Priceless Sensation

New Years Eve

It's the weekend and it's the day of New Years Eve. Riss was peacefully sleeping while Justin was up, but in the bathroom in the shower. She unconsciously rolls over and ends up snuggling with his pillow. After a while, he comes out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist. He sees her with his pillow and chuckles. He starts to go through his things, looking for clothes to get dressed in. She starts to wake up, grumbling incoherently.

"Morning." He greets.


"Don't worry. I'll be back there in a few."

She pulls the covers over her head and mumbles. He just chuckles and proceeds to get dressed. Then he gets back in bed. He wraps an arm around her and pulls her close. She snuggles in and sighs.

"I know, much better."


"Wanted a shower, that's why I was gone for a bit.*

"No wonder you smell good."

"Yes, that's why." He chuckles.

"I'm surprised you didn't wake me up to take it with you."

"You just looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you."


"You deserve time to sleep in."

"Well thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Hard to believe its New Years Eve."

"I know."

"I'm excited though. Its going to be fun."

"Yes it will be."

"What should we do until then?"

"Well what did you have in mind?"

"My only idea was swimming."

"Okay. We can do that."

"Other than that, I got nothing."

"I'm sure we'll be able to think of something."


"But breakfast first obviously."

"Of course."

"Whenever you're ready."

"In a few minutes."

"I figured." He nods.

"Being snuggled is too nice to move away from just yet."

"Of course."

Eventually she gets up, going to her bags. He stays sitting on the bed as she does so. She picks out her clothes and gets changed.

"Love the view." He smirks.

"You always do."

"Can you blame me?"


Once she was dressed, she heads into the bathroom to do the rest of her morning routine. As usual Justin comes in to watch.

"One of my favorite things to do."

"I know."

"You can hardly stay out of here." She laughs lightly.


"But whatever makes you happy."

"It makes me very happy."

"Well that's good."

"And you make me very happy."

"You make me happy too." She smiles.

"Oh I know."


"There. Done." She says when she finishes.


"Always, Romeo."

"That's right." He nods.

She leaves the bathroom and goes to find her shoes. He follows, but stays leaning against the door frame. She puts those on and gets a jacket. He moves from the door frame and grabs his jacket, pulling that on as well.

"All ready."

"Me too. After you."

She walks out first and he follows. He grabs her hand and laces their fingers together. They reach the elevators and only have to wait a bit before the doors open and they step on, going down to the lobby. They go out to the car and drive off to find a place to eat. After finding a place, he parks and they both get out and walk in, being seated fairly quickly. They order and while they wait, they talk and flirt like always. Like always the drinks come to the table first, leaving the food the only thing to wait for. Justin's got her left hand and he plays with her rings.

"You love doing that."

"Yes I do."

"It's soothing."

"How well I know."

He grins. Soon the food gets brought to the table, and it's set down in front of her. They start eating. They do the usual while eating. Talking, etc. She steals from his plate.

"Couldn't resist." She grins.

"I know." He chuckles.

"I always get the best food." He adds.

"Uh huh." She nods.

"And it's really good." She adds.

"Like you always say."

"Yup." She agrees, stealing another bite.

Once they both were done, they waited for the bill to be brought to the table. When it is, and the dishes are collected, Justin pays the bill. They leave the restaurant and go back to the hotel.

"So what do you want to do first? Your idea?"

"Yeah." She nods.

"Can I pick out the swimsuit?"

"I suppose." She laughs.

"Yess. Love you." He cheers.

"Love you too, silly goose."

When they get back to the hotel, they head up to their room and Justin goes to her things almost instantly to find a suit for her to wear. She watches him in amusement.

"So many to choose from..."

"Not in a rush."

"Of course not."

"Got it." He pulls one out.

"Great choice."

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome. My turn to pick yours." She grins.

"Go ahead." He chuckles.

She rummages and finds a pair of trunks she likes.

"Another great choice."

"Of course."

He hands her what he picked out and she hands him what she picked out, and then they both start to get changed. Once they're changed, they gather their pool things. And since the pool was an indoor one, they didn't have to worry about packing any sunblock. They make sure they have everything before heading down to the pool. They enter the pool room and claim chairs. She doesn't get a chance to sit on hers, since Justin pulls her down onto his lap after he sits on his.

"Well hi to you too."

