Priceless Sensation

The Corre Forms

It's Friday finally, but SmackDown is tonight and Justin is gonna be on it so Riss and him don't really have a day off. It was gonna be a long first half of the day before needing to be at the arena. Justin wanted a gym trip, just in case he has a match and then he and Riss had a signing together around noontime. She's standing in the bathroom, putting up her hair as they get ready for the gym. She covers her mouth with one hand as she yawns widely.

"You can stay here if you want, get more sleep." Justin says, seeing her yawn.

"No, I want to go. You know it takes me a bit to wake up."

"Right, right."

"Haven't really had a proper match in a while so I need the workout."


"But you've gotten workouts in other ways." He adds, smirking.

"Touché." She laughs.

"The gym will be good though."


"Haven't really been there recently."

"No, not in a while."

"Do you know why you're needed tonight?" She asks him.

"I thought we'd have the rest of the week off." She pouts.

"I know, I know. Wade said there's something going on. He's even asked Heath to show up tonight so..."

"Oh great." She sighs.

"I suppose he'll tell us what's going on when we get there tonight."

"Yeah." She nods. "And you know depending on what he wants, I think it's a good idea if we stay on SmackDown for a while. Keeps us away from Punk on Raw."

"Sounds good to me."

"Only one problem though..." She rails off, when it suddenly hits her. "...we have a couple other people to deal with." She adds.

"Oh yeah." He winces.

"You do know who I'm talking about right? Del Rio for one. And Kelly."

"Yeah I know. I forgot about them."

"That's because we haven't been having to worry about them. Kelly hasn't been around because I beat her so badly she didn't want to be seen. And Del Rio...he's just been...around."


"I heard she's been flirting with Drew." He adds.

"Psh, desperate."

"She's only flirting with him because she wants attention. She'll come back to flirting with you, just wait." She says.

"We're gonna be on SmackDown a lot to avoid Punk on Raw so she'll come crawling back like the pathetic girl she is." She continues.

"Whore." She scoffs quietly.

"I wouldn't doubt that she is. Oops did I say that? I'm sorry."

She laughs as she moves from the bathroom.

"Don't you look cute." He grins.

"Oh just wait." She snickers, turning to let him see the back.

"Are you trying to kill me?"


"You so are."

"Oh this is just the beginning."

"Uh oh."

"You're so in for it." She smirks at him.

"Well then, I'll have to see how bad then."

She giggles as she puts some stuff in a gym bag. He does the same before pulling on a jacket, and she does so as well.

"All ready."

He nods and they both grab their bags and head out of the room, down tot he car, and then off to the gym. They get inside and find a spot to store their bags.

"Have fun." She says, knowing they're going to split off.

"You too."

She goes to walk away but gets pulled back.

"Hmm?" She raises an eyebrow.

He points to his lips with a grin. She laughs and raises up, kissing him.

"Now you can go." He says, happy with the kiss she gave him.

"Silly goose." She giggles as she walks away.

"Love you too."

She heads to the machine she wants to use. She starts stretching. After stretching, she starts to use the machine. She listens to her iPod, which she wears in a band around her upper arm. She and Justin stay within view of each other, and she made sure of that so she could be distracting when she wanted to be. They catch each other's eyes every so often and flirt without saying anything. Surprisingly he manages to do what he's doing without getting distracted....for now. She changes machines, picking one that works legs. After doing all the heavier stuff like the weights and everything, she decided to end her gym session with the treadmill. She picks one in Justin's view and starts it up. He looks up at one time and she waves. He chuckles and smiles. Then they both go back to focusing on what they're doing. She spaces out a bit, her mind wandering. She didn't notice that Justin had moved from where he was and got onto the treadmill next to her. She gets touched and she jumps.

"It's just me."

"You scared me." She sighs.


"It's okay."

"I think I'm done with everything."

She nods.

"This is my last thing too."

"And we'll have plenty of time to go back to the hotel, shower if we need to and get ready for the autograph signing."

"Right." She agrees.

"But at least after that, the rest of the day we have to ourselves before having to head out again."


"Taking that time to cuddle. We didn't get to much this morning."

"Nope. We should fix that." She giggles.

"Yes we should."

They finish the treadmills and get ready to leave. Once they grab their things, they head out the door and back to the car, where they head back to the hotel to do what they have to do before the signing. n the meantime, Ted and I had just finished having breakfast. I was already dressed for the day, but he wasn't. So I sat on the couch as I waited, spacing out as I play with the engagement ring.

"Your new favorite toy huh?" Ted chuckles as he comes out.

"Huh? Oh yeah."

"I'm glad you like it so much."

"Well of course I like it. Why wouldn't I?"

"Its always a worry when you pick things out for someone isn't it? 'Are they going to like it?' is always a thought in your head." He points out.


"So like I said, I'm glad you like it."

