Priceless Sensation

Nexus Initiation Night

Another week as come and gone and it's Monday again. The day was long, but it was finally time to get ready for the show. As far as Justin and Riss know, they have no matches, but they're expecting Punk to come up with something for them tonight, being the leader of the group now and all.

"Ugh, I don't want to deal with him today." She sighs as she stands in the bathroom, putting waves in her hair.

"Well let's hope he doesn't cause you too much stress or any stress at all."

"Probably." She mutters.

"But don't worry...I'm gonna be there with you. Together we can survive the night."

"I know."

"I love you."

"I love you too." She smiles.

"So are you done yet?"


"Good, because I wanna see."

"What's stopping you?" She asks.

"I wanna be surprised."

"Oh. Okay then."

"I like when you surprise me."

"I know you do."

"I bet you look amazing."

"You always think so, no matter what I wear."

"Because everything looks amazing on you."

"I know." She says amusedly.

She finishes her hair and does her makeup rather easily. She puts everything away and leaves the bathroom.

"So, what do you think?"

Justin looks her up and down with a grin.

"I love it."

"I knew you would."

"I love all the dresses you wear."

"Mmhmm." She nods, getting her heels on.

"I like the color too."

"It's the reason I picked it."

"Of course."

She picks up a cropped/half leather jacket and puts that on. She grabs a heavier jacket so she doesn't get cold outside.

"The jacket makes it perfect."

"I know."

"I really hope you won't have to change into your ring attire tonight. I don't want you to take all that off."

"We'll see I guess."


"Too bad you have to change." She says to him after seeing his tight shirt and jeans.

"I know."

"You know what that does to me."

"Yes I do know what that does to you." He grins.

She gives him a look.

"You're lucky we have to leave."

"I wish we didn't have to."

"Me too." She sighs, putting on her heavy jacket.

"But we do have the day off tomorrow. We can do whatever you want."

"True." She agrees.

"Ready to go?" She asks.

"Yeah." He nods as he zips his coat and picks up his bag.

"After you." He allows her to leave first.

They leave their room and head to the car. Justin starts the car using the remote start, so that it would warm up as they're walking to it. She leans up and kisses his cheek. When they reach the car, they put their things in the back seat, before getting in themselves. When they get in, it's already warm from the heat.

"Ahh." She sighs happily.

Justin chuckles and manually starts the car, driving off. Ted and I in the meantime are getting ready ourselves. I don't have to worry about packing my ring stuff because I have a night off, but Ted has a match so he packs his ring stuff.

"I got lucky tonight. A night off for once." I say.

"And you get to do what you do best...cheering me on."

"Yes." I giggle.

"Who are you facing tonight?"

"Teaming with Tyson, taking on Daniel and Mark."

"Eurgh. Not Mark."


"I hope you don't have to go up against him at all tonight."

"I guess we'll see."


"You look fantastic by the way." He comments.

"Why thank you."

"You're very welcome."

"Always have to look my best....for you."

"I appreciate it even though you look amazing no matter what."

"Oh I know."

Ted walks over and kisses my cheek.

"I think you missed." I giggle.

"Oh I'm sorry." He chuckles and kisses my lips.

"Mmm, much better." I say when he pulls away.


"Have everything ready?" I ask after pulling on my jacket.

"Yup all ready."

We grab what we both need before heading out to the room and to the car ourselves. From there it's off to the arena. When we get there, we do the usual, heading inside and to the locker room and I wait while he goes and gets changed. It doesn't take him too long and soon he's back by me.

"Oh look, no shirt this time." I grin, giving him a look.

"Just for you."

"Like always. Hmm...maybe I can have a little fun while we're sitting here."

Ted chuckles, tugging me onto his lap.

"And of course...not close enough for you."

"Nope. I like you right here."

"As always."

He nods and nuzzles my neck. I lace my fingers with his free hand, and my other arm is around his neck and I lightly move my nails across his skin. He shivers just a little. I grin and continue to do it, the more he nuzzles my neck. A low growling noise is heard from Ted.

"Getting to you already."



"It's okay."

"Well you were being touchy too so we're even now."


"Plus you left yourself open for me to do that."

"I know."

"But a fairly easy night tonight. I'm glad."

"Yeah me too."

"Ugh, that means the Bellas are going to be out there with Daniel. I can't stand them."