"Hi." He grins.

"You really don't like me sitting by myself do you?"

"I like being close to you."

"All the time apparently."

"I just love you."

"Love you too." She kisses his cheek.

"First New Years being married."

"Yes it is."

"Going to be real special this year."

"Yeah. I'm excited."

"So am I."

"First full year of being married."


"I'm ready. Its been amazing so far."

"Yes it has."

She kisses him and then slips out of his hold. She pulls off the cover up she put on, tosses it at Justin, and jumps into the pool.

"Oh youuu."

She laughs and swims around.

"You're in trouble now."

"Oh really."

"Yes really." He says, getting up from his chair and going over to the pool.

"Prove it."



"Come on...I'm waiting."


"I think the wait will kill you more than me." She laughs.

"I'm having fun." She swims around.

"And you're missing out. Poor you."

He jumps in and she squeaks, turning so she doesn't get splashed in the face.

"Now I'm not." He says, coming to the surface.


"Uh oh is right."

She starts swimming away.

"Oh, I don't think so."



"Noooo. No no no."

"You can't stop me."

"I can try."

"Yes, but I'll win."


"Yes I will."


"Don't underestimate me." He chuckles.

She blows a raspberry.

That gives him the extra speed motivation and before she knows it, he grabs her.


'Got you."


"Never letting go either."

"Romeo." She twists around and snuggle in.


"Mmhmm." She says as he nuzzles her neck.

Then he proceeds to float around like he always does.

"You're comfy."

"You always say that."

"Being honest."

"I know."

After a bit, she pulls away from him and splashes him.


"Splash fight!"

"Oh, it's on."

A huge splash fight ensues.

"Okay okay, you win."

"Hah!" She dances in the water.

"This time."


"Jacuzzi time?" She asks.

"I'm up for anything."

They get out and head over to the jacuzzi. And since it was already going, all they had to do was get into it. When they do, he pulls her over onto his lap.


"You know it."

She giggles. Then he starts kissing her neck.

"Behave Romeo."

"I'm trying."


"Trust me, I am."


"I can save all that stuff for later."


"And you know I will." He gives her a look.

She blushes.

"Until then, I can behave myself."

"Mmm. Okay."

Then they both go quiet and focus on relaxing. She hears some annoying people come in and grumbles, hiding in Justin's neck.

"Don't worry about them."

"I'm trying not to."

He starts to soothingly run his fingers along her back, hoping that will help. She relaxes slowly, leaning into his touch.




"Please keep going, that feels really good." She says as he begins to stop.

"Of course." He nods, starting again.

"Mmm...thanks lover." She murmurs.

"No problem."

"Love you."

"I love you too."

He makes sure to do it enough so she doesn't end up falling asleep.

"Shall we go back to the room and relax?"

"I love that idea."

She nods and pulls away. She moves from his lap and gets out first, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around her to dry off. She grabs his towel and holds it out to him.

"Thank you." He says as he gets out, taking it and wrapping it around himself.

"You're welcome." She smiles as he kisses her cheek.

Then they gather their things before heading back up to their room. Inside their room, they get into dry clothes and hang up all the wet items. Then she heads over to the bed and lays down, snuggling into him.

"Mmm. Perfect."

"I couldn't agree more."

She leans up and kisses him. Then she gets comfortable again, arms around him, head resting on his chest. He kisses the top of her head and they relax, watching TV. Ted and I in the meantime had decided to sleep in and ended up sleeping in real late. I finally wake up and roll over, sleepily looking at the clock.

"Slept in that long..." I mumble to myself.

"Mmmph, long what?" Ted mumbles.

"We slept in real late."


"I still feel too lazy to move though."

"Me too."

"Maybe we both need motivation."

"Sounds like it."

"What if I let you pick out what I wear today?"


"Maybe I'll even let you pick out what I wear tonight too." I grin.

He grins widely.

"I see that is motivating you."

"Yes, yes it is." He sits up.

"I just need motivation."

"I can handle that." He smirks, leaning down to kiss me.

I end up pulling him down closer and holding him there, kissing him longer than he expected, before letting go.




"But I'll just lay here until you pick out my clothes."


He moves from the bed and goes over to my things. I sit up and lean back against the headboard as I watch him. He ruffles through my clothes and picks out things he likes. Once he has what he likes, he turns around and shows me.

