Priceless Sensation

Slingshot & Superstar Password Challenge

The next day, I shift in my sleep being half awake. I don't feel Ted next to me after feeling around for a bit. I then open my eyes and and look around. I see the bathroom door shut and hear water running. Knowing he's in the bathroom, I lay back down and grab his pillow and cuddle with it as I try to fall back asleep. I doze off for a bit until I feel the bed move. I grumble a bit and shift to get comfortable again.

"Shhh." Ted soothes, wrapping himself around me.

I relax into him and sigh in content. He kisses my shoulder.

"You're up early." I mumble.

"Just felt like having an early shower."

"That's ok."

"Take your time getting up, we don't have anywhere to be til later."


The two of us lay there peacefully for a while. At a point, he grabs my hand and starts to play with the ring.

"Having fun?"

"I am."

"I can tell."

"I love seeing this on your finger."

"You're not the only one."

The only better sight will be seeing a second ring there.

"I couldn't agree more."

"Looking forward to that day."

"So am I...of course."

"We should do more with the planning later this week."

"We should...maybe even agree on a definite date so we can tell your mom."

"Yeah, that would be a good idea."

"I am thinking maybe in the spring. Not too hot, not too cold."

"Yeah, that sounds great."

"I thought so."

"There'll be lots of flowers and everything blooming." He adds.

"The perfect time to have the wedding." I nod.

"Exactly. Good choice." He kisses my cheek.

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome."

We continue to lay there for a bit longer before I get the energy to get up. I grab clothes and go change in the bathroom. I get dressed in something that'll be semi-warm at least. I do the rest of my morning routine before leaving the bathroom. Ted whistles playfully.

"Oh you."

"Love you." He grins.

"Love you too."

"Go for breakfast?"

"Yes, I am hungry."

"Here or out somewhere?"

"Out somewhere this time."

"Alright." He nods, getting up to put on his shoes and jacket.

I do the same, making sure I have everything I need before pulling on my jacket. We leave our room and head out to find breakfast. We decide to take the car to find a place to eat for breakfast, only because of how cold it was outside.

"Can't wait for warm weather." I grumble.

"I know. I agree with you on that 100 percent."

We soon find a place and go inside. We don't have to wait long and soon we're seated. When we reach the table, the menus are placed down onto the table and we shed our jackets, hanging them over the chairs before we sit. We order our drinks and then look at the menus to decide on what we're eating. After we decide on that, the drinks get to the table and then we order the food that we picked out. We talk about different things while waiting for our food.

"So what's up for tonight for the show?"

"Well there's a couple challenges and I have a match which closes the show."

"Busy night."

"And I believe there's another elimination next week."

"Right. Hopefully Brodus doesn't screw up."

"Not doing so well in that department lately. Here I thought having him as a rookie would be a good thing."

"I know."

"No challenge wins on his record. He's screwed up one of my matches....honestly I can't wait until all of this is over."

"Me too. Its taking too long."

"Only because it's once a week. If they had it maybe twice a week then we would probably be done by now."


"Should probably wait until we're done with the show to have the wedding. Don't want the show interfering with it."

"That's true. I think you're right."

"We'll see how long it goes for and when it ends and whatever."

"We could look at the previous season and project how long it'll be." Ted suggests.

"Alright...well let's see. I believe there were 13 episodes."

"So let's say this season goes that long. How much more do we have?"

"Well tonight would be episode six, so seven episodes left."

"Let's hope it only takes that long."

"I hope so."

"Guess we'll see."


"We also need to keep in mind some birthdays when we pick a date." Ted points out.

"Right, like mine. That's near the end of March."

"Justin's is in March too I think."

"Riss' is in April."

"Hers is towards the end of the month too. The 24th of April. And Justin's is the 3rd of March." I add.

"Alright. We'll keep those in mind."

"I'm sure Alex is going to do something for his too. That's the 28th of April."

"Okay. So the end of April is pretty much out."

"Yup." I nod, just as the food gets to the table.

We keep talking about that while we eat. In the meantime, Riss and Justin are still peacefully sleeping. She rolls away and sprawls out a bit. After a bit, he starts to shift in his sleep himself and he ends up laying on his stomach. The blankets fall down and she shivers. She rolls back over, unconsciously searching for Justin to warm her up. After a bit of searching, she ends up finding him so she snuggles closer. She burrows down against his side and tucks her head into his neck. It isn't until much later when she wakes up, now wrapped in Justin's arms.

"Mmmph." She grumbles.

Justin shifts in his spot, but his arms stay around her, as she's held close. she doesn't move, too peaceful and comfy. It isn't too much later after that when he starts to wake up as well.

"Morning." She mumbles while nuzzling his neck.


"My warm teddy bear." She squeezes him gently.

"Always." He grins.

"Glad I have you, this room is cold."

"I could go check the heat, but moving isn't an option right now clearly."


"Thought so."

"You're keeping me warm."

"Good. You should be warm."

"Mmhmm. Especially since it's a no clothes situation." She giggles.

"Right." He chuckles.

"Mister wandering hands." She teases as he starts being touchy.

"Can't help myself."

"Mmhmm, I know."

"Especially now."

"Of course. You have all kinds of bare skin to touch."


"And nowhere to be today."

"Nope. Love days off like this."

