
History of Nidrus

In the year of 2012, the world was blinded by a star, untraced, that fell to the earth. The star landed on the coast of California and in that moment, the star erupted with light and power. The power consumed most of the world and unleashed large amounts of destruction that consumed most of the planet and its population. For months, the human race slowly died out and the Earth was nearly vacant, except for the citizens of California who had no sudden side affects.

As the world gradually died, the Californians began to notice their growing abilities. They could control things with their minds, manipulate the elements, create things with a few words and much more. When their powers were discovered, one woman grew to power. Alicia Falon took control, building large gates to surround California and guards on the coast. Falon renamed her country Nidrus and divided it into Quarters, each one having a representative.

When things settled and Falon's new species learned to control their powers, they all realized women held the greater abilities. This fact put women on top. Women became representatives and ran their world. While women controlled the intelligence of Nidrus, most men turned to the role of physical training and began combat schools, while others received everyday jobs. Men's opinions weren't prized and valued like a woman's, the tables had turned.

Falon realized that their abilities and powers put them on top of the world, regardless if the rest of the world survived the near end of the world. She named her new species Praecantatio. She reasoned that the gates' purpose was to keep the rest of the world out and keep them from disturbing their new way of life. When their was enough reason to believe that Nidrus were the last living humans on the earth, Falon kept the gates in tact. "They are our protection, our way of life and our symbol. Our symbol of difference and power! The gates will remain as long as our species flourishes," Falon proclaimed.

Though Falon favored the changes she made and the new ones to come, she decided against overwhelming her people. Most jobs and income remained the same. School was very much the same with changes to the curriculum: history would consist of Nidrus History and the later American History, sciences changed to the study of a Praecantatio's body and magic and alchemy, while mathematics remained the same literature was limited to educational works that mentioned nothing of rebellion and or the question of authority.

Speaking of the gates was forbidden and leaving Nidrus was punishable by death. When Falon got wind that some wanted to wander beyond the country limits, she created the Regere that stated all the laws and rules to be followed by Praecantatio. "The question of the gates is to remain nonexistent as to preserve pure thought," states the Regere. Falon wanted her community to remain inside her gates and made sure they did. What she alone died knowing was the true reason behind the gates and their real purpose.
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Rewritten (:
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