Priceless Sensation

Rob Zombie Hosts

Riss, Justin and I are all currently on the way to the arena for the show which starts in about an hour. I follow behind them and we pull into the parking lot together, getting out and grabbing our things and heading to the doors.

" was the vacation with you know who?" She asks.


"Ooooh." Riss giggles.

"First of all....he told me that he loves me."

"Awwww! That's great."

"And of course I said it back, because I do."


"Then a few nights ago, we went out...after he had taken me out during the day dress shopping for it."

"How cute."

"And let me tell you, we did not walk out of that store with just one dress."


"He insisted on buying all the ones he picked out for me to try on. Those are sitting down in Mississippi, in the closet."

"That's sweet."

"So yeah it was a nice week. What about you?"

"It was so great. Hawaii was so amazing."


"I'll show you pictures later."

"Sounds good."

"You look tan though." I say.

"Lots of sun." She smiles.

"I made sure of it." Justin chuckles.

"Mmhmm." She nods, giggling.

"What'd you do there?" I ask.

"All kinds of stuff. We went whale watching, we taught fish to do tricks, we explored the tide pools..."

"Fish can do tricks?"




"And here I thought only dolphins and such could do that."

"I know."

"Sounds like fun."

"Oh it was."

Then we head to our locker room that we share, and when we get there, there's note wedged in the door. Riss takes it out and reads it, before handing it to me with a smile.

"Love note." She giggles.

"...and looks like you're invited to stay in his locker room all night." She adds.

I get a big smile on my face as I read the note.

"Have fun." Riss sings before disappearing into the locker room with Justin.

I head off in the direction of Ted's locker room. Once I find it, I make sure no one's around like always before knocking. Ted opens it and lets me in.

"So she won't be around the locker room all night huh?"


"I am in the main event tonight however....tag team match. She'll be walking out with me, but she's not staying. Other than that, we won't be seeing her all night, I hope." He adds.

"Sounds good."

"Did you find out who you're facing tonight?" He asks.

"Funny thing about's her." I laugh.

"Found out this morning."

"Nice." Ted laughs.

"I'm gonna kick her ass for being all clingy on you last week."

"You do that."

"But we get alone time tonight...all night...yayyy." I squeal in happiness, hugging him.

He laughs and hugs me close. He kisses my head.

"And you, look beautiful as always."


"Now, let's go..." He trails off, pulling me over to the couch and then pulling me down onto his lap when he sits.

I smile and snuggle into him.

"I'm not allowed to move am I?"

"Not until your match."

"I didn't think so."

"Love you." I smile, before kissing him, but pull away before he could respond.

"Love you too."

"Love your little love note you left me. That's gonna be a new thing isn't it?"


"Because texting is not enough for me." He adds.

"Me either." I agree.

In the meantime, Justin is getting changed into his ring gear, and she's sitting on the couch in the locker room waiting for him and for the show to start. She peers over the couch, watching for him. It's not too long after that when he walks out of where the showers are in the locker room, dressed in his gear. She whistles, giggling.

"I know I know, I look good."


"Maybe good doesn't cover it." She adds.

Justin chuckles as he sits beside her.

"Definitely more than good." She admires.

"I thought so."

"I bet you did."

"But you always think that when it's ring gear related."


"I mean I am in next to almost nothing..."

"Mmhmm. Distracting."

"All the better for you."

"Of course."

"I can stare more." She adds.

"And touch." She giggles.

"How well I know." He chuckles.


The show starts however, no intro or anything, just starting with Jerry and Cole.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Monday Night Raw, the stunning and disturbing story has generated headlines the world over. The attack by this group that now wants to be known simply as Nexus. Now we've reached out to the McMahon family for an update on the condition of Mr. McMahon, however they are keeping the condition extremely private." Cole explains.

"Well duh."

"And the Nexus spokesperson Wade Barrett I understand is at WWE headquarters, where he's been called on the carpet and he's facing WWE officials regarding the disposition of the future of the Nexus." Jerry adds.