"Mmhmm. I love them too."

"Can do whatever we want."


"I was thinking maybe ordering breakfast from room service today."

"Sure. Sounds good."

"But of course before that happens, we would have to get dressed in some form."

"Yeah that's true."

"Whenever you're ready."

"Mmm soon."

He nods and kisses the top of her head. She leans up for a real kiss.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I missed." He chuckles, pressing his lips to hers.

"Mmm, darn right you did." She giggles afterwards.

"My bad."

"It's okay. You can make up for it with one more of the good kisses."

He grins and this time presses his lips to hers again in another kiss.

"Much better." She giggles.


"Shower or bath or no?" She asks.

"Let's go for a shower this time."


"Carry you?"

"Yes please."

He nods and shifts, holding onto her in a way where he can lift her up when he moves from the bed and stands. He does so, standing and heading to the bathroom. She kisses his cheek.

"Thank you love."

"You're welcome."

He sets her on the counter and goes to start the water. After the water is started, he turns to face her as they both wait for it to warm up.

"What?" She giggles.

"Beautiful." He simply states as he looks her over.

"Romeo." She smiles, faintly blushing.


"I know."

"I think the water is warmed up." He says when the room starts to get steamy.

"Right." She nods, hopping off the counter.

"After you."

She raises up and kisses him before slipping into the shower. Once she's in the shower, he follows and gets in himself.

"Mmm, so nice."

"I couldn't agree more."

They do their usual shower routine, interrupted by a few moments of affection here and there. When they finish, he gets out first and grabs the towels. He wraps his around him and hands her hers. She dries herself a bit before wrapping it around her.

"Still beautiful."

"Oh stop."

"It's true."

"You're too much sometimes you know that?" She says amusedly.

"I'm never too much." He laughs.


"Love you."

"Love you too."

They both get somewhat dressed and she goes back to the bathroom to dry her hair. While she does that, after he's somewhat dressed, he orders breakfast from room service. He knows what she likes so he orders that for her and something for himself. She finishes and comes out just as the food comes. When the guy pushes the cart in with the food, he can't help but look over to her and tries to stare without getting caught. She slips around Justin to see what he ordered.

"Ooh, good pick lover."

Justin pays for the food, not including the tip and sends the guy on his way.

"What is it with the servers and the blatant staring?" She says as she picks up a piece of fruit.

"I have no idea."

"Chances are if there's a guy in the room with the pretty lady, you have no chance little guy."


"You never need to be jealous. I'm into this," She pauses to smack his butt. "Not any others."

"I know. But they shouldn't be looking at you the way I look at you."

"I know love but its going to happen. There's girls out there that look at you the way I do." She points out.


"So let's eat." She kisses his cheek.

"Yes, let's." He nods.

They sit and eat their breakfast. She sits with her legs resting on his thighs.

"Made sure to get your favorite."

"I know. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

They finish and clean up.

"So, what now?"

"Should we find something to go out and do?"

"If you want."

She reaches over and grabs her computer to do some searching. While she does that, Justin collects all the dishes and puts them back on the cart, pushing it over by the door. He walks back over and leans down. He brushes her hair out of his way and starts kissing her shoulder and neck.

"Trying to be distracting?"

"Amusing myself."

"Of course you are."

She reaches up with one hand and runs my nails over his scalp.


"Mmhmm." He mumbles against her neck.

"I think I found something."



He looks over her shoulder.

"Sounds fun."

"You want to pick something?" She asks him.


He leans over her and looks at the list.


"That." He points.

"Good choice."

He grins and goes back to his affection giving."

"Always so affectionate." She giggles, shutting off her computer.

"Because I love you."

"I love you too."

"So, head out and go do what you chose to do today?" He asks.


"Should finish getting dressed first...seeing as we're both only somewhat dressed." He chuckles.

"That's true." She giggles.

He lets he go so she can move from the bed to so that. She leans over and gives him a long kiss. Then she gets up and gets some clothes. He gets up himself to find some clothes and get dressed as well. She changes and disappear into the bathroom to finish.

"I'll be in there shortly with you."

"I know. I left the door open."

"Like always."


"It's fun to watch, what can I say?"

"Silly goose."


"That's true. You're mine and I'm yours."


She gives him a smile as he appears in the door.

"Still beautiful."

She giggles quietly and returns to what she was doing. He walks in and stands behind her, wrapping his arms around her and resting his chin on her shoulders as he watches. She leans back into him.


"Yes I am." He grins.

She finishes and puts everything away. She turns in his arms and snuggles into him.


"You know you're beautiful even without makeup on right?"

"You always tell me."

"Because it's true."

"I know. I don't wear much and you know that."

"I know."

"Are we ready?"

"I believe so."

She grabs his hand and they leave the bathroom to get their shoes, coats, and other necessities. Once they have all that, and their coats are on, they head out.

"It's not quite as bad as I expected." She says as they get outside.

"Because we waited a while." He nods.

"That's true." She nods.

"So are we taking the car?"

"Yeah, I think we should do the zoo first."

"Alright." He nods, and they head over to the car and get in once he unlocks it.

They drive to the zoo. When they get there, they get out of the car and head in, paying admission before going to see the various animals. They walk hand in hand, being affectionate.

"You can choose where we go first."

