Cheer Up Boys! (Your Make Up Is Running)

Hippogriff Dance

Feeling the warmth of sunlight, I opened my eyes a bit and saw Brenna opening the blinds, pushing the curtains away. She turned and noticed me, then knocked a couple times on the wall separating ours' and the boys' rooms. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, feeling much better than the day before. Brenna sat on the edge of my bed and patted my leg.
"Good Morning Star-shine! The Earth says hello!" She smiled, "Feeling better?"
"Much, thank you. Just a little hungry."
She nodded, "Understandable, you slept a while."
Liam came in and sat on my other side. "Good afternoon! Are you feeling any better?"
Every time I had woken up, Liam was there to comfort me and ask me if I needed anything. Iwas going to miss that. "Yeah, just hungry." He ruffled my hair a bit and then left the room, and Brenna followed. He came back a few minutes later alone with a small plate, which held a bagel with cream cheese and butter. "Thanks." I smiled lazily, pushing my hair out of my face. "Cereal would've been fine though."
He shook his head. "No way I was going to give you a spoon. Those things are evil." I laughed and nodded, "Understood."

Brenna came in after that and told me she laid out my clothes on her bed. I thanked her as she went down to eat lunch in the lobby with the others. I sighed contently and rested my head on Liam's shoulder. "What are we doing today?"
He shrugged. "We could celebrate you being, you know, alive."
I giggled and poked his cheek, smearing a bit of cream cheese. "Oh is that a challenge?" He swiped his fingers across the bagel and smeared it on my forehead, whispering "Simba." Laughing, I made stripes and dots on his cheeks and forehead, claiming he looked like one of those things from Avatar. We were still fighting like that when Brenna returned. "Get dressed, Brooke! For God's sake, Liam, stop distracting her!"
We giggled a bit more as Liam left the room. I wiped off my face (when Brenna told me to) and got dressed in the red hoodie and black jeans she laid out for me, and then slipped on my purple toms. Brenna raised an eyebrow at my color coding, but I shrugged.
"These are my lucky toms. You know that."
She nodded a bit. "Right, so you have no right to scold me when I wear my lucky green hoodie!" I smirked. "I have every right! It says, 'Kiss Me I'm Irish' and you're not even Irish!"
"Am too! My mama's mama was a ginger, and pure Irish! So that makes me 1/4!"
".... Are we really about to do this?"
She grinned, "We always do!"
Brenna pulled on a plain white t-shirt, blue jeans, and black knee-high converse. And of course, to prove a point, she also pulled on her "lucky" green hoodie.
"Your shoes are bad-ass."
"I know that's why I bought them."

We met the boys in the lobby and Niall asked Brenna if she was really Irish.
"Yeah, yes, I am. Brooke is partially."
Niall squealed, "ME TOO!"
We all laughed. Brenna came up with a smart ass remark, "Really? I couldn't tell, I thought it was Scottish." We all laughed even more.
"You don't look Irish, Bren." Louis told her. Brenna pouted but smiled a bit, "Racist!"
Louis faked shock and put his hand on his heart. "I'm hurt that you would say that!"
"I only speak the truth!"
Louis seemed at a loss for words, so he just shouted, "SUPERMAAAAANNN!"
Zayn ruffled Niall's hair (much to Niall's dismay), "Aw, Niall finally gets his Irish girl."
I looked over at Harry, and noticed his 1856 tee. "That's swag."
He looked puzzled. "Swag?"
I nodded. "You know what swag is, right?"

When he shook his head, Brenna and I gasped. "Whaaaaat?! Everyone knows swag!"
"And swagger." Brenna noted. "Here, we'll show you. Brooke, remember our hippogriff dance?"
I laughed hard and nodded, and Brenna and I proceeded to do so. She did the hippogriff part (which included her holding up her arms liked a bird and waddling towards me) while I did the odd part of pelvic thrusting the air.

"So this is the 'swag' is a dance?" Louis asked after catching his breath from laughing. I shook my head. "Nah, swagger just means you have good self confidence. And if someone says that's swag, it means its really cool."
Niall giggled, "Swag is a really fu word to say."
"It sounds so cute when you say it in your accent!" Brenna laughed. Niall grinned and said a few more times causing Brenna to turn pink.

"On the other side of the world, it don't matter I'll be there in two, I'll be there in two, I'll be there in too." We all sang out as we strolled around downtown. We had just been goofing off, 'celebrating me being alive.' Brenna had taken my temperature and it had gone back to a healthy 96. I knew I was in good hands since her mom had been a nurse and Brenna knew a few things.

When we got back to the hotel, we played card games until late. The day had gone by too fast, and we were all asleep on the floor of the boy' room around midnight. I had fallen asleep on Liam again, while he slouched against the end of the bed. Brenna huddled against Niall, who was leaned up against the wall. Louis, Harry, and Zayn were just a pile of bodies in the middle of the floor.
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It's been so long since we've updated this! School was a bitch but we should be updating regularly. I've been having to type up screen shots.