Priceless Sensation

Charity Event

"Are you sure you'll both be okay without us?" I ask, giggling as we're out by our cars.

"We can survive." Ted says.

"Yeah, you two have a girls day. Do what you need before tonight." Justin agrees.


"You two are up to something aren't you?"

"Not at all."

"Uh huh..."

"Riiight." Riss looks at them suspiciously.

"And don't worry about being seen together tonight. We'll do the friends thing." Ted reminds me.

"What about you know who?"

"She doesn't want to go."

"She's turning down an opportunity to show off?" Riss asks incredulously.



"I told her fine and that I'd go with you then."

"What'd she say?" I ask.

"I don't know. She went off in French."

"So I hung up on her."

"Nice." Riss laughs.

"I wouldn't count her out just yet. She just might show up to piss me off." I add.

"True." He nods.

"In that case like breakfast yesterday she can back the hell off. She told you she didn't want to go."

"I know."

"Just try not to worry about it, you go have a fun day." He adds.

"I will." I nod, hugging him.

Then I get into the car and wait for Riss. She's hugging Justin, not really wanting to let go.

"You'll be fine." He soothes.

She buries her face in his chest.

"You try and have fun okay? For me?"

She sighs and nods.

"I'll have a surprise for you when you get back, so there's something to look forward to."

She nods again.

"You're gonna love it, I know it."

"I always do." She murmurs.

"Go have fun. I'll see you when you come back."

She pulls away reluctantly.

"I love you."

"Love you too."

Then he pulls her into a kiss. She holds onto his wrists as he cups her face. Her eyes shut and she savors the feeling. When he pulls away, he leans his forehead against hers.

"I'll text you okay?" He says.

"Okay." She agrees quietly.

He kisses her once more before hugging her.

"Love you Rissa." He murmurs.

"Love you too Jussi."

She pulls away from the hug and then gets into the car.

"They're so up to something."

"I know."

"Wonder what it could be."

"Who knows."

"All I know is that it's something we'll like." She adds.

"Of course."

"So where to first?"



She giggles a bit as she drives to a big dress store. When we get there, we park and walk inside. We start looking around. As she's looking, she notices that the store has a bridal salon attached and there's girls trying on wedding dresses. She doesn't even realize that she's stopped moving as she watches those girls, biting her lip.

"Hey..." I say, snapping her out of it.

"...what's up?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing." She shakes her head.

"Just checking, you kind of spaced for a minute."


"It's ok."

She goes back to looking at event dresses, trying to keep her attention on those. I did find a few or so that were pretty but, nothing really jumped out at me. Riss tries to keep focused but her eyes keep finding their way over to the bridal salon. This time I notice, because I follow her gaze. She sighs softly.

"I know what's up..."

She snaps out of her daze again.


"The wedding stuff over there..."

She blushes and looks down.

"Is it really that obvious?"

"A little."

She rubs the back of her neck.

"You wanna marry him don't you?"

She nods slowly.


She sighs.

"I really do."

"That's sweet."

"I love him so much Air."

"I can see it every time you're together." I nod.

She smiles softly, twisting her infinity ring around her finger.

"I'm sure he's thinking about it too."

She shrugs.

"You never know."

"True." She murmurs.

"I know how much you love each other."

She nods and smiles.

"I'm not finding anything that's jumping out at me here, are you?"

"No." She shakes her head.

"Try a different kind of store for now? Like jewelry or something?"


So we leave the dress store, get back into the car and head to a completely different store. We go into a jewelry store and browse around. We go off in seperate directions instead of sticking together. We take our time, looking for pieces that catch our eye. After finding what we liked, we met up at the register and paid for what we picked out.

"I'm okay on shoes. I just got new ones the other day." Riss says.

"I think I may have a pair I could wear too." I nod.

"Alright. So what else?"

"How about our nails?"

"Sure." She nods.