"Great choice."

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Do I get to pick out your clothes?" I ask.

"If you want to."

I grin and move from the bed, walking over and grabbing my clothes before going over to his things and picking out things that I like to see on him.

"Here you go." I hand him the clothes.

"I had a feeling you would pick these."

"You look good in those."

"As you look good in what I picked out."


"Well I shall be right back." I kiss his cheek before going into the bathroom.

We both get dressed for the day and go about our usual routine.

"So lunch I'm assuming since it's that time now?"

"Yup. Definitely hungry."

I nod, pulling on a jacket once I get boots on. Making sure we have anything else we need, we then make our way out of the room to head to lunch. At lunch, we're talking while waiting for the food.

"I can't wait for tonight."

"Me too, its going to be great."

"Yes it will be."

"Our first real New Year's together."

"Mmhmm." I grin.

"Much different than last year. Much better and happier."

"The way it's supposed to be."

"Yes." He nods, smiling at me.

"And this makes it even more special." I say, playing with the ring.

"A hundred times over." Ted agrees.

"Of course.."

"I can't wait to see what you're going to wear." He grins.

"I bet."

"You'll be gorgeous no matter what though."

"Of course."

Our food comes and we start to eat.

"We should definitely do something after this, seeing as we slept in real late."


"Maybe walk around Times Square or something? Or do you think it's too cold for that?"

"I think its fine. If it gets too cold, we can go into a store or go back to the hotel."

"Alright." I nod.

"I think we can keep each other warm."

"Oh of course. Cuddly."

"Because I love you." He grins.

"I love you too."

We finish lunch and pay.

"All ready to go."

We head out to the car and get back into it, heading to Times Square to walk around.

"This is always amazing to see." I say as I look around at all the screens and lights in the Square.

"It is." He nods.

"Its better at night though."

"Very true."

"We'll get to see that tonight though."


"Can't wait."

"Me either."

"Going to be filled with people and then confetti."

"Lots of both."

"Should probably get here early to beat the crowd somewhat."

"Yeah that would be good."

We continue to walk along for most of the day to pass the time. We do get stopped here and there for autographs and pictures and everything. Since it's only going to be a few hours before the things start for New Years Eve, we decide to head back to the hotel to get ready so we can get back to Times Square to beat the crowd. I take over the bathroom in the hotel room so I can get ready. I make sure everything looks perfect before walking back out into the room. Ted is fixing his tie as I walk out but when he looks up, he just stares.


"Speechless again." I laugh.

"You never cease to amaze me."

"Well I wanted to dress good for when we're at one of the clubs after the ball drops for a few hours."

"You did. Really."

"I can't wait to have fun."

"Me too. Its going to be great."

"Especially when we can finally spend it together."

"I know."

"Gonna be warm enough?" He asks.

"That's what you're for silly."

"Good point." He chuckles.

"If I do say so myself, you're not looking too bad either."

"Well thank you."

"You're welcome."

"I think we'll be seeing Riss and Justin there too. She texted me and asked me if we were getting ahead of the crowd and I told her we were."

"The more the merrier."

"Almost ready to go?" I ask, putting my jacket on.

"Yes." He nods, putting his on too.

We then make sure we have what we need before we both head out. Riss and Justin in the meantime were too getting ready to head out to beat the crowd. She's shut him out of the bathroom, wanting to surprise him.

"I can't see yet? I wanna see."

"Soon. I'm almost done." She laughs lightly.

"Patience is not a good thing with me right now."

"I know but you need to for a moment. Just getting my shoes."

"I'll try."

She finishes getting her heels tied in place and then walks out to Justin.

" look...I have no words."

She laughs and kisses his cheek.

"I tend to leave you speechless a lot."

"Yes you do."

"That's the goal sometimes."

"I know."

"You look sexy." She grins, tugging gently on the vest of his outfit.

"Only for you."

"Better be." She says, sliding her hands into his back pockets.

"You know it is."

"I know."

"You should wear this more often."

"I'll see what I can do."


He puts his arms around her and realizes he feels skin on her back. She feels his realization and laughs. She turns in his hold, showing him the open back of her dress.

"I love this dress."

"I knew you would. I have it in white too. Unfortunately they didn't have blue or purple."


"I know."

"Well red and white are good too."