"I'm not in a rush. Just wandering is good for now." She smiles and leans into him.

"Okay." He nods.

"I like just being with you and seeing what there is to see."

"Of course."

They take some pictures as they go but for the most part, they just enjoy seeing the sights.

"Everything is so pretty around here."

"Yeah it is."

After seeing the sights, that's when they decide to see the animals. First ended up being frogs, and there were so many kinds.

"So little."

"I know."

"Cute though."

"Very cute."

"Not cuter than you though." He says in her ear.

"Oh you Romeo."

"Like I said...always."

She smiles and kisses his cheek.

"Well they're not cuter than you either."


They look around at the frogs for a little bit longer before moving on to the Flamingos.

"They're so funny." She giggles.

"And why is that?" He chuckles.

She mocks one of their poses.


She giggles.

"They're silly."

After leaving the flamingos, they come across another bird. The Rainbow Lorikeet, and it definitely fit the name because it was a mix of colors.

"Oh it's so pretty!"

"I know, wow."

She takes a few pictures.

"Look at the colors."

"It's amazing."

"Very. Its amazing the things you can find in nature."

"Especially back home in South Africa."

"I know." She nods.

After taking a few more pictures they move on and end up at the Snowy Owls.

"Oooh. It makes me think of Harry Potter."

"I had a feeling you would say that."

"I'm a nerd, what can I say?" She giggles.

"We all are in our own way."

"That's true."

"They are pretty though." She adds.

"Of course." He nods.

They leave the bird area and head to another part of the zoo, which had the mammals. They first come across the Bengal Tigers.

"Ooh. So cool."

"Wish they had the whites ones."

"Yeah, those are pretty too."

"But the babies are even cuter."

"Oh my god yes."

"So small and so cute."

"Very." She nods.

They visit a few more animals and such throughout the zoo, before deciding to get something for lunch, since it has hit that time of the day already. They find a place inside to sit and get warm while they eat.

"We could spend all day here if we wanted to with all the animals they have."

"We could but I think we should do a little more and then save the rest for another time."


"We'll be back sometime so we'll have time to see the rest then if we don't before we leave."

"Of course."

They finish lunch and decide to see a few more animals. Once they're done seeing those, they decide to leave and head to the next activity. Justin chose a horseback ride so he drives this time.

"So, this should be fun."

"Mmhmm. Something different."


"Another new experience to add to our list."

"I can't wait."

She giggles and kisses his cheek. It doesn't take too long to get there and when they do, he parks and they both get out. They go in and meet the guide. After waiting for a few more people, then they start to learn about various things. Once they go over the rules and such, they lead them out to the horses.

"Oh wow, they're such pretty animals."

"Yeah they are."

While admiring the horses, the guide goes over a few other things about them. Soon enough, they get on them and head off.

"This is nice." He smiles.

"I couldn't agree more."

"Its so pretty out here."

"Probably even better without the snow and cold weather."

"That's true."

"But all the snow is still nice to look at too."

"Mmhmm. Its sparkly."

"You and the sparkles." He chuckles.

"You know I love it."

"Yes, very much."

"Mmhmm." She smiles.

They continue to travel along the trail, following behind the guide. It takes about an hour before they end up back at the beginning.

"That was a nice trip."

"Nice and peaceful."

"Uh-huh." She nods as they get down.

They pay for their trip and leave.

"So the scavenger hunt now."

"We can start it whenever. There's no time limit."

"Alright, well what do you want to do?"

"We can start it if you want. Take our time. How are your legs and feet?"

"They don't feel too bad."

"Well that's good. How about we start and then if you get too tired, we'll stop for a bit?"

"Sounds good."

"So what's the first clue?" She questions.

He reads it to her and they both lean against the car to try and figure out what the clue is directing them towards. She pulls up a map of Nashville on her phone.

"Hmm, what about here?" She points.

"Hmm, could be."

"Wouldn't hurt to check it out."


"Its that way." She motions.

He nods and they both head in that direction. He grabs her hand but she lets go and slides her arm around his waist. He grins and kisses the top of her head, his arm going around her shoulders as they walk. She leans her head against him.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

Even though they're walking to where she point out on the map on her phone, they still decided to take their time getting there.

"Today's been good so far. Wish it was warmer but other than that..."

"...everything's been great."

"Mmhmm." She smiles up at him.

"I say we definitely have a relaxing night in tonight after all that we did today."

"Sounds like a plan to me." She agrees.

"We can get all the snacks you want too on the way back."

"Of course. Some things for you too."


"Maybe use the jacuzzi tub."

"Sounds like a good idea."

"Its been a while since we did."


He smirks a bit, remember what preceded that particular time in the jacuzzi tub.

"I know what you're thinking about."

His smirk widens and he wiggles his eyebrows at her. She giggles, blushing.


"Your goof." He squeezes her.

"Yes, my goof."

After all the walking, they reach where she pointed out on her phone. It turns out to be the right place and they get the next clue. Like before, they take time out to try and figure out the clue, before deciding where to possibly go. They walk along peacefully, just enjoying being with each other. The rest of the day is like that, and they can't believe the sights they were able to see along the whole hunt. The sun was starting to set and they were making their way back to the car back at the horseback riding lessons. They drive back to the hotel. They take their time walking to the elevators. Justin pushes the button and then holds her to him. She rubs her cheeks against his chest, trying to warm them.


