Priceless Sensation

Battle Of The Mic Challenge

Tuesday morning and I was trying to sleep in because the day wouldn't be busy until later. But, I couldn't seem to sleep in because someone was being grabby. I laugh silently as Ted pulls me close, mumbling in his sleep. I shake my head amusedly and have no choice but to stay still since I can't move. After a bit he starts to wake up.

"Mmmph." He mutters, nuzzling my neck.

"Finally awake."


"You know I can't move right?"


"Grabby in your sleep."

He snickers.

"My bad."

"It's ok."

"Good morning." He kisses my cheek.

"Good morning to you too."

I turn over in his arms and kiss his cheek in return.

"We don't have to get up do we?" He asks.

"No I don't think so. Not yet."

"Good, good."

"I've got good news though."


"Mmhmm. Photo shoot."

"Oooooh." He grins.

"Knew that would spark your interest."

"Of course."

"But that's not for a few hours or so."

"Good. I think a little more cuddling and then we'll go have breakfast."

"Good idea."

"I figured."

"Because I'm not ready to get up just yet."

"Me neither. Cuddling is too good."

"Can never get enough of it. Cuddly."

"Cuz I love youuuu."

"I love you more."

"Nope. I love you more."

"No I believe I love you more."


"I said yes to marrying you, so I think that proves my point."

"Well I asked you to marry me and got you the ring AND I'm giving you my last name so I love you more."

"Yeah, true. You've got a point."

He grins.

"You win...this time."

"But I still won."

"Because you proved your point better."

"I did." He nods.


He grins as I kiss his cheek.

"Oh wait until you see what I picked out to wear for tonight. I think you're gonna die."

"Oh really. I can't wait then."


"Must be really good. Is it blue?"


"Hmmm. Interesting."

"You'll never guess."

"That different huh?"

"Yup." I grin.

"Looking forward to seeing it then."

"Of course you are."

"Ready to get up now?"

"Hmm...I may need some convincing."

He smirks and kisses me. I smile into the kiss, my arms going around his neck like always and I end up pulling myself closer, to the point where we end up shifting and I'm laying on him about halfway. His hands wander over my back. Then he ends up shifting us both and I end up under him. He only pulls from the kiss when he feels I'm more awake than I was before.




We kiss one more time before getting up. We both go to our bags and get clothes, going about our normal routine. Once we're both dressed and have what we need, we head out for breakfast. Meanwhile, Justin and Riss are still in bed. He's half awake but she's still out, as per the usual. He looks down to see her sleeping peacefully and he smiles to himself, leaning down and kissing the top of her head. She shifts, burrowing into him as she seeks more warmth. He gladly wraps his arms around her tighter, holding her close so she's warm. She settles down and sleeps on. She doesn't wake until about an hour or two later. By this time, Justin is completely awake, watching her sleep.

"Morning love." He kisses her head. "Mmph."

"I let you sleep in today."


"Definitely needed it."

She nods, yawning.

"But we have the whole day to ourselves again."

"Kind of."

"Kind of?"

"I have some media stuff and a photo shoot."

"Ohhh. Well you know I love the photo shoots."

"I know." She says amusedly.

"I can't wait."


"You know it."

"Very much so Mister Wandering Hand." She laughs.

"Can't help myself."

"Mmhmm. I know."

"What can I say? You just look so much better in my clothes than I do."

"Of course. I like them because they're comfy and smell like you."

"And that's a good thing."

"Yes. Although maybe not right now. I know what you want and I don't think we really have time."

"Unfortunately. I know."

"Maybe later." She giggles softly.

"That'll make me very happy."

"I know it will."

"Suppose I should let you get up now right?"

"Probably a good idea, yes."

"Alright." He reluctantly lets her go.

She kisses him and gets up. She walks over to their bags, stifling a yawn.

"If only you could stay in bed longer."

"I know. I want to but you know I can't."

"I know, I know."

"But you get to watch a photo shoot."

"Which makes up for it."

"Yes I know." She laughs.

"Usually does." She adds.

"I like watching you in the different outfits, doing those poses."

"Well maybe one of these days you'll be in one of those shoots with me."

"I would love that."

"I know we'd both enjoy it."


"Remember the one in FCW?" She grins.

"You had so much fun with that."

"Yes I did." She smirks.

"That had to be the best photo shoot so far of our careers."

"One of them, definitely." She nods.

"I believe we got a few of them framed."

"Mmhmm. I think they're in Tampa."

"I love looking back on those pictures."

"Me too. Good memories."

"Very good memories."

She nods as she starts getting dressed.

"I suppose I should get dressed too, but I like the view right now."

"You always do."

"You're right I always do."

"Beautiful gorgeous wife." He smiles.

She blushes.

"Even when you blush."



She goes into the bathroom to do the rest of her routine. Since she's in the bathroom, he has nothing to look at anymore unless he went into the bathroom. But he decided to get dressed finally. Before long, he's in the doorway.

"I knew you'd get up when I went in here."

"Wanted to get dressed first."

"Of course."

"But you know I always end up in the doorway when you're in here."

"Mmhmm. Which is why I never fully shut the door."


He comes in and wraps around her, nuzzling her neck.

"Super cuddly." She teases lightly with a small giggle.

"Can't help it."

"I know." She laughs.

Then he presses a kiss to the back of her neck.

"Mmm." She leans into his touch. "So tempting." She groans, pouting.

"I know."

She manages to finish what she needs to do even with his distractions.

"Have time for breakfast this morning?"

"I think so."

"If not, then we can always stop somewhere real quick and get something for the road."


"Whatever the time is."

"I think we can manage a small breakfast if we get it downstairs."

"Sounds good."

She steals a kiss before slipping from his arms to go get her shoes and other stuff. All he needed to do was grab his jacket since he was all set to go already. Soon they leave their room and grab breakfast down in the hotel restaurant. They get seated in a booth and go through the usual routine of breakfast. They pay afterwards and set off for the media appearances she has. The first one she has is a new station for the morning news.

"I like radio ones more." She mutters.

"Is that all that's left after this? Just radio stuff?"


"Then all you have to do is get through this."

"I know."

"If I could go on the air with you I would, just to help you get through this."


