Status: Possibly more to come...

Kidnappers, Thieves and Hockey Players

One Shot

If they ask, the door was open... And I heard a cry for help... Yes, that's perfect. I think as I pick the lock of the back door of the only house on the street that looks like it is older than me. It is an ugly yellow with white trim and an overhang over the back door and what little steps it takes to get up to it.

When the door comes unlocked I pray to god that I did not make too much noise. I slip in to the house and pull out my gun as I go. I silently but quickly move through a bare kitchen and into the hall where I see a door I assume leads to the basement. I know he is in one of two places the attic or the basement. I chose the basement.

I slowly open the door as quietly as possible and make my way down the stairs. Please don’t creak I think as I move down them. I don't have to go far to see the kidnapper with his back to me standing in front of the terrified kid. He is ranting about something but I don't care to listen.

"Hands where I can see them shit head!" I yell point my weapon at the man. He is surprised and turns around quickly to face me.

He drops the f bomb.

"That’s right dumb ass, I caught you. Now put your weapon on the ground or I will shoot you." I say coldly and he move to put his gun on the floor. In a move that I am not sure is brave or stupid he tried to trick me by quickly whipping his gun up to shoot me but I manage to get him first. Right in the leg. He falls to the ground and cried out in pain, clutching his leg.

"I told you I would shoot you." I tell him coldly, narrowing my eyes at him in disgust.

I put my weapon back into its holster and kick his gun away, a routine I had come to know very well where criminals were concerned. I pull out the zip ties I always keep in my jacket and tie his hands.

I turn to the kid and pull out the knife I also always carry and cut his hands free.

"Here, get your feet." I give my knife over to him and he cuts his bonds frantically.

As soon as he is done he stands and I dig in my pocket for my phone. I hand it to him.

"Philadelphia police should be in my contacts give them a call and tell them Audra Willis found you. They’ll know where to find us." the kid nodded obviously still shaken up from the ordeal. "And kid... You'll be all right. I promise." I try to smile at him but I want to hurt the dirt bag on the floor too much to make it feel genuine.

He scurries up the stairs and leaves me in the basement with the kidnapper who I immediately start questioning.

“Why did you take the kid you dirt bag?” I press my foot into his spine and he lets out a frustrated cry of pain.

“He had it coming. Breiere thinks he is so good. He thinks he is so special but he is nothing! I had to teach him that!” He cried frantically.

“What does that have to do with the kid?” My foot is still on his spine. I try to hold in my anger as I do so.

“It has nothing to do with the kid! Everything to do with his dad!” He cried, wriggling about under my foot.

“Great,” I mumble to myself, “A crazed hockey fan.”

I don’t ask any more questions fearing what I might do to him. Instead I wait for the cops to arrive so I can hand the scum bag over to them. It doesn’t take long. Only a few minutes and I can hear the sirens outside as the police cars pull up and I am quickly relieved from my babysitting duties.

I make my way back up the stairs but this time I walk out the front door instead of the back. It does not take long for a detective to call me aside for questioning.

"Audra Willis," the detective said my name, "You are such a pain in the ass." I laughed in response.

"You're welcome." I told him.

“How did you catch that scum bag anyways?” He asks as if I might actually reveal my methods.

“I can’t tell you that. It’s a secret.” I smirked at him, “But seriously, I am just glad I was able to find him before the guy could do anything to him.” I look over my detective friend’s shoulder to see the ambulance pulling up.

"You did good today. Better than you've done in Seattle." he comments cautiously knowing that my past was not something I liked to talk about.

"The perks of being an independent contractor." I reply trying desperately to look nonchalant to hide my annoyance with the topic.

"Listen. I have to go,” Please don’t ask why, “but I will be by the station in the morning to tie up any loose ends." I nod at him and make my way through the chaos at the crime scene. The media had just arrived and they would soon be hauling the kidnapper out of the house.

"Sure thing, see you in the morning." he shakes my hand as if we are not passed this stage in our friendship but I don't mind, I just want a quick escape.

I turn on my heels and make my way away from the crime scene attempting to slip away into the night but Danny Briere and his kid have different plans.

“Audra!” I hear a little voice call to me as I am about to pass the ambulance.

I walk around to the back where the paramedic was checking the kid over. “How are you doing? No injuries?” I look him over quickly checking for myself.

“He’s alright, just a couple of bruises and a scraped knee from falling on the pavement.” His father answers for him.

“I’m Audra Willis.” I offer him my hand, which he shakes gently.

“She saved me from that guy!” Cameron cries.

There is a silence and I feel a little awkward but I ignore it.

