Status: Completed

Hit n' Run

Chapter One

Jordan: Be at my place

The text arrived shortly after the third period ended. She had been waiting for it, and even though she knew it was coming it still broke her heart. Jordan had had his ups and downs with his injuries this year and it was hard on him, but nothing was as hard as losing a playoff game to the Flyers. Especially when they had a three goal lead in the first period.

Samantha didn’t reply to the text message. She threw her phone in her purse and ran out the door, still in her pajamas. The streets were crowded with fans leaving the game, most of them had their heads hung and looked defeated. Sam couldn’t even imagine how Jordan was feeling. She got home just in time to catch the third period. It was twenty minutes of nail biting misery, and the overtime sucked too.

The drive to Jordan’s place took twice as long as it should have due to the traffic from the game. He lived just outside of Pittsburgh and every shortcut Sam tried to take backfired on her. All she wanted was to comfort her boyfriend but his damn fans were making that very difficult. She was hoping to beat him home but when she pulled into his driveway she saw his truck parked there and knew he was waiting for her.

She took a deep breath and let herself inside the house, seeing that it was all lit up. “In here.” Jordan said from the kitchen. He didn’t sound upset, which was a good sign. Sam smiled to herself and walked into the kitchen. Jordan stood at the counter, beer in hand, blonde hair a mess (in desperate need of a haircut), and in shorts and no shirt. Just how Sam liked him.

“Hello Kitty pajamas, very sexy.” Jordan said with a smirk on his face. “You know just how to turn me on.” He wrapped an arm around her waist and planted a saucy kiss on her mouth. “Let’s go lay down.”

Sam led the way upstairs. She could feel Jordan’s eyes on her the whole time, but she knew nothing would happen tonight. He was emotionally exhausted, even though he wouldn’t show it, and she could see the bruises forming on his body. “I know you’re staring at my ass.” She said, looking over her shoulder and sending a sexy smile in Jordan’s direction.

He smirked back at her. “I have the rights to your ass, babe.”

Jordan was quick to strip down to his boxers and climb into bed, watching as Sam exchanged her sexy Hello Kitty pajamas for one of Jordan’s shirts. She climbed into bed and curled into Jordan’s warm body, burying her face in his neck and kissing it softly. It’s moments like these that they spend together that are her favorite. None of his teammates are around making comments like Jordan you’re whipped, and Jordan you’re such a pussy these days, or Jordan will you whisper sweet nothings in my ear? It is rare that they get moments to themselves. If Jordan is not on the road or with the boys he’s practicing or has a game and Sam is constantly working. But they make it work.

Jordan lightly ran his fingers up and down Sam’s back. He could tell she was starting to fall asleep. “Sam, are you happy with our relationship?”

She smiled to herself. He just lost a huge playoff game against the Flyers and he is more worried about his relationship. “Of course, baby. You know I love you.” She rolled over to face him and brushed some hair out of his face. If he doesn’t cut his hair soon I’m going to cut it myself. “Surprisingly, I’m happy you ran into my car all those months ago.”


Jordan was speeding through the busy streets of Pittsburgh trying to get to practice. He woke up late due to a hangover and was running ten minutes late for practice. After a win against the Devils some of the guys went out for drinks and it turned into a late night for Jordan. He felt his phone vibrating in his pocket and started fishing around for it, knowing it was no doubt one of the guys calling to harass him about being late again. Jordan was notorious for it.

“Jordan where are you? Coach is ready to kill you.” Letang started talking as soon as Jordan answered the phone.

Jordan had taken his eyes off of the road for five seconds, which was just long enough for the light to turn red and the car in front of him to stop, causing him to run right into the car’s back end.

“Fuck I have to go.” He hung up the phone and climbed out of his truck slamming his door and rushing to driver of the car. She was standing at the back of her car staring at it and running her hand through her wavy brown hair. Jordan couldn’t help but noticed how pretty she was. He also noticed that the back of her car was totaled.

“I am so sorry.” He immediately started to apologize. “I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t see that you stopped.”

Sam knew she should have been more worried about the fact that her car was totaled but she was more worried about the fact that she was late for a meeting at work. “Yeah, obviously.” She checked her watch and let out a frustrated sigh. “Look, I don’t have time to wait for the cops and fill out a report. So how about we just exchanged numbers and insurance information and contact each other later?”