"Well it's more like love it."

"Good." He smiles.

"It's become your new favorite toy too you know."

"Touché." He chuckles.

"I'm just waiting for your mom to come over here one of these days while we're home and take me away to go dress shopping. I'm surprised she hasn't done it yet."

"Me too. But you want Ducky to be there don't you?"

"Of course I do."

"That's probably why Mom hasn't kidnapped you yet."

"Makes sense."

"I'm betting soon though."

"Because she's really happy and excited."

"Very much so."

"You wouldn't be able to get any peeks at the dress though. Not like always. Poor you."

"I think I could make it."

"Of course."

"Knowing that I'll see it on the day we get married will help."

"Which is going to be the happiest day ever."


"Should definitely do some more planning for that today while we're home."

"Of course."

"How about deciding on a date now?"

"Sure. Let's get out a calendar and see what we have to work with."

I nod, getting up and going into the bedroom and going through my things until I find my planner and then I come back out and sit back down on the couch next to him.

"Okay so let's mark out the birthdays. Then any known dates for work."

I nod and do so, marking off Riss' birthday and Alex's birthday. Then I mark off the first major work date, WrestleMania on April 3rd. Then of course the Raws, and the draft, the major one happening on Raw the 25th.

"Okay so that's all of April."

"Okay so do you see any dates you like? Or should we look at March or May?"

"Well considering the draft is at the end of April, I think we're gonna have to leave the month of May open in case one or both of us get drafted to SmackDown."


"I think March will be too busy as well. Leading up to WrestleMania and all. Things can get really hectic."

"That's true." He agrees.

"So looks like it's April. Sometime between WrestleMania and the Draft."

Ted nods, looking at the calendar.

"How about Wednesday? That way we get the rest of the week to enjoy the honeymoon. We have the 6th, 13th or the 20th." He suggests.

"I think either the 6th or 13th." I say.

"Alright, sounds good."

"The 13th may be better. We don't know what will happen at Wrestlemania so we should leave time to recover a bit in case there's an injury." I point out.

"True. The 13th it is."

"We have a wedding date."

"We do."

Ted grins as well and kisses me.

"Makes things even more exciting since we can count the days down."

"Yes we can. I look forward to it."

"So do I."

"I'll text Mom." Ted says.

"I can only imagine her reaction." I laugh.

"She's going to be thrilled we finally set a date."

"Oh I know right?"

"And she is." He chuckles as he reads her reply.

"I'm surprised she didn't call instead of text back."

"Probably busy with planning and didn't have time."

"True. Well now that she has a date, she'll be doing even more planning."

"Yup. Busy busy."

"She'll probably want us to come over or she'll come over here so she can show us what she's done so far."

"I can't wait to see."

"Looking back on how Riss and Justin's two weddings were, it's sure to be amazing."


"I can't wait to see myself."

We exchange excited smiles.

"So what did you want to do today?" He asks.

"Well I'm alright with just staying here at home all day. Don't get to be here too often."

"Sounds good to me." Ted agrees.

"Plus....I'm too comfortable right now to really do anything." I say, snuggling into his arms.

"Me too." He chuckles lightly and kisses my head.


"Just for you."

"Like always."

"Mmhmm." He kisses me.

He doesn't stop there. He moves from my lips and starts to kiss every inch of skin he can get to.

"Ted!" I giggle.

"Hmm?" He says through a chuckle.


"Even more fun to do it." He says before continuing.

I giggle helplessly and squirm in his arms.

"You keep moving, I can't do it no more."

"Well what do you expect? It tickles."

"And the facial hair doesn't help, I know."

"No not really."

"It'll get shaved....eventually."

"Uh huh."

"Eventually being the key word."




"Yes mine."

"Now where was I?"

I point to my lips. He grins and just to have some fun and tease, he gives me a quick kiss only. I grab his neck and pull him back down. He chuckles against my lips.

"Trying to tease me." I give him a look after I let him go and pull away.

"I can't have fun?"

"Well of course you can."

"That's what I was doing."

"Now do I have to restrict hand movement for you?" He adds, giving me a look himself.

"No." I say immediately.

"I thought so."

I make a face at him.

"Cute. But I believe I'm not done yet."

"Oh darn."

He pecks my lips before going back to what he was doing earlier and that was kissing the skin he can reach. He only does that until he starts to get really affectionate and then he just starts to get distracting. I hold onto him, nails digging in slightly. Apparently I wasn't close enough to him, because he pulled me closer and onto his lap, and his arms wrapped around me, keeping me in place. I shift a bit to get comfortable before leaning into his touch. This time he makes sure that he takes his time and the kisses are lingering after he moves along.

"Mmm." I sigh in content.