"And ladies and gentlemen we can tell you this, the new general manager who prefers to remain anonymous is not physically at this meeting, but is communicating via email. Now he did release a statement via email last week and it read...quote, the group's actions will be met with the appropriate consequences. And ladies and gentlemen, we will report more if we have anymore information here tonight live, on Monday Night Raw." Cole finishes.

Sheamus comes out almost instantly after, going down to the ring and grabbing a mic.

"Now I've watched the footage of the severe beating of the chairman of this company, several times from last week. And I have to say I'm disgusted. I'm disgusted with what went down last week. So as the WWE Champion, I felt that it was my responsibility to come out here and make a statement on behalf of the company. And that is, the champ is here!!!"

"Nice, steal John's line. Get your own material Whitey." Riss remarks.

Justin snickers.

"Now even though those...Nexus lads got involved in my match, everybody knows that I would've beaten John Cena regardless. I would've proved that I'm the worthy WWE Champion."

"Psh, whatever."

"Look, I know it's unfortunate what happened, it's unfortunate what happened. But I think the one important factor came out of all of this. And that is...John Cena is no longer the number one contender for my WWE Championship. And why? Because he used his rematch clause. So what does that mean for the Celtic Warrior, well I'll tell ya'. No longer do I have to look at those tacky, orange t-shirts. No longer do I have to listen to those gammy, never give up slogans of his. No longer do I have to listen to the lot of you chant 'Cena, Cena, Cena' every week like a bunch of parrots."

"And no longer do I have to listen to him make fun of me beautiful, Irish calling me....a human jar of mayonnaise. I hate you Cena, I hate you."

"Mayooooo." Riss sings.

"But you know what fella'? You can get to the back of the cue, like everybody else. Because you're through, you're not gonna get another shot at my gold, ever again." He's cut off immediately by John's music.

"Haha." Riss taunts.

He jogs to the ring, doing the usual, before getting a mic.

"Oi. Oi, hey over here. What're you doing here? I told you, you're not gonna get another shot at my WWE Championship or me again. So why don't you..."

"You're not gonna get another sho-I know...I know. I didn't come out here for that. I came out here to ask you for help. Everybody here saw how you won the WWE Championship, everybody out here saw last week how you kept the WWE Championship. It's that group of Jimbrones that's calling themselves the Nexus! You see they make a target out of me, 'cause I was the WWE Champion. They almost ended my career. So Einstein, who do you think they're coming after next? Nope it's not Don Rickles, it's the Human Jar of Mayonnaise."

"Philadelphia's own, giant block of cream cheese!"

Riss can't help laughing.

"The WWE I'm gonna cut to the chase, we don't like each other, so what? I know you're tough as nails and I know you can fight. You want to keep your WWE Championship? You want to keep your career? Then me....right now. We start off Monday Night Raw the way we should start off Monday Night Raw. For one night only we fight. Not against each other, side by side. Right now I'm calling out that entire Nexus, and we are gonna start off Monday Night Raw with an old fashioned brawl!!!!!!"

"Oh jeez."

Then the anonymous general manager chimes in with his emails.

"I can tell that noise is going to get annoying."

"Already getting sick of it."

"Excuse me gentlemen, I believe I've received an email. If I could have everyone's attention please. I just received an email from our anonymous Raw general manager. And I quote, I will wait until next week to take action against the group referring to themselves as Nexus. I will allow spokesman Wade Barrett time to present his case to WWE officials. However as far as tonight is concerned, if any member of that group makes any contact with any WWE Superstar, they will be terminated. However..however, if any WWE Superstar initiates contact tonight, they will be suspended."

"Contact, contact." Riss laughs, poking Justin.

He chuckles.

"Hey, he said nothing about Divas."

"Superstar could mean Diva too."

", contact, I'm making contact." She adds, poking him still and he laughs.

"Well thanks a bunch Mr. Anonymous General Manager. That plan is completely ruined." John says sarcastically.

