Our Fairytale

Our Heaven

It was supposed to be just a regular check up for Brian . Nothing out of the ordinary . He'd done it plenty of times already , he knew the deal . He thought nothing could go wrong . So , that morning he woke up , smiling at the sight of the beautiful female who laid by his side .

Frankly , he had no idea how he'd gotten that lucky . Aby was the perfect girl , in every possible way . Her bright , green eyes sparkled any moment she smiled or laughed , her long red hair reaching the back of her waist , her sweet lips that had that magical ability to give life into him the moment they touched any part of his body ... Everything screamed perfection . She was funny , spontaneous , sweet , caring ... A good girl that could be naughty only for him . She completed him , and he hoped she felt the same ...

So , that morning , he decided to go to the doctor alone . He didn't want to wake Aby up that early , he wanted her to rest as much as possible . After carefully leaving her side , he got dressed and left the house as silently as possible ...

He reached the clinic , and stepped in quickly and rushed to find the doctor he'd arranged an appointment with . He found him , eventually , and started the tests immediately , since Brian made it clear that he didn't want to be there at all .

After he got done , he was informed that the results would be ready in two - three hours , so he had some time to spend doing nothing but roaming the streets of Long Beach . He smiled as he reached for his phone , and noticed he had 1 missed call from Aby . He pushed the call button ...

'' Hey baby ... '' he heard her soft , sleepy voice and he chuckled ...

'' Hey sweetheart , how are you ? '' he asked , and he heard her letting out a long sigh ..

'' Fine , I mean I'd be a lot better if my silly boyfriend had bothered to wake me up before he left ... '' she said , and he could sense the fake pout making its way on her lips .

'' Baby , I'll be back soon . I just had to go to the doctor's for the regular check up thing , and I didn't want to wake you up over that ... '' he replied sincerely ...

'' Ugh , okay ... '' she said in a mean tone ...

'' Don't be mad at me baby ... '' he kept the game going , he knew both of them loved messing with each other ...

'' I'll see about that ... '' she said and then giggled , causing Brian to chuckle slightly ...

'' Anyways , I'll head over the guitar store , just to kill my time ... And after I get the results , I promise you I'll come straight back home ... '' he said , and he smiled as he heard her soft laugh ..

'' Aaand ? '' she asked giggling ...

'' Aaand we 'll have immensely hot sex , 'cause we are both beasts , all day and all night long .. '' he said with a smirk ...

'' Eww , Brian , is that all you have in mind ? God , you perv ... '' she said , letting out a dramatic sigh , and he laughed ...

'' Baby , it takes one to know one .. '' and he could swear he saw her smirking through the phone ...

'' You'd wish , Haner ... I'm a good , innocent little girl ... '' she replied , and he chuckled ...

'' Sure you are , honey ... In a parallel universe ... ''

'' Oh God , so funny all of a sudden ... And educated ... where did all that come from ? '' she asked in a funny tone ...

'' Probably got them all from you , sweetheart ... '' he smirked as he heard her letting out a long sigh and muttering things under her breath ...

'' Yeah , that what she s- Oh SHIT ! Pinkly give that back ... Now! '' he heard her shouting and he laughed . Pinkly and Aby got along so well it was surreal . Pinkly wanted Aby to constantly be playing with her , so she kept grabbing her things any chance she got ..

'' Brian , baby , sorry I'll have to hang up on you ... Pinkly's biting my scarf again ... '' she said in a desperate tone , and he chuckled ...

'' Okay baby , don't worry ... I'm almost at the music store anyways ... '' he said , and he heard her sighing ...

'' Alright then ... But please call me back the moment you get the results ... '' she said , and he nodded ..

'' I sure will baby ... '' he said , and smiled as he pictured her smiling as well ...

'' And Brian ? '' she almost whispered ...

'' Yeah ? ''

'' I love you ... '' , and the moment her words left her mouth , his smile became wider ...

'' I love you too , baby ... With everything in me ... '' , he said to her , the moment he steped his foot in the guitar shop ...

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxff 2 hoursxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Brian was now sitting at the doctor's office , waiting patiently for his results ...

'' Hello Mr Haner ... '' the doctor greeted him , and Brian stood up from his seat and shook his hand ...

'' Well , wait just one more minute , the nurse hasn't brought me your file yet ... How are you feeling ? '' the doctor asked , and Brian nodded ...