That's when he starts to move towards his favorite spot. I know what's going to be coming so I cling to him and bury my face into his shoulder. He smirks against my skin, chuckling faintly. He reaches the spot and this time he goes easy on me, only leaving light kisses every so often on it. That still gets to me though and I bury my face into his shoulder even more. He smirks when he hears some muffled sounds from me. After being satisfied for now anyway, he starts to move away from the spot and I have to pick my head up so he can move back to my lips. He leaves the kiss lingering there, before pulling away and leaning his forehead against mine.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Mr. Affectionate."

"Just for you because I love you so much."

"As you show everyday."


"And always will." He adds.

"I know." I smile.

"And to show you that I love you just as much even though you know I do, I think I'll make dinner tonight. Since you made breakfast and all." I add.

"Alright." He chuckles.

"You like surprises anyway."

"Yes I do."

"As do I from you."

"Of course."

"We should so watch the sunset tonight. You know how much love doing that. Especially with you."

"That's a great idea."

"May be a little chilly out, but that's okay."

"We have plenty of blankets and things like that to keep us warm. We can do a fire outside too if you want."

"That's right. I forgot about that. We should do that."

"Alright." He smiles.

"That's a very good idea." I nod.

"Could make smores." He adds.

"Ooooooh." I give him a look, a look he knows all too well.

Ted laughs.

"That's a definite yes."


"I figured as much."

"You know me and chocolate."

"Yes I do. You're addicted." He teases.

"It's good. What can I say?"

"I know." He laughs.

"Especially with peanut butter."


"Now all this is making me hungry."

Ted just laughs.

"I think I need to raid my secret stash...that I hide from you so you don't take it away from me."

"You have a stash huh?"

"And you'll never find it."

"I probably could if I tried but I won't."

"Because you're just that nice."


"I'd move but I'm too comfortable."

"Me too." Ted nuzzles my neck.

But of course to interrupt him is none other than Riggs, as he jumps up onto the couch.

"We got a visitor." I laugh.

"Riggs." Ted chuckles.


Riggs lays on me and nudges my hand until I pet him.

"Wonder if he understands that I'm going to be around forever now." I say as I do pet him.

"I don't know but I do know that he likes you a lot."

"It's a gift."

"Sure it is." He says amusedly.

"Animals love me."

"Well that's good."

We stay there on the couch the way we are for most of the time, because we couldn't really move because of Riggs. But in the meantime, Riss and Justin were about halfway through their signing. They were signing and taking pictures, talking with the fans as they came up. The rest of the signing went just fine and soon they were able to get out of there.

"Cuddle time." Justin demands, pulling her to the car.

"Slow down." She giggles.

"No." He says stubbornly.

"My my. Demanding aren't we."

"You know how I get."

"Mmhmm." She giggles as they get in the car.

"Cuddling for the rest of the day until we have to leave again." He declares.

"Oh really."

"Yes really."

"I see."

"Just didn't get enough today."

"Apparently not."

"Busy day. Can you blame me?"

"No." She looks amused.

"I thought so."

They get to the hotel and she's dragged to the elevators. His arms stay wrapped around her as the elevator makes it to their floor. They get out and walk to their room. She gets out the key and lets them in. As soon as they walk in, he grabs her and brings her over to the bed to cuddle.

"Can I get my shoes off?"

"Oops. Kind of forgot about those."

They take their shoes off and their coats.

"Now cuddle time."


He returns the both of them to the bed and holds her close, not planning on letting go. She gets comfortable and lays there.

"Much better."

"You're so thrilled." She giggles.

"Yes, yes I am."

"Touchy feely."


He nuzzles her neck.

"No marks."

"I know."

"Just reminding you."

"Nothing wrong with that."

"No, considering how you get sometimes."

"Right right."

She nips his neck gently.

"Couldn't resist?"


"Of course not."

She giggles and kisses his neck, jaw, and ear.



"No, not at all."

"I didn't think so."

"I know the spots that get to you, like you know the spots that get to me." She adds with an amused look.

"Yes I do."

"It's fun."

She keeps going with the affection.

"Love you so much."

"Love you too."

She leans back and brushes her lips against his briefly. When she pulls away after letting the kiss linger, she nuzzles her face in his neck and snuggles closer into his side. He nuzzles her neck in return. Since it was a long first half of the day, she couldn't help but to start to doze off every so often. Being comfortable contributed to that as well.

"You can sleep. I have an alarm set." He kisses her head.

"If you're sure..."

"I'm sure."

"Alright." She nods.

She settles down and eventually dozes off. He stays awake for a bit longer, before dozing off himself. Before they know it, the alarm is going off. She groans and hides her face in the pillows and when that doesn't work, she takes the pillow and places it over her head. She nudges Justin.

"Make it stop..." She whines.

"I've got it." He says, reaching over to stop it.

"Thank god." She mutters as he shuts it off.

"Time to get ready."


"Unfortunately, we have to."