"The night's not a total loss though, because I think we've all learned something here today. We'e learned something about you. You're more than just a...bunch of pale skin and the worst haircut I've seen since Kid and Play. Although I did learn some excellent dance maneuvers from House Party 2 and 3." John says, dancing a bit in the ring.


"We've learned that you're a good dude. Quite honestly you're a pretty good guy. You're a guy who's thinking to himself right now, 'Man we should've started Monday Night Raw off like...with a big old fashioned brawl! We should've, but we can't'. So now you're thinking, 'we should start off Monday Night Raw with a WWE Championship match!'."

And the GM chimes in....again.


"Well, ladies and gentlemen, the general manager has now informed me...that WWE Champion Sheamus will indeed be in action tonight. However his opponent will be the World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry."

"Bologna fudgin' mustard!" John exclaims, throwing his hat on the ground.

"My life is being ruined by the internet."He adds.

Riss starts laughing.

"I haven't flipped out this bad since my mom cancelled my subscription to Warcraft." John continues, putting his hat back on.

"Michael Cole, you listen up and you listen good. You have this anonymous general manager email me personally. My address my my address is"

"It's a non-profit thing I got going on it's the only..."

And the GM chimes in a third time.

"I am now being told via email, that in three weeks a brand new pay-per-view will debut called Money In The Bank. This event will feature Money In The Bank ladder matches. One from Raw, one from Smackdown. Where the winner will receive a contract for a championship match of the current champion of that brand anytime, anyplace for up to a full year. the 8 participants competing in the Raw Money in the Bank ladder match will be revealed later tonight. As for right now, the new general manager would like to...demonstrate."

"Oh boy."

"The GM can demonstrate all he wants, I wasted enough time with this, I'm out of here." Sheamus says leaving the GM chimes in again and then the cell above the ring starts to drop.

"Oh man." Justin says.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our general manager says that since last week's title match ended inconclusively, at Money in the Bank Sheamus will defend the WWE Championship against John a match designed to make sure there is no outside interference. It will be John Cena vs Sheamus for the WWE Championship, inside a steel cage!"


"Sucks for you Whitey."

Justin laughs.

"Poor Jar of Mayonnaise."


"I do have an interview that I'm doing with the rest of the guys, but that's not until much later. Just letting you know ahead of time." Justin comments.


"Not really doing much tonight since Wade's not here."


"All the more time to spend with you." He smiles.

"Mmhmm." She smiles too.

"More time for you to be distracting." She adds.

"Exactly." He smirks.

"You planned this didn't you?"

He laughs.

"That laugh is suspicious."

"You so did." She adds.


"Well lucky for you, I'm here all night until Air's match."

"Which isn't until before the main event...."


"...yesss." He cheers.

She giggles when he gives her a look and reaches for her.

"You're not close enough."

"Poor baby." She teases.

He reaches out and manages to wrap his arms around her and pull her closer. She ends up on his lap and she laughs.

"Much better."


Then of course he starts to be all cuddly with her. She giggles softly and leans into his touch.

"I love you so much, more than you'll ever know."

"I love you too Jussi. With all my heart."

He smiles and leans down, kissing her softly. She responds with just as much love, pressing close to him. She shifts a bit in his arms so that it's easier to kiss him, then she wraps her arms around his neck. She plays a bit with his hair. His hands move from her sides to her back, resting there. He draws patterns with his fingers and she makes a small noise. He smiles into the kiss and keeps drawing the patterns. She drags her nails down his neck. This causes a quiet growl to erupt from him, and he stops the patterns in favor of holding her tighter. She giggles softly. Then she does it again, no plans on stopping anytime soon. She keeps getting growls out of him and it makes her giggle. He finally manages to reach up and pull her hands away from his neck. She whines a little. He then laces his fingers with hers. She squeezes his hands. He pulls away from her lips briefly and then starts being more affectionate by kissing everywhere he can reach.

"Jussi." She giggles.

"What?" He chuckles.


"I'm just being lovable."