Jordan couldn’t help but laugh. There was something about this girl that he really liked. He killed her car and all she cared about was getting to wherever she had to be. “Um, yeah that works.” They both wrote down their numbers and gave them to each other. As Jordan was walking away he decided to turn his flirt on “You better not be calling me constantly.”

Sam blushed, finally taking a moment and noticing how attractive he was. “I’m not going to make any promises.”

Jordan had to skate a ton of laps when he got to practice and Dan chewed him out for being late again, but Jordan decided it was worth it. One way or another he was going to get this Samantha girl to go out with him.

Later that night Sam and Jordan had a long phone conversation, only half of it had to do with the accident and insurance information. If Sam knew who Jordan was she wasn’t letting onto it, and Jordan liked that.

A few nights later Jordan and Marc-Andre Fleury were walking around a Giant Eagle looking for beer. Some of the guys were going to Fleury’s to play video games and he didn’t have any beer. They were just wandering around the store wasting time when Jordan spotted Sam.

“Flower, that’s the girl that I hit the other day.”

“Go talk to her.” Fleury said shoving him in that direction.

Jordan made his way to her noticing she was dressed more casually and looked a lot more laid back. “Hey there.”

Sam turned, shocked to be seeing somebody she knows at the grocery store. Once she saw it was Jordan she smiled and put the two packs of Oreos in her cart. “Are you stalking me or something?”

At this time Fleury decided to make his presence known and popped up beside Jordan. He stuck his hand out and introduced himself. “Hello, I am Marc-Andre Fleury. The best friend of Jordan, and yes, he is stalking you.”

Sam laughed and felt her face flush. She knew Jordan was hot and did things that made her hot, but she had forgotten that maybe he would have hot friends. “No I’m not. We’re just getting some beer. How about you go get that beer, Flower?”

Fleury winked at Sam and left to go grab the beer. He would only be gone for a minute, so Jordan decided to make his move. “You should let me take you out to dinner sometime.” Sam pushed her cart forward, walking slowly with Jordan at her side. “Preferably this Friday at 8.”

Sam waited a minute, just to make him sweat. When Fleury came back she smiled at Jordan and nodded. “Ok, I’ll text you my address.” With that she got in a checkout line and left.


When Sam sent Jordan her address he told her to dress formal. Right away she knew she was not going to like wherever they were going. Sam hated dressing up and formal places. But, she was excited to go out with Jordan any way, and nervous. More nervous than anything. She spent a good twenty minutes trying to tame her wild wavy hair and another half hour doing her makeup. Jordan said to dress nice so she picked out a simple black strapless dress with black heels. She hoped Jordan liked it. At exactly eight she left her apartment and made her way outside to wait for Jordan.

Just as she stepped outside Jordan pulled up in his truck, the one he hit her car with, which happened to have no damage. He got out of the truck, helping her in. “You look beautiful.”

Sam blushed and hoped that he couldn’t tell. She was a pretty modest person and not good with compliments. “Thanks, you look very nice too.”

The short car ride consisted of small talk and a lot of joking about the accident. Sam had been extremely nervous but once she was with Jordan it all went away. It just felt natural to be smiling and laughing with him. He was a very laid back guy and obviously a big jokester.

They pulled up outside of a very nice restaurant and Jordan helped her out. He laced their fingers together and led her inside walking right up to the hostess. “Staal.” Was all he had to say and the girl ignored the ten other waiting people and led them to a secluded table.

They sat at a dimly lit table, and Sam could not help but think how out of place and uncomfortable Jordan looked. “Jordan, not to be rude or anything…” she waited until he was looking at her to go on. “but this really does not seem like your type of thing.”

He looked at her with a blank expression, making her laugh. “What do you mean?”

“The whole fancy restaurant, suit and tie, and romantic dimly lit table thing. It just doesn’t seem like you.”

Jordan smiled at her and loosened his tie. “It’s not my thing at all. I just figured it would impress you.”

Sam stood up and extended her hand in his direction. “It’s not my thing either. Let’s get out of here.”

Ten minutes later the two were walking around downtown Pittsburgh eating ice cream from McDonald’s.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you enjoyed :)
I haven't written an actual story in almost a year, so if it sucked that's probably why.
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