"I know. I wish they had more colors though."

"Me too."

"But we should go. There's gonna be so many people."


They get their jackets and everything on before leaving. When they get down to the lobby, they head out to the car and get in, heading for Times Square. They get there and park. There are people everywhere.


"I guess people had the same idea."

"No kidding."

"Well let's go get a spot."

"Right." She nods, grabbing his hand.

They walk away from the car and head to find a space for tonight. As they do, they find Ted and I.



"How have you guys been?"

"Good. You?"

"We've been good too."

"That's good."

"Yeah. This is going to be crazy though." She says, peering up at the ball.

"I know right?"

"Ooh we get hats." She grins as a person comes by and hands us some.


"Photo op!"

"Who's taking the picture?"

"We can ask someone." Ted suggests.


He asks a person to take it and they agree. We get a few pictures and then thank them.

"So much time to wait and then these streets will be packed with people."

"I know."

"But it's gonna be fun."


"It's great to be here though."

"Yeah it is. Celebrating a new year...filled with great things to come."


"I can't wait to see what all happens this year."

"Me neither."

Riss happily snuggles into Justin. I too snuggle into Ted, but to stay warm. Ted wraps me in his arms, sensing that I'm cold.

"Awwww, that's cute."

"So are you two."

She giggles and smiles up at Justin.

"I can't wait until the performances tonight."

"Me either. Its going to be great."

"And then after the ball drops when we go have more fun."

"Oh yes. Much fun." She grins.

As the hours go by, more and more people start to line the streets and get their spots for tonight.

"Getting crowded now."

"Oh yeah."

"Can't wait." She bounces excitedly.

"Still so much time left to go though. Not even dark out yet."

"Ugh, I know."

"Good thing I brought snacks with me."

"Ooh good thinking."

"Made sure to bring your favorites."

"Thank youuuu."

"You're welcome." I hold out the bag for her.

She takes a few and starts munching. While we wait the rest of the hours before everything starts, since it was starting to get uncomfortable standing up for so long, we sat on the ground for the rest of the time. Of course she and I are sitting on Ted and Justin's laps as usual.

"Much better."

"Mmhmm." She agrees, kissing Justin's cheek.

"I see Marvin can't help playing with the ring." She points out with a grin.

"A lot lately." I giggle.

"Didn't I tell you?"

"Yes you did."

"We took some time to talk about the details for the wedding." Ted mentions.

"Oh? Sounds like fun."

"Mmhm. There's this country club on the lake that's the perfect place to have everything."

"Ohhh. That sounds amazing."

"I know right? Next time we're home he's gonna show me. Although I know it's gonna be perfect anyway."

"Of course."

"You should come too when we go."

"Sure, if you want us to."

"Well of course I do."


"I'm sure you'll love it as much as we will."

"I bet so."

Even though the day seems to drag, eventually it gets to the time where everything starts.

"Thank god." Riss says as Justin helps her up.

"Took forever."

"No kidding."

After we stand, we turn in the direction where everything is, looking at the screens around us when we need to. She giggles softly as Justin wraps himself around her frmo behind and kisses by her ear.



She kisses his cheek, brushing close to his lips.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

The performances start and we dance along with the songs we like. We were having so much fun, that we lost track of time. And soon it was only about a minute until the new year and the ball was starting to drop.

"Look!" Riss says excitedly, pointing at it.

"Countdown time."


"20 seconds..."

We count down with the rest of the crowd. The ball then drops behind the numbers reading 2011, and confetti goes everywhere. Fireworks go off. Ted kisses me. Justin and Riss have already been kissing. We pull away from the kisses when we feel like it, we see the confetti still falling through the air everywhere after we do.

"Happy New Year!" We all say to each other.

"Went into the new year married and engaged."

"Yup. Its going to be a good year."

"A very good year."

We all grin and enjoy the atmosphere. She catches some confetti and sticks it in her pocket.

"You would." I laugh.

"I like having mementos. Shush."

"Well it looks like you have a couple too." Ted laughs, picking some of the confetti out of my hair.

"Oops." I laugh.

"You've got some too Marvin." Riss laughs.

I giggle and brush them from his hair.

"I think Justin has some too."

She looks up at him and laughs.


"Pretty colors too." She adds, amused.

He chuckles.

"I bet."