'' I'm feeling great ... Everything's just going ... great '' he said , and that was the truth . Or at least , the truth he was willing to admit . Because , over the past 2 months or so , Brian's been experiencing some intense pain in his abdomen and chest , and coughing . He , however , had managed to not let anybody know about it , not even Aby . He didn't want to upset anyone , and especially the one person who meant the world to him ...

'' Good to know , good to know .. '' the doctor said , and that exact moment the nurse came in , holding a brown file ...

'' Thank you , Mary ... '' the doctor said , and the nurse left the room , not before managind a weak smile at Brian ..

The doctor opened the file and frowned immediately as his eyes read everything the results contained . Brian started getting nervous , seeing that the doctor hadn't spoken a word to him after his file had arrived . Usually , the doctor would just take a look and then smile at him , saying that everything was okay . Then the two of them would start making small talk about Brian's band , football and basketball and generally the life in Long Beach ... So , since that hadn't occurred by now , Brian was sure that something was wrong ...

'' There's something wrong , right ? '' Brian mumbled like a 5-year old , but the doctor still didn't reply . He just kept his eyes on the papers in front of him , inside that god damned file ... Brian started feeling himself getting mad and anxious ...

'' F*cking TELL me ! '' he shouted , and the doctor , for the first time in what felt to Brian like ages , raised his eyes from the papers and looked at him ...

'' Son , I'm sorry ... '' he said in a steady voice , and Brian felt himself losing all hope in him ...

'' You have cancer ... '' he said , and right then , time stopped for Brian . He simply looked at the doctor's face , he could see his lips moving , he could even feel his own head nodding , but he felt like everything had stopped , like he was in a movie or something ...

'' B-but how ? '' he asked , though he already knew the answer to that ... Smoking

'' It doesn't even matter right now , Mr Haner ... There are at least two cancerous tumors right now , in both your lungs , and they are probably spreading every passing minute ... We'll have to start with radiations and chemo's as soon as possible . '' the doctor said , and Brian faintly nodded ...

'' How much ?? '' Brian asked . The doctor furrowed his eyebrows , but Brian shook his head ...

'' Time ... How much time do I have ? '' Brian asked , desperation slightly evident in his voice by now ...

'' Mr Haner , we can't say that ... Many patients have survived lung cancer and are doing absolutely great right n- '' the doctor started saying , but Brian cut him off ...

'' But I'm not one of them , right ? '' he asked in a bitter tone , and the doctor remained silent , which only caused Brian to feel even more frustrated ...

'' Just tell me the f*cking truth ... I deserve to f*cking know ... I f*cking NEED to know ! '' Brian said desperately , while running his hands over his face ...

'' Mr Haner ... Truth is your case isn't one of the easiest ones ... Lung cancer generally is known to be metastatic , meaning it spreads rapidly to other body tissues and organs ... However with the proper treatment we might be able to prolong your life's limit , and hopefully r- '' the doctor started , but Brian once again interfered ...

'' Time , doctor ? How many days ? '' he asked once again , and the doctor looked down ...

'' Around two months ... '' he said , and Brian felt the air leaving his lungs . He couldn't even breathe as he stood up and stormed out of the doctor's office , out of the clinic , out of that whole god damned morning .

He only realized he was running the moment he felt himself coughing , so he stopped , and leaned his back against some wall behind him . He felt as if the whole world was crushing him down , like the sun was burning him alive and the air was toxic to breathe . Locking his head in his hands , he let out a loud groan , that probably came out as an animalistic growl , before letting out a shrieking cry , and punching the wall behind him ...

He could feel the tears threatening to fall , he could sense the crisis that was creeping out to eat him alive , but he wouldn't allow himself to break down and be just a weak , pathetic shadow of the man he used to be ...

I mean , everybody's got to die sometime , right ? His f*cking band even wrote a whole song about it ... And he was sure that deep down inside him , he knew that day would come ... Smoking gives you a one-way ticket to the afterlife , everyone knows that and Brian couldn't fool himself into his own ignorance ... He just never thought it would arrive that soon ...

The moment he felt the tears coming again , he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket , and faintly smiled as he saw Aby's name flashing in the screen . He took in a deep breath and answered ...

'' Hey , beautiful ... '' he said , and mentally cursed himself as he heard his own , hoarse voice ...

'' Baby , are you okay ? Did you get the results ? '' she asked , concern evident in her voice ...

'' Sure did , honey '' Brian replied ..

'' Aand ? Baby , since the time we hung up I've been feeling so weird ... I've been having a bad , horrible feeling ... I've been so worried ... '' Aby said , her voice coming out as a whisper in the end , something that had Brian on the verge of tears again . He couldn't do that to her , he couldn't break her ... No matter what it took , he would never be able to survive knowing he'd somehow caused her pain ...

