Maxine Reid

Date Night

The team had wrapped up the case in San Diegoafter Gideon noticed that the Unsub wanted his victims to see him after he killed them. With the point-of-view of the first victim showing a telephone pole, they tracked down Franklin Graney as he was about to murder another victim.

Reid sat down next to JJ after beating Gideon at chess. JJ looked up from the paper she was reading and smiled.

"So, I, uh, heard you're a fan of, uh, football," Reid stuttered, glancing at Gideon, who nodded.

"I have tickets to a game. The Redskins," Reid said. "Its this Friday, and I was wondering if you want to come. I-if you're not doing anything Friday. I mean, you don't have to go-"

"Spence," JJ said.

"-I could take my sister or my fish-" Reid rambled aimlessly.

"Spence, I'd love to go," JJ said. Reid smiled.

"Really?" Reid asked, his smile growing.

"Yeah," JJ said.

"That's great. I'll, uh, pick you up at 5," Reid said.

"I'll be ready," JJ said, smiling and blushing a little. Reid felt his cheeks going red as well.

"Cool," Reid said.
Reid walked into building C of Quantico Terrace Apartments. He held his go-bag in his hand as he happily walked to floor 3 and went to apartment 27. He opened the door and found his little sister feeding the koi fish in the living room.

"Hey Maxine," Reid said.

"Spencer! Can we have your birthday dinner tonight?" Maxine asked.

"Yup. I have some news to tell you Maxie," Reid said.

"What?" Maxine asked.

"I have a date Friday," Reid said.

"You have a date? With who? Where at?" Maxine rambled off questions.

"Maxine, slow down. Yes, I have a date with my friend from work JJ," Reid said.

"The blonde one who obviously likes you?" Maxine asked.

"You've never met the team, how do you know who she is?" Reid asked.

"I've seen the picture with you and the team and I can tell that JJ likes you. Anyway, where is it at?" Maxine asked.

"We're going to a Redskins football game. She loves football and the Redskins," Reid said.

"You like her," Maxine said. "You should ask her to be your girlfriend." Reid's cheeks began turning red.

"So, how about that dinner?" Reid asked.

Maxine messed with Reid's hair after he brushed it. Reid glared at his little sister.

"What are you doing?" Reid asked.

"Fixing your hair," Maxine said.

"After I just brushed it. Makes perfect sense," Reid said.

"If you wear your hair like that to a football game, they'll beat you up," Maxine said. Reid chuckled and ruffled Maxine's wavy golden brown hair.

"I have to do your hair kiddo. What time does Mandy's sleep over start?" Reid asked.

"She said I can come at 4:45 since you have a date," Maxine said. Reid sat her on a chair and brushed her hair.

"So what time do I pick you up tomorrow?" Reid asked.

"Between noon and two," Maxine said. Reid put her hair in two ponytails and tied in pink ribbons to match her pajamas.

"Go grab your sleeping bag and we'll go to Mandy's house," Reid said. Maxine threw a shirt at Reid. "What's this?"

"A Redskins jersey. Don't say I never got you anything," Maxine said, leaving the room.

"Wait, where did...Forget it," Reid said.
Reid dropped of Maxine at Mandy's house and drove to JJ's house. He walked to the door and knocked it. JJ appeared, ironically wearing the same jersey.

"Hey Spence. You look nice," JJ said with a smile. Reid had on a football jersey, jeans, and converse. She had never seen him so casually dressed.

"You do too," Reid said. He held out his hand. "Shall we?"

"We shall," JJ said. She took his hand and shut the door. He walked over to his old '65 Volvo and opened the passenger side door for JJ. He got into the driver's seat and began driving to the stadium.

"Sorry my car is crap. It's all I could afford at 16," Reid said. "I wanna make sure Maxine is going to a good school before I spend money on a new car."

"That's sweet Spence. Where is Maxine anyway?" JJ asked.

"Her friend is having a sleepover," Reid said. He pulled into a parking space.

"Your cars not that bad," JJ said.

"You think so?" Reid asked.

"Yeah. You restore it a little and auctioned it, you'd get Maxine into Yale with the money from the car," JJ said. She got out of the car.

"Wow," Reid said. He couldn't believe JJ was actually on a date with him. He got out of the car and walked hand in hand with JJ. He hated human contact, but he felt so comfortable around JJ.

"Let's get to our seats," JJ said.

"Uh, yeah," Reid said.
Reid and JJ cheered as the Redskins scored the winning touchdown. JJ laughed at Reid and gave him a hug.

"That was fun Spence," JJ said as they began walking to his car. Before they got to the car, Reid stopped and held her hands.

"JJ, do you want to go on another date with me?" Reid asked.

"Of course Spence! I really, really like you Spence. You know that right?" JJ asked. "It doesn't take a profiler to tell that."

"I like you too JJ. I like you a lot. W-Will you be my girlfriend?" Reid asked, afraid .

"Yeah Spence," JJ said. She held him closely before they got into his car. Reid smiled ear to ear as he drove to JJ's appartment.

Maxine ran to Reid's car and sat in the back seat once he got to Mandy's house.

"How'd the date go?" Maxine asked eagerly.

"Great," Reid said.

"How great?" Maxine asked.

"Well, me and my girlfriend are going out for coffee tomorrow and my girlfriend wants to meet you," Reid said. Maxine gasped.

"SPENCER GOT A GIRLFRIEND!" Maxine exclaimed. Reid felt his cheeks go red.

"Hey Maxine, why are you wearing make-up?" Reid asked.

"So, that sleepover..." Maxine started, wiping the traces of lipstick, blush, eye shadow, and mascara off of her face.