"My cheeks and my nose." She replies.

"Order some hot chocolate when we get to the room?"

"That sounds great. Maybe some hot soup or something too." She mutters as he rubs her cheeks.

Then she giggles as he leans down and rubs his nose against hers.

"Hope that helped at least a little bit." He grins.

"Mmhmm." She laughs, getting a kiss.


She lays her head against his chest and sighs contentedly. She catches a glimpse of some of their co-workers watching but she ignores them. The elevator reaches the lobby and they step onto it, heading up to their floor. They get out on their floor and head to their room. once they reach their door, Justin unlocks it and they both head inside. They take off their jackets and shoes, setting everything down. Justin goes and calls in their room service order. She hops onto the bed, getting comfortable and scattering the snacks she had gotten on the way to the hotel. She grabs one and opens it, munching as she turns on the TV. Once Justin finishes with the room service order, he joins her on the bed. They both move towards each other until they're snuggled closer together.

"Much better."

"Mmhmm. Very." She kisses his cheek.

"Snack?" She offers.

He takes some and also steals a kiss.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Before long, there's a knock at the door

"I'll get it." Justin says, moving from the bed and over to the door, opening it.

She watches warily, expecting another young man that can't control his eyes. This time it's not, it's someone older and quite respectable. She sighs in relief and so does Justin. Justin pays for everything and gives a tip, the guy going on his way.

"Thank god someone normal for once." She says.

"I know."

Justin brings the food and drinks over.

"Hot chocolate for you."

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome."

After she takes that from him, he takes the food that's hers and brings it over, setting it down on the side table that's on her side of the bed. She smiles and kisses his cheek.

"You're welcome. Again." He grins before going back over to his side of the bed and putting what he got on his side table.

He gets back in bed and they sit close while they eat. In the meantime, I had just come out of the bathroom from getting changed for the show which we would be leaving for very shortly. Ted whistles and grins at me.

"Oh you." I laugh.

"My beautiful woman."

"So you've been telling me."

"Because it's true."

"I know."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

Since I was basically all ready to go, all I had to do was pull on my jacket and I do so. Ted has already been ready.

"Time to go." He states.

"Yup." I nod, following him out the door.

We go to the car, driving to the arena. When we get there, we head inside and to the locker room. We shed our jackets and he heads in to change into his ring attire for the show, and like always, I find a place to sit and wait for him. A few minutes later he comes out, all ready.

"The sight never gets old."

"Of course not." He chuckles.

"Wish you didn't have to wear the shirt....but I can deal."

Ted laughs.

"It'll be off later."


He smirks at the look on my face.

"I know that look."

"Oh really?"

"Yes, really."

"And what look is it then?"

"A very happy look."

"Mmm, that's true." I giggle.

"Can't help myself really. No shirt equals more to be touchy with." I add.

"I know." Ted chuckles.

"Well we should be heading out there. The first challenge is opening the show. We have to be in the ring." He adds.

"Okay." I nod, getting up and taking his hand.

We leave the room and head to the curtain, walking out to see this slingshot set up in the ring.

"Oh boy."

"This oughta be interesting." I add.

"Rolled up t-shirts too." Ted points out as we get into the ring.

"So we'll be slingshotting t-shirts."

"Looks like it."

"Gonna have fun with this."

"Of course."

"I'm so trying first when it's our turn."

"Alright." He chuckles.

After the show had begun, a video package of the battle royal last week was shown, where Dolph had won, traded his rookie to Byron Saxton, and then Jacob Novak got eliminated in that same night. The show's intro then goes off before going to the stage where each of the rookies were.

"Thank you Todd. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to NXT! Rookies, last week there were six of you, now as you can see there are only five of you left. Last week we had an elimination, but there is no rest. Because I can tell you now, that next week we will have another elimination. So starting tomorrow at 12 eastern on, you the WWE Universe have an opportunity to vote along with the WWE pros, and choose the fate of one of these five young men. Whomever wins NXT, not only becomes WWE's next breakout star, but as you know, you also compete for the prestigious WWE Tag Team Titles. Your partner will be the pro that has guided you this whole time. So you must work physically well with your pro. Which brings us to tonight's challenge. It is worth two immunity points. Immunity guarantees you are safe from elimination. With that said, it is the slingshot challenge. Your pro will load a t-shirt into the slingshot, fire it your way. Everything is in play. You can catch it off the tron, you must have possession, and then drop it in the receptacle held by the referee. Whomever catches the most t-shirts, will earn the two immunity points. Are you guys ready? With that said, from Byron Saxton on, please step over to your left, Johnny Curtis front and center. Your pro is R-Truth, Truth if you're ready. You can catch them without the bucket Johnny, that's what God gave you hands for. Then you have to put it in the bucket. Kind of where your career's gonna go. Truth, on your mark get set, go!"

The first one hits the tron and falls to the stage before Johnny could get it, because it obviously went a little too high. The second one isn't launched far enough and hits the ramp. The third one bounces off the tron and Johnny almost got it, but no. The last one was a major fail and it fell to the ground just feet away. Johnny got zero.

"Whoops." I snicker.