"I know, I know. But let's hope the night goes by quick."

"Yeah yeah." She grumbles.

"Heyyy...grumbly. Do I have to tickle you?"


"I think I doooo."

"Don't you dare."

"And what if I do?"

"You sleep on the couch."

"Oh you're no fun."

She reluctantly moves from under the pillow and gets up.

"I would've carried you if you wanted."

"Too late now." She yawns.


She picks up what she's wearing for the night and disappears into the bathroom. She gets dressed in there and does everything else like usual and he does the usual out in the room itself. She's actually shut the door this time so he taps on it.


"Almost done." She giggles.

"I can't peek in?"



"Like I said. Almost done."


She gets done and cleans up. She smirks at herself in the mirror, knowing that Justin is going to die when he sees her.

"Okay, I'm coming out."

"I'm ready."

She giggles and walks out.

"I finally get to" He starts to say before being rendered speechless.

She laughs.

"Stunned speechless. Mission accomplished."

"You alive?"

He opens his mouth like he's going to say something but ends ups hutting it and shaking his head.

"Thought so."

"We're going to be late if we don't get moving." She says once she gets her jacket on.

"Huh?" He snaps out of it.

"We're going to be late. Move it." She repeats.

"Everything I need is ready to go."

"You still need your jacket and shoes." she points out.


He gets those on in a rush. She opens their door and waits for him in the doorway.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." He says, putting his jacket on and grabbing his bag.

They leave for the car and it's off to the arena.

"Still speechless of how I look?" She questions with an amused look.

"Yes..." Justin trails off as they walk into the arena.

"Of course you are."

She laughs as he walks behind her so he can stare.

"Everything is just...perfect."



"Yes I know." She smiles over her shoulder at him.

They reach the locker room they had and walked in. After Justin is done staring, he heads in to change into his gear. She takes off his coat and sits on the couch. He comes out shortly, all ready. She whistles playfully.

"I know you like."

"I do." She smirks.

"So much." She adds.

"I can tell." He chuckles.

"Can't help myself."

"Oh I know."

"So I hate to ask, but when are you suppose to meet with Wade about what's going on tonight?"


She sighs.

"Why do I have this feeling he's forming another group, because Nexus never worked out for him?"

"That wouldn't surprise me."

"And you're seriously going to go through with it if that's what he's doing?"

"I don't know. I'm going to hear him out and then make a decision."

"Well he better not be so controlling like before. I may have to smack him a few more times if he gets controlling."

Justin chuckles.

"I know."

"So I'm assuming we'll have to move right?"

"Unfortunately yes."


"I know, I know."

"Well the show starts soon, so I'm guessing we have to go now."

He nods. She grumbles and gets up.

"We'll come back here as soon as he's done talking. I promise."

She agrees and puts her hand in his. Then they head out of the room and head to where Wade is. it doesn't take long to find him.

"Ah, there you two are. Now we have everyone here."

"So what the big deal?" She asks.

"Well obviously things didn't go right when I was the leader of The Nexus. I want to form another group. But there will be no leader this time."

"Learned something didja?" She says sarcastically.

Justin can't help but snicker. Wade gives her a look.

"You can't expect me to just play nice after what happened." She states.

"If nothing bad happens to me and or Jussi this time around, maybe I'll be nicer." She adds.

Wade looks at Justin and Justin just shrugs with a smirk.

"So what's the name of this new group?"

"That'll be decided at a later time."

"Hope it isn't stupid."

"Because if you didn't a shampoo."

"Spelled with two x's but Nexus nonetheless."

"That was very enlightening, thank you for that."

"You're welcome." She shrugs.

"Anyways, I have a match tonight against The Big Show, and I'm going to need an interference when it seems like I'm going to lose. I don't care if I get disqualified, I just need an interference."

"Of course you do."

"Of course, you're not dressed for the occasion, so you don't have to worry about it. The rest of you whatever you have to."

"Manners would be nice."

"'re not nice to me, I won't be nice to you. So in that case...can we go now?" She adds.

"Yes you can go."

"Thanks. Let's go Jussi."

He nods and they walk away. Just as they get close to their locker room, who happens to be walking towards them, but Kelly.

"Whore alert." Riss grumbles.

He pulls her closer and puts an arm around her shoulders. Just as she gets closer, that's when she notices him and gets all flirty, and then greets him in a flirty tone, looking him over like she always does.

"Excuse me." Riss growls, stepping in front of him.

They couldn't reach the locker room fast enough. When they do, they head in quickly to avoid her at any cost. Riss grumbles in Italian.

"Try and relax....for me." He says, rubbing her shoulders.

He moves her hair and kisses her tattoo. She inhales and exhales slowly, trying to calm herself.


"A little."

"Remember, I love you and only you. That's why I married you...twice."

"I know. Its just she pisses me off by blatantly doing that in front of me."

