Status: In the process

One Step From the Edge

Radio Bleed Me A Melody That'll Make This Boy Cry

"Just how I wanted to spend my Saturday, stuck in detention," I groaned.
Nathan, the schools 'bad boy/criminal' shot a glare at me," Boohoo, get over it Princess, you cause me to be in here, so shut up."
"Look Nath-" I stopped, knowing it was no use.
As kids, Nathan came over all the time to my house, to play with my brother Max. The two of them had always been friends, our family loved Nathan like he was part of the family, that was until last October.
Max and I were getting ready to go to 'Jay-Jay's', a teen club that had just opened up in town, when Nathan showed up at our house. He started to flirt with me, which he only did when he was upset or a little on the intoxicated side. Max walked out of his room just in time for Nathan to stop flirting and back up. We left the house and I told Nathan to make sure he wasn't speeding because the roads were going to be wet because it was about to start pouring rain. After about ten minutes in the car, we were going down the mountain, Nathan picked up his speed. I yelled and yelled for him to slow down, but he just wouldn't listen to me. Next thing I knew, I opened my eyes and Nathan was gone. I managed to get out of the car and stumble over to Max's side of the car. It was hard to see because my eyes were blurry from blood getting in my eyes. I got Max's door open, breaking my arm in the process, and fell down beside his seat.
"Max" Max are you okay?" I asked, trying to reach for his hand.
His eyes opened to look at me," Princess, I, I love you, be, careful, Nathan has to tell you w,why this happened, amo te."
With that, his eyes became glossy, and his heart stopped beating. I yelled out his name, saying 'quaeso, ne moriar, te peto' which is Latin for 'please, please don't die, I need you', but it was too late.
From that day forth, I've hated Nathan and blamed him for what happened. My phone started to vibrate, so I had to grab it and silence the buzzing, so that the sound wouldn't echo. Quickly, I opened the message to read it, and it said: "J, I shouldn't be the one telling you this, but what the heck I'm going to anyway, you're moving into Nathans house because your parents said they can't stand having you mope around Max's room, talking like he's there with you, they want you to leave and stay with Nathan because it's the only way for them to move on. Your stuff is already at his house because his parents came and got it and took it to his house. I'm very sorry. -Sid."
"No," I whispered, dropping my phone.
Nathan saw my phone drop and came over to pick it up, but before he sat it down on the desk, he read the text. I started to mentally panic, then I passed out.
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