She gets called up.

"I'll be back." She says, getting a brief kiss.

"I'll be waiting here."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

Then she walks away from him and heads out onto the set. She gets set up with the microphone wire and pack thing before being allowed to sit down. It didn't take long for her interview to start and it was a bunch of typical questions, easy to answer. She gives the usual answers, shows off her title, and plays up the next pay per view coming as well as the next Raw. Since that's all she basically talked about, once she was done and the news went to a commercial, she was able to take everything off and go back to Justin.

"Great job." He smiles as she walks into his arms.

"Mmm, thank you."

"Now the fun radio stuff."

"Right." She smiles.

"After you."

They link hands and leave the building. They get back into the car, and it's not a very long drive because the radio station isn't too far away.

"Now you get to sit by me." She says happily.


She giggles and kisses his cheek as they walk in. They head right for the room where everything and everyone is, knocking before entering. She gets greeted and everything. Justin and her are seated easily. Justin grabs her hand and laces their fingers together. She puts the headset in front of her on, and waits for the radio show to start. When it does, there's usual introductions and they get right into the questions.

"So, we want to know, what's it like being a part of the most dominant group in WWE history, The Nexus?"

"It's amazing to be a part of history and know that I made an impact. You're always looking to be someone that people talk about."

"And people are certainly talking about you. Especially after the big comeback with regaining your title."

"Of course. It didn't get away for long." She smirks.

"We'll just say I let Kelly have her moments of fame with it before I decided to take it back." She adds.

"So what is the deal between you and Kelly Kelly? You two obviously have bad blood."

"Well as soon as I came in from FCW, she instantly had an attitude towards me. I've had all this success and I know she resents that."

"It's also most likely because I'm prettier than her too."

"Ohhhh snap." One dj laughs.

"Because frankly, I think everything on her is fake. Nothing on me is fake at all."

"Well except my hair color but this is only a bit darker than my natural color so its not quite as drastic as being a bottle blonde."

"What about her skills in the ring?"

"They're nothing special."

"She's there to be eye candy. I'm there to wrestle." She adds.

"And don't get me started on her god awful screeching either." She continues.

They start laughing.

"She sounds like a dying animal. I mean is it necessary to scream throughout the whole match? I understand maybe sometimes, but the whole match? Come on."

Justin snickers quietly.

"She hasn't been bothering me lately. I bet that's because she got tired of being embarrassed."

"Maybe she's planning something." One suggests. "Well, if she is, she can try all she wants."

"I'll just keep beating her over and over again. She stands no chance against me. I only lost that one time because of a distraction."

"Oh yeah. What about that? That was crazy."

"It was, but I'm trying to put it behind me to be honest."

"It's not a fond memory of mine, let's just leave it at that."

"Of course. Well let's get onto the topic that everyone wants to know...the relationship topic."

She laughs. Justin smirks and squeezes her hand.

"What we've seen over the past few months, you've actually grown awfully close to fellow Nexus member Justin Gabriel, who happens to be in the studio with you today. I just find it amazing how you went from hating the guy to falling for him."

"He drew me in and changed my mind little by little. He helped me even when I didn't like him so that got him some points as well." She smiles.

"And now we're happily together." She adds.

Justin lifts her hand and kisses it, making her smile.

"And we're gonna be together for a very long time."

"Some broken hearts out there right now." A dj jokes.

"Most likely." She laughs.

"They'll just have to deal. This one isn't going anywhere." She smiles at Justin.

She answers a few more questions before the segment for the show ends. She thanks them for having her, before taking the headseat off. Justin and her leave the station.


"No. Two more." She makes a face.

"They don't seem to be very long, so they should go by smoothly."

"Yeah." She nods.

They get to the car and he gives her a kiss before they get in. The next two radio interviews were pretty much the same as the first, same kind of questions, but asked differently. As they leave the last one, she goes into her purse and pulls out her wedding rings. She slides them on and sighs.

"Much better."

"My hand feels so empty without those on."

"I bet." Justin nods.

"I can't wait until I won't have to take them off anymore."

"Me too."

"How long do you think that will be?"

"I don't know." He shrugs.

"Could be a while I guess." She sighs.

"We'll make it through however long it takes."

"Right. I know. I just hate having to take them off all the time."

"I know."

"But now they're on until the photo shoot."

"Good." He grins.

"You're oh so excited for it."

"Yes I am."

"Watching your face is going to fun."

"Isn't it always?"

"Yes." She laughs.

It isn't too long before they get to the photo shoot place. When they walk in, she sees Ted standing and waiting.

"Oh Marvinnn." She sings.

"Heyyy. What's up Ducky?" He chuckles, hugging her.

"Not much. Just a media morning and a shoot."

"Ah, how'd the media go?"

"Not bad. The usual questions."

"Of course."

"How has your morning been?"

"Slept in for the most part. Had a late breakfast and now we're here."

"Lucky you."

"This is the last thing we have until tonight."

"Have fun with that."

"I always do."

"Well have fun watching boys. I'm being waved over." She says, handing her rings and such to Justin.

"You know I will." Justin chuckles.

"I know." She laughs.

She gives him a kiss and goes tot he photographer. She gets briefed on how many shoots she'll be doing and everything. She then heads to the back to get into the first outfit for the first set of photos. As she's heading in to change, I'm coming out in my first set outfit which was a sparkled zebra stripe dress that was a light gold color with the black stripes.

"Ooh, looking pretty Air." She comments.

"Oh hey Riss, thanks. You have a photo shoot too I'm guessing?"

"Yep." She nods.

"Like 4 sets." She adds.

"Oh wow. Busy busy."

"Mmhmm, but that just leaves more to torture Jussi with."

"Very true."

"I wish him luck with all of that." I laugh.

"I know." She giggles. "Well have fun, I gotta get pampered."

"Alright, I will."

We separate, with me heading to the set and her heading to the dressing room. When I walk out, Justin makes sure to get Ted's attention and points to me as I start walking out.

"Wow." Ted raises his eyebrows while looking me over.

Since I have some time, I walk over to him and laugh a bit to myself, noticing that he's staring.

"Yoo hoo. Zone-y." I tease, waving in front of his face.