"It's because she doesn't care. I guess you almost breaking her nose didn't teach her a lesson."

"Of course not. She's an idiot."

"I agree with you there."

Justin leads her to the couch where he sits, tugging her onto his lap.

"Not moving until we need to."

"Right." She agrees as his hands roam over her legs.

"More time for ourselves."

"Which you're going to take advantage of, judging by that look on your face."


"I figured." She giggles as she traces patterns on his chest.

"I can't help it...particularly tonight."

"I know. I told you that you were in for it. Remember?"

"Yes, I remember."

"And I was right."

"Oh I know."

"I'm very lucky." He adds, looking her over.

"Yes you are."

"And so am I." She adds, kissing the corner of his mouth teasingly.

"Couldn't agree more."

She leans in and kisses along his jaw.

"Time for me to be distracting..." She mumbles.

"Is that so." He chuckles, still exploring her legs.


She nips at his earlobe and murmurs things in Italian.=

"You know....what that...does to me...."

She giggles quietly.

"I know."

"That's the whole point." She adds.

"Let's see how much you can take." She grins.

Justin groans and she smirks wickedly.

"Remember....ring gear....only thing on...." He mumbles.

"I know."

"I can't control things that happen you know. Be careful."

"I will." She murmurs before nipping at one of her favorite spots, the soft area right by the corner of Justin's jaw.

His eyes close instinctively and he leans into the feeling. She keeps doing it. Each time she does it, she feels him tense, but that's what causes her to keep doing it, seeing how much he can take of it. It gets to the point where he grabs the sensitive spots on each of her thighs. She stiffens up, her nails digging into his shoulders as she groans loudly. Now it's his turn to smirk once he's able to relax a bit.

"Unfair." She says breathlessly.

"You started it."

"Touché." She mumbles.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

The start of the show interrupted them with the usual intro, before showing a video package about Wade, being the new SmackDown superstar, and how he's angered Big Show and about his match with him tonight. That's followed by the SmackDown intro, and the pyro, then the introduction to the show. They then show one of the events happening tonight, Edge's show with Dolph Ziggler as a guest. After that, Ricardo is introduced and he introduces Del Rio to a whole arena of boos.

"Ugh." Riss wrinkles her nose.

"One of the downsides of being on SmackDown, I know."


"But I'll keep him away from you."

"I know you will." She smiles.

"My name is Alberto Del Rio! But you already know that. I know you people here in the south are a little bit slow. Hey, but I know that even like that, you know there's no one like me in Raw or in SmackDown. Hey hey hey hey hey, take it easy. Don't get angry. It's not my fault. It's just my destiny. And in three weeks, in three weeks I'm going to destroy your dreams and your hero's dreams. And just like I told Shawn Michaels on Raw, after I win the Royal Rumble, I will be known as the new Mr. WrestleMania."

"Noooooo." Riss scoffs.

Justin chuckles.

Just then Truth comes out to stop him from talking any more.

"Birmingham, Alabama! What's up?! I'ma tell you what's up. Truth be told, three weeks for Royal Rumble. And Del Rio has already lost his rabbit mind. You see, let me talk to him for a minute. Let me explain something to you poncho. You see, you can't win Royal Rumble because you have a bunch of fancy cars. You can't win Royal Rumble have a very creepy creepy creepy looking ring announcer either. Or because of destiny. You see, a championship match, on the world's biggest stage, is one thing you can't buy. Or inherit. You got to own that on your own buddy. Hey, and it's simple. You earn that by stepping up to the plate like a man. The man you can't beat. Lucy and that's the truth."

Just then Cody comes out.

"Pretty boy." Riss snickers.

Justin laughs.

"The biggest Diva in the WWE right now." He adds.

"Pretty much."

"Ah, Alberto...Truth. It really is my pleasure to inform you that this year, Dashing is in at the Royal Rumble and everybody else...everybody else is out. If you don't look like...well...if you don't look like me, you're going over the top rope and back to your ungroomed, undashing lifestyles. Seriously guys, comes experience. I'm 25 years old and I've already been in three of the Rumble matches. So take a good look. Take a good look. This is the face that is going to main event WrestleMania."

And then Rey comes outs.

"Yo! Let's get something straight. Winning the Royal Rumble....isn't about looking like a Diva Cody."

"Exactly." Riss agrees.

"If he wanted to look like a Diva, he should enter a beauty contest." Justin snickers.

She cracks up.

"Wear a dress and a bikini."

"The dress would be funny. Bikini...." Justin shudders.

She laughs harder.

"That would be soooo wrong, on so many levels."

"I think it would be scarring but still hilarious."

"And it isn't about destiny Alberto. It's about what you're made of on the inside. It's about beating the odds and surviving. And you know something, that's what I've been doing my whole entire life."