“I’m actually on my way out now…” I say sheepishly and turn to leave.

“Wait!” I stop and turn around to face the two of them, “Is there any way I can get a hold of you?” Danny asks me and I nod my head. I take a business card out of my pocket and hand it to him.

“All my information is on there if you ever need rescuing again.” I smile at Cameron and walk away, avoiding the media and random onlookers.

The next morning there is a knock on my door. It is before my office hours so I don't expect it and I grab my glock just in case. I look out the peep hole and see someone I don't expect. I set the glock on the table by the door.

"I wasn't expecting you." I admit when I open the door.

"You saved my son’s life I had to thank you and somehow I didn't think a card would do you justice." He smiles at me and I wonder if that is all he has to say. Might as well be polite.

"Ah, well come in." I gesture for him to step through the open door.

I offer him a seat on my couch and we sit in silence for a moment. "I was wondering if you would come over to my house for dinner tonight, Cameron wants to thank you too." He offers.

This could be a problem. I think, but it also could be a solution. “I don’t see why not.” I scratch the back of my head nervously.

“That’s great.” He smiles at me and I can’t help but return the favor. “So, what is it exactly that you do?” I can tell that he is looking around my apartment, observing the few folders on my coffee table. Or maybe it had something to do with the business card I had given him.

“Well, I am a private investigator. I mostly contract with Philly PD but sometimes I take outside cases. Your ex-wife was actually the one to ask me to look in on the case.” I look down at the folders subconsciously even though I know the Briere case is not among them.

No one had actually hired me to investigate the case, or at least not officially but I needed something new, something to keep me from falling into the same trap I fell into in Seattle.

“Slyvie asked you…?” He appears not to believe what I have said.

“Yes, although nothing was ever official. I just did it to… you know, make a name for myself.” I admit and frown. Why did I say that?

He looks astonished for a moment and quickly changes the subject. We talk about a couple of things before he has to leave, telling me that he would be back to pick me up in a few hours.


The Briere house is just as I imagined. It is large and off on its own. It is definitely expensive but I expected no less from a famous athlete.

I hardly notice when the car stops and I feel a sense of surprise as Danny opens my door.

“Thank you.” I say as I step out of the car into a very clean garage. I expect they have a maid but try not to make the assumption.

“Is there anything I should know before we go in?” I ask him in my detective voice.

“Ha ha, it’s just us and my boys. No need to worry.” He reassures me and unlocks the door and steps inside. I follow suit.

We remove our shoes and make our way into his house. It is simple, off white walls and cream colored carpets. A few pictures of Danny and the boys line the walls and I notice that again, everything is clean and neat.

“Boys, I’m back!” Danny calls once we reach the living room.

There is a thunder of footsteps headed towards us. The youngest, Cameron, comes barreling down the stairs. As soon as he sees me he runs strait too me and gives me a hug.

I am surprised that the child would give me a hug but I don’t show it.

“See, what did I tell you?” I smile at him and he smiles back.

“What did you tell him?” Danny asks with an eye brow raised.

“I promised him he’d be alright.” I shrug my shoulders at Danny.

“Private investigator and child calmer.” Danny teases me. “These are my sons, Caelan and Carson and you already know Cameron. Boys this is Audra.” Danny introduces.

“You’re the cop that saved our brother!” Carson exclaims.

“I don’t know about cop…” I say hesitantly, I feel a little on the awkward side.

“Then what are you?” Caelan asks he looks rather suspicious of me. I hope he doesn’t think I am media or something.

“I am a private investigator, like a cop but I don’t work for the police.” I inform them.

“Alright, I think dinner is about ready.” Danny saves me from the inevitable questions that are about to come by getting the boys more interested in food. They run into the kitchen a head of us.

Danny moves into the kitchen and pulls a dish of mac n cheese out of the oven and I am tempted to laugh. I should have known.

“I hope you’re ok with mac n’ cheese.” He says as he serves his boys the piping hot dish.

“It’s great.” I laugh and he pulls out a plate for me. And I accept it once he has piled a decent amount of food on it.

I make my way into the dining room with the boys but before I can sit down Cameron notices something poking out from under my shirt.

“What’s that?” He shouts pointing at me. I wince a little, hoping Danny does not completely freak out that I brought a gun into his house.

I set my plate on the table and pull the gun out. I drop the mag making sure that the boys don’t accidentally set it off and I put it into my pocket swiftly.

“It’s a police thing… having it on me has become a second nature.” I look at Danny as if to say that I am sorry. He nods, letting me know that it was alright.

“Anyway, it is not something that should be out at dinner. It isn’t polite.” I put the gun back into its holster and the conversation shifts to another topic.