'' No need to worry , baby ... I'm absolutely fine ... A-as always ... '' Brian said , forcing himself not to break down ...

'' Oh , baby , that's awesome .... I was so worried ... '' she said , and Brian could feel that she was smiling again ...

'' You didn't have to baby girl , I'm fine .... '' he said , and smiled once he heard her response ...

'' I can't help it , Brian , I'm always going to be worried about your health ... You just ... you mean the world to me , okay ? ''

'' Same here baby , same here ... '' he smiled as he stood up and headed towards his home ...

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ff 1 week xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Brian was already feeling himself getting weaker and weaker . Every single morning he'd wake up and rush to the bathroom , spitting small drops of blood everywhere around the sink ... His face was getting pale , his body weight was dropping extremely fast . However , he had managed to keep his illness secret from everyone , because he didn't want to let himself be weak , and cause pain to the ones he loved ...

Aby , though , had noticed . She could see that Brian was getting tired very easily , that his eyes had lost that spark , that his hands were weak when he hugged her , that his lips were weak and somehow lifeless when he kissed her . She knew that Brian wasn't eating like he used to , but most importantly , she had noticed that Brian had stopped smoking . And that puzzled her , as she knew that Brian would never completely quit on smoking ...

Tonight , however , was supposed to be fun . So Aby chose to keep her doubts to herself , and not spoil everyone's mood . Brian was smiling to her , to everyone , but she could tell that his smile was different . He was hiding something from her , and she wasn't pleased with that ...

She wouldn't cause a scene though , not with everyone around . Brian's bandmates and their wives were there , and they seemed to be enjoyng their time . Why would she chose to ruin that ?

However , not long after their meals arrived , Brian started coughing . Aby looked at him worriedly , but he shook his head , indicating that she didn't have to do something to help him . The coughing stopped for a few seconds , and everyone felt relieved , but it started again , and Brian couldn't sit there any more . He stood up and ran towards the restaurant's toilets . He fell to his knees and started coughing and spitting . After the crisis seemed to seize he leaned back , and spotted the red drops that had been scattered all over the white porcelain . He sighed and tried to stand up , but he failed as his knees had no power to hold him up . So , he silently fell on his knees , and tried to regulate his breathing and somehow regain his energy .

He was too lost in his thoughts to notice the young female that stood behind him . Only when Aby touched his shoulder with the tips of her fingers , he turned his head , and a deep feeling of sadness rushed through his veins as his brown orbs met the hurt in her's .

Aby moved and sat down right beside Brian , and softly took hold of his hands . She started rubbing soft circles around them , and Brian slowly leaned his head down her shoulder . The two remained seated like that for a few minutes before Aby spoke ...

'' What's wrong , baby ? ''

Brian remained silent , he couldn't tell her he was sick . He couldn't let her know that he'd probably be dead in a few months , that he'd be forced to leave her all alone ...

'' Brian , please look at me ... ''

He resisted the urge to cry with all the power in him as he raised his head and met her
beautiful gaze . Aby raised her one hand and caressed his cheek as she whispered ...

'' Tell me baby ... Please ... '' she said , and left her hand resting on Brian's neck ...

'' I- I can't ... '' he said in barely a whisper ...

'' Yes you can ... You can tell me anything and you know it ... Baby please I'll help you anyway I can ... '' Aby pleaded ..

'' B-but you can't ... No-one ... Noone c-an ... '' Brian responded , and felt a couple of tears pricking out of his eyes as he heard Aby's sigh ...

'' I'll try then ... B-but baby I need to know .... T-ell me the truth ... D-id I do something wrong ?
'' Aby said weakly and Brian felt his heart break in two the moment he heard her sobbs ...

'' No , n-o baby ... You did nothing wrong ... Absolutely nothing wrong ... You are perfect ... Perfect in every sense ... '' Brian said desperately as he didn't want the love of his life to think she had anything to do with the situation he was in right now ...

'' Th-en why ? What's going o-n ? '' Aby pleaded , and Brian understood he couldn't keep this going anymore . She had to find out , and he realised he wanted to be the one to let her know , and not some cold nurse or doctor a few months later ...

'' B-aby ... I ... I h-ave cancer ... '' Brian said in almost a whisper , and looked down the moment he saw Aby widening her eyes . However her respond caught him offguard , as Aby threw her hands around him and hugged him as tightly as possible . They both felt the tears coming as they sobbed against each other's shoulders , as their breathings quickened and felt like the world was collapsing around them . Brian had already been through that once , but now it felt much more intense due to the fact that his girl was crying her heart out because of him ...