"More momentos." She laughs, taking them from his hair and putting them in her pocket.

"Of course."

We wait until most of the crowd has gone to leave, walking to a club to spend a few more hours celebrating the new year. In the club we see some of our co-workers that also chose to stay in New York for the celebration. Before doing anything, we find a table to put our things at.

"How about some drinks?" Justin suggests.

"Surprise me." She says, sitting to give her feet a little rest.

"Me too?" I ask Ted, sitting down myself.

"Sure." He nods.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

He and justin head to the bar for drinks.

"So much standing."

"I know."

"I think we should make a note to not wear heels if we're going to be standing for hours."

"Agreed. Bring different shoes for that part."

"Yes, definitely."

"Can't believe we didn't think of it beforehand."

"The excitement was too much." I laugh.

"Probably." She giggles.

Soon Ted and Justin come back to the table with drinks.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

After setting the drinks down, they sit down as well. They scooch their chairs closer to ours.

"Too far away."

"Apparently." She giggles.

"Yes you were."

They both grin sheepishly.

"You just want to be cuddly."


"You so do."

"Okay, we do."

"Can't blame you."

"We didn't think so."

Justin wraps an arm around her shoulders and she leans her head on his shoulder. She scooches close and puts her legs over his knee.

"Feet hurt?"

"A bit."

"Well keep them here and they should be feeling better in no time."

"Okay." She agrees, snuggling against him.

"If they still hurt when we get back to the hotel, I can help with that."

"That sounds good."

"I know how much you like when I do."


"You and the magic fingers of yours." She adds.

"Right." He chuckles.

"It helps that I know my stuff." He adds.

"Yes it does."

"Oh hush." She laughs.

I just give her an innocent look. She sticks her tongue out at me.


"I love having my own personal masseuse."


"I know." She grins at Justin and kisses his cheek.

"I'm happy with what I do have though." I lean my head on Ted's shoulder.

"We know."

"Ooh I love this song." I say after a bit, before looking at Ted.

"Dance time." He chuckles.

"Yes, let's gooo."

He gets up and lets me pull him to the dance floor.

"Dance? Or do you wanna rest a bit more?" Justin asks.

"Rest. I'm comfy at the moment anyway." She nuzzles his neck.

"I can tell."

"You're enjoying it too, I know." She says, patting his hand that has been roaming up and down her legs.

"Yes, yes I am."

"Touchy feely."


"Insatiable too." She giggles as he nips at her ear.

"Can't help myself."

"I know."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

He leans down and sneaks a kiss. Then he steals another, making it last longer than the first.

"Mmm." She sighs contentedly when he pulls away.

"Plenty more the rest of the night...well morning technically."

"Of course."

"Until we go bed anyway."

"Mmhmm." She agrees after another kiss.

"Definitely sleeping in today, that's for sure."

"Yeah. Definitely."

"Thank god it's the weekend."

"I know. We get time to recover a bit."

"Yes we do."

"Before having to deal with you know who on Monday."

"Hopefully it won't be too bad. Wade did say he was going to be back on Monday. He doesn't like the idea of Punk coming in and taking over."

"I don't want to be under either of them to be honest. If I had the option to leave the group, I would. I'm only staying because Stephanie put me there."

"Right. I would leave too if I could."

"I know."

"There has to be a way that we can."

"Soon I hope."

"I hope so too."

"But for now, let's enjoy ourselves."

"Right. Should be having fun."

"How are your feet?" He asks.

"Better. Let's go dance."

She moves her legs from where they were resting on his lap and then she stands. She holds out her hand for him to take and he does, then they both head out onto the dance floor. They get close and dance along to the music. His hands stay where they are which was on her hips as they danced. She chooses to rest hers on his chest for now. She absentmindedly plays with his vest.

"Having fun with that?" He chuckles.

"Hmm? Ohh. Yes." She realizes what she's doing and giggles.

"What can I say, I love it." She adds.

"I can tell."

"You should wear it more."

"I'll do my best."


"But I know how much you like me shirtless even more." He smirks.

"I do." She laughs.

"Whether it be with ring gear or regular clothes."

"Right but regular means we have privacy."

"Yes, that's true."

"And privacy is a good thing for us." She giggles.

"A very good thing."

"I can tell you're wishing for some." She teases.


"You so are."

"So I am."

