Status: Another new story. I know I have too many!

The Light and Dark of Love


Jace Greg wasn't your usual boy growing up. Ever since he was younger he knew he liked boys, and not as just friends either. When he was thirteen he told his parents. They didn't accept him, his father beat him, and his mother threw holy water on him. Later that night he called his aunt Melissa and her husband Joey. They called Child Services and they picked him up. They adopted him and changed his last name. Now at age seventeen they moved to Waynesburg from Pittsburgh, he felt complete. Well all except not having a boyfriend. Jace is a jock pretty boy. He may be gay, but you wouldn't think that by his looks.

Peyton Bowman was misunderstood. When he was a child he knew he was different. He liked boys, but that wasn't why he was different.He was different because he couldn't control his feelings or emotions. He was a wreck. His mom and brother tried to help him. He started taking medicine for bi-polar disorder and some for having high levels of female hormones. He only had one friend since middle school, Andrea. They were inseperatable. Now, the new kid will change his life forever.
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Peyton, Jace, Andrea, Melissa, & Joey (c) Me