Status: Active

She Killed My Brain

- You Beaches

I was headed down the sidewalk of my small town with my bathing suit top under my tank top, and my cut off shorts. Trying to get to the small lake that is like 6 blocks away from my house. I’ve been waiting all winter to finally get to be in the sun and to actually swim, I missed the sun too fucking much to then not like it later because it was hot as hell. I had my hair up in a small ponytail with a towel over my shoulder, I was wondering if there was gonna be a lot of people here, not exactly everyone is out of school I just went ahead and got two extra weeks if you know what I mean. I wasn’t gonna stay in that damn school for two more weeks when I can finally be out enjoying the summer. I know I began to hate those words because after about 4 weeks I won’t be able to handle it and I will wish that it was back to the winter, and then vice versa. I was finally coming up to the walk way of the lake, it has a small hill you have to go up so I ran up it because it was a good work out for my lazy ass, that thing needs to get in shape. I felt like I was out of breath, I rolled my eyes at myself. I didn’t see anyone here so that was a good sign, I was here early too. It was about 8am plenty of time for me to get some sun, swim and go back home before everyone gets out of school. I’ll probably spend two of those weeks here since it’ll be so quiet and nice, I don’t mind people and being in front of people it’s just mixing the sun with people and screaming children aren’t my cup of tea thank you. I unfolded my towel and laid it on the grass next to my water bottle. I tried to get close to the lake so when I got to hot I could just jump right in it and be all cool and ready for the sun again, I never wore sunscreen, I hardly burn and if I do it just turns into a nice tan. I took off my tank top and shorts and finally laid down. It felt so nice to be outside, I’m not that much of an outside person but I will when it comes to certain things. Some people will understand I’m sure. The sun on my body felt so good, nice and warm and it made my aches go away. I have a problem with body aches, not enough to bother me all the time, I just deal with it because no medicine will work and I hate taking that shit anyway. I don’t want any addiction thank you! I’ve seen that stuff take people down to easy and I do not want that to happen to me. I opened my eyes and felt the presence of other people around me. I turned my head to see a guy, I couldn’t tell a lot but I could tell he was a guy; he stripped down to his boxers and took a running start to the lake. Luckily he wasn’t close to me or I would’ve been pissed. I looked at my watch to see what time it was, I thought I probably fell asleep and it was time for school to be out. It was only just now 9:30 so I didn’t sleep that long, either he did what I did or he was already out of school. I turned my head back to the sun and just rested there, I’m not even sure if he knew I was here or not, I kinda blended in with the grass and shit, haha. I flipped over onto my stomach to get a tan on my back finally after that nap; I wanted to at least be even. I looked up to see if that guy was still here, he was swimming away in the water also singing some song I never heard before. I couldn’t really hear what he was singing anyway, it just sounded faded and off distance. This guy must seriously not know there is someone here. I giggled to myself, it’ll be okay though I do that shit too all the time, but I’m not one to care if someone here’s me. Fuck they might like it. I was swaying my head back and forth to some songs that were in my head, I heard him say something about a long john and I could not stop laughing. He stopped swimming for a second, looked around, then creeped into the water like a crocodile. I wanted to literally die; this shit was funny as hell! I started to tend to my own business and listen to bands sing in my head and thinking of how nice it was that my mom let me skip two weeks, what a nice women she is. She’s currently dating this man named Matt and I just want her to find someone and be happy, that’s what she always taught me. Though I never found anyone interested in me, I’m not gonna go look and make it worse on myself, I’ll find someone eventually when the time is right, man. It started to get late as I could tell; the sun was getting a lot hotter so I thought I’d jump in the lake before I left to cool me off on my journey home. I stood up, I didn’t see him there anymore so I thought he must’ve left or something. I ran straight into the water and just fell into. I know it sounds painful but I didn’t flop or any shit like that, I’m not that stupid. I stayed in there for a few minutes and figured it was time to go. I got out and wrapped my towel around me and took my hair down so it could air dry, my hair was bright pink at this time. I didn’t care about it fading I can always redo it and what not, maybe add some more color? I started walking and I noticed someone lying on the ground, I got a little bit closer and it was the man in the water. He looked passed out and I wondered if I should wake him up so he won’t get burned since I don’t know how his skin is and everything. I decided to do it and maybe some good karma will come back on me. At first I said

“Hey,” I didn’t get an answer; I tried again “HEY!” nothing at all. I bent down to shake him and he grabbed my hand and it scared me to death, he didn’t do anything after he grabbed my hand he just held it, I was very confused by what was going on, was he awake, is he one of those people that do that in their sleep? Questions, questions.

“I need some Oreos fucking badly,” he spoke as he cuddled into my hand, I didn’t know what to do.

“Hello sir, can you please let go of my hand? I wanted to wake you up before you died out here.” He made this sour face, squinted his eye open and looked at me straight in the eyes, then looked at our hands.

“You have some soft hands there.” He started to open his eyes, I sorta blushed at this, don’t ask me why I have no idea myself.

“Well thank you. I don’t want you to burn so I kinda wanted to wake you.”

“It’s all good M’lady,” he let go of my hand and sat up. “I burn like a lobster, so thanks for waking me. I didn’t wanna have to go lay in honey.” He said with a sad look.
“Why would you lay in honey?” I asked.

“Because that’s what takes the burn out…right?” he looked at me confused, I chuckled at him.

“You would just have to take the hottest water you can and take it like a man!” he looked up at me and turned his face to the side.

“I like your style,” we both laughed.

“Well I have to get going,” I told him starting to walk away.

“Hey!” I turned around and looked at him.


“Are you gonna come back here? Like, I don’t know sometime this week or something. I always enjoy meeting people and making friends!” He sounded excited.

“Yeah, I’ll probably see ya!” I told him, he threw his fist in the air then brought it down.

“Yay!” and then he proceeded to roll over and lay in the sun again.
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Well please let me know if it's any good, I'm just getting started. I noticed there's not a lot of Jimmy Stories so since I saw them in concert recently I thought I would give it a go! I hope all of you like it :D