"I know." Ted makes a face.

"He's obviously blind if he sees something in them."

"No kidding."

Meanwhile, Riss and Justin were about to head to their locker room, but Punk had found them before they could, and he advised that it would be better if you came to the locker room that the whole group would be sharing. She grumbles under her breath in Italian.

"Oh and you'll both need to change into your ring attire. We'll be interrupting the tag team match that's opening the show."

She mocks him behind his back silently. Justin chuckles to himself quietly and they follow Punk to the group locker room.

"I'm not changing without you." She says to Justin quietly.

"Don't worry. I'll head in and change with you. He'll just have to deal with it."

She nods.


They reach the locker room and head in. She and Justin instantly head to the changing area so that they could get ready. Punk starts to protest but she gives him a dirty look.

"Don't mind him." Justin says in her ear, leading her away from him.

They go into the changing area and start to get ready. They make sure to take their time so she can avoid seeing Punk as much as she can right now.

"You're going to have to help me keep calm because there's no way I'll be able to control my temper all night." She murmurs.

"Promise. I will."

"Thank you." She sighs.

She finishes changing and walks over, wanting to be held. He instantly opens his arms and when she snuggles into him, he wraps his arms around her.

"Love you." She mumbles into his chest.

"Love you too."

He kisses the top of her head and she looks up with a small smile.

"Wish we could stay in here all night."

"I know. Me too." He agrees, leaning down to brush his lips against hers.

"Should probably get out there before he complains. God forbid." She says after they pull away.

"Right." Justin nods.

They seperate, but he grabs her hand and they walk out together.

"Took you two long enough. You've made all of us late. We need to get to the curtain now before the show starts."

She rolls her eyes, but chooses not to say anything. Justin squeezes her hand in re-assurement as everyone starts to head out of the room. She slides her fingers between his and squeezes back. They too follow everyone out, and head to the curtain just as the Raw intro starts. Santino and Kozlov go out first with Tamina, expecting their tag team title match, but it wasn't going to be happening.

"Go now." Punk commands as Justin Roberts is announcing the match.

Riss lets go of Justin's hand in order for all of them to run out. When they do run out, Tamina flees the ring, but as the guys get into the ring and beat down Kozlov and Santino, Riss takes out Tamina on the outside, making sure she stays down before getting into the ring. Punk gets into the ring shortly, demanding Kozlov get thrown out of the ring and he is, and they throw Santino out of the ring as Punk grabs a mic.

"Oh I'm sorry!" Punk says sarcastically.

"Your tag team title match has been rescheduled to a later date. Ever since Nexus made it's impact here on Monday Night Raw, they have been the most dominant force the WWE has ever seen. And now as scary as it sounds, we are even stronger. Nexus listen up. Each and every single one of you have the ability and the chance to shine brighter than any other superstar or Diva in history. I can give you the tools to succeed. I've already set the example to follow, unlike your previous leader Wade Barrett who consistently seemed to fail at setting any kind of example at all. And two weeks ago, I single-handedly put John Cena out of the equation. That's right! That's right ladies and gentlemen. You hero and all of his broken down glory, will appear tonight. John Cena, will what I'm hoping deliver a tear-jerking, encore, farewell speech tonight. Because John Cena's days of Hustle, Loyalty and Respect are over! While mine, are just beginning. And then the coup de gras later tonight in an act of selfless leadership, I CM Punk will make the ultimate sacrifice, when I initiate myself the new leader of the new Nexus. But I'm getting just slightly ahead of myself. You see mine won't be the only initiation tonight. Each one of you must prove to yourself, you must prove to the group, you must prove to me, you must prove to these worthless people that you have what it takes to belong in the new Nexus."


"If you all accept and pass your initiations, well then Nexus will be at it's apex of power and I promise you, we will not only take over Monday Night Raw, we will take over the WWE entirely."

"I think I speak for all of us here. We would be honored to be initiated into the new Nexus tonight." Otunga speaks.

Riss bites back an insult and doesn't show any outward sign of annoyance.

"David Otunga, believe me when I say, that the honor will all be mine. Well let's begin shall we? Michael McGillicutty. You're up first. Front and center. Now you know and I know and these people know that Nexus is famous for these group jackal like beatdowns. You've beaten down hall of famers, you've even beaten down the Chairman of the Board. Yes, Nexus has beaten down John Cena too. Look at me. Your initation is to be on a receiving end of one of these Nexus beat downs."

