Status: Writing in progress

Lingering Kisses

Stolen Kisses

"What the fuck are you doing here?!"

Charlie's P.O.V

Considering that my life is already upside down, having Tyler and Anna in it... is like a damn whirlwind and tsunami all-rolled into one. It's been a week since these two little dragons have been burning my dungeon. Shit, I totally sound like an MMORPG player. But it's true, it's like watching two dragons fight for food. It was really scary yet quite entertaining.

Apparently, Tyler and Anna know each other and they're both from the same school. But what is the issue between these two people?
end of P.O.V

"How come every time I come into this kitchen, the atmosphere feels really awkward." Chuck said as he grabbed himself a seat and pulled Riley to sit on his lap. The teenager yelped as he struggled to break free but he couldn't, "Chuck, I have to go to school." Riley moaned as Chuck placed butterfly kisses on the teen's neck and jawline. "Get a room, you two." Paul slammed the refrigerator door. The couple stared at him and both thought, Someone's a little cranky today.

"What's with the cranky mood, Paul? Didn't get enough from your girlfriend last night?" Chuck asked. Paul's silence and continuous sipping of his coffee says it all, and Chuck's question just hit a nerve. "I didn't get anything. She was too busy with the two dragons upstairs that she forgot that she had an appointment with me." The artist said. He placed his cup on the table and grabbed himself a stool to sit on. He frustratingly scratched his hair and groaned. "If this keeps up, I think I'm gonna go crazy." he added.
Chuck patted Paul's back, "Don't worry, everything will be back to normal before you know it. She just needs to find the reason why those two are arguing non-stop. She's always like that, so can you please bear with her?" Chuck said as he went out first.

"He's right, you know. Chao is always putting other's happiness before hers. Be patient, alright?" Riley said as Paul gave him a smile, "Thanks, Riley." He said.
Riley followed his lover to his car and left for school.

Charlie woke up in a different room but she was no stranger to the smell of the bed covers. It was Paul's. She slapped her forehead when she realized what she did last night. She was too tired to do anything that she just fell asleep and forgot about Paul. The young landlady immediately ran downstairs to see if Paul was still in the house. Thankfully, his car was still there. She went to the studio and found him sitting quietly, staring at his canvas. "Paul..." she called for him under breath. His head rose when he heard his name. He smiled when he saw that it was Charlie and he stood up with arms wide open. Charlie found herself sprinting towards the arms that waited for her. He caught her and they stared into each other's eyes. "Hey... what's wrong?" He murmured to her ears. She pressed her body to his. "N-nothing... why didn't you wake me?" She asked as she buried her face into his neck. Paul tightened his hold around the woman's body and breathed in her scent, it was intoxicating... addictive. "You looked really tired. Did the two dragons finally slept in their own dungeon?" he said.

Charlie raised her head and reached for the man's lips to kiss. Paul reciprocated by leaning down to kiss back. They yearned for each other's touch. Of course, it's been days since they last touched each other and if someone entered the room now, they would easily notice the atmosphere and leave. Both prayed that no one will disturb this moment. They prayed that this moment will never end. Paul's hands slowly traveled down her body and grabbed her ass. She yelped and moaned as he trailed kisses from her lips to her jawline and neck, "Charlie!"

"Shit." Paul cursed as he stopped when he heard a familiar feminine voice. When they both looked at the door, it was Anna. "Hey Anna." He greeted as he smiled weakly. "Hi Paul. Sorry, but can I borrow Charlie for a moment?" The teenager asked anxiously as the artist stared at her. Charlie held on to his waist and kissed the corner of his lips, "I'll see you later, right?" Charlie asked as she eyed Paul. He smiled and kissed her back, "Yea. I'll come by your room later." he said.


"You two keep on saying that you're not boyfriend and girlfriend but after seeing that... I'm beginning to believe Chuck." Anna said. She saw how much Charlie and Paul love each other by the way they parted, "I shouldn't have disturbed your alone time with him." she added.

Charlie smiled, "We're not in that kind of relationship. We haven't said the 'three words' to each other yet. I'm still holding on to something from my past... but he understands it." she said, "Now, what did you want to talk about?" she added as they reached the garden.
They sat down on one of the bench near the flower beds. "What's up with you and Tyler? You two are always fighting." Charlie threw her hair back and stared at the blue sky. "My dad is getting married to his mom. So, they both sent us here so that the two of them can build their own family." The teenager said as she deeply sighed in the end.

"That's crazy! I can't believe there are still people doing that kind of thing. By the way, you don't have to take your anger out on each other." Charlie said. Her curly hair swayed with the wind, "You two should show them that you can stand on your own... now that you don't live under the same roof." she added.

The younger woman stared at her blankly and a smile formed on her face, "You know what? You're right. But I'm worried about what will Tyler think when I start acting all nice to him." Anna pondered on the thoughts in her head.