"Rey Rey Rey Rey. No one wants to hear your inspirational stories. I'm gonna destroy you like the little dog you are."

"There you are, always coming back with some type of insult. Let me hit you with this one Alberto. How many Royal Rumbles have you won? Ehhhhhh, zero, nada, zero. I've actually won a Royal Rumble."

"Oh Rey, you winning the Rumble was so...2006. And like the fashion of 2006, the superstars are no different, you're out of style. And that's...what's up." Cody interjects.

"Oh, you wanna hit me in the pinky toe and steal my catchphrase." Truth remarks.

"I think he just hit you in the pinky toe." Rey adds.

"Is that what we're doing? We're stealing catchphrases? Okay well, I got a dashing catchphrase for you Cody. And it goes like this." And with that, he punches him square in the face and a fight ensues.

Teddy's music hits and he comes out to break it up.

"Alright. Wait wait wait wait wait. Alright playas. Now that's enough. Now that's enough. Now if all four of you, you want to mix it up tonight, then we'll do it in the ring playas. Alberto Del Rio and Cody Rhodes will take on R-Truth and Rey Mysterio! In a tag team match and that match is coming up next. Get me a referee out here now."

"Boring." Riss shrugs.

"He's obsessed with Tag Team matches."

"I can tell."

After the quick break, the match had begun. They didn't really pay attention to it much, and in the end it was Rey hitting the 619 on Cody, and following it up with a splash to pick up the win for him and R-Truth. Once they cleared the ring, they replayed what happened last week between Wade and Big Show. That led to a backstage interview with Wade.

"Wade, as a result of your actions last week, later tonight you go one on one against The Big Show. Any second thoughts after awakening a giant beast inside the world's largest athlete?" Todd asks.

"When I was on Raw, I was kind of like Julius Caesar. An all-conquering hero who became so powerful, that everybody around him had to conspire against him, because that's how truely frightened they were. And now I'm here on SmackDown. To own it. And I'm sure The Big Show probably isn't gonna see it the same way as me but, the fact that I attacked him last week, shows that I respect him. Just like with Raw and John Cena. I only go after the biggest and the baddest because to be quite frank, anybody less than that just isn't even worth my attention. So tonight, I'm gonna take down the biggest, foulest, filthiest beast that there is. And when I'm finished, you will all hail Caesar."

"Such an ego." Riss shakes her head.

"Always had it, always will."

"Very true."

There was a break after that, and once that was over, they played a promo video for Ezekiel Jackson. That led to the next match of the night and in the ring currently was Trent Barretta, and out next was Drew. After being dominated and bullied by Drew throughout the match, Trent came out of nowhere with a sunset flip on him to pick up the upset win over Drew in a short match.

"Someone's gonna have a hissy fit." Riss refers to Drew.

"Looks like it."

He somehow manages to stay calm. Trent heads backstage first. After both men get backstage, Trent is walking through the back and is suddenly attacked. The attacker turns out to be Drew. Just then he stops and Kelly is right there in his face. She glares at him before starting to storm away, not too happy with him.

"Ahahaha." Riss sticks her tongue out.

"Kelly...Kelly....Kelly...Kelly please." He goes after her.

"Listen to me. I know you think I've got problems with aggression, and I know that looked horrible. But you know how competitive I am. I was gonna ask the man for a rematch, I swear. I just lost my head."

"That's not what I saw. You know what, I actually thought you had some sort of decency after helping me last week, but I guess not."

"Oh poor baby." Riss mocks her.

"Kelly that's the thing. I really care about you. Please look me in the eye and you can see how sincere I'm being. I really really care about you. I'm just the man who gets things done, it's the way I'm built, I can't help it."

"I don't want to be around someone that takes pleasure on beating on other people. Grow up!" She gets in his face before storming away.

"And yet she's been all over you and you were in Nexus, regularly beating up on people." Riss says to Justin.

"She clearly doesn't think."

"If she even has a brain."

Then at that time, Big Show was making his way to the ring for the match against Wade.

"We have to move...don't we?" Riss asks as Wade comes out.



"Clearly since no one knows about us being here, we're gonna be coming through the crowd. You going to come through the crowd or just come down the ramp?" Justin asks.

"Um...going over the barrier will be sketchy in this dress."

"Ramp it is then I suppose. But that means we have to be in seperate parts of the arena for a while."

"I'll be alright. You know I can take care of myself, even in heels and a short dress."

"Of course. And good thing about this little thing we're doing out there...we can head back after. I don't think we'll be needed anymore tonight."

"Good. So let's get this over with."

"Right." He nods.

She gets up and fixes her dress. Then he gets up, laces his fingers with hers and then they head out of the room, him walking her to the curtain entrance.

"Be careful. I love you." She kisses him.

"I love you too."

