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Tales of the Dragonaut: Blood Destiny

Chapter: Just Another Day

“Wake up you idiot” Athena said standing over Elita, “class is over” she said as she nudged her. “Five more minutes” Elita sleepily mumbled. *sigh* Athena turned around and grabbed her math book. “I said GET UP” Athena yelled as she dropped it on Elita's head. *bam* “oww” Elita said as she sat up, “did you have to use the math book” she said rubbing her head. “Would you prefer the science book” Athena said as she held up a bigger book, “and besides it’s the only way some knowledge would enter that brain of yours” she said in a scolding voice. “Oh look it’s time to go” Elita said happily as she got up and ran out the class room. “Hey wait a second” Athena yelled as she chased after her. Athena ran into the hall and saw Elita laying on the ground her stuff was scattered on the floor and someone else was lying in front of her. “Elita you need to watch where you’re going.” Athena said as she helped her up. “Owww, I’m sorry” Elita said as she looked up. “I-it’s alright” the voice said as he sat up. “Oh Leon, are you ok” Athena asked. “Y-Yeah” he said as he got up and picked up his stuff. “Sorry about that” Elita said as she got her stuff up and ran off. “Elita get back here.” Athena yelled after her. As they ran through the door of the school Elita suddenly stopped. “Eep” she said as she ducked behind a bush, “what is it now” Athena said as she walked up behind her. “Shhh get down, its Cristian” Elita said tugging Athena down to her. “Once again why are you hiding from one of the hottest guys in school?” Athena asked. “He’s creepy all he does it stare at me and he looks like some emo homo” Elita said in a hushed voice. “You just don’t make any sense” Athena said disappointingly. “Leon, Leon come here” Elita called to him as he came out the school. “Huh?” he said as he looked at her, “do me a favor and distract Cristian please” Elita asked as he approached her. “What why would he do you a favor after you ran into him?” Athena yelled at her. “Ok” Leon said as he walked towards Cristian. “Thank you” Elita said as she grabbed Athena’s hand and ran off to the side. “Hey wait” Athena yelled as she was pulled off by Elita. “Come on I gotta go to my grandma’s house” Elita said happily. “And I have to come along” Athena said as she ran behind her.