Status: Brand New Mother***ers!

My Immortal

Six Flags Great Adventure Part:1

Emilia POV

"Bitches! You aren't going without us!" Mikey screamed. They jumped not noticing our presence untill now.

I was shaking like hell right now. Please tell me they won't let us go with them. You see, I have a horrible fear of rollercosters. Those motherfuckers will make me go on all of them.

"....Surreee," Gerard said. He sounds so happy!


"Thanks big bro!" Mikey said exitedly.

Holy fuck I'm gonna die today.I don't wanna die on a fucking rollercoster!

"C'Mon let's go change," Mikey told Jayy,Andy,Brendon,Ryan, and I.


I changed to a Blink-182 tee which had the Blink-182 (an album by them) cover, pink skinnies, blue vans, White Holywood Shade without Lens and breast cancer,Argentina, and Italy rubber wrist bands.

Mikey wore his blue starwars shirt,black skinnies, grey and white converse and a grey beanie.

Jayy wore a black tank top,black basketball shorts (for some strange reason I can see him in basketball shorts XD),and all black converse.

Andy wore a white tee that said Jayy's bitch, black skinnies,and combat boots.

Ryan wore a dark green shirt, white skinnies, and dark blue converse.

Brendon wore a red shirt, dark grey skinnies and red converse.


I had to call up my sister and ask if we could borrow the RV she has but of course she only agreed if her and her mate could come along. Bitch. I love them both but serously?

It's not like its a 4 day trip. I mean its only 1 hour and 30 minutes but with all the people coming its necessary.

There was a loud honk of an RV.

"That must be Gracie!" Mikey said excitedly and we all ran outside. Well, with the exception of me who had no reason to.

I stepped in the RV and smiled. Frank and Gerard were sitting next to each other fingers intertwined.

"Hey Gracie, Anna," I said hugging Gracie from the side since she was in the drivers seat and gave Anna a full hug.

Gracie wore a Weezer tee,light grey skinnies,and blood red converse.

Anna wore a greenday American Idiot shirt, black skinnies, and neon orange converse.

I sat down next to Aidan. She is the only one who knows of my fear of rollercosters.Not even Ryan knew.

She looked at me with reassurance and patted her lap. I got in a laying position and laid my head on her lap then closed my eyes. She stroked my hair and sighed. "I'm sorry Em," she whispered.
"It's fine," I said sheepishly.

My eyes got heavy and everything went black.

***Time Lapse***

"Emilia,wake up. We're here," Aidan shook me gently. I sighed and slowly got into a sitting position and Aidan got up. She extended a hand out and I gladly took it. She pulled me up and lead me outside where everyone else was waiting.

"Afternoon sleeping beauty," Jayy said smirking. I flipped him off. "Fuck off!" I said angrily. "Okay,okay,sorry! Shesh I was only joking," He said pretending to be offended. I rolled my eyes and got my ipod out of my pocket. I on put on headphones and blocked out everyone around me with music.

Aidan pulled out the right headphone from my ear.

"Sometimes you can be so fucking antisocial! I understand you doesn't want to be here but you can still talk to us!" Aidan whispered angrily to me and stormed off. I sighed and walked with the rest of them to the front entrance. I don't wanna be here.

***Another Motherfucking Time Lapse!***

Gerard P.O.V

"11 please," The female fertile handed me the tickets and I gave her the money. "Have a nice day," she said smiling. "Thanks," I said and walked through the entrance that leads to the vampire's side of the amusement park. They followed close behind me.

When we entered we were in main street. We stopped walking and I asked,"Where do ya guys wanna go first?" "Fantasy Land!" The fertiles all suggested excitedly in sync except Emilia who was oddly quiet. The doms all nodded, agreeing with the fertiles.
"Alright, let's go then,"

We walked to Fantasy Land in about 15 minutes of conversation. In that time, I've became worried about about Emilia. She's never this quiet.

"Em?" I asked. No reply. "Emilia?" I tried again a little louder this time. Still, no reply.

"You guys keep going we'll catch up with you," I said to them all, pulling Emilia off to the side so we could be in private.

I heard small sniffles coming from Emily. " Cosa c'รจ di sbagliato?" (What's wrong?) I asked in Italian. She took a deep breath and said," A-Aidan got m-mad at m-me and c-called me a-antisocial!" She choked out.

I gasped. What the hell? Why would Aidan say that?! I enveloped her in a hug. She cried into my chest. "Shh its okay. You are not antisocial. Don't worry Emilia," I said rubbing circles on her back.

"Gee?" She asked. I hummed in response. "I'm hungry," She said now looking into my eyes. I giggled. I kissed her on the forehead and ruffled her hair (No they agent together, they are just really good friends who knew each other for a ling period of time).

I lead her back to the others. "Emilia is hungry. Let's look for a place to eat," They all nodded and exchanged 'okays'.

***Last Time Lapse (hope you like this last part XD)***

We finished eating and now, since Mikey suggested it, were playing charades but we made up our own version that is less complex. All you do is act it out. No syllables and the 'movie or show?' thing. It can be a real event or not.

We also have teams. Right now its Emilia and Andy's turn.

They whispered ideas untill they agreed on one that made both of them have a laughing fit. "Okay go," Emilia said and then they started.

Andy laid on the ground and Emilia sat on his pelvis area.

We all exchanged confused and wierded out glances. It wasn't untill they gave the next clue which caused me to freeze up.

"Frankkkkk!" Emilia 'moaned'.
"Gerardddd!" Andy said bucking his hips. My face started to heat up.

Everyone except Frank and I burst out laughing, we instead were blushing like mad. "Frank and Gerard having sexy time!" Ryan said laughing hard.

Andy and Emilia nodded and laughed as well and they got up.

"Our little boys are growing up!" Emilia said giggling. "Ya know, its pretty impressive to moan louder than Rob Zombie," Jayy said said smirking. Frank flipped him off and the others all laughed. "Next team!" I said trying to get off topic.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its been so long! Hopefully this long chapter will make up for it!
Ha! Jeanette is gonna have to do the rollercosters! And she thought I was gonna wrote about that.Yeaya! I got otta it. HELLZ YA BITCH!
(.Y.) <----Boobs! Haha XD. Oh you people better not report the story for that cuz it has nothing to do with the fanfic!

Xox Fellow Killjoy named Tyler