"Husky? You're the lead off hitter Husky. Let's get it started."

Husky hesitates, so Otunga takes control and does it first instead.

"Slater!" Punk motions to McGillicutty and Heath hits him with his finisher too.

Husky is next and he does the same with his finisher. Punk had Husky and David drag McGillicutty into the corner. Next was Justin and he hesitated so Punk manhandled him, grabbing him by the neck and walking him over to the ropes and pushing him outside to make him climb out and to the top of the corner. Riss lets herself scowl since everyone knows she hates it when people manhandle Justin.

Justin hesitates, thinking it over before he finally hits McGillicutty with the 450 Splash. Punk them motions for McGillicutty to be moved back towards the corner and Punk motions for Riss to get up to the top too. She hesitates because she doesn't want to take orders from Punk. And when she doesn't move he goes over and grabs her by the arm and tries to walk her over to the corner. She twists out of his grasp.

"Don't touch me." She seethes.

She glares at him defiantly, daring him to try that again.

"Top" He points to it

She storms over and gets up, clearly not happy about it. She hits McGillicutty with her finisher before walking to the other side of the ring to be as far away from Punk as she can be. She stands close to Justin.

"I think we should refuse these initiations. Get away from Punk for good." She mutters.

Justin nods subtly. They just watch as the rest of the group help get McGillicutty onto Punk's shoulders and he finishes the initiation with the GTS and shortly leaves after. Riss lets Justin lead as they head backstage. The rest of the group basically carry McGillicutty to the back in the meantime.

"Jerk." She mumbles, rubbing her arm.

"Are you alright?" Justin asks in concern after they get backstage.

"I'm okay. Might get a bit of a bruise. He grabbed me pretty hard."

"He shouldn't be touching you period." Justin says through an angry growl.

"Calm down. He'll get what's coming to him."

He sighs and tries his best to calm down, nodding. She raises up, and kisses him gently.

"We just have to survive tonight, then we won't deal with him anymore."

"Right." He mutters.

"We'll just take our time going back to the locker room. No rush."

He nods and they link hands. They take their time heading back, not caring if Punk wonders where they are or not. Every so often one of them will kiss the other one. Eventually they end up at the locker room and they almost dread walking inside.

"I don't want to do this." She groans.

"I know."

They reluctantly walk in.

"And what took you two so long?"

"Do you really honestly care? Off screen we don't have to answer to you." Riss snaps.

Justin puts a hand on her tattoo and rubs it soothingly. She forces herself to calm down. Then they go and sits in another part of the locker room, away from Punk. She curls up against Justin.

"I'm almost dreading to find out what he has planned for me." You mutter.

"I know."

"Even dreading what he has planned for you."

"Me too."

"I just can't wait for us to deny the initiations and leave this group for good finally."

"I agree. It would only hurt us to stay in the group any longer."

"Exactly. I hate to say it though, but Wade was a better leader than Punk is."

He nods in agreement.

"He was actually fun to mess with."

Justin chuckles.


"Like smacking him upside the head for making a mess with the water. Oh..good times."

"Yeah, that was funny."

But it soon came to the first match of the night and coming out first was Truth. After him was Del Rio.

"Ugh, Del Rio."

"Creeper." Riss rolls her eyes.

In a manner similar to how he defeated Rey in a 2-out-of-3 Falls Match on SmackDown last week, Del Rio and Truth were brawling outside of the ring, when Ricardo would distract Truth long enough. But Truth hits him with a slap, allowing Del Rio to re-enter the ring at the last second as the ref gets to 10, counting Truth out.


"That's another victory for Alberto Del Rio! But you already know that! You also know, that it's my destiny to win the Royal Rumble and headline WrestleMania. Hey hey hey, okay. I know that's a different story, because tonight, tonight we're in Nashville! The...the music city? Oh you silly...silly Americanos. You don't know anything about music! You don't know anything about culture! All you know is about your Justin Biebers, your American Idols, your Hip Hop, oh oh oh, oh my god. And that horrible and boring country music."

"Ooh bad idea to insult country music in Nashville buddy."

"But hey, in Mexico, in Mexico we know about music. We know about culture. Hold on hold on, come on come on come on. Come on! Now please allow a man with many attributes show you the real music. The Mariachi music. Ricardo. Cantante por favor. Come on Ricardo. Do it for me."

