Status: I know, update, sorry It didn't get up on Sunday, I had thought I was going to write it on the plane Saturday, but turbulence and a very rude man in front of me prevented that.... So, the latest I will get an update out is this weekend.... really sorry about the delay!



Amelia giggled, playing with the tulle of her dress. The little girl was having incredible amounts of fun from the blue and white dress. Dakota was sure her daughter didn’t truly understand the concept of a wedding, of being a big sister, or of adoption.

That was probably Harry’s favorite part of the wedding, adopting Amelia and legally becoming her father. Both her and the two year old would go from being Ramsey’s to Styles’. And that, next to the dress, was Amelia’s favorite part: she thought the last name Styles was the most hilarious and brilliant thing.

It was quite amazing really, how in four months, they had managed to put a wedding together. Of course, with her ever expanding stomach, her dress had had SEVERAL alterations in the short time, but that was the only thing that ever needed constant attention. Except for now, thirty minutes before her wedding, something she never thought would happen. Dakota was sitting in an incredibly comfortable chair while Amelia played with a stuffed rabbit that would be going down the aisle with her as she threw flower petals.

All five of her bridesmaids were currently trying to get themselves ready, seeing as they were the ones who cared most. Dakota would have been perfectly fine with them going as is, but she had nearly gotten chewed out for suggesting such a thing. Her maid of honor, Atti, could very clearly be heard in the next room, yelling orders and such. Then there was Natalia, who had recently dyed her hair lavender color. Of course, Amelia had then tried to do the same to her own hair, but with washable markers.

Gemma was also a bridesmaid, as she as Dakota had become quite good friends in the past few months. Then there was Danni, who had recently moved into her and Harry’s old flat with Maddie and Atti, due to all three Americans picking a more long term solution to their living arrangements. Which had meant Harry and her and Amelia had moved as well. Into an insanely massive home, Harry’s excuse being that the boys and the girls would pretty much be living there, and they would need the room. And that had then given him the excuse to spend money on them, and then let the girls have fun playing decorators. Dakota herself was shocked that Harry wasn’t completely broke yet on just how much money was being spent.

Finally, the five girls made their way into the room containing the bride, and Atti grinned, announcing, “Timed for your happily ever after, D.”

With the help of Dani and Gemma, Dakota stood up and chuckled, holding Amelia’s hand when she reached for her mum, and they filed out. Atti was the second to last out, pausing for a moment and whispering to Dakota, “I fucking told you so.”


Dakota was on cloud nine. Everything was beautiful, they church was lovely, and the girls of course looked absolutely gorgeous. Even Dakota thought she looked rather nice for once.
Then, it happened. A sharp pain shot through her entire body. It wasn’t just a contraction, it was a contraction that had gathered up every other contractiong in the world, combined all of the pain, then doubled it before crashing down on her. And crashing was the perfect word; the eighteen year old literally began to collapse, gripping Harry’s arm. She didn’t know what happened next, the pain was all-consuming. She was just vaguely aware of Harry holding onto her, of Amelia crying because she didn’t know what was happening, and of everyone else screaming and panicking.


Harry tried to keep her sitting up, tried getting her attention. One minute, she had been smiling as the priest said something, the next she was grabbing his arm in a painfully strong grip, shrieking in absolute and total agony, and blacking out. He didn’t pay attention to anything else, all he could do was continue to call Dakota’s name, ask her what was wrong. He knew that people were worried, but he couldn’t deal with them right now, he was too focused on the love of his life.

They had just been to the doctor’s the day before, he had said everything was alright, that the babies were perfectly healthy, that Dakota was healthy. If they were so healthy, why was she in pain? Why was she in so much pain that she passed out from it? Harry was yanked out of his own world as someone pulled him off Dakota and medic’s appeared. Amelia was screaming and crying, and Harry forced himself to completely focus on his daughter.

Atti was going with Dakota in the ambulance, and Harry was to come separately, after calming the two year old in his arms down.


Odd, that was the word that came to Dakota’s mind. She knew she was dreaming, she had to be. She was standing on water after all, and that wasn’t possible, because she was quite sure she wasn’t Jesus or any kind of religious icon. That was all there was though, the water she was standing on, as far as she could see. Looking at her feet, Dakota realized she could actually see her feet, she wasn’t pregnant. That scared her, both hands immediately going to try and find the missing bump.

People were screaming in the distance, some were crying. She couldn’t see the owners of the noise though. The noise didn’t get louder, or quieter, and nothing happened. It seemed like forever that she was just standing in the middle of the body of water, listening to unintelligible cries and shouts.


“What do you mean I can’t see her?!” Harry was a mix of furious and terrified. Atti had come in with her, with Dakota, but they wouldn’t let him go see her. By law, they were married, the lisence had been feilled out last week. That meant he should have been with her.

The nurse looked at him sympathetically, and told him gently, “Sir, she’s in surgery right now. The woman she came in with is in her room, I can take you there, but you must wait until they bring her out from the operating room.” His shoulders slumped in defeat, but he nodded and let the woman take him to the sterile room, that held an empty bed, and Atti in her dress.

As soon as he entered the room, Atticus looked straight up and felt her heart clench. Dakota still wasn’t out of surgery. It was going on six hours now, why was it taking so long?! The two hugged each other, and as Atti pulled away to wipe more tears from her eyes, not caring about the make-up she smeared again, she sniffled, “How’s Amelia?”

Harry shook his head and replied in a scratchy voice, “She finally fell asleep, she’s with my mum, Gemma, and everyone else back at the house. Where’s she?”

Atti shook her head, telling him that she didn’t know where his wife was.


Hours seemed to fly by yet drag at the same time. No one told the two anything. Harry was pacing and Atti was crumpled in a chair when a doctor finally came in, still in the clothes from the operating room, the clothes that had blood on them. Both Harry and Atti nearly tackled the poor man, desperate for information. After recovering from nearly being trampled, he told them somberly, “Mrs. Styles being brought here now, they’re just dressing the incisions.”

The word ‘incisions’, especially it being plural, made both flinch, but the doctor continued, “It looks as though one of the babies kicked through and broke the amniotic sac, which then induced labor extremely early. Both infants seem to be fine, they’re in the Neo-Natal Intensive Unit right now.” Nothing else, he just left. Within minutes, several orderlies rolled the bed with Dakota on it in, and after hooking up wires and tubes, they left.

Now all Harry could do was sit at Dakota’s side, hold her hand, and beg her quietly, “Please, please wake up Dakota.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, it sucks, I know.... I just needed something to happen!!

Still time to submit names!!