"Huh?" He snaps out of it, Justin snickers quietly.

"You were zoned out and staring. I laugh.

"Couldn't help myself."

"I know."

"Hope you get to keep that."

"I hope so too. I like it." I agree.

"I love it."

"I know, I can tell."

"Make me wonder how you'll act around my second outfit. I did get a peek at it."

"I can't wait to see it."

"Of course."

"Oops. Gotta go." I say when the photographer starts waving at me.

I give Ted a quick kiss before walking over to the set. Ted watches intently while I pose for the camera. The first few were instructed by the photographer. The rest I decide to do my own poses.

"You are a total natural at this. Excellent!" The photographer says.

"Well it just comes natural to me."

"Well good. It makes my job easier." He laughs.

"She's a natural alright." Ted says to himself as he looks on.

Justin looks amused.

"I say the same thing about Rissa." Justin chuckles.

Ted chuckles too.

"I bet."

Not too long after, Riss comes out from getting ready, and walks over to Ted and Justin. She sees Ted all spaced out watching my set and she giggles. Then she goes over and stands next to Justin.

"He's totally zoned out." I laugh.

"He is."

Then Justin realizes I said that and he looks at her outfit. His jaw almost drops.

"Like?" She giggles.


"I figured you would."

"Keeping that." He states.

She laughs.

"I already asked and they said yes."


"I knew you'd be in love with it so I asked before I came out." She says, repeated stepping out of his reach.

"Of course." He grins.

"Why can't I touch?"

Justin whines as she moves out of his reach again.

"Because I know you won't be able to help yourself and you'll get grabby."


"You know I'm right."


"And its time for me to go anyway." She says, giving him a quick kiss.

"I'll be watching."

"I know." She giggles as she walks away.

As she's heading over to the set, I'm walking off of mine to look at the photos on the computer and I motion Ted over because he loves looking at them all. He eagerly walks over.

"All of these seem to have come out really good."

"Because you're just that beautiful." Ted grins.

"Of course."

I help the photographer narrow the choices down before he sends me for my next outfit.

"Alright I will be back."

Ted nods and kisses my cheek. I head to the back and Ted goes back to where he was standing, Justin moves forward towards the set to watch Riss' first shoot. She sees him out of the corner of her eyes and she giggles. Once he feels he's close enough, he pays attention and stares, getting lost in the shoot. She recognizes the zoned out stare and laughs silently. She does most of her own poses for this shoot and Justin is living every second of it. Soon, that portion is over and she walks off set. She has to walk over to Justin and snap him out of his daze to get him to come over to the computer to look at the photos.

"Space-y." She teases, snapping her fingers in front of his face.


"Time to look at the pictures."

"Oh, right."

They walk to the screen and go over the photos with the photographer.

"Love them all."

"You always do."

"Can't help it."

"I know."

After looking at the pictures and picking out the best ones to use, she heads to the back to get into the 2nd outfit. As she goes in, I'm on my way out.

"Oooh I like that." She grins.

"Thanks, me too." I reply.

"Someone's gonna die out there." She laughs.

"I know." I smirk.

I head the rest of the way out and she heads the rest of the way in to get changed. Once again, Justin points me out to Ted.

He was taking a sip of water at the time and when he looks over, he almost chokes on it. I can't help but laugh.

"You okay?"

"...I'm good."

"Good." I giggle.


"That good huh?"

"Uh huh."

"Hope you're keeping that." He adds.

"I actually plan on it."

"Great." He grins.

"I'll wear it again sometime. Just for you."

"Sounds good."

He then reaches out and pulls me to him, not letting go.

"Grabby." I giggle.

"Can't help it."

"I know."

"Enjoy it while you can."

"Oh I plan on it."

"Of course."

Ted does enjoy cuddling with me until I'm called for more photos. He reluctantly lets go, but when he does, I make my way over, and I was given the opportunity to do my own poses like I did for the last set. Ted watches and admires. Most of the poses I stayed standing up, and the photographer did a few close up shots of my face. Once again he compliments on how much of a natural I am at this, and after a few more poses and shots, I'm able to move from the set and over to the computer. Ted is instantly there with me, holding my hips as he looks over my shoulder.

"I really love that one." He points one out.

"I do too." I agree.

"So definitely get a copy of that one."


"And that one."

"That too."

He keeps picking out which ones he loved and of course got copies for himself as I headed to the back to change into my regular clothes since my shoots were over. As I'm doing that, Riss walks out in her next outfit. This time Justin was looking in the direction of where she came out so he saw the next outfit for the next set. His eyes go wide and she stifles a laugh, knowing his reaction will be even better when he sees the back of the dress she has on.


"Thank you." She giggles.

"You're welcome."

"But you haven't seen the best part." She grins.

She turns and shows him the open back with the chains draping across.

"Now I really love it."

"I figured you would." She laughs, turning back around.

"Keeping it?"



"You wanna be touchy."

"I do."



"You won't have to control yourself then." She points out.


"I know its killing you." She giggles.

"It is."

"Two more outfits after this."

"Can't wait to see what they are."

"You'll love them, trust me." She smirks.

She sees the photographer is ready so she kisses Justin and goes on the set. Justin follows like before to get a closer view of the shoot. I come out and laugh quietly.

"Totally absorbed."

"That's how I was." Ted nods.

"Nice." I grin.

"Can't really blame me."

"No not at all."



"Back to the hotel?"

"Sure. Unless you had something else in mind."

"No, I don't think so."

"Then the hotel it is."

He agrees. We say bye to Justin and wave at Riss before leaving. Since she was in the middle of the shoot, she couldn't wave back, but she acknowledged us leaving. The two of us go out to our car and head to the hotel.

"And now we can relax until we need to leave again."


"You're just anxious to see the dress I chose for tonight."


"You so are."

"Guilty." He grins sheepishly.

"Are you sure I can't get anymore hints?" He adds.

"I give you any more, they'll give it away."



"It's okay. I know its going to be worth it."

"It really will be."

He nods and kisses my cheek. It isn't long until we pull back into the hotel parking lot. Once we're parked, we head back inside and up to our room. In the room, we take off our coats and shoes.