"Alright. Johnny, no fault of your own, but zero on the t-shirts. You can't throw it to the people, I know what you're trying to do. Fall back in line, official why don't you collect the t-shirts. Alright Byron Saxton, now that you saw Johnny go, any strategy?"

"Focus and intensity."

"Okay, we're all set. Your pro is the number one contender Dolph Ziggler. On your mark, get set, go!"

The first one launched hits the tron and gets stuck on the platform on the bottom of it so Byron can't get it at all. The second one almost gets stuck, but it falls and Byron catches it, putting it into the bucket, getting one point. The third one he misses, the fourth one he misses, the fifth one he misses with 4 seconds to go, and he misses the sixth one. Dolph launches one at the last second and Byron dives for it...missing that too.

"Not much better." Ted chuckles.


"Ooh, I admire the hustle. How many are in the receptacle?"

"Seriously? He can't remember just one? That's all he got." I facepalm.

"Apparently he has selective memory." Ted laughs.

"One. But that one puts Byron Saxton in the lead. Alright Derrick Bateman, you've had an interesting day so far. How important is it for your pro Daniel Bryan to make accurate shots?"

"Well uh, I do have the hands of an angel so I figure no matter where he puts it, I'm gonna put it in that bucket baby."

"That was awkward. Okay, United States Champion Daniel Bryan. On your mark, get set, go!"

The first one shot bounces off the tron and lands right behind Derrick on the stage.

"Hands of an angel? He totally ignored that one."

"Yeah he did."

Second one gets stuck on the tron platform, missed the third one. He catches the 4th one and puts it in the bucket. The last one bounces off the tron, and he hustles to get it into the bucket once he catches it and after some official look overs, he did indeed get two in the bucket.

"Apparently its harder than it looks to catch." I say amusedly.

"Need cat-like reflexes for this."

"Guess so."

"Well looks like I've got to try my best to launch this thing. Doesn't look too easy."

"I'm sure you'll do fine."

"Derrick Bateman is in the lead. Remember this is worth two immunity points, because next week someone's gonna be eliminated. Big Brodus Clay, you're the tallest guy on the stage. Is that gonna help you?"

"We'll find out."

"Alright, a man of few words. Ah, Ariel will be shooting the shirts."

"Just once."

"On your mark, get set, go."

For me it's not too hard. I just make sure the shirt doesn't fall out of the slingshot, and I have Ted help pull me back so I can let go. Mine ends up hitting the tron and sticking up there like the othes. Ted quickly grabs another and loads it into the slingshot and launches it. It bounces off the stage and Brodus barely even moved to get it. The third bounces off the tron, Brodus doesn't catch it. The 4th bounces off the tron and it was a fair and easy catch and he missed that. Ted shoots his last one and that doesn't even get caught. Brodus gets ticked off and kicks the bucket off the stage. I growl quietly and look distinctly annoyed.

"He couldn't even catch the most easiest one when it basically fell on him. Jeezus."

"I know." Ted grumbles.

"Well at least we had fun."

"True." Ted gives me a half smirk.

"Conor O'Brian, your pro is Alberto Del Rio. Are we ready? On your mark, get set, go."

The first one doesn't even reach Conor, the second one hits the WWE logo sign on the stage, he misses the third, he misses the 4th, he catches the fifth getting one point, and the last one he caught as well so he got two points...or so he thinks.

"He caught it? That's two according to our official. Our official has gone to his brain instant replay. Because Conor did not put it in the bucket, the catch does not count. Derrick Bateman has won this competition and has earned two immunity points."

"Well suppose we should leave the ring now."


He holds the ropes for me and I get out of the ring first, followed by him. We make our way around the ring and up the ramp to the stage where the chairs were being put out for us. As usual Ted scoots his closer and puts an arm around my shoulders.

"Always never close enough."


"I swear they purposely make our chairs further apart." He adds.

"Suuure." I laugh.

"Poor thing." I tease.

"Do I have to do something in retaliation for the teasing you're doing?"

"Well you can't do anything right now, we're in front of the crowd."

"Later." He smirks.

"You're giving me that look..."

"Mmhmm. You're in for it."


"No you aren't." He chuckles.

"Okay so I'm not."

"I didn't think so."

"It's fun teasing you."

"I bet it is."

"You always get me back anyway."

"That's true." Ted grins.

When the show comes back from the quick break, it was the first match of the night that we had to evaluate, Byron facing off against Conor. Aside from taking my notes, I got bored with the match and doodled on the sides of the paper on the clipboard I had. Ted notices and chuckles quietly. The end of the match couldn't come any sooner, and it was Conor who had won.

"Thank god that's over. I had to doodle to keep from falling asleep."

"I could tell."

Del Rio then demands that Ricardo makes the announcement of the win in Spanish, and he does it unwillingly, not too happy.

"Someone's a little jealous that the rookie is getting more attention."

"Just a bit."

Then backstage video is shown of Daniel and Derrick backstage last night after Raw, before the date with the Bellas.

"Derrick, what're you doing? I thought I asked you to dress up?"

"I did."

"No. No you didn't. I mean those pants, where do you even find something like that?"

"A little slice of something I like to call Badstreet, USA. Now Daniel look, I know you're a little bit nervous about this double date. You're sweating a little bit. I mean, inside the ring you're a white swan of submission...dominance. But outside of it, maybe you're a little meh meh with the ladies."

