Status: Writing in progress

Lingering Kisses

Skinny Love

Charlie's P.O.V

Why is it that I can't stop staring at Paul? I mean, he's good-looking but there's something about him that makes me want to stare at him more. The way his black eyes stare at the canvass, his long lashes. The way his body move... gaaah! What am I thinking? Is it me or am I fantasizing what he has under his clothes?

I tried brushing it off but I couldn't. My eyes kept on following his every move whenever it got the chance to see him. I bet he has a girlfriend... what was that? My chest feels tight but why? It's not like I'm in-love with, I can't be. There's no way that I am.

"Careful, you might burn a hole in the wall." Chuck... goodness! Why does he pop up when I'm trying to concentrate on something really important. But he does have perfect timing... I might as well ask him something about this.

"Perfect timing! I have to ask you something and I want a serious answer, alright?"
Here goes nothing.

"Alright, I'll be as serious as you want me to be. Fire away." He said.

"What if... you can't stop staring at this person and he makes you feel all... jittery or something and when you think that he's already with someone else, your heart feels tight. What if this person makes you feel something really..." I stopped. Who am I kidding? I am in-love with Paul.
end of P.O.V

"You like him, don't ya?" Chuck asked as he eyed his little sister. He knew something was up and his guess may have hit the bull's eye.

It took a while for Charlie to say something. She didn't think that Chuck would easily figure out what she was thinking. "I--I don't even know that yet... geez." she blurted out. Chuck flashed her a grin. It was a 'I-know-something-about-you' look that was on her brother's face and she didn't like it.. at all!

"I know you better than you know yourself, Charlotte. This person, you're referring to doesn't have a girlfriend. I asked him myself." he said, then he went back to the gym upstairs.

Great! Now, my brother knows what I feel about Paul... what will I do? She thought to herself as she ruffled her hair in frustration.


The next day, Charlie tried to avoid Paul. Not because she didn't want him to know but because the moment he's in sight, she won't stop staring at him again.

"Good morning ev---"

"Gotta go." Charlie suddenly grabbed her bag and a few of her materials then went straight out of the door.
She didn't even gave Paul the moment to greet her let alone offer her a ride to the university. Paul frowned a bit but went on his way.

"What's with Charlie today?" He asked Riley. "Dunno. Maybe she's just busy. She's been staying up late for the past three days. Do you know what's with Chao today?" The teenager answered then he stared at Chuck, who seemed to know what's happening from the smile on his face.

Chuck smiled again, "Let's just say that Charlie's heart is unstable."

What the fuck?! Are they really related? RIley thought the moment Chuck said those words.

Charlie kept on ignoring Paul. It went on for days. Paul didn't seemed to mind because he thought maybe she was too busy. Whenever he tried to approach her, she seems to try to get out of the conversation. She'd make excuses just to get away.

Paul's P.O.V

What's going on with Charlie? I don't get her at all. She keeps on avoiding me when we see each other at home, she doesn't answer my calls or texts and she doesn't even try to look at me. What the fuck is going on?

One day she had her eyes all over me and the next thing I know, she's driving me insane. Did I do something to upset her?

Wait... does she know that I'm in-love with her? Is that why she's avoiding me? No way!

But... why does it matter if she knows? She's probably with someone else. What? What was that? My chest feels tight. Damn. Why is she doing this to me; tossing my heart like this...

Tonight, I'll corner her and ask her what's wrong.

end of P.O.V

That night, Paul strode back and forth the living room while waiting for the young landlady. He kept on mumbling things under his breath. Then he head rose when he heard the front door open. Paul went upfront immediately to see who it was. And right there stood the pretty landlady that he was waiting to confront. It wasn't easy doing this but he has to, she was driving him insane.

Then, Charlie tried to walk fast to avoid Paul but he caught her arm and swung her against the wall. She gasped as he cornered her with his arms, it's too late for her to escape. "W-what the fuck is wrong with you?" she blurted out.
Paul looked at her with needy eyes. "I want to talk to you but you keep on avoiding me." he said.
"I'm not avoiding you, Paul. I'm really bu---" she stopped when Paul stared at her. "Busy? Yeah right... I've been hearing that for the past few days. You don't even look at me when I ask you to have breakfast and you just brush me off whenever I want to have a conversation with you. Now, tell me... did I do something wrong?" his voice was a bit loud but it wasn't enough to wake the others. He breathed in and took in her scent. It was faint but sweet. Charlie's eyes flickered in confusion, she wanted to tell him but right now, all she could do was stare at the man who pinned her to the wall. It made her shrug when their eyes met. There was something in Paul's eyes that wanted her attention and the other... her affection.

"I don't know what to do when you're near me!" the young landlady blurted out. Then she felt an ease of tension around her arms. When Charlie opened her eyes, she saw the young artist stepping away from her with shocked look on his face, "What?" he asked.

"I can't stop staring at you and whenever you touch me... I get this tingling sensation... Argh! What the hell is wrong with me!" Charlie's knees fell to the ground and ruffled her long curls. She was getting frustrated again. Paul started laughing aimlessly and had Charlie looking up to him in confusion. "It's not funny, you jerk!" she threw her bag at him but caught it while he kept on laughing. "I'm sorry... but it's really funny... You actually think I care if you stare at me all day?" he said in between his breath.

Charlie could feel her cheeks flush in embarrassment in front of the young artist. She clumsily stood up, and gathered her scattered materials on the floor. "Don't tell me you're upset because I laughed at you?" he finally stopped laughing and stared the girl holding her tears in front of him. "Well, what if I am?" she asked. Of course she'd be upset. Who wouldn't be?

"Well, don't be. I like-- hah, I love it when you look at me. It makes me happy." Paul said. Then, he took Charlie into his arms and breathed in her scent once more. She was intoxicating and he wanted more than just a simple touch. I have to do this... it's now or never. He thought as he pressed his lips against hers, feeling every inch of her. She stood frozen at first but she relaxed when the mood got her. The kiss made her weak but she managed to put her arms around Paul to pull him close.

"I want to kiss you... again, do you mind?" He asked as he lifted her face towards his.

This is bad.. but why does it feel so right? she thought.

"I... I don't mind." she mumbled as she felt his lips against hers once more. He held her closer than before and she did the same, deepening the kiss as their tongues entwined.

This was something Charlie has never felt before. Something inside was forming and they don't know how to stop.
♠ ♠ ♠
Is it lame? Next chapter is about what happened in the RileyChuck kiss :D