"TV or movie and cuddles?" Ted suggests.

"You know I can never say no to that."

"I figured." He chuckles.

"And I say TV this time."


I don't get a chance to move myself, because he picks me up and bringing me over to the bed himself.

"Ted!" I laugh.

"You were moving too slow."

"Oh I'm so sorry."

"Uh huh."

He sets me on the bed before getting onto it himself.

"I'm always moving too slow for you."

"Most of the time."


"Your dork."

"Yes, mine."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

He wraps his arms around me, and pulls me back into him, after the TV goes on and we find something to watch. I get comfy and relax my weight against Ted's chest. Since we slept in a bit, I wasn't really tired so I stayed awake for the rest of the day. Justin died at the last two shoots of your photo shoot and got copies of his favorite shots to take back with him. The ride back, all he did was admire the copies he got. When you got back to the hotel, you spent the rest of the day relaxing since it was a long morning. Before Ted and I know it, we had to get our things ready for the show and he was even more anxious because he finally got to see the dress I told him about.

"Are you ready yet?" Ted whines.


"I've been patient all day."

"A little while longer won't kill you."


"A few more minutes."

"Okay." He pouts.

I do a few touch ups to my makeup and such, before decided that I was done.

"Okay, coming out now." I declare.


I open the door of the bathroom, making sure to shut the light off as I do. I then step out and lean against the wall. Ted is speechless, eyes wide in awe.

"Figured I try something new."

He nods wordlessly.

"You alive?"


"Just as long as you"

"You stunned me beautiful."

"I could see that." I laugh.

"You look beyond amazing. I love the dress."

"I had a feeling you would."

"I really do."

"Maybe I should give you a closer look. There are parts that allow you to be touchy."


I walk over to him so that he can get a closer look, seeing all the cut out parts on the sleeves and on the sides down towards the bottom of the dress. He smirks and reaches out to touch.

"How long have you been hiding this one from me?"

"Not too long."

"Should've worn it sooner, now that I know you have this."

"But it was worth the wait hmm?"

"It was." He nods.

"That's what I thought."

"Are we ready to go or do you need just a few minutes?" I add.

"I'm good."

"You sure now?"

"Uh huh."

"Alright. Gonna have to let me go though."


"And I need to put a jacket on, so all this gets covered."


"It's only until we get to the arena. You don't want me freezing do you?"

"No, can't have that." He says, helping me into my coat.

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome." He smiles and kisses my cheek.

After I have it on, I button it and such, before grabbing what I need. He pulls on his jacket and grabs his gear bag and such before we both leave to head to the arena. Once we've arrived, we walk to our room to drop off our things.

"Just gonna go change and then I'll be right out." He tells me.

"Alright." I nod, moving to sit on the couch.

"Don't get too comfortable though, with the show starting shortly, we're gonna have to head right out and be on the stage."

"I know."

He nods and heads in to change. Like always it doesn't take him long and he comes out all ready to go.

"Distraction." I tease, getting up.


He takes my hand and the two of us head to the curtain. As soon as we're out and on the stage, and in our seats, he starts to be touchy with the cut outs on the sleeves of my dress first since it's going to be a few before the show starts.

"Can't resist." Ted chuckles after I giggle.

"Of course you can't. Touchy."


I shake my head amusedly and lean over, kissing his cheek. He steals a kiss on the lips before I lean back. I happen to look over and Del Rio is giving both of us a look, but more so Ted, and it's a jealous look. I snicker.

"Someone's jealous." I sing.

"Let him be." Ted smirks.

"It's hilarious. I'm surprised he hasn't noticed the ring yet. Oh when he does...Mexican hissy fit."

"Hat dance." Ted snickers.

"Ole." I remark and we both bust out laughing.

I lean against Ted, laughing hard. We then get the cue that the show's starting very soon, so I try to compose myself in the time we have left. Ted and I both fight back fits of chuckles and giggles as the show begins. The show starts off with what's happened so far in the competition in a highlight video package, then the show intro. There's no pyro since we're all on the stage already.

"Okay ladies and gentlemen, welcome to NXT. Rookies, I know that the nerves are beginning to build. Tonight one of you will be eliminated, but one of you will be one step closer to becoming the WWE's next breakout star. And as you know, the winner of NXT earns a championship match. And we can now reveal to you that the championship you will compete for, will be the prestigious WWE Tag Team Championships. But it gets better. Whichever rookie wins NXT, will compete for the Tag Team Championship alongside...the WWE pro that has guided you on this journey. Speaking of our pros, we have asked you to get ready for competition because we're going to have our very first ever pro's challenge. It will be an over the top rope, battle royal. Whichever pro wins the battle royal, has the opportunity to trade their rookie away if they so choose. So the stakes are high. Pros if you will, make your way down to the ring, the battle royal begins right now."

"Good luck." I kiss Ted's cheek.

Just as everyone head down to the ring, Ricardo comes out and stops Del Rio from going down.

"Shut up." He says to the crowd.

He then explains in Spanish for Del Rio to let him compete instead of him. Del Rio agrees with it, allowing him to. That left me and Del Rio as the only pros on the stage along with the rookies. I make a face and mutter to myself. I make sure to keep a piece of my attention on him, not putting it past him to make a move while Ted is occupied.

"Come on, show them Ricardo." Del Rio remarks as Ricardo gets into the ring.

The bell rings and everyone else just think it's a joke. Daniel goes after him first and gets him on his shoulders, just spinning him and spinning him and spinning him around numerous times, making him dizzy. He finally sets him down and he can barely walk. Truth goes over and slaps him and throws him out of the ring. I snicker quietly. Once he was gone, the match really started now. I kept my attention on Ted who was almost eliminated, but he held on. He then was double teamed by Daniel and Chris before Daniel went to Truth and Ted focused on Chris, before going after Daniel. Ted's working on getting Daniel eliminated, but it doesn't work and Daniel counters. It's then a three on one situation. Truth, Chris and Daniel after Ted, until they split up, with Ted going after Truth and Chris and Daniel going at it. Dolph comes up and eliminates Daniel. After some time fighting with Truth, Ted pulled down the top rope and Truth went tumbling to the floor, getting eliminated. Ted then goes after Chris and Dolph, but Dolph rolls out of the ring, not being eliminated, so it's Chris and Ted. Chris is trying to eliminate Ted when Dolph comes back into the ring and eliminates the both of them, winning the match.

