Status: Story has been Abandoned

Tales of the Dragonaut: Blood Destiny


Long ago the battle between monsters for dominance raged on for years. The thousands of monsters fought amongst each other to become ruler over the world they lived in. Werewolves and Vampires were among the strongest and their battles for dominances were some of the fiercest. They lead army after army into battle to defeat the other and gain control over the world of monsters. Among this war were the humans, being the weakest of the species, they suffered the most. They were nothing more than slaves and food for the monsters. The humans had one hope to gain their freedom from this life and that was the power of the strongest monster of all, the Dragons. The dragons being the most powerful monsters in existence decided to step into the fray but not for their own sake but the humans. The dragons formed an alliance with the humans, they used magic to combine their blood with a group of chosen humans, and these humans became known as Dragonauts. To aid the Dragonauts further and control the magic that they now have a dragon clan called the Weaver Dragons, the most powerful dragons in magic, allowed their young to be bound to the Dragonauts thus this bond allowed the Dragonauts to become the most powerful beings in the world, more powerful than the dragons themselves. The humans now entering the fray with the Dragonauts to lead the way managed to not only free themselves but end the war all together. This allowed the world to live in peace for many years, and the Dragonauts faded to nothing but a legend. Now darkness threatens the world with war and destruction and the only way for it to be stopped is by the power of the legendary Dragonaut.