"I know."

"And yes I know it tickles, but I love doing it."

"I know you do."

He grins before doing it again. She giggles again. Then he stops and leans his forehead against hers.

"Mmm." She sighs contentedly.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

She snuggles into him and kisses his neck. Looking back at the screen, Nattie comes out with Tyson and David for a tag team match. But the match never happens, because the Usos and Tamina attack them from behind.

"Aww poor Nattie."

Tamina however runs back down the ramp after the attack and continues it on Nattie herself. Then she finally leaves with the Usos.


Then backstage, Josh introduces Truth for an interview.

"Truth in your opinion what actions, if any should be taken against this group that refers to themselves as the Nexus?"

"This group that calls themselves the Nexus, are behaving like a bunch of wild, untamed animals. I say don't fire them, it's too easy. Leave them right here at the WWE zoo, because I'm the zookeeper and that's the truth." Truth simply says before walking away.


"Wasn't he listening to Wade's speech about us that one night?"

"Apparently not."

There was another quick break before going to the ring where Kozlov already was. His music fades and Santino's starts and he comes out. The stipulation for this match was that if Santino defeats Kozlov, then he will become his tag team partner. The match is amusing actually, lots of funny moves and humor in the match. In the end, it was Kozlov hitting the Iron Curtain on Santino en route to picking up the win. After the match, William Regal shakes the hand of his former protégé before Regal enters the ring and starts stomping away at Santino. This prompts Kozlov to re-enter the ring and blast Regal with a big boot before helping Santino out of the ring and carrying him to the back. Josh was backstage again for an interview and this time it was with Khali.

"Great Khali, which actions if any should be taken against the self-proclaimed Nexus group?"

Then Ranjin translates the English to their native language and Khali answers.

"Ranjin can you translate please?"

"You know what, Great Khali says he's a big, stupid giant. And Khali says that his manager is really tired of protecting him. And if that group that calls themselves the Nexus came up here right now, the Great Khali would run from them." Ranjin translates before walking off.

Another break and when we come back, they advertise the first elimination on NXT tomorrow night.

"Psh, Riss told me McGillicutty tried flirting with her, hope he goes first." I remark.


"I'm just lucky enough that none of the them have gotten to me yet."

"They better not." Ted says.

Then Justin introduces Rob Zombie, the guest host for Raw tonight.

"What's up Philadelphia! Come on scream! Welcome to Monday Night Raw, I'm here for one reason, I'm here because I love sick and twisted things. The type of sick and twisted things that take place in this ring, like perhaps...a Money in the Bank ladder match perhaps. You like that, I like that. That's why I'm here tonight, to announce the eight participants in the Money in the Bank ladder match, and I have them right here. Top secret, only I know. Number one, Randy Orton!"


"The Miz, come on!"


"Chris Jericho yeah!"

"Evan Bourne!"

"Ted DiBiase!"

I smile forms on my face and I turn to look at him.

"Yep." He smiles.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to surprise you."

"You win, you get a title opportunity for a year." I say, getting excited.

"I know."

"I have to say, the WWE Championship would look good next to the Million Dollar Championship you have."

"It would." He agrees.

"Let's hope you win then." I say, kissing him briefly.

"I hope so." He grins.

"John Morrison."

"Oh man. This guy. Edge."

"Hey Rob. Hey hey. Astrocreep." Edge says, his face appearing on the tron.

"How've you been buddy. I haven't talked to you uh...since I called you personally to tell you that I was dumping your song as my entrance music."

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. I want to set the record straight between myself and the old man up on the screen there. Edge I'm sorry to say, I took my song back from you because I cannot stand to have you destroy it any longer. That's it, you didn't dump me, I dumped you, that's all I have to say, I'm glad I'm here to say it to you, goodnight, goodbye."