"Damn." I curse, scowling at Dolph.

"You know what, I won that fair and square and I deserve a round of applause. And you know what, Jacob Novak, I never liked you at all. You're...terrible, you don't have 'it', you're not entertaining, you're not amusing, you're not anything but a blazer from Express! So therefore I am dumping you, trading you, getting rid of you, and I want a winner. I want to train...I want to train a winner. And I want Byron Saxton. Yeah you. You just won the lottery kid. You."

"You're gonna trade me!"

"You're gone."

"Whoa whoa whoa hang on. Jacob! Hang on just a second. You're gonna have an opportunity to prove that you do have it. Cause you're in action against Byron Saxton and it's next."

I get up from my chair as Ted makes his way back up the ramp from the match, and I wait for him to reach me before following him to the back.

"Are you okay?" I ask, grabbing his hand.

"I'll be fine. Just need to get another shirt on and then we're heading back out there to evaluate the match." He nods.

"Alright. I just wanted to be sure."

"And I appreciate it."

"I know. You're welcome."

On the way back to the locker room I made sure to grab both of us waters, and I hand him his. We head into the locker room and he just grabs a shirt and pulls that on, taking some time to relax a bit before we're needed back out on the stage.


"Better." He nods.

"Good." I smile.

"Always looking out for you." I add.

"I know you are." He smiles in return.

"Just like you're looking out for me, I know."


"Del Rio didn't do anything while I was busy with the match did he?"

"No, he left me alone...beside the occasional glances back at me, but other than that, nothing."


"Ready to get back out there?" He asks.

"Yup." I nod.

He puts his water down, before we both head back out. In the meantime, Riss and Justin have been up for a while and have been trying to figure out what to do for the night.

"I don't have any ideas." She remarks, shrugging.

"Hmm...night in then? I can make it romantic." He grins.

"That sounds perfect." She giggles.

"I'm just going to have to go get a few things from the store."

"Okay." She agrees.

"Think you can hold the fort down until I get back?"

"I can handle it. Goof." She says amusedly.

"Well I just want to make sure." He chuckles.

"I'll be fine."


He leans over and kisses her before getting up.

"Hurry back." She murmurs.


She smiles and settles back against the headboard. Once Justin is gone, she turns her attention to the TV. She tries to find something to watch just to pass the time until he comes back. She doesn't find anything so she sighs, chewing her lip absentmindedly. Her eyes land on her bags and the idea sparks that she should put on something pretty for Justin. She gets up and rummages for the right thing. Once she does find the right thing, she heads into the bathroom to change into it. After that she fixes her hair, leaving it down since he loves to play with it. Once everything is done, she looks everything over in the mirror, satisfied with her look. She giggles as she pictures his reaction. She moves back into the bedroom, putting away what she was wearing before. She then proceeds to sit on the edge of the bed and waits for him to come back. She easily gets bored of that so she picks up the book she's been reading and keeps herself occupied.

It isn't long until the door opens and Justin walks in with a bag full of stuff.

"Did you buy the store?" She asks with a raised eyebrow after looking up from her book.

"I would if I wanted to." He chuckles.

"I don't doubt that."

He places the bag on the table and turns around to face her.

"You changed..."


"I wanted to look nice for you." She adds.

She knows he's looking her over so she doesn't expect a response right away. She marks her place in her book and sets it back on the nightstand.

"You do....look nice..."

"Well good."

"Really nice.."

"Mmhmm." She giggles.

He then snaps himself out of his daze and goes back to the bag and takes everything out, and it's all her favorites, including roses for flowers.


"It's not a romantic night without your roses."

"Of course not."

"So we have those. Chocolate covered strawberries, also your favorites. Basically I got all your favorites."

"You are so sweet."

"Only the best for you."

"I know. You spoiler you."


She gets up from the bed to see for herself what else he bought. This allows him to get a much better view of what she's wearing. She walks over and stands just inches away, picking up the roses to smell them.

"I love the smell of roses."

"So soothing. They're beautiful by the way." She adds.

"You're welcome."

"So soothing. They're beautiful by the way." She remarks, walking away but making sure to subtly brush against him.

" do that..."

"Do what?" She asks innocently.

"Put the roses in the water." He says as he stares.

"Oh I will."

He then takes out what's remaining in the bag, which is champagne. She puts the roses in water and rummages through one of her bags. She pulls out a box.

"Champagne glasses."

"Always good to have them handy."


She walks over and holds them out for him to fill up. He pops the cork and fills each glass. He sets the bottle down and takes one glass from her for himself. She takes a sip.




"Now I believe the strawberries should be next."

"I agree but I think someone has too much clothing on." She remarks, picking up the strawberries and walking to the bed.


She sits down and sips champagne while watching him. He makes sure to take his time just to torture her. She just giggles, enjoying the view.

"There...done." He says when he has on just as much clothing as she does.

"Much better."

"Good." He grins.

"The bed is awful empty." She says lightly.


She rolls her eyes a bit.

"I saw that." He chuckles.

She sticks her tongue out.

"Alright, I'm coming."

She smiles as he climbs into bed. He settled into a spot very close to hers.


"Much." She agrees, moving to drape her legs over his lap.

He grins and he starts to run his fingers along the skin of her legs to start. She shivers slightly but doesn't move away.

"So much to touch."

"Which you love."

"Very much."

She kisses his cheek

"I know."

"Strawberry?" She asks.

Justin nods and opens the package. She picks out one dipped in white chocolate. She then holds it out for him to take. He takes a bite. Then she takes a bite of her own.

"Good choice in the strawberries."

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Wanted to go for white chocolate covered ones this time."

"Because you know I love white chocolate."


They take turns taking bites of the strawberry.

"So good."


"I'll get a mix next time."

"Sounds good."

"Maybe more than just one container too."

"If you want." She shrugs, licking her lips.

"Well I only say that, because this one is almost gone."

"I know. It's enough for tonight though."

