sighs.

"Can I have your attention please?! It's one thing that I had to ruin my holiday week by coming up to this dump of a city! Then I had to sit back there in the locker room and watch this! Ladies and gentlemen, I'm glad to see things haven't changed since I left NXT. This show still stinks! The only reason I'm out here is....all you guys by the way, all you guys stink too!" Cole remarks, hiding behind Brodus.

"And the only reason I'm out here tonight ladies and gentlemen, is for my good friend Brodus Clay. What do we got Brodus?"

"I'm gonna give you this beanie, put it on for me."

He puts it on and someone makes a comment.

"Yeah and so does your city."

"Hold your mic like this, speak on anything you want."

"Ladies and gentlemen I'm here to tell you tonight that my vintage vinegar will be the top condiment selling condiment in 2011 sorry JR."


"I'm here to tell you that all you internet geeks and nerds out there who voted for Kaval to win NXT Season 2, how did that work out for you all?!"


"And I'm also here to say that for all you Cole-Miners out there..."


"...for all you Cole-Miners, we are taking applications right now ladies and gentlemen. For a Cole-Miner's mascot for 2011. Send all your resumes via Twitter to wwejoshmatthews. Only serious applicants need apply."

"And if you're not down with what the homie just said, there's two things you can do about it. Nothing and like it. And you do know that."

"I don't know how to respond to that."

"Me either."

"Brodus fall back in line. Alright, live crowd in Rochester. How did we feel about Derrick Bateman's poetry?"

He got a mix of boos and cheers.

"How about Johnny Curtis' whatever it was?"

The crowd was all cheers.

"What about Byron Saxton's reading?"

All boos.

"Conor O'Brian's sense of humor?"

All boos again.

"Jacob Novak's metrosexuality?"

Boos, no surprise.

"Or Brodus Clay's ability to make people cool?"

And he got boos too.

"Of course."

"Not surprising."

And of course Johnny wins another immunity points. He celebrates and waves the ribbon on Brodus' face, so he grabs it and rips the ribbon off the stick, snapping the stick. Johnny then makes the stupid mistake of slapping Brodus and a fight breaks out in the ring between all the rookies.


But Brodus ends up throwing everyone out of the ring.

"Now that's how it's done."

"Did something right for once."

And that's where the show finally ends.


"Thank god its over." I say.

We all leave the stage and head to the back, handing the clipboards back before we head back to our locker rooms. Ted goes in to change. I wait on the couch. After he comes out, I go in to change back into my other clothes so that I'm warm enough for when we go outside.

"All ready?"


We make sure we have everything we need before heading out. When we get outside, it's snowing pretty good out.

"Oh jeez." I remark.

"Thank god we don't have to travel far."

"Yeah I know. Let's hurry though."


We reach the car, putting our things in the back before getting in. After waiting for the car to warm up, we make our way back to the hotel. We hurry into the hotel's warmth and head up to our room.

"Much better."

"Very." Ted agrees.

We walk into our room and I take my jacket off after dropping my bag, hanging the jacket over the chair nearby. Ted does the same. We both get our shoes off and change for bed. He peeks into the bathroom to make sure I'm dressed. Once he sees that I am, he walks in, wrapping his arms around me from behind, and presses a kiss to the back of my neck after he moves my hair away.

"I think maybe in the next few days, we should set aside time to talk about the wedding." He remarks, looking at me in the mirror while resting his chin on my shoulder.

"I'd like that."

"We can ask Ducky if we need advice. Mom too, of course."

"Right." I nod.

"Can't wait to start this journey with you."

"Me neither."

I finish what I'm doing and turn in his arms to kiss him.

"I love you so much."

"And I'll love you more than you'll ever know."

I get another kiss before going back into the bedroom to get in bed. After climbing into bed, I cuddle into his side with my head resting on his shoulder.

"Night babe."
