Status: Another new story. I know I have too many!

The Light and Dark of Love

Chapter One

Jace's POV

Today is my first day at a new school. I was walking down the hall when I saw this guy, he was in black ripped skinny jeans, a tight black v- neck and a big leather jacket. He had a dark look to him and also a nose ring to match. He saw me looking and winked, the girl I just noticed next to him growled and he frowned at her.

I walked to my locker to put my bag in it. I looked at my schedule, first period math. I found the room and saw the teacher, she looked up at me. "And who are you?" I smiled my breath taking smile, "Jace Gregs, I just transfered here." She nodded, "Sit behind Peyton." THere was a growl, "Peyne!" She just shook her head, "Raise your hand."

The dark guy from earlier rose his hand, great now I knew his name. It fit him well, so dark. I walked back and sat behind him. He dropped his hand and class went on.

By lunch time I had made a few friends. One being the girl from earlier that was with Peyne. He name was Andrea, everyone calls her Ang. She's sorta like Peyne, except she likes people and is nice to some people. She told me the only reason she growled at me was because she thought I was hating on and disgusted by Peyne. He's like her older brother, and NO ONE messes with him.

She had invited me to lunch with her and Peyne. I walked behind her to her lunch table where Peyne was already sitting. He looked up and smirked at me. "Peyne be good. Jace is an okay guy." I smiled at Ang. She sat next to Peyne and left the seat infront of him for me. I sat down carefully and smiled at Peyne.

Then I could feel a leg moving up my thigh. I squeaked, Ang looked at me weirdly. She pulled a lunch box out of her book bag. Peyne took it and took a sandwhich from it. He just sat there quietly and ate. Ang ignored him and looked to me.

"So Jace tell me about yourself." I shrugged, "Well, I'm gay and live with my aunt and uncle." She squealed, I raised my brow. "Well I love gays and Peyne-" Peyne slapped his hand over her mouth. "Don't you dare finish that sentence." Peyne growled at her, she bit his hand. "Whatever, I guess I'm not wanted here." And she just got up and left.

Peyne got up and I thought he was gonna leave, until he sat in the seat next to me. I looked up at him to see him smiling down at me. I felt his hand on my knee. I shivered at the contact of his hand on the hole of my jeans.

The bell rang and I jumped up. I had history next . I walked near the spanish room (I think) to see Peyne sitting in a circle of desks. He looked up and winked at me. I blushed and walked down the hall to my next period class.

*After School*

I rode the bus home, right now I don't have my car yet. I looked out the window the whole ride home. When I got iff the bus I walked across the street to my house. I walked through the front door, my aunt yelled out, "Jace, sweetie our next door neighbors are over!"
I threw my back pack on the stairs and went into the livingroom. To my surprise, Peyne was sitting on my couch with a woman who looks like him and a man who was.... hotter than him. "Hey Peyne." He smirked and nodded at me. Aunt Mel raised an eye brow. "You know each other?" I smiled, "Yep, he's one of my new friends." She smiled, "That's great, wll this is his mom Rachel, and brother Wyatt."

I smiled, "Nice to meet you." Rachel smiled, "You too. So, how did you meet Peyne?" I blushed, "Andrea introduced us." Wyatt laughed. "Of course she did." I saw Peyne pat the spot next to him on the love seat. I walked over and plopped down next to him.

He slithered his arm around my waist. "Peyne what did I say?" His mom asked sternly. "Ma, he's gay." Rachel looked at me. "Oh, okay then." Mel and I stared at each other for awhile, then turned to Rachel she looked at Peyne, "You didn't tell him did you?" He shook his head, he turned his head down near my ear, "I'm gay too."

I looked up surprised. "Really?" He smiled, "Really." I snuggled in his side. "Well if you guys are done, I'm gonna go pick up Ang." Peyne glared at him, "Try anything, and I'll kill you." Wyatt laughed and left my house. Mel and Rachel left to go over Rachel's for tea. Peyne laid his head on mine. I gently felt my eyes shut and sleep came quick.


I sat outside watching Peyton Bowman talk with his friends. Today was the day I realized that I like boys. Peyton looked over at me and smiled. I blushed while being bathed in the sun.

*End Dream*

I woke up in my bed. How did I get in here? I got up and went down stairs. Mel was in the kitchen. "Where'd Peyne go?" She smiled, "He went home, Andrea came over." I frowned, "Oh." I went back into my room and went back to sleep.

*Next Morning*

I got up when Mel yelled for me to wake up. I walked to my bathroom and took a shower. Then I got dressed in the usual baggy jeans and tight shirt. I spiked my hair and ran down stairs.
When I stepped into the kitchen Peyne was leaning against the counter. I got a water from the fridge and grabbed my bag. Peyne grabbed my hand and pulled me outside, to his car. The whole ride he held my hand, when we got to school he left me to go see Ang. I was pissed.

I walked through the halls to my locker. When I got there a nice looking blonde was at the locker next to mine. I put my bag away and got my math books. The girl smiled at me, "Hi, I'm Melony." I shivered, she had said it seductively. "I'm Jace, and not interested." I walked away to math where Peyne was.

I ignored him and sat behind him. And the rest of the day was the same, I even sat outside for lunch.
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Peyton, Jace, Andrea, Rachel, Wyatt, Melissa, & Joey (c) Me