
Chapter 5

Matthew woke up in a pitch black room.

“Oh good, you’re awake, most people are out for much longer after the vault.” Matthew stood up slowly, extremely confused.

“What’s going on?” A light flicked on and he found himself standing in an office with no windows, no doors, and only a large oak desk to fill it.

“Well, you found my knife, and already used it.” A man said standing behind the desk. He was wearing a suit and a small top hat.

“Who are you? Where am I.” Matthew said, looking around, then meeting the man’s eyes with his. The man’s eyes were all white.

“Welcome to my office, I’m Loki, and I’ve got a mission for you. Multiple actually, but we’ll get to that.” Loki said with a big smile on his face. He took off his hat to reveal to small horns, curling towards the back of his head.

“You see, I placed that knife on earth years ago, thousands in all actuality, of course its gone through some changes, but that happens with the time right?” He said. Matthew just stood there, more confused then he’s ever been in his life. Loki sighed.

“Yeah, I get it, god of mischief standing in front of you after being magically teleported into a strange office, a knife with changing numbers on it, I get it, your confused. Matthew nodded.

“Look, I wont keep you long, your girlfriend there is probably confused too, give me the knife.” Matthew just stood there; he didn’t know what to do.

“Come on kid, work with me here.” Matthew took out the knife and tossed it to Loki,

“Thank you.” Loki said as he tapped the end of the knife onto a box on the desk. The knife flashed lightly again and the numbers disappeared.

“Now, what I need you to do is have this come in contact with blood five more times. The bloods gotta be different each time or the whole thing will reset, alright? If you don’t do this, the knife will drain you of your life and you’ll die and end up stuck here with me forever, or at least until some sorry sap finds the knife again and walks into some place that holds some significance to him, and that’s not very likely to happen. You are to report to me everyday and tell me how you’re doing, all you gotta do is walk into your classroom and boom you’re here. Simple as that, I hope you’re a good listener kid, ‘casue I sure would hate to see you die.” Loki said tossed the knife back to Matthew and pushed a button on the desk. The lights turned off and Matthew opened his eyes to find himself standing in the doorway of the classroom, literally no time has passed. He saw Haley walking to her seat. He shook his head. And walked in, paying no mind to what had just happened. He walked to his seat and sat down.

“Hey there.” Haley said.

“No talking!” Mr. Price said from behind the desk. He sounded angry, so the two obeyed. It must have been one of the bad days he was talking about. Haley turned in her seat and pulled some books out of her backpack and worked on homework. Matthew just sat there in shock, staring straight forward. Eventually he pulled out his ipod and listened to music.

The day slowly crept by as Matthew was left to think about what had happened that morning. Finally the day was over and he walked to his locker. A boy was leaning against the locker above his. He moved out of the way when Matthew walked up.

“That’s a pretty sick lookin knife you got there.” The boy said, his shrill voice bounced around Matthew’s head.

“Thanks.” He said pulling it out and handing it to the boy.

“I just got it, I’m pretty sure it’s one of a kind.” Matthew said kneeling down to his locker. The boy laughed.

“Yeah it is, I remember when my dad made this old thing.” Matthew stood up slowly and looked at the boy.

“Your dad?” Matthew asked in shock.

“Yeah, you meet him yet?” The boy asked, handing the knife back.

“Yeah.” Matthew said, disbelief woven into his voice. The boy laughed again

“Good luck.” He said as he turned to walk away. He crossed behind Matthew.

“Hey wait!” Matthew said turning around, but the boy was gone. Matthew was perplexed, but then he realized who it was he just talked to, the son of the god of mischief, its not surprising that he could just disappear into thin air without being noticed. He knelt down again and switched out his books and put them into his backpack. He stood and someone covered his eyes from behind.

“Guess who.’ The voice was soft and sweet, and Matthew knew it.

“Hi Haley.” He said uncovering his and turning to find the boy again. Matthew jumped back and the boy laughed.

“Oh that’ll never get old. I just realized I never got your name, mines Trevor.” He stuck out his hand. Matthew was reluctant to shake it, but he did.

“Matthew.” He said.

“Well Matthew, I do believe we should start seeing each other more often, I think you’ll need my help in my fathers little ‘Errand’” He said holding up his fingers like quotes when he said errand. Matthew nodded.

“I believe so as well.” Matthew said.

“Then it’s settled, we’ll spend the day…hanging out. Is that what you kids call it these day?” Trevor laughed and put his arm around Matthew’s shoulders.

“Wait, I gotta tell Haley.” Trevor rolled his eyes.

“Hurry up, you’ve only got until tomorrow to get another number, or dad’s gonna be pissed.” He said as Matthew walked away, looking back in disbelief again. He walked over to Haley’s locker to find her chatting with another girl and laughing.

“Hey.” Matthew said and poked her shoulder. Haley jumped, it nearly gave Haley a heart attack.

“Hey babe.” She said laughing.

“We hanging out today?” she asked after she kissed his cheek.

“Nah I can’t today, I’m hanging out with this other kid, Trevor.” Haley looked disappointed.

“Oh…ok…” She paused.

“Well, have fun.” She put on a smile. Matthew smiled too, not seeing her disappointment clearly.

“I’ll call you when I’m home, we can hang then.” Haley nodded, feeling a little better.

“Alright, that’ll work.” She smiled.

“See ya then.” Matthew nodded, and threw his fingers up when he turned around. He found Trevor leaning against the lockers again.

“I’ll tell ya, that’s some lady ya got there.” Trevor said; Matthew nodded.

“So, what now?” Matthew asked as they walked out of the front door of the school.

“To the bar!” Trevor said, putting his arm around Matthew’s shoulders again. They laughed together.

“Alright, I could go for a drink.” Matthew said. They walked passed the parking lot.

“Wait we’re walking?” Matthew asked. Trevor laughed and nodded.

“Uh, yeah, there’s a bar right across the street.” Trevor let Matthew go.

“Oh, I didn’t see it before.”

“Obviously.” Trevor added another laugh in. They walked across the street and into the bar; it was a crowded mess.

“Perfect.” Trevor said with a smile.