"Right, of course."

Soon enough, they finish the strawberries and their glasses of champagne.

"Want more?" He asks, motioning to her glass.

"Maybe a little."

She moves her legs so he can move from the bed. Once he does, he goes over and grabs the bottle refilling her glass. He brings it back and she sips at it while he gets comfortable.

"I like planning nights like this."

"Me too. Its nice to have private time for just us."

"It is." He nods.

He didn't refill his glass so he amuses himself by touching.

"I love how you chose to wear this tonight too."

"Chose it for you. I know it isn't purple but I love the style."

"That's okay."

"Maybe another night I'll wear purple."

"I would love that."

"I know."

"I can't wait."

She giggles and sips champagne.

"I can just imagine it now."

"I bet you can."

"But now, we should focus on this moment."

"Mmhmm." She nods.

"How long do you think that's going to be staying on you?" He asks with a slight smirk.

"Judging by your face and the look in your eyes, not very long."

"Quite possibly."

She laughs and finishes her glass, licking her lips afterward. She notices that while she does that he watches her intently. She giggles softly and sets her drink aside.

"I know what you want." She remarks.

"You do."

"Well? What's stopping you?"

"Nothing at all." He chuckles, before pulling her onto his lap.

She gets comfortable, resting her hands on his chest.

"You were too far away."

"Poor baby."

"I like you really close."

"I know you do. I enjoy it too." She laughs, tracing patterns on his bare skin.

"Oh, I know you do too."

She moves her hands up to his jaw, scratching lightly and giggling when his scruff tickles her.

"You enjoy that." He chuckles.

"Yes I do." She grins. "So very much." She adds.

Justin chuckles again and turns his head, kissing her wrist. He then starts to make his way up her arm with kisses. She giggles softly, moving her head when he reaches her shoulder. He smiles against her skin as he makes his way across her shoulder and to her neck. She sighs quietly, biting her lip. That's when his arms wrap around her and holds her closer. She drapes her arms loosely over his shoulders.


He takes one hand and runs it along the exposed skin of her legs while he starts to make his way to the spot on her neck. She gets goosebumps and shivers involuntarily. Right when he reaches the spot on her neck, he stops his hand from moving, keeping it in the spot he stopped it and he squeezes as he goes after the spot. She moans fairly loud, melting into him. She digs her fingers into his shoulders. He smirks against her skin for a moment, taking a few more moments to keep at the spot on her neck, before starting to move for her jawline. She catches her breath and angles her head to get more of his lips. It isn't long before she presses her lips to his, not able to wait anymore. Justin chuckles against her lips before settling into the kiss. His hands start to roam again. That's when she shifts in his lap, so that she's straddling it, and it's easier for her to be closer to him. She pushes her weight against him and they end up sprawled on the bed, him on his back with her laying on top of him. That gave him more room for his hands to wander everywhere and he took full advantage of that. She makes noises against his mouth. He then starts to play with the fabric of what she chose to wear for the night. His hands slip underneath and a satisfied groan escapes her with the skin contact.

"Off?" He mumbles against her lips.

She pulls away and nods breathlessly. He grins as she sits up and he helps her remove it. It gets tossed off the bed and their lips meet again. They lay back down without breaking the kiss. From there, more articles of clothing were being tugged at to come off. They eventually come off and the covers come up for the night. Back at the arena, backstage it's Derrick from earlier in the day, putting just some random guy in a submission hold.

"Submission...submission!" He screams before Daniel comes into the room and he lets go.

"Hey coach, what's up buddy?"

"Wow, look at you, practicing your submissions. Man you're doing great, I'm real proud of you."

"I really respect your guidance, I mean you're kind of like the wind beneath my wings."

"That's great, but tonight's challenge is really important-" Daniel gets interrupted when Derrick chest bumps him.

"What're you doing?"

"Thought you were gonna catch me. Look, I see you have a little problem on Raw."

"What're you talking about?"

"The love triangle with The Bellas. I would like to lend my assistance. Now I don't know if you know this about me, back in high school they used to call me Dr. Love."

"No they didn't."

"You're right, I was home schooled. But I do know my way with the ladies. What do you say about DB double date with the Bellas."

"That truly sounds like a horrible idea."

"I'm buying."

"You know what, that's not even the point. Now that I think about it, I think it could be fun. I say let's do it next week."

"Let's do it next week. Because we're not just about submission wrestling. We're about chicks...." He trails off before dropping down an American flag. "...and America."

"He's so weird." I mutter.

"How about that win earlier. My first win. My first official win under my new pro." Byron says, now being shown backstage with Ziggler.

"It's a big day for you, it's a big day anybody."

"It's gonna be a big day for us. Imagine, I win NXT, Ziggler, Saxton, WWE Tag Team Champions."

"It's not too shabby. Shredded guns, wouldn't mind putting more gold over to accentuate the biceps. Know what, just as long as you remember that last guy, listen stay away from my girlfriend."

"Oh Dolph, not even a concern."

"You're a classy guy and a gentlemen, I appreciate it, I know you won't, I just had to put it out there."

"Hey, speaking of that guy Jacob Novak, we got a little battle of the mic competition coming up and I've got a sneaky suspicion...that I'm gonna make him sorry that he disrespected"

"That's a good answer."

"Oh yeah, and tonight, I feel like I'm gonna go...2 and 0."

"Under Dolph Ziggler."


After that all the rookies make their way to ring for the next NXT Challenge. Battle of the Mic challenge.

"Okay rookies, this may very well be the last time the six of you stand in the same ring. As you know, tonight one of you will be eliminated. And you also understand the importance of immunity. Now immunity is earned when these rookies win challenges. So just to update the standings. Johnny Curtis, you have five immunity points, you're currently in the lead. Derrick Bateman, you're right behind with three. Jacob Novak, Byron Saxton, you each have one. And for Brodus, as well as Conor, this is a very important challenge, because this challenge is worth 4 immunity points. This is the Battle of the Mic challenge. You will have 20 seconds to tell your opponent exactly what you think of him. With that said, Johnny Curtis you're the leader, please step forward, you'll be competing in round one. And you'll be battling on the mic against big Brodus Clay. Brodus, you've got 20 seconds, start battling."