He leaves to go find an entrance to the crowd. The bell rings and from what Riss could see from the monitor, Show was beating the hell out of Wade. But Wade had come back with dropkicking Show's leg, which took him off his feet so Wade took advantage, going after the leg. He goes for the cover for the first time in the match, but Show kicks out. Show eventually comes back, but is slow just a bit. He signals for the chokeslam, and grabs Wade's throat. He goes for it, but Wade counters. Show gets him again and Wade counters, going after the leg again. Show however grabs Wade by the throat again and that's when Heath is the one to slide into the ring first, only to get knocked down by Show. Justin walks up the steel steps and climbs to the top rope, only for Show to catch him by the throat when he jumps down. Riss walks out and down the ramp as he goes to chokeslam him, but Wade comes in and clips the bad leg from earlier in the match of Show, and he drops Justin before he falls. She rushes down the best she can to check on him.

He's leaning into the corner as he's sitting and he tells her that he's alright. Everyone stays where they are when Ezekiel Jackson comes from the ramp himself and stands on the side of the ring apron. He watches as Show tries to get to his feet. When he does they stare each other down. That causes a distraction, so Heath hits Show from behind and Justin gets up and jumps onto Show's back, wrapping his arms around his neck. Show however throws him off and Justin rolls out of the ring, wincing slightly at how hard he hit the mat when he fell. Riss cringes. Heath and Wade are in the ring going after Show, and after Justin tells Riss that he's okay, he goes over and grabs a chair and slides into the ring with that. He goes to hit Show with it after Wade and Heath are pushed away, but the chair gets punched out of Justin's hands and he backs up into the corner, pleading with Show to back off. That's when Ezekiel comes into the ring and when Show turns around, he knocks him down. Justin gets back into the ring and all 4 men assault him. Riss gets into the ring carefully of course because of her dress and watches how just like in Nexus, everyone does their finisher on Show. First Heath, followed by Ezekiel. Justin is next with his 450 Splash.

Wade praises everyone before having them all line up next to each other. Justin motions Riss over and she stands next to him. He grabs her hand as they all raise their hands in the air. They lower their hands as they all look over a fallen Big Show. Wade praises everyone again, before they all then leave the ring. Justin helps her get out and goes down the steps.

"Now I can go change and we can get out of here for the night."


"Don't wanna stay here longer than we need to."

"Of course."

Once they get backstage, they don't hesitate to head back to the locker room so that he could get changes and they could head back to the hotel. She sits on the couch to wait for him. It doesn't take him too long and soon he comes out in the clothes he wore to the arena, all set to go.

"All set beautiful."

She gets up and puts her jacket on before taking his hand.

"Can I pick what you wear to bed tonight?" He asks, hopeful as they head out to the car.

"Sure. You behaved far more than I thought you would." She giggles.

"That was the whole point."

"Oh of course." She says amusedly.

"Behave so I could pick out what you wear."


"I thank you for letting me do so."

"You're welcome." She kisses his cheek.

They soon reach the car and after he puts his things in the back seat, they both get in and head back to the hotel. It doesn't take long to get there and go up to their room. As soon as they get there, they walk in and he's instantly over by her things. He takes his jacket off before looking through for something for her to wear.

"And don't undress yet, I wanna help with that."

She laughs.

"Alright then."

She goes and sits on the end of the bed as she watches him pick something out. He pulls a few out and looks between them and her before narrowing down which one he likes best.

"This one." He shows her.

"Sure. Bring it here then."

He walks over with it in his hand, placing it on the bed next to her for now.

"Now the fun part."

"Mmhmm. You take your shoes and stuff off first." She tells him.

"Don't want to help this time?" He chuckles.

"Not with the shoes and such. Shirt, pants, and boxer briefs...yes."

"So sleeping with no clothes on is the option tonight for me this time? Or are you picking out what I'm wearing too?"

She chews her bottom lip thoughtfully.

"Take your time rush." He grins.

"Haha. Your choices are the boxer briefs or nothing."

" want to help with taking them off, so I think we both know what's being chosen."

"We'll see."

"Everything as far as that will have to come off then for now."

"Hop to it then lover."

He chuckles before starting with his shoes and such. She watches him, humming quietly.

"Alright, have your fun." He tells her.

SHe grins and tugs him closer. He stands between her knees. She reaches for his belt, teasing the skin above his waistband.

"And it begins..."

"Yup. No holding back now."

"Not planning on it."

"Good." She smirks, undoing his belt.

After she pulls that loose from the loops, she tosses that to the side. She dips her fingers below his waistband a few times before she pops open the button. Then she unzips the zipper and proceeds to pull his pants off. He steps out of them and kicks them away. She starts messing with his shirt, teasing him by sliding her hands beneath it and brushing his skin lightly.

"You're killing me."

"I know." She smirks up at him.

"I'm going to be torturing you just as much."

"I know you will."

"Now this has to come off." She tugs at hs shirt.

