Status: Writing in progress

Lingering Kisses

My House, My Rules

(Charlie's P.O.V.)

I never expected anyone to respond or call when I posted on my blog that I'm reopening my grandpa's Boarding House. Maybe the rent is too expensive or maybe I'm just paranoid. It's been three weeks since I posted it and no one seems to notice at all. I received phone calls and emails but they think it was too expensive or some thought it was a hoax. Actually, I never intended for it to happen, reopening the boarding house, I mean. My grandpa passed away two years ago and he left this big old mansion to his eighteen-year-old granddaughter. His lawyers kept on insisting that I reopen the boarding house but I told them an opposite answer.
Besides, I don't even know how to run a boarding house. Then, Chuck, my big brother, called and told me that I should reconsider. After two years of persistent asking, I finally agreed to it.

But I'm beginning to doubt my decision.


The doorbell rang throughout the whole boarding house and it made a certain young brunette jump out of her seat, "Shit!" she cursed as she got up, "I heard you the first time. You don't really have to ring it---" she stopped the moment she opened the door.
In front of her stood a man around his 20s, black eyes, long black wavy hair, he stood around 6'2'' to 6'4'' and he looked like a model. Surprisingly, she thought otherwise. 'He must be an artist.' she thought to herself.
"Um... are you the owner of the Spencer Boarding House?" he spoke. His voice was deep and sultry, like those British actors in some movie she saw last week. "Yes, I am. Charlie Spencer, you are?" she replied as she offered her hand, he took it and they shook hands. "I'm Paul Carter. I'm here for the ad you posted online." he said.

"Ah, come in then. I'll take you around the house and we'll talk about the details." she said.

After touring Paul around the house, they went to Charlie's office to discuss the details of his move.
"So, how do you like it?" she asked as she placed a cup of coffee in front of him. "Thanks. I love it. Do you mind if I use one of the studios every now and then? You see, I'm kind of behind my schedule for the exhibit next month." he asked.

Charlie smiled, "No problem. The payment rent is only for the room maintenance and electricity. Everything else in this house is free." she said.
It made Paul smile as well, knowing that he'll make it in time for the exhibit's deadline. "Thanks. I guess, we can sign the tenant contract then."
The young brunette then pulled out an envelope containing a tenant contract from her table. "Here is the contract. Fill in the details of your stay, signature and we're done."

After signing the contract, she scheduled a moving team for Paul's other things. Three days after, Paul became the first tenant of the Spencer Boarding House.


"Good morning." a familiar voice greeted Charlie from behind. As she looked back, she saw Paul with no shirt, exposing his muscular features. "G-Good morning..." she greeted back. She tried hiding the blush on her face by thinking of funny thoughts but alas!

"That smells nice." Paul said as he poured himself a cup of coffee and seated himself behind the young landlady. "This is my specialty. Pancakes with mixed berries, drizzled with honey and sprinkled with crushed nuts. Breakfast is served." she said as she placed two plates. One for her and one for Paul. "You know what, you should be a chef. The food you cook is really good." Paul said as he started to eat his breakfast.
"I'd rather keep my talents to myself. Besides, who'll cook for you and my visitors if I go international?" she flashed her signature smile. Charlie glanced at her watch and immediately grabbed the wireless phone from the table, and dialed a random number.

Paul stared at her confusedly but went back to his breakfast. He took out his phone and signed in to his Facebook account. At first, he stared at the food in front of him and then, got the idea of taking a picture of it and posting it on his wall. Caption: "Great breakfast from my beautiful landlady~"

He laughed to himself as comments and likes flooded the single picture that he posted.
After talking on the phone, Charlie stared at her handsome tenant. "What are you laughing at?" she asked.
"Oh, I posted a picture of my breakfast on Facebook and surprisingly, it got 15 to 20 likes and some funny comments." he said. Then he kept his phone but it kept on buzzing that he decided to turn it off.
"Are you going somewhere today?" she asked.

"I'm going to the gallery, come back and work on several of my paintings. You?" he said as he finished his breakfast and drank his coffee.
Charlie sighed, "I have classes 'till noon after that, I have to meet up with the dean for the "Black & White" party in our college. I'll be back before dinner." she said as she groaned in frustration.

Paul patted her back, "I'll prepare dinner then." he offered. "Really? You don't seem to be the type to cook dinner for other people." she sarcastically told him.
It made him laugh though, "Hah! I can cook but not as good as you. I've been living by myself since my college years." he boasted.
"Fine. I look forward to dinner."

Charlie and Paul went to their separate ways.
As usual, Charlie's lectures at the university were a bit boring and the meeting with the dean went smoothly as planned.
She checked on her watch, a few minutes more and she'll be at home enjoying Paul's home-cooked meal.

After the meeting, she decided to drop by the fruit stand to buy some apples and oranges for Paul.


"Paul, I bought some fruits. I thought we should---" her words dropped the moment she saw a familiar man standing in front of her. Spiky light brown hair, same height as Paul and he wore an all-black attire. "Hey Sis!" the man greeted.

"Chuck? Oh my gosh! I missed you. When did you come back? Why didn't you call?" Charlie's arms immediately found their way around Chuck's neck.
"I was gonna text you that you have a visitor but he told me that he wants to surprise you." Paul said.
Charlie's face lightened up and hugged her brother once more.

"I guess, you two already met?" she asked.
"Yep. Chuck told me stories about you. Like when you were in high school and got suspended for..." Paul's words faded as he glanced at her embarrassed face.
Charlie punched her brother's arm, "I can't believe you told him that! It was an accident, Chuck."
The two men laughed at the young landlady. "By the way, I'm staying." Chuck added.

"Staying? For how many months?" she asked.
"For good." he replied.
"No way? Are you serious? That's awesome!"
Paul and Chuck could see how her mood really changed.

After dinner, Chuck decided to stay in his room to rest while Paul went to the studio to finish his work.

Charlie sat by the pool, she then pulled out a pack of cigarette and lighter from her pocket. She stared at the sky for a moment and puffed another smoke.

'Mom, Dad? I hope you're having a great time up there 'cause it feels like shit getting left behind.' she thought to herself as she continued to smoke her cigarette.

Inside the house, Paul noticed that Charlie was smoking. "I didn't know she smoked." he said to himself.

"She doesn't. Not everyday, that is." Chuck was there too.
Paul gave him a confused look, "What do you mean?" he asked out of curiosity.
"This is the only time of the year that she smokes like that. It's her way of mourning." he explained.

"Mourning? For whom?" Curiosity struck Paul. He wanted to know why Charlie was smoking.
"This is the day that our parents died. My mom and dad were in the car with Charlie at the back. Then a drunk driver was on the wrong lane and my dad couldn't control the stirring wheel and then..." he stopped. Chuck summoned a heavy sigh and patted Paul's back, "You know what happened next. She keeps on blaming herself. She told me once that she wished that whole incident took her life too. Tsk. The reason she smokes is because our dad is a heavy smoker. It's her way of giving honor to him." he added.

"I didn't know she felt like that. When my mom died, my dad kept on working his ass off. He didn't have time for anyone, not even his son. In the end, I went to an art school and he kept paying my tuition." Paul shared his story to Chuck, who was very entertained at the person beside him.
That night, rain fell hard on Charlie and she just sat there until Chuck came out. "Hey! You're gonna get sick sitting in the rain like that. Come inside!" He shouted.

Then the doorbell echoed through the boarding house once more...
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I was writing the story in my cellphone yesterday but I ended up deleting it. Haha! Good thing I have a good memory though. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Let me know what you think. --Gene.