Aby , however , was the first one to stop crying . She figured out that crying wouldn't help Brian , if anything it would made him worse . So , she stopped and breathed in deeply as she looked in her boyfriend's bloodshot eyes ...

'' How .. H-ow long have you known ? '' she asked him while softly rubbing his arms ...

'' S-ince that morning ... At the doctor's ... '' Brian mumbled under his breath .. '' Baby , I'm so sorry ... '' he whispered , but Aby shook her head ..

'' What are you saying ? Sorry for what , baby ? Cancer isn't your fault ... '' Aby said strongly , and when Brian tried to protest , she hushed him , placing her warm finger over his thin lips ...

'' We are going to fight this , Brian ... It's just a bump in our road ... We are going to defeat it ... '' Aby said , and Brian looked down ...

'' I'm weak , Aby ... I already feel so weak and the worst hasn't come yet ... I mean what's going to happen in the next months ? '' he said softly , and felt tears running down his cheeks once again ...

'' Baby ... It's going to be tough .. I know it's going to be tough ... But I'm going to be there for you the whole time ... I will support you through it all , no matter what it takes ... '' she said , and smiled when Brian caught her soft hands and brought them to his mouth ...

'' I can't ask you to do that , baby ... '' he said ...

'' You don't have to ... I'm going to do it either way ... '' Aby said and hugged Brian immediately ...'' You are stuck with me , Haner ... Whether you like it or not ... '' she mumbled against his shoulder , and smiled once she heard his soft chuckle ...

'' I love you so much , you know that ? '' Brian asked softly , and she nodded ...

'' I love you more , baby ... And I won't let you leave me that easily ... F*ck cancer ... '' Aby said and earned another soft chuckle from Brian ...

After a few moments , Brian spoke ...

'' Uhm , tomorrow the chemos start .... And next week the radiations ... '' he said softly , and smiled as he felt Aby tracing the monsters in his arms ...

'' We are going there together , okay ? I don't want you to go there alone , I mean it's going to be scary and all ... '' Aby said and looked in Brian's orbs ...

'' Promise me , Brian ... '' she whispered ...

'' Promise you what ? '' Brian asked , and Aby responded ...

'' Promise me that you won't give up on us ... on life itself ... Just promise me that ... '' , she said softly , and felt Brian kissing her forehead ...

'' I promise , baby ... I promise ... ''

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ff 1 monthxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

One month had already passed , and Brian was constantly going in and out of hospitals . The chemo therapy was exhausting for his organism , and combined with the radiations made his body feel extremely weak ...

Aby was there for him , though . She was , honestly , the only reason he was holding on to life . She never treated him any different , they still joked around , messed with each other . They both had decided that this would be the only way to deal with the situation . Cancer wouldn't bring them down ...

Brian , though , wasn't 100% happy. In all honesty , Brian was afraid of everything . He was terrified of the therapies and all the chemicals that they inserted in his system , he was afraid that he'd sleep and never wake up every single night he went to bed ... But most importandly , he was scared that Aby would leave him . He knew anyone would call him delusional , that Aby has been by his side the whole time and never even thought of leaving him , but he couldn't help himself thinking that inevitably Aby would find someone better than him ... Someone who didn't have cancer ...

So that morning he woke up , and after a long time he rushed to the bathroom , as the coughing started again . Due to the therapy , though , the coughing wasn't that intense , and he calmed down soon ...

He realised that Aby was standing by his side , rubbing his back ...

'' Well , it's better than the last time ... '' Aby said softly and kissed his cheek ... Brian though , remained still ...

'' Don't kiss me ... '' he muttered . Aby was taken aback by his reaction ...

'' What do you mean , baby ? '' she asked , and he shook his head ...

'' What do you think I mean ? '' he snapped.. '' Stop pretending , Aby ... '' he muttered ...

'' I don't think I understand a word you are saying ... '' Aby slowly said ...

'' You think I don't get it ? Aby I know you don't like me anymore ... Hell I don't even like myself ... I'm pale all the f*cking time , our private house ghost 24/7 !! My hands are weak , I cough ALL the time ... I can barely walk to the hospital and back ... '' Brian shouted , and Aby was left speechless ...

'' Brian I- ''

'' You what ? Just drop it ... Walk away , Aby ... I'm disgusting to look at , I probably smell like shit and - '' Brian screamed as he brought his hands to his head and touched some hair that already had started falling ...