"Tell him that you'll be killing him with kindness." Charlie said then she stood up and left the teenager to think by herself. The young landlady found herself roaming around the house. God knows, what she was thinking when she saw Paul shirtless, painting on a 24 x 30 canvass. She was in awe with the way his arms and hands moved. She can't disturb him now, so she gently closed the door to prevent people from disturbing the artist and went on her way to the kitchen.


"Tyler..." Anna poked her head through the opening in Tyler's room. She scanned the room for the handsome football player. Then she yelped when the guy came out of the bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. "What do you want, nerd?" Tyler rudely asked as he dried his hair with another towel in hand. Anna breathed in and stretched out her hand, "Our parents might be getting married and starting a new family but it doesn't mean that we can't be friends. They might not take us in anymore but that doesn't mean we should argue about it." she confidently said.
Tyler eyed her from her hand to her beet red face, she was shaking but it took a lot of courage to say that to him, "You're right. They already disowned us, we might as well enjoy ourselves. Friends?" he said as he reached for her hand. It was the first time that he touched her hand. It was soft and warm, apparently, he could feel her trembling in fear. He smiled gently at her and Anna's face lightened up, "Yea, friends." She giggled as they shook hands.

Before dinner, Charlie found the two teenagers talking and laughing while helping her out in the kitchen. "Ty, carry the plates to the dining table. Anna, place these utensils with the plates." Charlie said as she tossed the salad in a big bowl. Tyler and Anna did what Charlie said and went to the dining room next door.
Charlie found herself unable to move when familiar arms went around her waist, "Hey, what's for dinner?" The voice sent chills down her spine. She placed down what she was doing and turned around to kiss Paul. He smiled down at her, "You taste like Bruschetta*. Yummy..." he said as he kissed her lips again. They were interrupted the moment they heard giggling from two teenagers, "Did you two finished what I asked you to do?" Charlie asked as she went back to what she was doing.

Paul chuckled, "Alright, put these garlic breads on the table, Anna. Tyler, put the Bruschetta and Baked Ziti** on the table as well." he ordered the two teens. "Aye, aye cap'n." Anna mimicked an accent of a pirate while the two laughed doing what they were told to do.

"Sorry, we're late. Mmmm, that smells nice. It's Italian Fridays like what mom used to do. Good thing, we bought some Shiraz Cabernet***. For the teens, iced tea would suffice." Chuck said the first thing he went to the kitchen. Riley was all smiles when he followed, "I picked it out. " he said then raised a brow at his older lover.

After dinner, Riley went to his room after a make-out session with Chuck in the living room. Anna was in Tyler's room helping him out with homework.

Charlie found herself walking through a familiar hallway. She stopped when she saw Paul working on his canvas again. She slowly opened the door and unconsciously, his head turned to face her. "Why are you still up?" he asked.
Her arms found their way around the man's neck and pulled him into a sweet kiss. Paul smiled and lifted her up, placing her legs around his waist. He slowly walked towards the black floor couch that was big enough for two people to lay in. When they were on the couch, Charlie pulled up Paul's shirt and threw it on the floor. Another kiss lingered between them. He reached for her button down shirt and anxiously unbuttoned it. They never broke away from their kiss like there was a magnet that kept pulling them together. "Paul..." she moaned between the kisses they shared. Paul unbuttoned her pants and pulled them off of her. She giggled as he placed kisses down her neck to her stomach. Then he went back to kiss her lips again.

Paul stared at her for a second and admired how beautiful she was right now. "What're you thinking about?" She asked as she slowly reached for his face. "Thinking about how lucky that I have you and that no one is gonna interrupt this moment." He said as he leaned down to kiss her. She giggled as she kissed back. "Thank you." She murmured as he entered her. She flinched and grabbed a handful of his black hair. Her right hand buried its nails gently on his back. "Are you okay?" He asked as he kissed her forehead to soothe the woman under him.

Charlie smiled and hugged him, "I'm okay."
♠ ♠ ♠
Alriiiiiight... I'm not really good at sex scenes. Comments?

*Bruschetta - It consists of roasted bread rubbed with garlic and topped with extra-virgin olive oil, salt and pepper. Variations may include toppings of spicy red pepper, tomato, vegetables, beans, cured meat, or cheese; the most popular recipe outside of Italy involves basil, fresh tomato, garlic and onion or mozzarella.
**Baked Ziti - with ground beef, green pepper, onion, tomatoes, basil, oregano, garlic powder, mozzarella cheese, and cooked ziti or macaroni.
***Shiraz Cabernet - blend of Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon boasts flavours of blackberry and plum, with hints of pepper, smooth tannins and subtle oak. Enjoy with grilled steak, pizza or tomato based pasta dishes.