Status: Brand New Mother***ers!

My Immortal


*aidans P.O.V*
I held Franks hand as we walked around the block that lead to Sternenlicht (Starlight). No, we arent dating. We are just really awesome friends, so its not akward.

"Gerard doesnt like me..."

We heard a scuffle behind us and turned around. I a flash of black and figured it was a bird.
A: "Back to our conversation. I want him to like me. Like as friends."
F: "But i thought you didnt like him..."
A: "I didnt but now i do. But just not as much as you" *smiles*

I heard another scuffle just as we were walking into Sternenlicht. I instantly smelled Schnitzel and beer. Sadly Frank cant drink beer. But I can because people born in Germany can drink wine at 16. I like wine. We sat down at a booth and looked over the menu. Frank kept going on about how there wasnt much vegitarian meals on the menu. "I want Käsespätzle!" he said excitedly. Käsespätzle is sort of like macaroni but different at the same time. I ordered some soft pretzels for an appitizer.
I decided to get what Frank got because it is really awesome. I looked up and saw the same flash of black hair. "Frank...someone is stalking us." Frank turned around and his eyes got wide. A boy with jet black hair was slowly moving towards us.

*Frank POV*
"Gerard!?" I yelled. Aidan was up in his face and mumbling something in German. Gerard grabbed her arm and started to lift her in the air. "GERARD!" i yelled grabbing his hands and trying to pry them off Aidan. Some of the waitress doms from Germany were doing whatever they could to get Gerard off of Aidan. She finally freed herslef and ran over to me. I looked at Gerard and shook my head.

*time lapse.. of like 2 seconds*
(still frank pov)
"Gerard. Aidan is my best friend! Why would you hurt her?" I yelled. "I am so sorry Frank. I thought she would hurt you." he mumble. I decided to forgive him becuse he was sobbing and saying sorry over and over. I gave him a hug and he wouldnt let me go. "Gerard, let me go." i mumbled. He refused and hugged me tighter. Gerard picked me up bridal style and started to carry me somewhere.
♠ ♠ ♠

F is for friends who do stuff together. U is for you and me! N is for anywhere anytime at all! down here in the deep blue sea!

yes i love sponge bob. if you dont go fuck yourself!