No One Can Touch Us!

1 - Sheri


"Wake up, beautiful," someone whispered softly as the sunlight trickled into the room splashing itself, annoyingly, across my face.

"What if I don't want to?" I replied with a smile, my eyes still closed.

"Well, then... you won't get you're birthday present..." they whispered.

I sat up and smiled at my boyfriend of six long and turbulent years, my Jimmy. "I like presents," I smiled, kissing him. "But what can you give me? I have you, that's all I've ever needed."

"Bitch please!" someone yelled from the hallway.

"Correction, I have you and Sarah and all our friends," I laughed as Sarah appeared. "Which is all I ever need."

I couldn't believe that two and a half years had passed since highschool, since we found out we were sisters and since Avenged kicked ass at Battle of the bands. And since then? Well, a lot has happened...

Avenged Sevenfold, Panic, FFTL, and MCR are all pretty well known--- well, Avenged is still coming up in the world, along with FFTL, but we all were on the road... We all had a steady following and soon, I knew we'd all be as famous as we dreamed when we were in highschool---daydreaming about this situation, just to pass the time in chemistry.

The boys were now in negotiations with Warner Bros. to sign a major record deal, on the label that My Chemical Romance has been a apart of for the last year. And it's done them well... Actually, since we were all still our own little family, it did well for all of us... A7X toured with them, and they bought the three bedroom house Sarah, Zacky, Jimmy and I share, as an early wedding gift.

Yeah, that's right, I'm 21 today and Jimmy and I are still engaged, not married, nor is Sarah and Zacky... But we didn't mind, we'd all decided to wait it out for a bit. Not for relationship reasons or cold feet or whatever, fuck that... We knew we would get married, and that our love wasn't something that would ever end. But I wasn't about to let Jimmy drop a tour to go on our honeymoon... So we decided to wait for things to slow down.

At 21, I'm still young for fucks sake, and Sarah's only 19.

"Happy Birthday!" Sarah smiled, coming in with Zacky.

"Thanks," I smiled before looking at Jimmy and smiling, "sooo, what did you get me?"

"Well, first of all," he said, looking down at the ring on my left finger, "we all had a bit of a surprise for you, and Sarah too..."

"You kept a secret?" Sarah asked, eyes widening. "How the fuck did you manage that?"

Jimmy just laughed, "Hard work. Anyhow, we signed a deal with Warner..."

"Holy fucking shit!!!" Sarah and I squealed in unison. "Congratulations baby!" I continued, wrapping my arms around him and kissing him deeply (see, not much has changed). He then took the ring off my finger and tossed it in the trash. My jaw dropped, "Jimmy... Uh, what are you doing?"

He smiled, "We bought that ring for $10 at a yardsale because we couldn't afford anything spectacular..."

"So... it's my engagement ring Jimmy... I hear those are important for engagements..."

"Babe," he laughed, "let me finish..." He then took out an unbelievable white gold ring an intricute cut out design on the band and a diamond that had to be two gargantuan carats of amazingness.

"Oh my fucking..." I whispered, trailing off as he slipped it onto my finger.

"You're the love of my life, Sheri, and my baby deserves only the best... We all got a large signing bonus, and I knew what to do with mine..."

"Is that..."

"Yeah," he laughed, clearly amused by my level of shock, "it's a Tacori... I saw you gawking at it with Sarah in that magazine."

"Jimmy, I fucking love you, you didn't have to do that... I would've been fine with our yardsale ring," I smiled, admiring the rock on my hand.

"Yeah, but this one is shinier and prettier," he said in a playful, mocking tone.

"Yeah..." I giggled, "I love it!"

"I also got you something else," he smiled.

"Jimmy!" I said, hitting his arm playfully. "Don't spoil me! Shit, I only got you Fear and Loathing for your birthday..."

"Well, this present is kinda for me too," he smiled before looking at Zacky, "want to grab it?"

Zacky smiled and nodded before walking out of the room. A moment later, as I waiting anxious and excitedly, he appeared back in the room with the cutest white german sheppard, ball of fur puppy I'd ever seen. "Awww!" I squealed as Zacky handed it to me.

"Okay, so it's kind of for all of us," Jimmy said looking over Sarah's stunned expression.

"TWO SECRETS?! You kept TWO from me?!" she asked, looking the puppy over.

"Well, if they told you, you would have told me," I giggled as we all started to play with the puppy.

"Happy Birthday," Jimmy smiled, kissing me.

I smirked, "You're sooo getting some tonight..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, my pretties... I TOTALLY changed their ages around and the timeline of when they get famous and such to work in with the story. Artistic control. Deal with it. :)