"Listen, that's not the case at all. I'm in an awkward situation at the minute. I mean, the Bella Twins, they're sisters, we work with them, it's just...there's an awkward situation going on."

"Look, on this DB DD with the BTs, I'm gonna prove to you that not only will I be a great future tag team partner, but I'm the king of all wingmen. Because I will jump on the grenade, I would dodge the landmines. And when the time comes, I will make the wildebeest tap out."

"Wait a second, wait a second. Which one of the Bella Twins are the wildebeest? I mean they're both hot."

"And so out of your league." I scoff.

"Very." Ted says amusedly.

"Wait, I don't think he even has a league."

"I think you're right."

"Time tells all things. And right now..." Derrick trails off, holding up two sunflowers, handing Daniel one.

"'s game time."

"Listen, I just want you to be yourself, relax, you're a funny dude, you know...just don't try too hard okay?"

"Look Daniel, I'm a ladies man. Your mother told me."



"That's not funny."

"Yup..." He walks away.

"That was totally funny."

"Yes it was."

During another break and a WrestleMania promo, a table was brought out on the stage and the rookies came back out and stood on the opposite side of the stage, with Striker standing at the table.

"Must be another challenge."

"Guess so."

"Probably gonna be another hassle to win this one."


"Alright, it's time for another rookie challenge. Very quickly let's remind everyone that Derrick Bateman has earned two immunity points. And next week we are going to have an elimination. Now rookies, let's not forget that you're competing for an opportunity to become Tag Team Champions. You're going to have to compete alongside your pro. We saw how well you worked physically with your pro, but now we're gonna have to test how mentally in tune you are with your pro. Now far be it for me to be compared to a game show host, but we are going to play something called Superstar Password."


Ted nods in agreement.

"Hence the music. Now this is worth two immunity points, and the rules are simple. The rookie will have to try to convey a superstar to their pro. There are several words that the rookie cannot say, including the Superstar's name. If those words or name are said, you'll hear a buzzer and you'll lose all your points. With that said, R-Truth please approach the podium. Your rookie is Johnny Curtis, Johnny please take the microphone. Your clues are here, I do believe that we have a time limit. Let's see how many superstars you guys can get. Let's play password. Go!"

"Right here, right here. I'm feeling something, give it to me, give it to me."

"Yeah that's him breathing." Striker remarks.


"Rated R Superstar, Edge."

"Yes!" He exclaims and then does some hand motions in the air.

"Kofi Kingston!"

"Really bad hair, bald hair, little bit in the front."


"Yes, yes!"

"No that does not count. Alright, I believe that they got two. Two is correct. Okay, Johnny...Truth go. Alrighty, Byron Saxton. After a grueling contest, please approach the podium, your pro is the number one contender, Dolph Ziggler. Okay, your cards are there. On your mark, get set, go."

"Deh deh deh deh, deh deh deh deh."

"John Cena."

"Yeah! Yeah."

I crack up at his excitement. Ted snickers.


"Take a break if you need to. Stone Cold Steve Austin."

"Somebody is gonna get their...butt whooped. Somebody's gonna get their butt whooped."

"Mark Henry."


"I don't care for that language."

"Okay, alright."

"Take a breath if you're tired."

"Uh...okay...uh...New York." He says as the buzzer sounds.

"Ohhhh, alright."

"Matt Striker, New York."

"That was nice, thank you for....go away."

"Thank you. United States Champion Daniel Bryan please approach. Daniel your rookie and double date partner is Derrick Bateman. Derrick you're in the lead, and this is worth two immunity points. On your mark, get set, go."

"Alright, he was the former World champion before Kane beat him."


"I said Kane, buzz me."


"He is very white, human jar of mayonnaise.."


"Boom. Uh he is tiny..."

"Rey Mysterio."

"...he's tiny and he used to hang out backstage..."


"Boom. Hey, easy. He is from Cleveland, he was your pro on NXT..."


"Sucks doesn't he?"

I growl softly.

"You're just jealous." I grumble.

Ted rubs my arm soothingly.

"That is three. Very entertaining, you are in the lead."

"We're the real geniuses."

"That's great, I like the reference."

"Chicks and America."

"Ugh..thankfully. Ted DiBiase and Ariel, please approach."

As we get up the crowd boos of course.

"Sit down and shut up." Ted remarks as we approach the podium.

"Alright, big Brodus Clay, are you ready? On your mark, get set, go."

"Taller than me."


"Made a movie."


"No. Doesn't like Kane."

"Doesn't like Kane?"


"Everybody." Dolph remarks.

"Movies. A large movie."

"A large movie."

"Ted DiBiase." Dolph adds in.

"A large movie."

"The Marine 2." Dolph adds again.

"Big Show." Ted says and gets it right.


"Jake the Snake."

"Used to hang with him. There was three of you."

And before Ted or I could answer, the buzzer sounded.

"Alright, you guys got one."

"Sorry, she broke my concentration Brodus. She does it all the time. She's really good at it." Ted shrugs.

"I would imagine so."

I swat Ted on the arm.

"Conor O'Brian please approach. Your pro is Alberto Del Rio."

"Booooooo. Oh. El boo-o, el boo-o."

"Alright. On your mark, get set, go."