The gun incident as I so aptly named it is not brought up again. Not while we eat our dinner, not while we play a game of Mario cart and not while Danny drives me home, just me and him. It afforded ample opportunity to for him to tell me that I was not the kind of person he wanted around his kids, no matter how thankful he was to me.

But, to my surprise, nothing is said there is only a comfortable silence and I fear that I don’t actually want to go home for once.

The ride is over all too soon and Danny does the unexpected; he kisses me on the cheek. I look at him a little shock but quickly smile politely to cover it. “Thanks for dinner. I had a really good time… I guess this is good bye.” I open the car door and get out wondering if he meant anything by his actions.

For days afterwards, I try not to think about him, instead focus on work but it appears not to help. I sit in my living room pouring over the crime files the police would let me take home instead of doing any real work in the field where I know I am better off.

I almost don’t hear the knock as I search the case file something little, something insignificant that could give me more insight into the criminal.

“One of your kids hasn’t been kidnapped again have they?” I ask as soon as I open the door.

“No, they’re fine. I came by on… personal business.” I note that he looks sheepish as he scratches the back of his head.

“Please don’t tell me this has to do with your ex wife because I don’t deal with that aspect of the law.” I look at him warily before I decide to let him in.

“Can we just..” He gestures to my living room behind me.

“Oh… yeah, come on in.” I open the door for him and he struts through over to the couch. I don’t want to assume the worst but I know that people don’t usually stop by my home/office just because.

He sits on the couch and does not look at when I sit beside him. He automatically starts fidgeting with his hands. I have the strong urge to smack them but I resist.

“Look, I think you know how things ended with me and Sylvie, and you also know about my boys.” He pauses for a moment.

“I apprehend Cameron’s kidnapper…” I interject cautiously.

“And we love you for that… the boys really like you. I think you earned their trust by saving Cameron.” He finally decides to look into my eyes and I feel a little unsettled and take a deep breath to maintain my composure.

“I know this is going to sound weird-“ he starts gently.

“I’m sure I’ve heard weirder.” I mumble breaking eye contact with him.

“And I know that you might not find this very professional,” He continues, “but I feel something for you-“

“I saved your son, you feel grateful towards me.” I almost don’t want to hear him say because I know what it means; I know that I will have to break rules.

“It’s something more than that. All I am asking is to give me a chance, let me take you out and if you decide you don’t actually like me then that will be the end of it.” I am not sure if he is moving closer in anticipation of my response or if it just my imagination.

“Alright.” I hesitantly answer. I was never one for rules anyways.

He smiles at me as if to say that I won’t regret it and then tells me and somehow I believe it.

It doesn’t take me long to figure out what I want to do about Danny, after he leaves. There is something reassuring in his demeanor that makes me want to get closer. I try to suppress the urge to know him but I find I cannot help it. To hell with it, I thought, he deserves a chance and a chance I shall give him.

Time flies and I feels as if the time till our date passes in the blink of an eye. And somehow we are already halfway through it, with a successful dinner behind our backs and a walk through the park after.

We find a small grassy hill to sit back on and enjoy the night sky. I feel very content filled with good food and in good company. I smile at Danny.

“Why did you come out to Philadelphia?” He tilts his head as if very interested in what I was about to say.

“I…” I pause for a moment to think, “I used to live in Seattle, work for the Seattle Police as a general detective but I felt like I wasn’t going anywhere like every day was the same. We’d always go out and catch some kids smoking pot or some small time drug dealer and we’d have to go back and fill out paper work. We never did anything real. It was as if nothing really mattered, just the stupid stuff. So I decided to contact a family friend who works for the Philly PD, Detective Carter, and he set me up with my own private business. It’s already much different.” I feel awkward admitting my past but also relieved that one more person knows.

“I’m glad you came out here.” Danny smiles at me but the moment is ruined when a fan recognizes him and asks for an autograph.

I don’t mind, though, I feel content for once and I don’t want to let it go. I am jarred out of my reverie when feel my pocket buzzing.

I look at my phone finding it is a text from detective Carter of all people. I chuckle lightly at the irony. I swiftly open the text thinking that I can be sneaky but that changes when I read it.

Audra, don’t be alarmed but the kidnapper you caught a few weeks ago escaped. We are on patrol looking for him right now. I blink and re-read the text. Twice. He doesn’t know that I am with Danny and he also doesn’t know that the boys are at home with the nanny who would certainly be easy to take down if it came to it.

“Uh... Danny, I think we should go.” I say almost too calmly.

“Don’t tell me that’s you’re other boyfriend that you’re responding to.” He teases not catching the deadly calm in my voice.