He finally gives in and comes over, taking the mic and then starts singing 'La Cucaracha' and dances around.

"Oh lord."

"It looks like he's having a seizure."


After the break, Jerry and Cole talk about Mike until the GM chime interrupts.

"Could I have your attention please? I have just received an email from the anonymous Raw General Manager. And I quote!"

"You're a pain in the ass."

"Recently Michael Cole has been on the receiving end of a lot of criticism. However, I support Michael Cole in every conceivable way. Even though he's a...a conceited, pompous, arrogant, self-centered, pretentious jerk?"

They snicker.

"Heh, okay, okay. Just kidding. Hahaha. The reality is that Michael Cole has done a phenomenal job and is the epitome of manhood. I wish we had more people like him with the guts to stand up against popular opinion. Michael is an award winning journalist, he's a two-time Slammy award winner, he is witty, highly intelligent, and not to mention...handsome."

"Ewwww." Riss makes a face.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the highest honor that one can achieve is to refer to themselves as a Cole-Miner!"

"Hold it!"

"We know you all are."

"Hold it hold it hold it! Hold on. I...I have just received a message from the entire WWE Universe. And I quote, will you please shut up!" Jerry interrupts him. "

Now really Cole, nobody...nobody in their right mind would ever even think, say or much less type that you are handsome. What you really are Michael Cole, is a coward."

"King, you cannot come near me, because of the order from the General Manager. You can't touch me, or you'll be fired. You'll be fired. The GM has ordered it, if you touch me, you'll be fired."

Jerry just simply shuts the the cover of the laptop and Cole stares at it dumbfounded. The chime goes off again and Cole lifts the cover.

"It still works. And I quote, I assure you that Michael Cole is not a coward. And King neither are you. That's why I know that even though your body hasn't fully recovered, you can't wait to exact revenge. Therefore tonight, WWE champion The Miz and Alex Riley will take on the Team Jerry 'The King' Lawler and Randy Orton!"

"Oh, that's not fair."

Just then, the camera man that was inside the locker room had turned it on quickly since the show went right backstage to the locker room, focused on Punk. Riss and Justin got up and had no choice but to join the rest of the group who were standing in front of him.

"Well McGillicutty's in. He passed with flying colors. He showed a lot of heart too. Well Husky, you're next. Your initiation, if you choose to accept it of course, is in my left hand. You will willingly without reprisal take three lashes from everybody here." Punk says as he holds up leather straps in his left hand.

Everyone takes one, except when Punk holds his hand out to Riss for her to take one. She shakes her head, refusing and walks off, sitting down behind everyone.

"I accept." Husky states, taking his hat off and turns around.

"Husky, take the shirt off."

Riss refuses to watch so she turns her head.

He does so and gets ready. David is first and he hits him no problem, Husky screaming out in pain. Justin hesitates each time he has to hit him, and when he was done, he throws the strap down on the ground. Heath is next and even he hesitates. And just when everyone thought it was over, Punk came around and demanded that they guys pick Husky up. Justin and Heath are the ones to do it and Punk hits him with more than three lashes, and it seems like he's not gonna let up, but he does. Riss warily looks over. The camera had shut off so there could be a commercial break.

"Now you two, take him to the trainers for ice." Punk motions to Justin and Heath since they were the ones holding him.

She jumps up and goes to open the door for them. Once she opens up, they help Husky walk out the door. She doesn't want to be stuck in the room with Punk, despite Otunga being there, so she heads out with them.

"He's snapped or something." She mutters quietly.

Justin and Heath only drop him off at the trainers, because they're going to check him over just to make sure. They all leave the trainers and start to head back to the locker room yet again. She grabs Justin's hand again and they lace their fingers. She moves closer and lays her head against his shoulder.

"Why do I have a feeling these things get worse and worse the more the night goes on?"

"It could. Unfortunately."