We head back out to the car and search for a nail salon to get our nails done. We find a nice one and go in. We decide to get both a manicure and pedicure. That takes up some time and after those were finished, we decided to head off to get some lunch. We gossip and talk about various things over lunch. Then of course in the middle of talking we both get text signals on our phones. We both giggle and pick up our phones.


"Too sweet."

"They already miss us."


"What would they do without us?"

"Go crazy." She giggles.


We reply to them quickly. Then we go back to talking to each other. We soon finish lunch.

"So what next?"

"Hmmm....well I wanna save our hair for last before we head back, so maybe a few hours or so at the spa?"

"Sounds good. Even though I have my own personal masseuse." She laughs.

"Right. Aren't you lucky for him having a degree in body massage." I laugh too.

"I know I am. He really knows his stuff. Put me to sleep the other day."


"Magic hands."

"Sounds like it."

"But let's go."

I nod and we leave money for the bill before getting up and leaving, driving to one of the spas in town. Soon we're relaxing on massage tables.

"This is nice, but not as good as Jussi's." Riss mumbles.

"Well he's your boyfriend so of course he knows your body better."


"You have a point there." She murmurs.

"Which is why you don't come to spas too often. He does it all for you." I laugh.

"Too true." She giggles.

"Wonder what he would say if you told him you got a massage from someone else." I snicker.

"He might be insulted." She laughs.

"Awww poor him."

"He'll get over it."


A while later we leave the spa.

"I think I'll get a better massage from Jussi when I get back, that lady missed a few spots." Riss mumbles, rubbing her neck.


She pulls out her phone and texts him while I drive us to the hair salon.

"I can't believe how fast the day went."

"I know."

"But now we get to look all pretty."

"Yeah." She smiles.

We arrive at a hair salon shortly after, and you're still texting Justin. She continues while the hair dresser works.

"Honey you sure are popular." The guy, Damien, says.

"Its only one person." She laughs.

"Her amazing boyfriend." I grin.

"Oooh." Damien laughs.

"He misses me. Been gone all day."

"Awwww. That's cute."

"He really loves her too. Probably why he misses her so much."

"Aww. How long have you been together?"

"Over a year." She smiles.


She goes into her pictures and shows Damien a picture of Justin.

"Ohh, he looks like quite a catch."

"Oh he is. He has a degree in body massage."


"Magic hands." She giggles.

"Oh I'm sure."

"He is amazing though. So sweet."

"That's great."

"Look at her hand and you'll see what he gave her on their year anniversary." I say.


She lifts up her right hand to show him her Tiffany infinity ring.

"That's beautiful."

"He recently took her to Hawaii too." I add.

"Ooooh Hawaii."

"It was one of the best vacations ever." She sighs.

"Can't wait to do it again."

"I bet."

"He's just perfect."

"Sounds like it. You lucky girl."

"I am very lucky."

"Hopefully for a long time." She murmurs.

"Any plans of marrying this lovely guy in the future?"

"I really hope so. He's my world." She sighs.

He and I both go 'awwwww'. She blushes lightly, smiling a little.

"The day will come, all it takes is patience."

"I'd marry him right now if he asked." She says dryly.

"Tis true." I nod.

"I'm bad with patience." She mutters.

"You've just got to try."

"I know."

"Alright, your hair's done. What do you think?"

"I love it." She smiles.

"Your turn Air." She says, getting out of the chair and trading places with me.

"So what about you missy? You got a good man?" Damien asks.

"I do. We just recently confessed our love for each other."


"We kind of have a complicated relationship. See his current girlfriend he can't stand. But for a certain reason he has to stay with her for now. We have to sneak around behind her back, until the day he can drop her."


"His girlfriend is a bitch." Riss mutters.

"Basically." I nod.


"She's French-Canadian, talks in French almost all the time. Really snotty, rude, and materialistic."

"Not to mention fake, and a gold digger. All she cares about is his money and how he can buy her everything."

"Ugh." Damien makes a face.

"I on the other hand could care less about how much money he has. He spoils me, I don't even have to ask or demand. He does it on his own free will."