"Oh, that's it? What you're out of here, what did I scare away the horror director? Did I scare away the astrocreep? He doesn't matter anyway. All that matters is that I won the first ever Money in the Bank ladder match. Yeah, and then I went on to cash it in...on John Cena, and win my first WWE title. What's the matter folks, you don't remember that? Got a short memory? Well why don't I remind you. Let's take a look shall we?"

Then of course that Money in the Bank ladder match, back from 2005 was shown, showing Edge winning. Then 10 months later, in 2006 when John won the Elimination Chamber match and Edge cashing in and beating John for the WWE Championship.

"Yeah...yeah I did that. I did it and uh...I had so much fun doing it, I did it years later against the Undertaker. Yeah...see that's what I was talking about last week, after I speared Randy Orton and I told him that now the fun begins. Because I own the Money in the Bank ladder match."

"Yeah I don't think so. It's time for someone else to win that."

"Yeah." Ted agrees.

"Like you."


"I'm gonna show everyone in that match just....just how twisted I can be. 'Cause you wanna know what happens to a Viper who runs into a guy with a 20 foot ladder? The Viper gets his head crushed before he can even strike. I'm gonna do that to every other participant in that match. And at the end of the night they will all be staring up at me."


Then the GM chimes in.

"That makes it the 4th time tonight, I'm annoyed already."

"Me too."

"...I've received another email. If I could have everyone's attention please. I just received an email from the Raw general manager. And I quote, tonight's main event will feature all 8 participants in the Money in the Bank ladder match. Edge, The Miz, Ted DiBiase, and Chris Jericho against the team of Evan Bourne, John Morrison, R-Truth, and Randy Orton, in an 8-man tag team mega match live tonight."

"Oh?" I look at him.

"Another surprise..."

"I hope you win that too."

"You're full of surprises today aren't you?"

"Yup." Ted grins.

"Well lucky for you, I have a surprise of my own."

"Is that so?"

"Uh right back." I grin, moving from his lap and grabbing my gear bag, heading into the shower area to change.

Ted watches me go curiously. I giggle at him watching curiously, before I disappear into the shower area. I make sure to take my time changing just to make him get even more curious.

"Awww come on." He whines.

"I'm almost done, don't worry. Takes time to look this good." I laugh.

"You look good no matter what."

"I know." I reply, before finishing up and heading back out.

As soon as he lays eyes on me, his eyebrows rais and he stares in amazement.

"Spacey." I snicker


"I told you it was something new."

"It sure is."

"I'll be sure to thank Riss for you."

"Oh please do."

"Red's a good color on you." He adds, a grin on his face.

"Thanks." I giggle.

"Now what're you still doing over there?" He adds.

I laugh and walk over. When I sit next to him, he pulls me close, but also avoids getting the feathers from my attire in his face.




"And then all the fringe stuff from my knees down, covering my boots."

"That too."

"Riss came up with the feather and fringe idea."


"Might lose a few feathers in my match but that can be fixed."


"I still love it." He adds.

"I figured you would."

Halfway through Sheamus' match, Justin had to leave because that interview with Josh and the rest of Nexus was coming up soon. Riss sighs and stretches out on the couch.

"I don't know when I'll be back, depends on if we have plans on attacking anyone tonight. But I will be back at some point."

She nods.

"I love you." He smiles, leaning over the couch and kissing her.

"I love you too. Be careful."

"I will." He nods.

She steals one last kiss. Then he heads out the door to meet up with everyone else. He leaves the door open a little and she turns her attention to the screen to watch for him. Sheamus' match ends with him winning and then backstage there was Justin and the rest of Nexus.

"Gentlemen, I'm simply here to ask your reaction to Raw's general manager stating that if any of you so much as touch any other Raw superstar, you'll be terminated."

"Actually that goes both ways. You see if any WWE Superstar lays a finger on any one of us, they'll be suspended. And that means that we can still make an impact." Tarver answers first.


"What exactly.."

"What'd you say? You say something to me? Huh, you got something to say tough guy?" SKip says, shoving one of the crew members and hitting him before returning to the group.

"That's....what we mean." Tarver says to Josh.