Ted and I had gone out for his match during the commercial break along with Tyson and Mark. Daniel had just gotten to the ring when the show came back on the air, the Bellas ringside. The match starts off with Daniel and Ted. They circle and lock up before Daniel gets Ted in a side headlock. Ted pushes against the ropes sends Daniel into the opposite side. Ted drops to his stomach so Daniel has to step over him. He comes back and goes to leap frog over Ted, but he had the same idea so they collided. Ted scrambles to the corner and Daniel kicks him repeatedly. He goes for a cheap shot on Tyson, but he hops down. Ted ends up sending Daniel to the outside, tumbling to the floor. While the ref is distracted, Tyson quickly makes a cheap shot. Ted gets out of the ring and kicks Daniel in the head. He quickly gets back into the ring with Daniel and goes for the cover, but Daniel kicks out. He grabs a hold of Daniel and tags Tyson in to deal with him. Ted holds him while Tyson kicks him. Tyson has the ref distracted and Ted holds Daniel in the corner. Tyson tags Ted back in and he gets Daniel in a side headlock. With the crowd's help, Daniel gets up. Ted goes for a clothesline, but Daniel counters and hits him instead. Both him and Ted start crawling toward their corners. Daniel tags in Mark and Ted tags in Tyson. It's basically downhill from there and in the end, Mark pins Tyson.


"Uncool." I mutter, going to Ted.

"You're alright, right?"

"I'll be fine." He assures me.

I nod as he gets up and we start to head to the back. I glare at the Bellas as they wave 'bye' mockingly.

"Ignore them." Ted murmurs.


Ted kisses my cheek. I can't help but grin and we turn around so our backs are to the ring and we continue the rest of the way to the back.

"Back to the room." I say.

"Where we can relax. I would say we could go back to the hotel, but I'm sure you wanna see the rest of the Nexus initiations."

"Yeah, see what Punk gives Riss and watch her refuse and walk away."


"Knowing him, hers won't be as bad and he'll just tell her that her initiation is to kiss him or something. Although I don't like how he grabbed her at the beginning of the show."

"Yeah that was uncalled for."

We head to the locker room and when we walk in, he goes in to change since he won't need his ring gear on anymore. I sit on the couch and wait, the commercials going on the TV as I also wait for the show to come back on the air. As it comes back on, Ted walks out.

"Miss anything?"

"Nope. Looks like Big Show is going to the ring now."


"Wow. Thank you very much. It's great to be back here on Monday Night Raw! I would like to thank the General Manager for letting me have some time to discuss a couple issues. Item number one, Wade Barrett. Now I find it kind of funny. Last week Wade Barrett gets knocked out of Nexus and this Friday Night SmackDown, I'm gonna knock Wade Barrett out! That works right? Item number two, The Royal Rumble. I'm letting every superstar know and I mean EVERY SUPERSTAR, you're on notice. The Big Show is coming to the Royal Rumble and I'm not playing games. I'm ready to win the match at Royal Rumble, go on to the WrestleMania main event, compete-" He gets cut off by Nexus' music and out walks Punk, Justin, Heath, Otunga and Riss.

All they do is stand on the stage, and Punk looks at Otunga, and this is his initiation. Otunga tops and looks back at Punk and he gives him a look and nods. He then goes into the ring and makes the biggest mistake of his life, by slapping Show upside the head. He just stands back and braces himself for the attack and it comes as Big Show throws him around, and out of the ring. He throws him over the announce table, before slapping him on the chest. He then gets thrown into the steel steps, before being put back into the ring. Show gets back into the ring and grabs his throat, hitting him with a choke slam. Justin can't help but look away for a moment. And to end everything, Show knocks him out with his fist.

"Well he passes...painfully."


"Just three more initiations. This is nerve racking, because we don't know what they are."

"I know. I hope nothing bad happens."

"Me too."

"All we can do is wait and see I guess."

"Right." I nod, shifting so that I'm snuggling into his side.

Ted leans down and kisses me.

"Love you."

"I love you too, so much."

Ted smiles and holds me closer.

"I'm gonna keep saying this until the day comes. I can't wait to marry you." I smile.

"I can't wait for that day either."

"I don't think I've been this happy in my entire life."

"Well good. I love making you happy."

"And I love making you happy."

"Of course."

After the break, Morrison comes out for his match against Sheamus. They then replay highlights from the Championship match he had against Mike last week. Sheamus then came out next and the match soon begun. At the end of a hard-fought match, it was Morrison delivering a knee to the face of Sheamus to pick up the win. After that they replay the new Nexus initiations that have happened so far. McGillicutty, Husky and Otunga, before going backstage to Punk and what was left of the group.