"Not yet." She pats his chest.


"You'll make it. You've behaved so far."

"I have." He nods.

She gives him a kiss.

"Keep behaving and maybe you'll get a surprise later."

"I'll keep behaving."


"Doesn't it also depend on how late we get out of here too?"


"We'll see how late we get back, if it's too late, I don't mind waiting until later today." He smirks.

"Of course not." She says amusedly.

They dance for a few more songs or so before deciding to take a break, heading back to the table to rest her feet again. They sit like they did before except noe he'so ccasionally kissing her neck. He does it in a way that is behaving like he said he would be. She leans into it, giggling softly.

"Love you so much."

"Love you too."

She plays with his wedding ring while they watch people on the dance floor.

"You know, going back before this day, I would never have thought we'd be married, and I would never have thought Marvin and Air would be engaged." She says with a smile.

"I know. Its pretty surreal."

"But we're all much more happier."

"Yes we are."

"Spend the rest of our lives together."


"One day have our own family..."

"...which is a nice thought."


"Yes, it is."

"I think so too. I can't help but wish we had the time."

"I know."

She sighs and keeps fiddling with his ring.

"I'm sure one day we'll have time. Like a vacation or something. We do get one of those rare weeks off sometimes."


"But like you said, wait until after WrestleMania probably. Another few months."

She nods quietly.

"It'll happen. Don't have to doubt that."

She looks up and searches his eyes to see how serious he is.

"Whenever we're both ready for it to happen and when we have the time."

She nods and then looks away. Then he goes back to kissing her neck like he was before. Soon Ted and I come back to the table for a break. I don't even get to sit in my own chair this time, he pulls me down to sit on his lap.

"Cuddly." I tease him.


I sip at my drink while leaning into him. After a while of sitting there, I end up finishing my drink and then start to stifle a yawn that tries to escape.

"Someone is getting tired." Ted says.

"Maybe a little."

"You want to go?"

"I think that would be a good idea."

"Alright." He nods.

"We're gonna head out now." I say to Riss and Justin.

"Alright. Bye guys."

We say our goodbyes, putting our jackets on when we stand up, and then we head out, walking all the way to where we parked our car. We get in and drive back to the hotel. It only takes a few minutes to get from the parking lot to our room.

"2am already." I say as we walk in. "It's laaate."

"Yeah it is." Ted agrees.

"Sleeping in late is a definite."

"Yes. For sure."

I take my jacket off and hang it over the chair. I then pull out that chair to take my shoes off. I find clothes to change into for bed and place them on top of my bags, along with my jewelry.

"Wanna help with the zipper?" I point to the zipper on the back of my dress.


Ted walks over and unzips my dress for me. I thank him and grab my clothes, heading into the bathroom to change, the both of us doing the usual routine. We meet back up in bed and curl up together.

"Great day." I smile.

"It was." He smiles back.

"But now its time for sleep. Love you." I yawn.

"Yes it is. Love you too."

Both of us fall asleep rather quickly since it's so late. After sitting at the table for a while, Justin and Riss head back out to the dance floor for a few more songs. She has one hand on his vest and her other is resting on the back of his neck, playing with his hair. They dance close to each other like the first time. But this time he's a little more touchy, letting his hands wander a bit.


"Its hard." He pouts

"I know it's hard."

"Can we leave?" He asks hopefully.

"Hmm...after this song."

"Yayyyy." Justin cheers.

I giggle.


"Can't help it."

"I know, I know."

"Soon." She giggles, kissing his cheek.

"Can't wait."

"I can tell."

The end of the song couldn't come soon enough, but when it did, Justin quickly ushered her back to the table to get their things. She laughs and lets him. They leave for the car and he drives to the hotel as fast as he dares.

"In a rush?" She giggles.

"You've been making me crazy."


"Yeah, oops." Justin gives her a look.

"What?" She gives him an innocent look.

"Oh don't what me."

"Aww poor baby." She teases.

"The teasing just gets you in more trouble for when we're back in our room."

"Oooooh." She keeps teasing with a smirk.

"Keep teasing, go ahead. You'll need a soak in the bath tomorrow at this point."

She laughs.

"That was a given."

"A long soak."

"I know."

They soon pull up to the hotel and he quickly parks and gets out of the car once he shuts it off. She gets out and he starts pulling her inside.