Then they all laugh as Josh looks down and not at them.

After the break, Jerry was in the ring with a mic in hand, presenting the new career-chronicling DVD set for Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat. Jerry then brings him out. He then brings out Dean Malenko, Arn Anderson, Mike Rotunda, and Michael Hayes to come congratulate Ricky Steamboat on his accomplishments in his life and career. However, Nexus comes out, interrupting everyone.

"Oh boy."

They walk slowly to the ring and all the Hall of Famers get set to fight. Justin and then circle the ring, before teasing an attack before actually going through with it. They pick off each legend one by one. First they pull Arn Anderson out of the ring and attack the former Four Horseman member before sending Arn into the steel ring post. Then they get a hold of Dean Malenko and ram the Legend into the ringside barricade. They move onto Mike Rotunda, laying him out as well. This leaves Ricky, Jerry and Hayes left in the ring and Nexus enters the ring, taking the fight to them. The three legends do their best to fight off the group, but with a six on three odd, it's too much for them, Nexus leaving them laid out.

They then focus on Ricky, leaving Jerry and Hayes alone. He tries his best to fight them off but the odds catch up to him and he's incapacitated in the middle of the ring. David hits him with his finisher, followed by Skip. They drag him over to the corner and Justin climbs to the top, before hitting him with the 450 Splash. A bit after that, they all leave the ring, heading back up the ramp to head backstage. She keeps an eye on the door, waiting for Justin. It's a while before the door opens up completely and Justin walks in, shutting the door behind him.

"Hey you." She smiles.

"Hey." He greets back.

She moves and opens her arms. He smiles before walking over and sitting next to her, and she wraps her arms around him.


"Just one more match and we can head back."

"Sounds good."

"I'd say get changed now but, I don't want you to move." She adds.

"And you wouldn't be as distracting anymore."

"Of course." He chuckles.

"I want you to be distracting for a little longer, but just until Air's match, I wanna be able to pay attention to that."

"Alright." Justin laughs.

Then she snuggles into him as she watches the screen waiting for the show to come back so she could see my match.

"Wait...crap...I'm gonna be going out there with her." She suddenly realizes.

"Awww." Justin pouts.

"I know I know, I completely forgot."

"I'll make up for it at the hotel." She adds.


"I promise." She kisses him.

"I'll hold you to that."

"I know." She giggles.

She kisses him once again, before letting him go and getting up, heading out and to the curtain to wait for me to get there. It isn't too long before Ted and I show up. Then of course SHE shows up last. Riss rolls her eyes.

"Frenchie." Riss mumbles.

I give her a quick glare myself. I can clearly see the look on her face of pure jealousy since Ted has stayed by my side and not hers. Riss snickers quietly. Ted says something to me quietly before he hugs me for luck on the match.

"Oooh looks like somebody can't control her boyfriend." Riss taunts Maryse, smirking.

I try to stifle my laughter as we pull from the hug. She starts ranting in French, to which Riss decides to start talking in Italian to piss her off more.

"Here we go." I snicker.

Ted can't help but laugh a bit. Then backstage attendants call for the match to be starting soon, Maryse having to go out first. Riss mimicks her hand motion which infuriates her and she storms over to the attendant.

"Man it is so fun to piss her off." She laughs as she walks over to me and Ted.

"I know right?"

"You do a good job of it." Ted says quietly, snickering.

"Why thank you."

"I love my best friend." I laugh.

"Love you too." She laughs herself.

"Ugh that hair flip." I say as we watch Maryse make her entrance into the ring.

"One of these days I will do that to her."

"And rip her extensions out." Riss adds.

"Oh yeah." I agree.

I hug Ted once more before going out to my music with Riss once they play it. Maryse glares as Riss comes down the ramp with me. We just grin.