"Like last week. He took me out to dinner one night last week, and during the day he took me shopping for a dress to wear. He bought every dress he picked out...not just the one we both agreed on."


"Not to mention shoes and jewelry."

"He sends her texts, notes, even flowers and gifts whenever he isn't with her." Riss adds.

"I have so many flowers, I don't know what to do with them." I laugh.

"That's cute."

"Oh and this necklace.....he gave it to me to remind me of him."

"Aww. Sweet."

"I never go anywhere without it."

"How cute."

"I don't know what I'd do without him really."

"You two are so cute. So in love." Damien laughs.

"We are." I nod.

"For sure." Riss agrees.

"And he'd go crazy without me."

"He so would."

"Probably half crazy because of her, but nonetheless....go crazy."


"But I'm happy."

"I can tell."

"We're all going to a charity event tonight. But he and I have to act like just friends in public."

"Aww, that's too bad."

"But it's okay, because once we're safe back at the hotel in my room we don't have to act like friends anymore."

"Of course." Damien laughs.

"He's spending the night again in my room. Taking advantage of all this time we have."

"I would too honey."

After a while he finishes my hair as well.

"Very pretty."

"I love it."

"Thanks Damien." We both smile.

"You're very welcome." He smiles back. "You both look absolutely gorgeous."

"Thank you." We hug him and then give him tips.

We say bye before heading out to the car, and finally heading back to the hotel.

"Oh I can't wait to get into the room." She sighs as we're in the elevator.

"Oh I know right?"

We get off on our floor and go straight to our respective rooms.

"Well I'll see you soon."

"See you."

She walks down the hall a bit, and I slide my keycard in the door and open it, walking inside. When I walk in, my eyes are instantly drawn over to the bed where there's a teal/blue sparkly dress laying there.

"Ohhh." I gasp.

"That's what they were out doing today."

I walk over to the bed and admire the dress.

"And what do you know, it matches everything I got today." I laugh.

"It's really pretty." I murmur.

"I figured you'd like it."

I jump and see Ted standing by the bathroom. He was in the middle of getting ready, and I smile.

"So this is what you were up to today."

"Yep." He smiles.

"It's a good thing Riss and I didn't find any dresses when we looked today then."

"Yes it is."

"It's amazing."

"I'm glad you like it."

"I love it."


"I know you're not done getting ready, but you do look good. But the half open shirt is not helping me right now."

Ted laughs.

"My bad."


"Finish getting ready before I get distracted."

He laughs and walks over for a kiss before going back into the bathroom. In the meantime, I get changed into the dress that he had got for me. Then I get my shoes on. After those are on, I use the mirror on the wall in the room to put my jewelry and makeup on.

"Wow. Gorgeous." Ted comments as he comes out of the bathroom.

"Looks better on you than I imagined."

I smile and blush.


"Just for you."


He nods and puts his arms around you, kissing my head and then my cheek.

"The blush is still cute."

I giggle.

"You always say that."

"Because its true."

"Of course it is."

"It's too bad I won't be able to kiss you and hold you like I want to."

"I know, but it leaves more for when we get back."


"You know, I don't see why we don't just share a room instead of having seperate ones. I mean 'friends' share rooms right? We can share a room as 'friends'."

"I don't know...I don't want to get Maryse suspicious." Ted hesitates.

"Just an idea." I shrug.

"Maybe after a while. Lets see how things go for a few more weeks. Okay?"

"That's fine."

Ted kisses me.

"I love you Ariel."

"I love you too Ted."

"Ready to go?"

"Of course I am."

He smiles and steals one last kiss before we leave the room. When Riss walks into her and Justin's room, she too finds her eyes going to the bed where there's a dress laying there for her as well. Her eyes widen as she takes in the sight of the pretty red dress.



"That sneak."

"You rang?" He chuckles.

"You little sneak." She says with a laugh.

"So I am"

"It's a beautiful dress."

"I thought so too."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

She touches the dress.