"Well McGillicutty, Husky and David Otunga are in. That just leaves you three. But before I get to you two...Heath and Justin. I believe it's time for Karissa's initiation, if she chooses to accept it. Now it won't be as drastic as I had McGillicutty, Husky and Otunga do for theirs, I'm gonna keep it simple. So, come here."

She lets go of Justin and walks up to Punk, making sure there's a decent distance between them.

"Alright, all I want you to do, to be considered good enough to be in this new Nexus....." He trails off before he smirks.

"...kiss me. That's all you gotta do."

"Gee, what a hard decision." She remarks calmly.

His smirk starts to widen, at least until she smacks him so hard his head snaps to the side.

"That a clear enough answer for you?"

Then she walks away from him, gives Justin an amused look before leaving the locker room, but only remaining outside the door to wait for Justin when he refuses his initiation. She sits down besides the door, shaking her hand out. She looks up at a nearby TV screen and watches as Punk pulls himself together in order to give Heath and Justin their initiation. He picks up two kendo sticks and holds them, resting them against his shoulder. Riss gets concerned for a moment but then dismisses it, knowing Justin will walk away.

"Well we didn't need her anyway. Now your two initiations, if you choose to willingly accept it, and I'm sure you're thinking right now I'm going to beat you with these kendo sticks. Don't worry, I'm not gonna do that. You're going to beat each other with these kendo sticks, and you're gonna beat each other with these kendo sticks, until I tell you to stop."

"Not gonna happen." Riss says softly.

He hands Justin one and Heath takes one.

"I'm serious, he's gonna hit you, you better get that up."

They ready the sticks, hesitating with even using them. They're not doing anything so Punk stops them.

"Okay okay, if you're not in, that means you're out. I expect home runs from all of my soldiers, so swing for the fences."

They do it again, hesitating, not doing anything.

"DO IT!!!!" Punk screams.

Heath and Justin look at the sticks before turning to face Punk, wanting to hit him.

"Ooh do it." Riss grins.

"You're going to hit me? Do it. Do it."

Heath and Justin look at each other before dropping the sticks on the ground and walking out. She gets up and hugs Justin.

"What are we going to do about our stuff?" She asks.

"I'll go back in and get it, don't worry. But first....get rid of this filth." He says, taking the Nexus shirt and armband off, and throwing it in the nearby trash.

She tosses her armband.

"The shirt has to wait." She says amusedly while tugging on her shirt.

He nods with an amused look on his face. He then heads back into the locker room and heads right to the changing area, grabbing both of their things. She waits in the doorway. She sees that Punk is still there.

"Hope that hand print bruises." She remarks as Justin comes back out.

"Now if you want we can either stick around for the rest of the night or go to a different locker room, change and head back to the hotel."

" decide this time."

"Well I think for once I wanna head back. I don't think we want to see anymore of....him in there."

"Of course." She agrees.

"So let's go find a locker room, you can ditch that shirt, we can change and we can have a peaceful rest of the night."

She nods and takes his hand. They find an empty locker room and get changed. Once they're both changed, they grab their things and head out to the car to enjoy the rest of their night.

"I think a nice massage will help you relax." She tells him as they pull into the hotel.

"That does sound good."

"I figured it would."

"You always know what will help."

"I know how my husband works." She giggles.


They walk into the hotel and go up to their room.

"All you have to do is change for bed while I get everything ready."

He nods and does so. She changes herself and gathers what she needs for a good massage. By the time he finishes getting changed, she's gathered everything and put it on the table next to the bed.

"Back first?" She asks.


"Well lay down then." She giggles, climbing onto the bed.

He chuckles and does the same. He lays on his stomach. She straddles him and picks up the massage oil, warming some in her hands before using it on him.

"That feels amazing." He says after a while.

"Well good."

"Definitely more relaxed."

"I'm glad you are."

"It's just what I needed."

"Mmhmm." She smiles and leans down, kissing his cheek.

"When you want me to stop, just tell me." She adds.

He nods. Then she keeps going with the massage.

"I'm good." He mumbles after a bit.

She gets off him and he turns over. She massages his front now. He of course keeps his eyes open so he can watch her with a grin on his face. She giggles and steals a kiss.

"A little extra touchy." He chuckles.


"Can't blame you."

"Of course not."

"But this way, it leaves more sensitive spots open for me to touch." She grins.