"Easy easy, heels remember?"


"It's okay." She laughs lightly as he slows down some.

They make it to the elevators and only have to wait a short time before the doors open and they step on, heading up to their floor. Justin is wrapped around her, being affectionate. When they reach their floor, he's back to pulling her along, heading to their room. They get to their room and she lets them in. He snags the do not disturb sign and hangs it on the doorknob. The door shuts behind them and he locks it. He then turns around and leans back against the door, giving her a look. She gives him an amused smile. She starts taking off her jewelry and shoes. Once she has all that off, he grins and starts to walk towards her, clearly going to take her dress off for her.

"Hang on." She stops him.

She goes into the bathroom and takes down her hair before wiping off her makeup.

"The longer I wait, the more torture you're in for."

"All done."

"Now come here." He motions her with his finger and a smirk.

She giggles and walks over.

"The dress was amazing...while it lasted. That's not staying on too much longer."

"I didn't think so."

"I just want to admire it for a little bit longer."

"Go for it lover." She laughs.

"Do a little spin?" He asks as he steps back with a grin.

She looks amused before doing a slow spin.


"So you've told me."

"Because it's true."

"I know."

"You always pick the best dresses that fit you perfectly."

"Well, I know what I like and what works well."

"Yes you do."

"I think you're wearing too much clothing." She remarks.

"Well, we're going to have to solve the problem now aren't we?"

"Yes." She agrees, moving close.

She reaches for his vest first. He grins, as he watches as she undoes the buttons of the vest. Once they're undone, he helps her remove it. Then she moves to his tie. She plays with it a bit, pulling him closer to her briefly, before starting to undo it. Once it's untied, she grabs both ends and pulls him down for a brief, hard kiss. Then she takes it off and tosses it. After she tosses it, that's when she pulls from the kiss and starts working on his shirt. She gets it undone and pushes it open, running her hands down his chest. When her nails drag across his abs, he tense and she feels it, smirking. She dips her fingers beneath the waist of his jeans and slides them along.


"I'm having fun."

"It's torture."


"Uh huh..."

He removes his shirt and eyes her up.

"I think we're about even."

"I agree." She nods.

He goes after the zipper on her dress. She lets him and turns around so it's easier for him to get it. He fully unzips it and she takes it off.

"Much better."

She puts the dress away and walks back to him.

"You know what's next." She tells him.

He smirks and takes his jeans off.

"Couldn't wait for me to do that?" She giggles once he gets his pants off.

"No. You'd be teasy-y."

"Tis true." She snickers.

"But you know it's fuuuun." She adds.

"For youuuuu."

"Yes I know." She laughs.

"Now I believe we have something to get to." She adds with a smirk.

Justin smirks and scoops her up, gently tossing her on the bed. She laughs as she bounces. He then crawls onto the bed and over to her, hovering over her, that look in his eyes. She giggles and leans up, nipping at a soft spot by the corner of his jaw.

" know what that does to me."


"And I know...what gets to you." He smirks.

"Tis true."

"But I believe I'm getting to you right now..." She adds.

"Yes you are." Justin admits with a growl as she nips at the same spot again.

All she does is giggle again and continue to nip there. His growling gets louder. He finally can't take anymore and he moves so she's not nipping him there anymore and he starts to kiss every inch of exposed skin of hers that there is. She starts giggling again, squirming under him.

"...still..." He mumbles.

"I can't help it."

"My bad."

He slows down and she relaxes, settling back into the mattress. After getting every inch of skin he could get, he makes his way back up and to her lips. She sighs in content as his mouth meets hers. She pulls him down closer, making a satisfied sound at the skin contact. He grins against her lips and he lets his hands wander as he kisses her. Her hands roam as well, her nails dragging across his skin. That causes him to growl again, but against her lips. She giggles softly. She does it again and this causes him to grab her hands and pin them to the mattress. She whines softly, squeezing his hands.

"Only for a short time..."

She growls as he pulls his lips away to say that.

"Now look who's growling. I like it."

She growls louder. He just chuckles and presses his lips back to hers. She stops growling and returns his kiss eagerly. She struggles against his hands, but after a while he does let them go. When he does, his hands move to her underthings and tugs on them seperately, wanting them off. The top is the first to go and they don't even have to break the kiss. Once that goes, then the bottoms go.