Turn Back Time

Life hasn't treated Katie Hamilton very well. But she gets by.
She always had it good: a big house, fancy clothes, expensive things. Well, the three older brothers might not've been the best thing ever. But the real tragedy was her mother's death when Katie was in her late teens. Five years later, she's doing fine, enjoying life, but the empty space where her mother should be still aches.
Lionel Flynn hasn't fared much better. His early childhood is mostly a blur, but after that, it's crystal clear. At eighteen, his brother Calum, his senior by only a year, died. He's never fully recovered, but no one knows that.
When Katie and Lionel's worlds collide, a suprising turn for the better occurs for the both of them. Working side by side at the American Museum of Natural History, things are going well. Lionel even takes Katie on a successful first date. But the next day, the unthinkable happens, and their worlds are changed forever.
In the aftermath of a terrible tragedy, Katie Hamilton is thrown into the public eye. But little does she know, she's struggling for her own life and holds the key to the lives of millions of others. Meanwhile, fighting blindly, she's only just scratched the surface of a mountain range of lies. Lionel Flynn was not the charming gentleman she thought he was.
Lionel Flynn does not exist.
  1. Perspective
    Only the beginning...
  2. Conflicted
    Getting closer...
  3. The Impossible
  4. Memory
    Expect the unexpected.
  5. Promise
    Where to go now?