'' I'm losing my f*cking hair .... Oh God ... I'm turning in a monster ... '' Brian shieked as he collapsed to the ground ...

'' You ... You won't stay with me , Aby ... No one stays with a monster ... A weak , pathetic shadow that only groans out in pain every single second .... '' Brian whispered and looked down . Only then did he realise he was crying ...

Aby hadn't left the room though . She felt shocked , for sure , but she would never leave him . She could understand where his outburst came from ; Brian was scared ... He was terrified of everything , he was just too proud to admit it .

So she sat beside him , and cradled his head ...

'' Brian ... listen to me ... I'm NEVER going to leave you ... Never '' she said strongly ...

'' W-ell , maybe you should .... '' Brian whispered ...

'' No , you don't understand ... Baby , to me , you are and always will be the most handsome man ... No matter what happens ... Cause even if your hair fall , even if you become so weak that you won't even be able to get out of bed , you'll still be MY Brian ... My funny , goofy , absolutely amazing boyfriend I can't live without ... '' she said as she caressed his weak arms and smiled to him ...

'' Aby ... I-I'm so sorry for snaping at you ... It's j-ust that I'm scared ... Im terrified of everything ... I don't want to die yet ... I'm not ready to ... '' Brian said softly , and sighed as he felt broken . But Aby was that one person who could bring back the smile on his face ...

'' It's logical Brian ... Anyone would be scared out of his mind if it happened to him ... But baby , please , believe that I'm here for you , and I'm not leaving your side ... Don't ever doubt that ... '' she said sweetly , and pressed her lips on his . They both deepened the kiss , and smiled once they broke away ...

'' Hmm ... Your kisses are still the same ... '' she said softly , and they both chuckled ...

'' Aby ... '' Brian said , and she raised her head to meat his soft , warm , and somehow sparking orbs ..

'' Thank you ... For Everything ... ''

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ff 1 month xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The days passed way faster than Brian had imagined . His organism was exhausted , he could feel that the end was near . But Brian felt happy ... The last two months with Aby had been perfect . They had made a list of all sort of crazy things , and they had promised each other to achieve them ... And they had succeeded ...

The two of them traveled all across the globe . They went camping to the weirdest places , surfing and even boating - both of them almost drowned ... But the moments Brian cherished the most were their nights ... No matter where they were , they'd stay up until the early morning hours , counting the stars . The two had made a deal , they had marked specific stars in a way that they formed a bigger star : that place was their heaven , and they had both agreed that the two of them , once they died , would meet again right in that big star .

He couldn't feel more greatfull . Aby was the best thing that had happened to him , in a long time , he felt complete . He thought he'd be scared , once the moment of his death was approaching , but what he felt was pure bliss ...

That was why that night , Brian took Aby out . Just like they used to before cancer knocked on their door . They went to a nice restaurant , and then to a bar . Both of them smiled like nothing was wrong , because they felt nothing was wrong ... Everything seemed perfect , and the world that night existed only for them ...

After they got out of the bar , Brian took Aby in a place near the beach . Both of them sat down . He touched her face softly , and asked her ...

'' Do you remember ? '' , and smiled when she nodded ...

'' How could I ever forget ? This is where we met ! God it's still the same , huh ? '' she said and they both chuckled ...

'' That day my whole life changed ... And you know I've had many life - changing moments ... I mean when the band got signed , when we became that big metal band all 5 of us have been dreaming , my life changed for sure ... Same when Jimmy passed away ... But baby , our meeting was definately the best thing that ever happened to me ... '' Brian smiled , and Aby smiled back ...

'' Same here , baby ... Same here ... I wouldn't change a thing about it , about us ... '' she said and sweetly kissed his lips ...

'' A fairytale , huh ? '' Brian whispered , and Aby furrowed her eyebrows ...

'' What do you mean ? ''

'' Our whole story , our relationship ... This cancer now ... It all seems like a fairytale ... '' he said with a smile ...

'' Well , yeah ... I mean pretty incredible things have happened ... And whenever we reached the point where most people would simply give up , we stayed together ... I guess that's what makes our story , our fairytale per- '' Aby started and the two of them completed the phrase ...

'' Perfect '' ....

The next morning , Brian woke up coughing intensely . Blood was coming out of his mouth constantly , and he knew that was the end . Aby woke up , and immediately called for an ambulance . It arrived in no time , and Brian was rushed in the ER the moment he arrived at the hospital , leaving Aby all alone . She informed everyone , and soon enough there was a huge group of people outside the ER , just waiting to hear on Brian ...