She just hums to herself as she brushes her fingers over an indent. He sucks in a breath and tenses up.

"Told you."

She giggles softly and does it again.

"I have a feeling this isn't ending as a massage...."

"Maybe not." She laughs.

"Keep doing that and it definitely won't end that way."


"Maybe I shouldn't have said that...."

"Exactly." She smirks.

"My bad."

"I think maybe you did it on purpose." She says with a sultry look.


She stops massaging him and wipes her hands on a towel.

"All done?"


"Not gonna let me move are you?"


"I figured as much."

She lays down on top of him.

"Now I'm comfortable."

"Warm and relaxed teddy bear."

"Always for you."

"I know you are."

His arms wrap around her and he starts to be touchy just a bit.

"Still in the mood." She teases lightly.


"Possibly?" She raises an eyebrow.



"Okay I am."

"That's what I thought."

"Can't help it."

"I know babe, I know." She giggles.


"Just for you." He mutters, nipping her neck.

I squeals softly. He grins against her neck and does it again, getting the same reaction. She pinches his hip.

"Quit!" She laughs.

"It's fun."

"For youuuu."

"Yes for me."

He does it again so this time, she pinches an indent. That causes him to tense and he nips her neck again. She pinches harder. This time he lets out a growl against her neck.

"You started it."

"I'm having fun."

"Of course you are."

"This is fun for me."

"I know. I can tell."

"Keep pinching me there and I'll lose control sooner than expected..."

"Well if you'd choose a different spot instead of making that mark even worse..."

"No one's gonna see it..."

"Its bad enough already, quit."


"Pick somewhere else."


He finds a different spot and she relaxes against him. While he does that, he starts to tug on what she was wearing for bed.

"Uh-uh. Not yet."

He frowns and whines against her neck.

"Need to be more convincing than a few marks on my neck, lover."

"Hmmm...." He trails off, his hands moving to rest on her thighs.

She tenses up in anticipation. He grins as he can feel her tense and he waits just a few moments before gently squeezing. She muffles a moan against his shoulder. He smirks and waits a bit before doing it again. He gets the same result plus some squirming. He lets one hand rest where it is while his other hand travels up from where it is to her side. She puts her lips to his shoulder and tries to distract herself.

"My tactics working?" He asks with a grin.

She mumbles in Italian.

"It would be so much easier if I understood what you said. But I'll take that as a yes."

She nips hard at his shoulder as a response.

"That's a definite yes. Well good. I was hoping they would work."

She just hums faintly.

"So does that mean...." He trails off, and she knew what he was talking about.

She grabs his hand and puts it where he wants. He grins and starts to play with the fabric. Before long, he's trying to pull it off. She sits up and takes it off, tossing it without even caring where it ends up. Since she let him take that off, she moves to the only article of clothing he had on. She snaps his waistband flirtatiously. He growls in response. She giggles and does it again.

"These should come off now."

He nods vigorously. She grins as she pulls at them to take them off. She tugs them free and drops them on the floor. Then she crawls back up the bed to him. She grabs the blanket along the way and pulls it over the both of them. Meanwhile Ted and I have gotten back to our hotel room after leaving the arena.

"Crazy night."

"Yeah it was."

"But now Riss is away from psycho Punk."

"Thank goodness."

"I mean...faking jumping off the top of the tron. That's like 50 feet in the air. Psycho."

"He never really was a stable one."

"No, not really." I agree.

"But I'm glad he isn't in charge of Ducky and Justin anymore."

"That's a big relief."


"But now I just want to change for bed and relax."

"Sounds like a plan to me."

We both do the usual after every show we come back from. I head into the bathroom and after he's ready he's climbs into the bed and waits for me. I walk out in my pajamas and limb into bed, snuggling up to him.

"Much better."

"I agree." Ted smiles.

After a bit, I feel a yawn coming on and I try to hide it.

"Time for bed." He chuckles.

"I'm fine."

"You're tired."

"I heard the yawn and you were trying to hide it." He adds.

"What yawn?"

"Playing innocent with me."


"You know what I'm talking about."


"I think you do."




"I believe so."

I stifle another yawn.

"Aha, see?" He says triumphantly.

"No fair."

"Its not my fault."

"It's fun hiding them from you."

"Sure." He chuckles.

"But just for you, I'll sleep now."


I snuggle up to him, resting my head on his chest.



He kisses my head.