She stays ringside as I get into the ring myself. My music soon fades and the ref calls for the bell, and it rings. We approach each other, and she starts yelling at me to stay away from Ted and then she stops me before I could respond, and puts her hand in my face before going over to the ropes and going for her hair flip again. So what do I do? I storm over and grab her by the hair before she could flip it and slam her face into the mat a few times until the ref has to back me up. I put my hands up defensively before backing up more. I then charge towards her and kick her hard in the stomach, sending her outside the ring. I wait for her to get up, before using the ropes as leverage and launching myself over the top, landing on her. I recover from that as well and when I do, I pick her up by her hair and throw her back in the ring, going for a cover but only getting a two count. I kick her a few times and since we're closer to the corner, I climb to the top and get ready to jump. But as I jump, she moves at the last second, and I land on my feet. However, she hits me in the head with her foot as I turn around and she gets up. She goes for the cover but I kick out at 1. She grabs me by the hair as she picks me up and throws me into the corner face first. I hold my face as I turn around and use the corner as support. Maryse backs up and then runs at me the best she can, but I kip up and have her hit my feet. Then I climb to the top again and get ready to jump. When she turns around after holding her face, I jump and manage to grab her my the neck and give her a neck breaker. I could tell she was out after that because she's weak, she's like little rag doll. I decide that wasn't enough so I drag her away from the ropes, before going back over to them. I use them for leverage and using the top one for a boost, moonsaulting and landing on her, going for the cover. This time it works and I get the three count for the win.

Riss claps and cheers. She slides into the ring to celebrate with me.

"I got some of her extensions this time." I snicker, finding the extensions I ripped out and picking them up off mat.

"Ahahaa." Riss laughs.

As we pass Maryse on the way out of the ring, I make sure to throw the extensions that I pulled out back at her.

"Tell me to stay away from Ted..." I mumble.

Riss laughs quietly. As we head backstage, already by the curtain is everyone involved in the tag team match coming up next. I give Ted a smile as we pass him, but shortly after we passed him, Maryse had finally made it backstage and she was complaining to him about what I did to her. First in English, then in French.

"English, broad." Riss mutters.

"Makes we wonder why she even speaks English to begin with if she changes to French all the time." I mutter back.

"I know right?"

"But anyways, Justin and I are gonna be heading back to the hotel once I get back to the locker room."

"Ooh." I tease.

"Yeah, I owe him the alone time since I went out with you."


"He was all pouty and everything."

"Awww." I laugh.

"Poor him." I add.

"I know." She giggles.

"I should get back before he comes looking for me though."

"Too late." I say with a laugh as I look behind her.

"He's behind me isn't he?"


"Hi Jussi." She giggles without turning around.

"Good luck." I snicker, before walking off back to Ted's locker room.

Justin steps up so Riss can feel him behind her and she smiles.


"You were gone too long."


"Let's head back to the hotel now."

"Eager." She laughs, turning around.

"Alone time..."

"Yes, I know."

"Let's gooo."

He grabs her hand and tugs her along.

"Alright, alright. Goodness."

"And don't worry about our stuff, already in the car."

"Ahead of the game huh?" She giggles.


"Lead the way lover." She says amusedly.

He grins and he heads out into the parking lot to the car, helping her in first before getting in himself. When they get to the hotel, he grabs his bag and she takes her purse as they head to their room. They put their things down once in their room, and almost in an instant he has her pinned against the wall.

"Oof. Hi to you too."



"Might need one of those baths in the morning...." He grins.

She laughs.

"I figured."

"Well, if you let me go, I'll have a surprise for you. It won't last long on me because you're in one of those moods but still..."

His eyes light up and he smirks, letting her go. She grabs something from her suitcase and disappears into the bathroom. He of course only strips down to his boxers, making the job easier. She steps out of the bathroom,dropping her clothes by her bag. Justin is already in bed, waiting for her and once he sees her, his eyes light up even more than when she told him she had the surprise for him. She notice his face and giggles. She spins in a little circle.



"Good." She laughs, climbing into bed.

"And you're so right about that not lasting long on you."

"I knew I would be."

"Because at this point, I want it off now."

She giggles.

"What're you waiting for?"

"I'd rather take my time."

