A Ray Toro Romance

Ray Toro

<3 A Ray Toro Romance. <3

I sat and stared at the blank computer screen. I was covered by darkness. The power had switched off but I could still hear her beautiful voice.
Niambh – The girl I’m desperately in love with.
We work in this new photographic building that was surrounded by city life. Nearly everyone that lives near my apartment works here. Niambh stays at work the same time as me, through all hours of the day. I enjoy this because that’s the only time I get to see her. I don’t think she’s even noticed me though. Everyday it’s the same thing. I arrive at work and see her beautiful face smiling; she makes me melt whenever she speaks.

I overheard her talking to the manager this morning, before the power cut, mentioning that she was willing to stay a few more hours after work. This made me think, was I prepared to stay too?? I’d do anything, just to be with her.
If only she knew. If only I had the guts to tell her how I feel about her. Why do I have to be so lonely? I’m a single man with wants, fears and ambitions but they never seem to occur to me how important they really are. All I want is for her to see how much I love her.

The power suddenly flicked on and I was dazzled by the bright lights. I decided to go and speak to the manager as well to tell him that I’d like to stay 2 or 3 more hours.

As I spoke, my words were all slurry and buggered up. She’s left me in a state. She’s all I think about, day in, day out. The boss said that I could stay 3 more hours if I wanted to until 9. I just about managed ‘yesthanksokbye’.
I walked into the toilets and stared at myself in the mirror. I was shaking all over. I washed and dried my hands and then read all the writing on the walls. There were rude poems and all sorts wrote over the doors too but there was something small that caught my eye.
It said:

‘I love you, miss you and I want to be with you every night and day, but that I can’t have and never will get this fantasy that I’m dreaming. A kiss goodbye will be sensible but I’ll never be able to let you go. You’re too precious to me.’
‘What’s the worst that I can say? So long or goodnight?’

That’s it. I’ve got to speak to her…soon.

Its 5:30 and I’m sitting at my desk finishing my paperwork, when she walks past my office, putting me off for 5 minutes. I decide to retire to my comfiest chair for a while. I can hear her talking to one of our colleges about the power-cut that we had this afternoon. I swear I heard her mentioning my name… No, no, that can’t be right??
Wake up Ray, Wake up! Stop imagining things that are obviously never going to happen! Bring yourself into the real world and stop dreaming!
My co-worker, Gerard, came up to me to see if I was going with the rest of the colleges for a pint. I told him that I was going to continue working for another 3 hours … So he said his goodbyes and headed off down the pub with the others.

So here I am, on my own again in the office. Feeling rather bored actually. I’ve finished all of my paper work and filing. Sorted out what everyone’s jobs are for tomorrow. So... What now? Go and get a coffee. Also thinking ‘Never going to do this again’.
As I was walking down towards the kitchen, the power cut out again. I fumbled around in the dark, trying to locate my torch, showing that I wasn’t afraid. I flicked on the switch and proved to myself that there was no one around, apart from me. It also made me feel safe to know; Niambh was just down the corridor.

As I made my way to the power box, I started to think about her again.

‘A kiss is all that we need. Me and you, alone. We could be together in eternal darkness for all I care just as long as I’m with you. I drift away to a place, another kind of life. Take away the pain, as I create my paradise. Everything I’ve held has hit the wall, what used to be yours, isn’t yours at all. Falling apart and all that I’m asking, Is this a crime or am I overreacting?’
Doesn’t make a lot of sense but it does keep me sane during those lonely days.

I walked up to the electricity box and I shined my torch on it. The wire had been burnt through so it wouldn’t work anyway even if I tried to switch it back on. Then I heard footsteps coming from the top of the stairs. Without thinking, I froze and switched off the torch. I thought everyone had gone home? I felt like running but my feet didn’t seem to be going anywhere. That person was getting closer and I felt myself shaking. Then I heard:
‘Hello?’ ‘Is anyone down here?’
I’d recognise that soft voice anywhere. It was Niambh of course. I called back:
‘Yes, it’s me, Ray.’

‘Ray? Where are you? I can’t see anything down here, it’s too bloody dark!’

For a moment, I felt happy knowing that she even knew my name. So she did have a clue that I was existent! I finally found the emergency switches and turned on the lights.
There she was. I couldn’t help staring into her beautiful eyes. They are as blue as the skies which shimmer in the moonlight. Her red hair makes me want to run my hands through it and stroke her gorgeous face. I went up to her and said:

‘I’m so glad that you’re down here Niambh, because I need to tell you something, alone.’
‘I’ve always liked you and I’ve always thought that we’d get on quite well. I guess that all I’m trying to say is... I Love you Niambh Coleman…’

That’s when it happened. The kiss and the girl I have been waiting for my entire life, it’s finally starting to come true!
♠ ♠ ♠
This is my first attempt of a Fan-Fiction.