"Johnny Curtis. Whenever I look at you, all I can think when I threw you through that table last week. The way your eyes were big, the little squeals you made when you hit the ground. It was hilarious. Hilarious. And you do know that."

"I think that was horrible." I shake my head.

Ted pulls me closer to his side and nods a bit in agreement.

"That's uh...that's really funny. Um...I'm just thinking how funny it was that time I punched you right in the mouth." And that's when he really does punch him in the mouth, Derrick holding Johnny back while the rest of the rookies hold Brodus back.

"He's an idiot."

"No kidding."

"Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa, wait! Whoa! Hang on! Whoa brother please. Guys, hold him back. Alright, it's up the the WWE Universe. Did you like Johnny Curtis on the mic?"

Everyone cheers.

"Did you like Brodus Clay on the mic?"

Everyone boos, and I sigh. Ted sighs as well.

"Alright, Brodus, please go to the back. Johnny fall back in line. Man you're brave boy, let me tell you. Alright. Derrick Bateman please step forward. Byron Saxton please step forward. Alright guys you got 20 seconds, start battling."

"Sports entertainment peers. Let me introduce you to the man, who's voice single-handedly destroyed ECW, Byron Saxton. Now when I look at Byron Saxton, I can't help but think of the love child between Carlton Banks and a shorter, uglier Carlton Banks."

"Alright. Byron you got 20 seconds to respond. Go."

"Bateman you can claim that I took away ECW, you can claim that I'm a love child, but the reality is when you look in the mirror and you look at who you are, the answer is Carlton Banks, Byron Saxton, is always better."

"Alrighty. WWE Universe. Byron Saxton or Derrick Bateman?"

Mostly everyone cheers for Derrick.

"Byron please exit, Derrick fall back in line. Jacob Novak step forward. Conor O'Brian step forward. 20 seconds begin now Jacob, go."

"Conor O'Brian, the guy that thinks he's a rat. Well, you're ugly, you scare the girls, and you do cut the cheese 'cause you stink. The bottom line is, Jacob Novak makes this look good."

"Boooo." I laugh.

"Lame." Ted shakes his head.

"Alright, 20 seconds to respond Conor. Go."

"Whoa Jacob Novak! Is that your nose or are you eating a banana? No no no, listen. Listen, you got a great career ahead of you. Only problem is, you're gonna have to have two entrances. One for you, and one for your nose. And that my friend, takes the cheese."

"Alrighty. WWE Universe, Jacob Novak?"

Plain out boos.

"Conor O'Brian?"

Cheers all around.

"Alright, Jacob please exit. Conor fall back in line. Alright guys round two. Remember 4 immunity points. You're gonna have 30 seconds now to insult both of your opponents. Johnny Curtis step forward. Your 30 seconds begin now."

"Derrick Derrick Derrick Derrick Derrick Derrick Derrick. I like you man, but actually diss yourself by walking out here with that haircut right there. It's a little known fact, little known fact. Derrick Bateman spends $250 a week on his perm. But it's a nice perm. Conor O'Brian, I got nothing bad to say about you. I actually really like rats."

"Alright, remember-I like rats too. 30 seconds, Derrick fall back...I'm sorry, Johnny fall back in line. Derrick you got 30 seconds to respond to both Johnny and Conor. 30 seconds begins now."

"Johnny Curtis, I like your moves, I like your style, but uh...when I look at you I can't help but think you're a wispy mustache away from being the feature on To Catch A Predator. No, Conor O'Brian when I think of you, I hear the name Conan O'Brian. You guys have a lot in common. Except he's talented, he's funny, he's well liked. Look in this competition, there is no cheese for you at the end. Because this is Derrick Bateman's competition. 'Cause I am the next transcendent, breakout star here."

"Alright, Derrick fall back in line. Conor O'Brian, you have 30 seconds to respond. 4 immunity points on the line, go."

"Derrick Bateman, your momma's so fat, she jumped up into the air and got stuck."

I have to cover my mouth to keep an outburst of laughter from coming out. I can feel Ted shaking as he tries not to laugh himself.

"Your momma's so fat, that her blood type is Ragu."

"Johnny Curtis, you're so stupid, that you actually sit on the TV, and watch the couch."

At this point I can't hold in the laughter and I'm leaning against Ted's shoulder as I'm laughing hysterically. Ted's laughing himself.

"He's good."

"Alright. I will say it is entertaining. WWE Universe, is it Johnny Curtis. How about Derrick Bateman? The comedic stylings of Conor O'Brian? Alright, congratulations, Conor O'Brian has earned 4 immunity points with an elimination coming tonight!"

"Well deserved." I say when I wipe the tears from my face from laughing so hard, when I calmed down.

"Definitely." Ted chuckles.

Once those three clear the ring, Brodus comes back out and we join him down to the ring for his match against Johnny, who came back out with Truth. I was down on the ground ringside for the match while Ted was on the ring, outside the ropes like Truth. The bell rings and Brodus takes control from the start. Curtis however hits Brodus until he falls out of the ring and he them storms off around the ring to blow off steam. Ted hops down and walks over, giving him the pep talk and tough love about winning the match and getting back into the ring. He gets back into the ring and gets attacked, but that doesn't last long.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Ted exclaims.

Brodus goes for a cover, but Johnny kicks out, but Brodus keeps control. Johnny keeps trying to fight back, but to no avail. He then clamps his hand down on his shoulder, and eventually Johnny gets to his feet with the help of the crowd and gets out of the hold, hitting Brodus with uppercuts repeatedly. Johnny has taken control and he goes for the cover, but Brodus kicks out. Johnny goes to the corner and climbs to the top while Brodus is quickly recovering. Johnny hits him and covers him, but Brodus kicks out. Johnny then tries for a cheap shot on Ted, but Ted jumps down and backs away fast.

"Hey!" I exclaim and I, doing the best I can, quickly climb up onto the side of the ring myself and I start causing a distraction, yelling at the ref for what Johnny almost did.