Aby felt terrified . But she reminded herself that Brian wouldn't have wanted her to feel that way . Both of them knew this day would come , no matter how hard they tried to deny it .. Aby had to be strong , both for her own mental health but also for Brian ...

People were coming in and out of the ER room constantly , noone had any words about Brian . After a long wait , a single doctor came out and informed us all that Brian had slipped in a coma . The doctors were sure that Brian wouldn't make it through the night , so they advised everyone to go in , one at a time , and say their goodbyes ...

Aby wanted to be the last person to walk in that room . So she waited until everyone got in . She felt her heart break a bit more every time a person entered or exited Brian's room . When finally her turn came , she wasn't even sure that she wanted to go in ...

She decided though that she'd regret it if she didn't go in , so she sucked in a deep breath and walked in Brian's room .

He was laying there , his face pale , and only now Aby could see how weak he really was ...

She felt the tears running down her face as she sat down and took hold of Brian's hands ...

'' B-baby ... I ... I want you to kn-ow ... that I l-oved you ever sinc-e the mo-ment I first s-aw you ... And I n-ever stopped ... I won'-t gi-ve up on us ... Because we'll meet a-gain ... I kno-w w-e will ... Some-day ... You ar-e brave , bab-y ... The br-avest man I'v-e e-ver known ... A-nd ... out fairyta-le ... '' she said through muffled cries ...

'' Our fairytale is perfect ... That's wh-y it will ne-ver end ... '' Aby finished and kissed his calm forehead . She was glad that Brian wasn't in any pain , that he'd be passing away peacefully ...

'' Sleep well , my angel ... '' she said softly and let go of Brian's one hand . The moment , though , she tried to let go of the other , she was surprised as she felt his hand rubbing hers . New tears rushed down her face as she saw Brian slightly opening his eyes , and even trying to smile to her ... She smiled at him , and leaned forward , softly kissing his weak lips ...

Brian could barely see her , but that was for sure the only picture he wanted to leave this world with . Her perfect face over him , and her sweet lips caressing his . There was no pain , no wild fires or white clouds anywhere around him . Only this bright light , coming from the girl on top of his face . His girl ...

And then , everything went black , and Brian felt his heartbeat stop ...

The funeral took place two days later , and the cemetary was literally full of people . Family and friends , and of course fans of the band had all gathered to say their last goodbyes . Aby was shattered , but somehow in peace , because she knew that Brian now was safe in a better place , probably hanging out with Jimmy somewhere in heaven ... But mostly she felt that way because she knew that somehow Brian was watching over her ...

The night before the funeral , Aby had a weird dream . All she could remember was a voice telling her to '' open the box '' . She had searched in every little box in every single part of the house , and had found absolutely nothing . She was sure that the voice belonged to Brian , so she really wanted to understand what it meant , or else she'd be going insane ...

And suddenly , that morning , once the funeral ended , it clicked : she remembered that back in the days , Brian and she used to have a little heart shaped box of their own , where they'd leave notes for each other . They'd always hide the box deep in a hole they had opened , right at the spot they'd met .

She basically ran to the spot , the same spot where a few nights ago they'd shared their last night together . She found the hole , and began digging in , trying to find the box . She thought she'd lost it , but after a while she smiled as she spotted the purple box .

She opened it , and widened her eyes as she found a piece of paper hidden inside . She unfolded it , and she immediately recognised Brian's letters . It was a rather small note , but it brought tears in her eyes as she read it ...

This is our fairytale ... Never forget that princess ... No matter what happens , remember I'll always be by your side , same way you've been there for me this whole time ... You gave me a reason to breathe , a reason to laugh , a reason to cry , and a million reasons to love and live my life ... This isn't the end , princess ... We both know it ...

I want you to promise me that you won't give up on your life because of this ... You won't be afraid to continue on with your life ... You'll have a family ... And I'll be watching over all of you ...

Remember , Aby , death is only a step away from life ... It doesn't mean anything ... Our fairytale is far too beautiful to be shattered by it ...

It will last ... It was meant to last ...

I love you , with everything in me ...

Forever yours , Brian ...

PS : You look so beautiful from up here ... Especially from where I'm seeing you now ... Our big star , remember ? Our heaven ...
♠ ♠ ♠
-Server crashed and had to repost this ://// -

This is my 1st one-shot EVER ! :) So please comment I'd love to hear your thoughts :)