He chuckles and pulls it off.

"Now it's your turn."

"Might want to start here." She sticks one leg out to show off her knee high lace-up heels.

"That's where I was going to start."


He moves so that he's kneeling down in front of her and he starts with being touchy with the one leg as he makes his way up to where it's tied. She giggles quietly. Once he gets it untied, he makes sure to take his time when he's taking it off. She squirms a little bit which makes him smirk. Once that one is off, he does the same with the other. It gets the same responses and he chuckles.

"Now you'll need to stand to get that dress off."

She nods and lets him pull her up. He does the same as she was to him when she was undressing him. He teases her with touches by the dress straps on her shoulders, before pulling them over her shoulders and down her arms. She bites her lip as she gets goosebumps. She pulls her arms through the straps and he teases her more as he slowly pulls the dress down. She giggles a bit as he tickles her stomach. Once he gets it down and it drops to the floor, she steps out of it, picks it up and tosses it over with the other pile of clothes. Justin pulls her into him with a smirk.



"What now, hmm?"

"I believe you have to put on what I picked out.."

She reaches up and takes her bra off, tossing it on the pile. Then she reaches over and grabs what Justin chose.

"You want to help with this too I'm assuming?" She asks.

"Do you really need to ask?" He chuckles.

"No, but I still do."

He looks amused as he takes the chemise and helps put it on her.

"Looks even better than I thought."

"Well good."

"Now have you decided about me yet?"

"This is good. I can always take them off you if I want." She snaps the waistband of his boxer briefs.

After she does that, she walks away from him and around to her side, climbing in under the covers with a smirk on her face.

"That's not nice." He says after a moment.

"Oops." She snickers.

"Uh huh..."

"You getting in bed?" She teases.

"I'm coming."

He gets in bed and cuddles with her.

"Much better." She sighs in content.

"Agreed." He kisses her head.

After a bit of laying there, she yawns, forgetting to hide it so he sees and hears it.

"Time for sleep."


"You yawned."

"I know." She pouts slightly.

"Maybe you should sleep now."

"Okay." She says after getting a kiss.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

He leans down and gives her another kiss before holding her close and they both say goodnight to each other. They fall asleep easily, completely comfortable wrapped up together. The sun had set about an hour ago, Ted and I had decided to sit outside by the fire out on the patio, wrapped up in a blanket. Well I was wrapped up in the blanket while he was inside getting smores stuff. He comes out, his arms loaded up with stuff.

"Going all out huh?" I laugh.

"But of course." He grins.

"Now I miss the extra warmth...sit."

"Yes ma'm."

"Dork." I laugh as he walks over and sits, the blanket getting wrapped around the both of us.

"But you love me."

"To pieces."

"I love you too." He smiles.

"I'm so much warmer now that you're back out here."

"Well good. Can't have you getting cold."

"No, not at all."

"Now how about we get these smores started?"

"Good idea."

Ted gets the marshmallows on the fire stick. He hands it to me and then I put them into the fire. Ted gets the rest of the stuff ready while you roast the marshmallows.

"Okay I think these are ready."

"I have the crackers and chocolate ready."

I pull the marshmallows out of the fire and he takes one off of the fire stick with first two crackers and chocolate he has ready. He sets it on a plate and then makes the next one. Once that one is made and the marshmallow he between the crackers and chocolate, he sets that on a plate. We let them cool a bit before eating them.

"Mmm, so good."

"Been so long since eating one of these."

"I know. Same here."

"You always have the best ideas."

"I know. Your ideas are good too though."

"Oh I know."

"Maybe we can do one of your ideas next time."

"Of course."

"This is great for tonight though." I smile.

"I knew it would be."

"I know."

"Watching the sunset was great too."

"Definitely. All those colors, amazing."

"Never really get to enjoy it while on the road."

"Right. We should try to do it more often though."

"We should."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Here, you can roast the marshmallows now."

"Alright." He agrees.

He puts two more on and puts them in the fire and I get the other stuff together. A few moments later, I make a second round of smores. We do a few more or so before it starts to get too cold to stay out there anymore, even with the fire going. So he puts the fire out, I gather everything and then we head inside. I put the stuff away as he locks up the house. Then the two of us head to the bedroom. I stretch before going over and picking out what to wear to bed. I find something and go change in the bathroom as usual. Ted changes and finds his normal spot in bed to wait. When I come back out, I make sure to pet Riggs and say goodnight to him before putting my clothes with the rest of the dirty ones and then climb into bed next to Ted. He pulls me close and kisses me.

"Today was a good day."

"It was. It feels great to relax for a chance."

"I agree. We should get some sleep though."

"And I agree with you there."

"Goodnight, I love you."

"Night, love you too."

I snuggle into him more the best I could, and it was only moments after that where I had fallen asleep and he had followed.