All the ref does is tell me to get down and eventually I do. Johnny turns around and gets caught by a hand to the throat from Brodus and he slams him to the mat and with that hand to the throat still, he pins Johnny 1...2..3. Ted gets into the ring and starts trash talking a downed Curtis. Truth comes in and prevents Ted from doing anything more. Ted motions to me after Truth and Johnny leave the ring and I get into the ring as well as Ted is raising the hand of Brodus in victory. I clap, standing beside Ted.

"Brodus, that's got to feel good. I just got a question for you. What motivates your aggression?" Striker asks after he gets into the ring.

"What motivates my aggression? What makes me tick? What gets me hot? Is the opportunity to take out years of being held back, stepped aside and pushed over. So my anger is deep, it is passionate, it is me. And I'll go through every one of these bums and show everybody I'm running through NXT, cause I am the marathon and you do know that."

"Alright, what I do know is that elimination is coming. Pros please huddle up because our elimination is coming up next."

We all get out of the ring, but only Ted and I head up to the stage to be with the pros. Brodus gets out of the ring and stays on the outside, and the other rookies come down while we're on a break.

"Alright, it's elimination time. Years of hard work finally pays off. Johnny Curtis very quickly. You are in the lead with five immunity points. Do you have any thoughts before this immunity-this elimination. Who do you think should go home and why?"

"I think uh...that big bag of stink right there." He points to Brodus. "He should go home tonight. Hey Brodus, how does your jaw feel man?"

"Alright. For a guy who just got slammed down, you're certainly brave. Alright gentlemen, the time is upon us. You've worked hard, one of you is going home. Let's find out whose dream is crushed and who's one step closer to becoming the WWE's next breakout star."

The pictures flash on the tron of the rookies and after a long drumroll, Jacob Novak is going home.

"Aww, poor baby."

Ted snickers.

"Jacob, this is your time man. Tell the WWE Universe."

"I'm gonna admit, this is a crushing blow. But I just wanna say, I didn't look at NXT at an opportunity and just an opportunity to be the next WWE Superstar, but an opportunity to change my own life."

"That's enough." Dolph remarks.

"You see...I've always wanted to stand right here in front of you the WWE Universe, 'cause we all share the same passion, we all love the WWE."

Dolph is then laying on the stage, rolling around and we all can't help but laugh.

"This has been the experience of my life."

"Alright, let's say goodbye to Jacob Novak, and let's not forget in two weeks time, we're gonna have another elimination. Immunity points go back to zero. Guys, you're safe for another two weeks."

"Your guy's gone Masters. I'm really smart, he sucks, you're with him, and he's gone. I'm a genius, I'm a genius, thank you. Thank you." Dolph says amusedly.

Chris then goes up to him and grabs his arms, faking him out with the Master Lock and Dolph flails his arms and freaks out and it's the funniest thing I've ever seen.

"Idiots." Ted chuckles.

Dolph then gets away and hightails it to the back.

"I've never seen him run that fast before."

"Me neither."

"Finally we can leave."

"Thank god."

"After you."

We both get up and head to the back so Ted can change. It doesn't take him too long to change out of his gear and once he was all set, he comes back out, ready to go. We walk hand in hand out to the car. Ted drives to the hotel and we head up to our room.

"Such a long night." I sigh as I take off my jacket and drape it over the chair.

"Yeah." Ted agrees, shedding his own jacket as well as his shoes.

He lets me take my jewelry and shoes off before coming up behind me and wrapping one arm around my waist while his free hand moves my hair to the side and he presses a kiss to the back of my neck.

"Mmm..." I sigh and lean back into him.

Then that arm goes around my waist as well and he rests his chin on my shoulder.

"Love you." He murmurs.

"I love you too."

"A day of relaxation tomorrow. Just you and me."

"I like the sound of that."

"I figured you would." He smiles.

"Because you know me."

"Yes I do. Just as you know me."

"I do. So I know what you're thinking right now. Well I can guess at least."

He chuckles.

"Oh? What am I thinking then?"

"Well first of all you can't decide whether I should get ready for bed or not, considering the cut outs on the sleeves and bottom of the dress."

"Mmm true."

"It's a tough decision, I know."

"It is but I know you're getting tired."

"I can spare some time for you to be touchy if you want."

"Why don't we change for bed first?"

"Are you sure now?"

"Yeah. We can have cuddle time after that."

"Alright." I nod.

"I'm assuming you'll give input on what I should wear since I have the feeling you're not moving anytime soon or letting me go."

"If you don't mind."

"I don't mind at all."

He grins and kisses my cheek. I then go through my bag, rummaging through the clothes in it, coming to the clothes I have to choose from to wear to bed. I show Ted the choices and he picks one.

"Alright, have to let me go now."

He steals a kiss and then lets me go. We do the usual routine of getting ready for bed. Me in the bathroom, him out in the room itself and climbing into bed and waiting for me. I come out and drop my dress on my bags and get in bed. Before I even have the chance to pull the blankets over me, I'm pulled over close to him.

"Too far?" I tease.

"Too far."

"Poor baby."

"Yes, poor me."

He pulls the covers over me and nuzzles my neck.


"Just for you."

"You're not going to go after that spot on my neck are you?"

"Thinking about it." He grins against my skin.

"Nothing big." I scold.

"No one's gonna see it. Especially since tomorrow it's a more relaxing day for us..."

"Pleeeeease." He whines.

Then I feel him starting to pout and he moves away from my neck to show me the pout.


"Don't give me that look..." I groan.

That just causes him to do it even more.


"Just say yes."


"I win."

"Can't resist that face."

"Which is why I did it."

"Of course." I say as he goes back to my neck.

His arms stay around me and he starts at the base of my neck that meets with my shoulder before moving up. I try to relax and breathe evenly as he moves slowly up my neck. But as he gets closer to the spot that he loves to go after it gets harder and harder for me to relax. Ted gets to the spot and I tense up, muffling a moan against his shoulder. He smirks against my skin since I gave him the reaction he wanted to hear. He only stays on the spot for a little bit longer before retracting his lips. He kisses me on the mouth gently.

"Love you.""Love you too."

"I think its time for bed." He says after seeing me fight back a yawn..

"Maybe you're right."

We both move to lay in our normal spots.

"Night." He kisses my cheek.

"Night." I do the same in return.