The buzzer sounds, which means he said a word that he wasn't supposed to.

"You know, let's not talk about this, let's talk about how great you are."

"Ohhhh, Steve Blackman."

"Straight edge."

"The password is boring."


"That's it, we are done. This is weird, but congratulations to our winner. A clean sweep for Derrick Bateman. 4 immunity points going into next week's elimination."

"Is this thing like rigged or something?"

"Seems that way doesn't it?"

"It really does."

Ted shakes his head and sighs.

"They had to have cheated somehow."

"Feels like it."

"At this point, I wish he was eliminated."

"I do too but I don't think its going to happen."


"Can't help but hope though." I add.


After the break, the rookies went to the back and and Ted and I went to the back as well, just waiting by the curtain since his match would be coming up shortly. In the meantime, we watch as they show the date that Daniel and Derrick went on with The Bellas.

"So that's when I realized it wasn't an outhouse, it was a laundromat the whole time."

"That wasn't funny. Anyways, Daniel where's your championship? It looks so good on you."

"Uh...I actually left it back at the hotel. I usually don't carry it around with me. But you know, if Derrick wins NXT, he and I could be the next WWE Tag Team Champions."

"Wow, two championships, I like it."

"Excuse me Brie? Do you know you share the same name as my second favorite cheese? Right after goat."

"What is wrong with him?"

"He's retarded." I state.

"Oh, that's very charming, thank you. Oh, are you wearing wrestling boots?"

"Yeah, absolutely."


"Wow, who are you?"

"Daniel thank you so much for sending me that text after my match the other night, it was so sweet."

"Text message? I didn't get a text message Daniel."

Then the three of them talk over one another, until Daniel takes out his phone and he reads what it says on his phone, that Derrick sent him.

"Looks like two baby pigs fighting in a gunny sack? You got a nice wiggle?"

"Are you texting him pickup lines?"

"Of course I'm texting him pickup lines. Every man needs a good pickup line."

"Not everyone."

Ted shakes his head.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. Hey, did a gopher just die or are you happy to-" Derrick gets cut off when Nikki shoves a roll into his mouth.

"Daniel doesn't need your help. He's a pro, you're just a rookie. You know what Brie? I figured it out, I know exactly what you're trying to do, oh my gosh. You deleted my text that Daniel sent me."

And then those two go at it with each other, in the process, knocking over a glass of champagne and it spills over Derrick's pants.

"No my pants. No my pants. No my pants. No! My pants! Ahhhhh!" He screams and flips the table.

"Psycho..." I trail off.

"This should cover your drink Nikki!" Derrick throws a bag of change at Daniel.

"See you never!"

"Great. Ugh."


"Where are you going Daniel?"

"Look, he's obviously very upset. I mean, he's my friend, I gotta go help him out. Uh...this should...this should cover it?" Daniel says unsure, handing Nikki the bag of change.

"See you guys later."

"You know this is all your fault."

"Not now Brie. I just got handed a bag of change. Seriously."

"She probably could've earned as much standing on the corner."

Ted can't help but to crack up a little too much to the point where he bursts out into laughter. I grin a bit.

"Ohhh that's a good one."

"Why thank you."

Truth and Johnny were already in the ring and ready to go. They play Ted's music, he and I along with Brodus head out to the ring.

"So I'm really good at breaking your concentration all the time?"

"Yes, you are."

"And everyone had to know that?"

"Yup." He grins.

"You're lucky I love you."

"I know I am." He kisses my cheek.

When we get down to the ring, he lets me go before getting a kiss from me and he gets into the ring doing the usual. The bell rings just as Ted removes his shirt and fakes through it into the crowd, instead throwing it to the ground near me, so I just pick it up. I drape it over my shoulder. They then circle each other and Ted catches Johnny around the midsection and takes him down, spins around on him and slaps his head a few times, messing with him. I look amused.

He gets him in a headlock before twisting his arm behind his back and taking him down again with another headlock. Johnny manages to move him so Ted's shoulders are down, but Ted sits back up. Johnny counters and then both him and Ted get to their feet. Johnny backs into his corner and consults with Truth for some advice, before getting back into the match. They circle again before locking up and Ted gets him in another side headlock. He gets pushed against the ropes, but when Ted comes back, he hits Johnny with a shoulder block and then hops up into the corner on the ropes and gloats about it. They circle again and lock up. Ted pushes him into the corner near us and the ref tells him to back up. He does and ends up slapping him a bit in the face, just a light tap, but it's hilarious.

Johnny however gets a little ticked off and comes at Ted, knocking him down with one punch to the head. He gets him into his corner before throwing him into the one near Brodus and I. Ted bounces off and Johnny lifts Ted into the air, he flips and crashes to the apron on his back. He then follows up with a hip toss. He throws him into the corner again and then hits him with a suplex. He climbs outside the ropes and uses them to launch himself, going for a legdrop, but Ted rolls out of the way. Ted then gets up and kicks him in the head. Ted had control of the match back in his hands and now has Johnny on the apron in another headlock. Johnny starts to get to his feet thanks to the crowd, but Ted takes him right back down. The crowd starts to clap and Johnny get to his feet and out of the hold. He comes off the ropes, but so does Ted and he hits him with the signature clothesline. Ted goes for the cover, but Johnny kicks out. He goes for it again, but another kickout. Ted starts to wail on him until the ref pulls him off. Ted goes over and taunts Truth and as he's walking back over, Johnny tries to take a swing at Brodus, but misses. Ted gets him in the ropes, but moves before five. He goes back over into the corner now and holds his foot to his throat, letting go before five. He goes back over and continues the attack in the corner. Johnny's under the bottom rope, and Ted grabs his feet and falls backwards, making him hit the bottom rope on his throat. Ted covers him, but he kicks out. Johnny starts to fight back , but that's short lived.

