Status: Brand New Mother***ers!

My Immortal

Six Flags Great Adventure Part 2

Aidan POV

Before we left, I made sure to grab my tacticle knife. I was a master at tactical knife fighting. When I was 11 my dad used me as a deadly weapon.

*flash back* (in 3rd person)

"Daddy? Where are you daddy?" the little girl screamed as the German fighters rushed towards her. The little girls daddy stood in a watch tower, to scared of the fighters to help his daughter. Of course the little girl had a few knives and was very well trained, but she was terrified. Aidan got her smallest tactical knife and ducked behind a crate. When a fighter tip toed by, she grabbed him by the shoulder and pointed the dagger at his heart. As soon as she pulled the dagger from the mans chest she realized who it was. It was her 14 year old best friend, who had come to help her. "Viktor! Tut mir so leid!" Aidan sobbed. "Aidan, its okay." Viktor mumbled, blood sputtering out of his mouth. "I love you," he whispered before his soul left his body. Aidan sat there sobbing. She picked herself up and killed everyone in the area within 10 minutes.

*back to realality*

"Aidan, Aidan!" a voice screamed at me. It was Frank. It was our turn to get on Batman and I was standing there, frozen. I realized I was crying and quickly wiped the tears away. "Yes Frank?" i asked. He pointed at the dangling seats that sat in front of us. I climbed on the ride and pulled down the shoulder harness. Emilia sat next to me and looked like she as about to cry. I gripped her hand and tried to calm her. Its not working. The ride started and pulled us up the hill.
---after the ride---
Emilia calmed down after I told her she had just been on one of the scariest rides in the park. She realized what she had just done and stood up a little straighter and smiled.
Gerard grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the group. "Why did you call her anti social?" Gerard asked angrily as he yanked me towards a gift shop. "Let me go Gerard. I dont want to have to hurt you." I warned him. Gerard just rolled his eyes and yanked my arm harder.

I finally decided to stand up for myself and pulled my medium sized tactical knife from my pocket. Before I performed a Pommel Strike on his face someone grabbed my arm. I turned quickly and held the knife to the persons throat. I lowered my knife when i saw Franks face.

''Sorry Frank. Instincts." I said looking at my shoes. He nodded and rushed over to Gerard. "Frank, Im sorry," I said looking at Gerard. "It's not me you should be apologizing to." He stated. "I'm not going to apologize to him Frank." I mumbled.

Gerard stared at the knife I gripped in my hand. "Where did you learn to do that?" He asked. I told him about when I was 11 and he asked if I could teach him. I nodded and asked a small fertile girl to grab me some humans. She nodded and rushed off.

'Sammi' or thats what her nametag said, brought me some teenage boys and tied them up to a wall. I handed Gerard an extra tactical knife that I carried around and told him he could keep it. "First move: Pommel Strike. Turn the knife around so that you dont hit the person with the sharp side." Gerard did as I told and turned the knife around. "Okay, now hit the peron in the face." Gerard hit the youngest boy that looked about 14 and crushed his nose.

"Awesome!" I high fived Gerard as we walked away from the broken nosed boys.
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im totally gonna have to learn tactical knife combat