“Listen, there was an incident and we need to get back to the boys.” I avoid telling him the truth so he does not panic.

“They have Sarah.” I can tell he is starting to get a little worried. “If this is about our date-“

“No, it’s not, really. It is about the boys. Just… let’s go.” I tried to coax him in the direction of the car but he was dragging his feet.

“Are you going to tell me what this is about?” He laughs lightly and I stop in my tracks.

“Listen, I don’t want you to panic but we really, really need to get back.” I can tell that he knows something is wrong now because I let the worry shine through my eyes.

“What’s going on?” He demands.

“He… The guy who kidnapped Cameron, he escaped. Somehow. Now, let’s go check on them.” It is like someone had lit a fire under his ass as he made a beeline for his car.

We jump in the car and speed off to his house in silence, tension building as Danny worries for the safety of his kids. I try to reassure Danny that his kids are fine and the babysitter has everything under control as we pull into his driveway.

He smiles weakly at me as he pulls open his door. I don’t expect him to open mine so I jump out and move quickly towards the door somehow managing to get a head of him.

Danny and I walk up to the front door hand in hand I squeeze his reassuringly. My heart drops when I see the door because I automatically know that something is wrong. I let go of his hand and pull out my weapon and hold it in front of me pointed at the ground.

“You need to stay out here, call the cops.” I instruct him while I keep my eyes on the door.

“My kids are in there.” He whispers to me harshly.

“And you don’t have a weapon. It’s better for you to stay here.” I don’t let him argue; instead I move to the door and swiftly push it open.

“Foyer, clear.” I mutter to myself and move towards the living room. I swiftly start walking the perimeter of the room but I don’t get to complete it.

I am caught in the doorway between the living room and dining room when I see him. I barely have time to register that he is raising his gun from the dining room before shots go off.

Four shots, he falls to the floor and I stumble backwards looking down. I am hit in the left shoulder. I let my left hand fall to my side limply and I holster my weapon.

I make my way into the dining room where the Briere boys sit mortified. They are shouting, crying and in hysterics.

“It’s alright,” I say as I walk up to them. I take a knee to get down to their eye level, “The police are on their way.”

Cameron starts crying and I hug him with my good arm, “He knocked out Sarah… and... and…Where’s dad?” He cries into my shoulder.

“He’s outside. Come on, I’ll take you to him.” I manage somehow to lift Cameron with my bum arm and nod my head as a gesture for Caelan and Carson to follow me out. I move around the table and block their view of the dead or dying kidnapper on their dining room floor.

We barely make it through the door before the boys ambush their father in hysterics. I set Cameron on the ground so he can see his father as well but manage to jar my shoulder and wince in pain.

Danny looks up and sees the blood all over my arm for the first time, “You’ve been shot!” he cries in surprise.

The boys pause and look at me wide eyed. I am not sure how they hadn’t notice it before. I suppose it is because of the shock from the crazed kidnapper/ hostage taker.

“I’ll be alright.” I know that I don’t sound convincing and I smile weakly at them.

Before anyone else can contest my statement we hear the sirens of the police cars and watch as they come charging down the drive way.

The officers step out of the cars and move over to help us. I explain to them that I had been shot and therefore shot the kidnapper, who was still bleeding out in the dining room if he wasn’t already dead.

“Why do I always find you in these situations?” Detective Carter asks me when I finally find him in the chaos.

“Attracted to trouble… Can’t help it.” I joke weakly.

“Damn, you should probably have the medics look at that.” Carter points to my shoulder and I notice the medics for the first time. I also notice that they are checking over the Briere boys.

I walk over to them and am immediately pulled to the back of one of the ambulances as they begin to suture my sound.

I take a deep breath at the stinging sensation and the medic tells me that I am lucky that it did not hit my lung but it might have grazed the bone.

I ignore him when I notice Danny break away from his boys and walk over to where I am being attended to. He looks grim and I want to smile at him but I know it is not the right time.

“How are you?” He asks when get reaches me.

“I’ve seen better days.” I admit nonchalantly.

“Look, I know that did not go how I planned it… I know that you probably won’t want to see us again after all the trouble we’ve caused…” He takes a deep breath but I decide I don’t want to let him finish.

“That was the most insane first date I have ever been on.” I smile at him and grab his hand, “I have high expectations for our second one.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the second time I am posting this because Mibba crashed. Yay, not really. I also lost the layout I had for it so, I am really irritated about that. I am just glad I typed everything up on Microsoft word first or else i would kill someone.

Anyways, I was thinking about changing the story and making it into a longer piece, tell me what you think.