Ted gets another headlock on him, before hitting him with whatever he's got. He holds him to the apron, but with the crowd again, he gets to his feet and out of the hold. His control was short lived again, as Ted hit him with a Spinebuster. He covers him, but Johnny manages to get the shoulder up.

"Oh come on!"

I throw my hands up in frustration.

Johnny crawls to the outside and Ted follows, grabbing him. He sets him up so he's leaning over the middle rope and he goes to hit him with his knee, but Johnny moves and hits Ted instead. He then takes him and jumps down off of the ring so Ted's neck bounces off the top rope. He gets back into the ring, and Johnny starts to fight back and starts to throw Ted around. Ted goes for another signature clothesline and Johnny goes for a backslide pin attempt, but he can't get Ted down on to his shoulders. He hits Ted with a innovative suplex and goes for the pin, but Ted kicks out.

"This is getting ridiculous. And he's not doing a damn thing." I grumble to myself, looking over to Brodus who's just standing there.

"Hey! Why don't you do something to help instead of just standing there!"

Since he's not going to do something, I will. I climb up onto the side of the ring and cause a distraction, arguing with the ref about not wanting to get down. Ted takes advantage of this and sees Brodus closer to the ring. So he takes Johnny and sends him into the ropes and Brodus clubs his back, finally doing something.

"Finally." I mutter to myself as I climb off of the side of the ring.

As I walk around to be where I was standing before though, Truth had hopped down from his spot on the outside and ran over and knocked Brodus down, who wasn't paying attention. Ted gets distracted, and this causes Johnny to roll Ted up and win the match. I swear loudly in my head, a pissed off look on my face. I turn to Brodus and give him a look like I'm gonna kill him.

"This is all your fault! If you weren't....ugh! Next time why don't you pay attention!" I scream at him before storming off around the ring, following behind Ted as he started to walk to the ramp to head to the back. I get backstage and knock some stuff over.

"Ariel...please calm down."

"Calm down? He's not learning anything! He's cost you the match.....again. Because he couldn't pay attention! It's bad enough I had to do his job for him and cause a distraction for the ref!"

"I'm so sick of him just standing there and being lazy!"

"I really hope you get the chance to trade him because I don't want him anymore as a rookie. He's...useless at this point."

"I know."

"I just....I just need to sit." I say, finding a nearby chair and sitting.

Ted picks me up and puts me in his lap, wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm so glad the show is over. I can't wait to get out of here." I mumble into his neck.

"Whenever you're ready. I have to change and then we can go."

"Just give me a few." I sigh, closing my eyes to try and calm down.

Ted nods and starts doing whatever he can to soothe me.

"I'm sorry for shouting. He just....ugh."

"It's okay. I know you're frustrated."

"I think I'm ready to go now. I just wanna be back in our hotel room, and cuddling with you."

Ted holds me and gets up, carrying me. When we get to the locker room, he sets me down so he can go in and change. I kiss his cheek as a thank you. He smiles and goes into the changing area. While he's doing that, I grab all the things I brought and pull on my jacket, sitting on the arm of the couch as I wait. He comes out with his bag, jacket already on.

"Let's get outta here."


We head out to the car and then off to the hotel. When we get there, we grab our things and head in, heading up to our room. We reach our room and walk in. As soon as I'm over by my things, I shed my jacket and drape that over my bags. I kick my shoes off and take my jewelry off, before looking for something to wear to bed.

"Want this?" Ted asks, offering one of his shirts.

"I would love to wear it."

He brings it to me.

'"You know I love wearing your shirts."

"I know. That's why I offered."

"Of course."

He gives me a kiss and I go to change. Like always when I finish getting changed, he's in the bed waiting for me. After I put the dress with my things, I turn around and he has his arms out for me to cuddle up to him. I instantly get in bed and slide right into that spot. I get comfortable and sigh contentedly.

"I feel much better now."

"I'm glad."

"You always make everything better."

"Because I love you."

"I love you too."

"Let's get some sleep. Its been a long day."

"It has." I nod.

He kisses me.



It takes a little but but we both fall asleep. With Riss and Justin, they've finished most of the snacks and she was cuddles up to him, trying to hide her yawns.

"Sounds like someone's tired."


"I'm fine." She insists.

"You're trying to hide your yawns."

"What yawns?"

"You know what I'm talking about."



He starts running his fingers through her hair. She leans into his touch, getting drowsy.

"You're getting sleepy now."


"Maybe you should sleep now."


"TV on or off?" He asks.


He nods and shuts it off, putting the remote on his side table. He then grabs the blankets and pulls them over the both of them. She lays her head on his chest and dozes off.

"Night Rissa." He says quietly before kissing the top of her head.

He watches her sleep for a while until he falls asleep himself.