"That's one thing I liked about it when I saw it."

"I bet." She says, still admiring the dress and not looking at him.

"I also knew that it would look amazing on you."

"You think everything does."

"Because everything does look amazing on you."

"You're supposed to say that because you love me."

"Yes, but I also say it, because it's the truth."

She giggles softly.

"I'd love to see it on you, so why don't you get dressed."

She glances up and notices he isn't wearing a shirt.

"Looks like you need to get dressed yourself."

"Right, well I heard you come in so I got interrupted."

"Of course."

"I'll go finish and you start getting ready."

She nods slightly, eyeing his waist where his indents are showing.

"You better go finish now before I get too distracted and don't wanna leave."

He chuckles. She absentminded rubs her neck.

"Trust me, I'd lock the door and then we would stay....if we could."

"Sounds nice. We have to go though." She murmurs, trying to relieve the tense spot.

"Right. Is something wrong? You're rubbing your neck."

"The masseuse missed a few spots." She mumbles.

"Oh, I can get those for you if you want."

"Please Jussi?"

"Of course. We have time."

She nods, moving to sit on the bed but careful of the dress. He moves to sit behind her, and she points to the spots that are tense.

"I know love." He chuckles.

"We go through this almost every time you try another masseuse."

"True." She sighs.

"We were at the spa and we couldn't really avoid them."

"I know."

"I'll have your neck feeling better in no time."

"I know. Magic hands."


"You're so good to me."

"Because I love you."

"I love you too."

When he feels that her neck is no longer tensed up, he stops and kisses the back of it.

"Thank you Jussi." She mumbles.

"You're welcome."

He briefly rubs a few spots on her back.

"I'll give you a better massage tomorrow." He promises.

"Sounds good, looking forward to it."

She reluctantly gets up and moves towards her dress. He smiles, watching her before getting up and kissing her cheek and then heading back into the bathroom to finish what he was doing. She changes into the dress, loving the silkiness of the fabric. She gets her shoes and jewelry on before going to do her makeup. Justin soon comes out of the bathroom, all dressed up himself. She occupied with the mirror and doesn't notice.

"Someone looks amazing."

She glances over and laughs lightly.

"So do you."

"Looks even better on you than I had imagined today."

"You made a good choice."

"I know."

She finishes her makeup and puts it away. Then she grabs what she needs and puts it in a clutch that she picked out. She makes sure to stick her lipgloss in there, knowing she'll need it later.

"I'm all set to go. You?"

"I think you've forgotten one thing." She says.



He grins and walks over to her, cupping her face and pressing his lips to hers. She hums happily, kissing back while holding his wrists. He smiles into the kiss, and he holds it for a bit longer. She involuntarily whines when he pulls away.

"We can't be much as I don't want to leave..."

"I know." She sighs.

"Don't worry though. You'll have me all day tomorrow. Just you and me."

"Sounds good. Do we have to leave the room?"

"Only if you want to."

"I don't."

"Then we won't."


"Ready to go now?"


"After you."

They make sure they have everything and then head out. The four of us end up arriving at the same time, parking and getting out of the cars.

"Looking good." She calls.

"Thanks." I call back.

"You too." I add.


"You're so sparkly." She laughs.

"I know."

"I love it."

"You and the sparkly." I giggle.

"Yup." She laughs.

"Sparkles are fun."

"Yes they are."

"Ready to walk the carpet and head in?"

"Yep. Let's do this."

We walk away from the cars and head towards the carpet to walk and do pictures and such before heading inside. Ted and I go first, followed by Justin and Riss. Of course we're asked questions and then the topic of Maryse not being there with Ted comes up and we explain that I'm being a great friend and being there with him since she bailed. Justin and Riss exchange amused looks. We all move along the carpet, the pictures taking the most time but we do manage to make it inside.

"Yeesh. So many questions." She says.

"They're just asking stuff for everyone to find out the answers to."

"I know. Plus this is the first time Jussi and I have been to one of the WWE events together so of course they're curious."

