Status: Hiatus for now

The Princess of Arkham

Introduction part one

"I told you this would happen. But did you listen to me? No." Valora antagonized as I sat on my "so-called" bed staring at the bland padded white walls.

"Shut up, Valora. If you hadn't persuaded me to go to that bar I wouldn't be in this predicament." I said; arguing with her was exhausting, but it really was her fault. Her fault we got put back in Arkham.

I stood up in my small, enclosed rubber room and paced in front of the locked door. It had been approximately 48 hours since they had caught her. 48 hours since she had last killed someone. God how she missed it.

"I hate being locked up in here." I sighed and punched the rubber wall. The pain ricocheted from my knuckles to my wrist and I laughed out maniacally. God that felt good.

"You realize when we go see Dr. Crane he's going to question us about our disappearance?" Valora asked out loud. It annoyed me when she did this.

I had thought about that as well. Dr. Crane always asked about my visits to Gotham, no matter how long or short the stay was. I rolled my eyes at Valora's incompetence and continued beating my fist into the wall.

"Get near the far wall. They're coming to get you." I did as Valora said. Normally when she said things like that, she meant it. I backed up to the corner of the wall and slid down, pulling my knees close to my chest. The door open slowly and four guards stood outside my door. Two of the guards cautiously came into the room carrying a straight jacket and handcuffs.

The taller one pinned me in the corner and buckled the straight jacket up and the other one put the handcuffs on me. I sighed and impatiently waited as they made sure everything was "secure".

"Oh, would you guys hurry up." I barked impatiently, wiggling my arms around in the straight jacket.

They glanced nervously at each other, but guided me down the hall and stopped at an interrogation room that had two guards posted at the doors. I giggled and wiggled my arms and head to a tune in my head. I could tell the guards were on edge because two of them steered clear of me.One guard opened the door and the other two escorted me in and pushed me into a metal chair and then proceeded to handcuff my legs to the table.

"Hello, Dr. Crane." I said jovially, as I leaned back in the seat and smiled sadistically at him.

He returned the smile and asked, " And who am I talking to today?"

Obviously not me. Valora muttered in the back of my mind. I rolled my eyes at her and continued to smile.


He smiled and winked at me and I blushed slightly.

"So, Andromeda, where have you been the last few months?" He asked conclusively with his clipboard and pen in hand.

"Oh you know. I've been in Gotham. Blowing up buildings. Killing people. Just me being me." I giggled and rocked back and forth in the straight jacket. He scribbled something down on his clipboard.

"And who are you really?" He was doing his normal psychoanalyst babble, so I gave him a false answer.

"I'm sane." He smiled and sighed.

He put the clipboard and pen down and walked over to my side of the table and perched himself on the corner. His leg rubbed smoothly against mine.

"I want to try something new, Andromeda."

I looked into his eyes and laughed. He rolled his eyes and dug in his pocket for something. I laughed even harder when he retrieved a syringe full of some rust colored chemical.

"Ah, so you're the infamous Scarecrow and that is the Fear Toxin." I nodded my head towards him and the rust colored chemical.

He looked baffled for a second and then he smiled a shark smile at me and injected me with the fear toxin. I smirked as he called for the guards and continued smiling as they pushed me into my room and took off the handcuffs and straight jacket. But as they closed the door my vision started getting blurry. And the next minute, spiders were crawling over everything. They were on the door and covering the walls and floor. I looked down and realized they were all over me. I yelped and swatted them off of me, but they just kept coming. One of the spiders, a big brown recluse, skittered up my body and crawled into my mouth. And that's when I started screaming and didn't stop for about six hours.