"You do that then."

He grabs her and pulls her into him, instantly pressing his lips to hers. She melts into his arms and kisses back happily. He can't help but have his hands wandering everywhere. She squirms a bit but doesn't move away. He pulls from her lips and starts kissing along any skin he can reach. She sighs and leans into his kisses. It doesn't take too long after that for him to start tugging at what she's wearing. She giggles quietly.


She shifts back enough to let him free it and slide it ip. After pulling it over her head, he tosses it aside before going back to kissing her skin. She makes soft noises. She too lets her hands wander as they go to the waistband of his boxers. She hears and feels him growl, which makes her giggle. He manages to take the blanket and cover the both of the, before she could even get to removing his boxers.

Meanwhile after changing, I'm still in Ted's locker room as I watch the main event. Edge was the first one to come out and he climbs the ladder that's underneath the Money in the bank briefcase. Next to come out was Chris. Follow him was Mike and lastly Ted, who comes out with Maryse. They stop at the top of the ramp and she kisses his cheek before heading backstage while Ted goes down to the the ring alone.

I scowl at Maryse.

From the other team, first Truth comes out, followed by Morrison, Evan and lastly Randy. After a quick commercial break, it starts off with Ted and Morrison.

"Come on Ted."

Ted takes control from the start, kicking Morrison, then hitting him across the back. Then he puts him in the corner and keeps at him, until he has to back up. He picks Morrison up and goes to send him into the opposite corner, but Morrison counters and sends Ted into the corner and then sends him flying in the air, landing hard on the apron. Back in JoMo's corner and he tags in Truth. Truth takes control of the match, sending Ted up and over the top rope and onto the floor.

I wince slightly but return to cheering him on.

Evan was clearly tagged in and he hits Ted in the chest, before throwing him back in the ring. In the end, it was Randy hitting Ted with a lightning-quick RKO en route to winning the match for his team! After the match, Edge blindsides Randy, which leads to Edge blasting R-Truth with a ladder, Evan Bourne & John Morrison taking down Edge, as well as Chris Jericho, before Mike plants John Morrison with the Skull-Crushing Finale! Mike then looks to symbolically climb the ladder, but Randy re-enters the ring and knocks Mike off of the ladder before climbing the ladder himself and, in what could be a sign of things to come at WWE Money-in-the-Bank, Orton climbed the ladder and retrieved the Money-in-the-Bank briefcase that hangs above the ring.

"Awwww." I sigh.

"I hope that won't be the result at the pay-per-view." I say to myself.

It isn't long before Ted walks back into the room.

"You stayed."

"Of course I stayed."

"I'm glad you did." He smiles.

"I may need a ride back to the hotel. Maryse hates waiting for me and she probably took the car and left by herself."

"Yeah...she kind of did. I was lucky enough to hide when I heard the door click open. She came in and grabbed the keys from your stuff."

"I figured she would. Sorry I didn't warn you about that."

"It's okay. I move fast. She never saw me."


"As soon as you're changed and ready to go, I'll be happy to give you a ride back with me."

He nods and kisses me quickly before going to change. I make sure I have my things together while I wait. Ted soon comes out and puts his stuff away in his bag. Then he kisses me before the two of us head out. We head out to the car no problem and put our things in the backseat before getting in and then heading off back to the hotel.

"You know if you can get away with it, I have no problem with you staying the night in my room again." I say as we pull into the parking lot of the hotel.

"I think I can."

"And to save you time, you can shower in my room too if you want."

"Alright." He grins.

We get out as soon as I park and we get our things from the back seat, before heading inside. We walk into the elevator and it takes us to our floor, Ted going down to his room to get what he needed before coming back to mine. I take a shower first and then Ted, before the two of us cuddle in bed.

After relaxing there for a bit, I start to yawn, getting sleepy. Ted chuckles and kisses the top of my head before telling me to sleep. I whine but eventually fall asleep after a kiss and 'I love you's'. Ted falls asleep shortly after.