"Of course."

"But lets find a table."


We walk into the big room and find our table. People start walking in and it looks like that we're the only ones at the table.

"Hopefully it stays just us." Riss mumbles, snuggling under Justin's arms.

"I hope so."

"Or its people we can stand."


We keep watching to see if anyone joins us. After a while, someone does join it, but thankfully it's Nattie, Tyson and David.

"Hi guys!" Nattie smiles.

"Hi Nattie."

"You two look so amazing."

"You do too." We smile.

"So how're you liking your first charity event?"

"Its nice. Walking the carpet was a little overwhelming though." Riss says.

"I know, all the cameras and questions." I nod.

"It takes a little getting used to." She agrees.

"But the best thing about it is you get to dress up and everything." She adds.

"Very true."

"My favorite part." Justin smiles, and he kisses her cheek.

"Awww." Nattie giggles.

"And're here with Ted. Did Maryse stand you up again Ted?"

"Yeah she did."

"I decided I'd come with him, since he didn't have anyone else to go with."

"Well that was nice of you."

"It's what friends do."


"She doesn't me like too much, so when he told her that he'd just go with me, she flipped. She gets so jealous."

"That's Maryse for you." Nattie says.

"But hey, the feeling's mutual."

They all laugh.

"Althought, I wouldn't put it past her to show up anyway."

"That seems like something she would do."

"I'm just waiting to hear that annoying little voice."

"Who knows."

But after everyone was settled inside, they started to bring the food out.

"Ooh looks good."

"It does." I agree.

We get served and start eating, talking as well. After finishing that, we sit and relax for a bit.

"Wonder what's for dessert."

"I saw a whole table of stuff." Nattie says.


"Can't wait to see what we get."

Riss nods in agreement. Soon enough they start to give out the desserts.

"Ooooh it looks good."

"It does." I nod.

We eat dessert, marveling at how good it is. When we were done, since it was so good, we wanted more. We get second helpings from the waiters.

"Okay...two desserts and I'm all done." I say after finishing the 2nd one.

"Me too." Riss agrees.

"I can't wait to go back to the hotel."

"Mmhmm." She nods, nuzzling Justin's neck

"I'm already tired." I yawn.

"I think I can make a dance or two."

"Let's go." She tells Justin.

He agrees and she getss up so he can as well. He takes her hand and they walk to the dance floor. Seeing them dancing together all happy, makes me think about how I can't really be that way with Ted in public yet, and I sigh quietly and look away. I feel a hand grab mine under the table and squeeze it. I feel a little bit better after that.

"You know we can leave now if you want." He says to me.

"Soon." I nod.

"I don't wanna leave without saying bye to Riss and Justin first." I add.

"Of course."

I never let go of his hand under the table, I'll just let go of it when we leave. Riss on the otherhand, moves a little bit closer to Justin as they're dancing.

"I like this." She smiles.

"Me too." He agrees.

"We should do this more often."

"Sounds good."

"I'm sure there'll be more events like this to come." He adds.

"Of course. Plus we have Wrestlemania and everything to look forward to in a couple months."


A slow song comes on and she snuggles into his arms, resting her head against his shoulder. He smiles and kisses the top of her head.

"I want to go soon." She murmurs.

"We can go after this song if you want."

She nods and kisses his neck. After the song is over, they pull away and lace their fingers together and head back to the table.

"Alright, we're going." She declares.

"Yeah, I think we're gonna go too." I nod.

The four of us say bye to Nattie, Tyson, and David before going out to our cars.

"I'm tired." She declares.

"Me too." I nod.

"It was fun though."

"Oh for sure."

"May be tired now, but tomorrow we're gonna make up for it." She giggles.


"Don't be surprised if you don't see us tomorrow."

"I repeat....oooooh."

Justin smirks and holds her hips as they stand by Ted's car.

"You two have fun then."

"We will. You have fun too."

"We will too."

We give out hugs and such before going to our seperate cars and heading to the hotel.