Status: Very Active (:

Love You, My Little Dreamer

Everything Ends

When my body shook me awake the next morning, I couldn't help but sigh with content. I was curled up in Zayns bare chest and he had an arm wrapped around my waist. It was the first full night of rest that I had gotten, I felt so at peace, snuggled in his warmth and trapped in his intoxicating scent. I cuddled closer into him and let a small smile slip onto my lips. I seemed to mold perfectly into him, like my body belonged to his.

I tried my best to not move around to much not wanting to ruin this one perfect, brought on surprisingly by a disaster of a night. Even as I tried my best to stay still, I felt him start to awaken from underneath me. He let out a deep groan and I could feel him trying to unwrap his body from mine.

“Maddy,” he moaned into my ear, as he tried to awaken me. I snapped my eyes open and met his and I was shocked at how pale and tired he looked. “Get out of the bunk.” he groaned loudly.

“Wait, what?” I questioned, my mind still foggy from just waking up.

“Get out,” he growled, this time more fiercely.

I stared at him in shock but quickly obeyed, rolling out of the bunk. He followed my movements and practically sprinted out, clutching his stomach, as he hastily entered the bathroom.

It took a moment for my mind to process what was happening, but when I did I rushed over to the bathroom. When I entered I found Zayn shivering violently with his forehead pressed against the edge of the toilet. Something strange possessed me and I quickly went into panic mode. I ran over to him feeling his forehead and fetched a towel from where it lay crumpled on the floor, pulling it upright and wrapping the towel around his shivering body.

Zayn moaned, swaying where he sat. “Ugh, fuck.” he growled as last nights events started to punish his body.

“Oh Zayn” I whispered gently. He groaned, leaned over and retched into the toilet. At loss for what to do, I brushed his hair that was sticking to his forehead and placed my hand underneath the towel, gently rubbing circles into his back.

Puke wasn't my favorite thing and normally I wasn't good with dealing a sick friend. But for him, I sucked up the smell and did my best to stay calm as he continued to retch underneath me. My instinct to make sure he was alright was overwhelming my body, and my brows creased deeply in worry.
When he looked like he was finally done, beads of sweat on his forehead slid down his face, each running into his gasping mouth.

"Let's get you cleaned up." I said gently in his ear. He nodded weakly and I wrapped an arm around him and slowly helped him up. He was no longer shivering but he was still extremely pale.

I placed him against the sink and quickly wet a towel, flushing the toilet in the process. His eyes were closed and his face was completely drained of any emotion as I started to wipe away the sweat. He let out a deep sigh as the water refreshed him, awakening him up a bit. I ran my hands through his hair so that it wasn't sticking against his forehead.

When Zayn finally opened his eyes I stopped breathing for just a moment because, despite being a hung over mess, he sent a shiver down my spine with the look he gave me. It brought memories of the night before, of our almost kiss and his revelations to me.

I looked away and threw the towel into the hamper. “Brush your teeth,” I instructed him, “I'll go get you a shirt to put on, you must be freezing.” I murmured the last part.

He lazily nodded at me before I left to go find him a shirt. I went to the back lounge where we kept most of our clothes and found Harry, Louis, and Eleanor all asleep on the couches. I smiled at their sleeping forms and tip toed around the lounge, careful not to wake them up. They were going to have terrible hangovers when they woke up, I could already tell.

I found an black zip up that I had seen Zayn wearing on numerous occasions and slowly pulled it from underneath Harrys legs, where it was buried. Before I left I closed the curtains of the lounge, so that the morning light that was seeping through wouldn't wake them up.

When I walked back to the bathroom, I found that Zayn wasn't their but instead in the front lounge. He was seated on the couch, face in his hands, leaning forward. He sensed my presence and looked up wearily, “Here put this on,” I ordered gently, he obediently took it and put it on.

I proceeded to look through the cabinets until I found an Advil and a bottle of water. I handed it to him and he swallowed it with no thought. “Coffee?” I questioned, while throwing up my bed head into a messy bun. He simply grunted out an 'yeah', while leaning back against the couch and closing his eyes.

I placed some water into the kettle and while I waited for it to heat up, I went back over to the bathroom. I threw all the towels on the floor into the hamper, flushed the toilet again, and made sure to spray air freshener so that the smell was non existent. It was probably useless since I was pretty sure that Zayn wasn't going to be the only one throwing up this morning.

When I was done, I went back and finished fixing his coffee. He still had his eyes closed as I grabbed a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. I sat down next to him and when he sensed my presence he opened his eyes and sat up. “Here you go,” I murmured, as I handed it to him. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it for him, and then handed it to him. “You'll need this to.”

When our eyes met, I could see how much he appreciated the cigarette but he also seemed to question how I knew that he would need one. “Trust me, a cigarette always makes me feel better when I'm hung over. I thought it would help you as well.” I stuttered shyly. He didn't reply, just smirked as he put the cigarette against his lips and inhaled deeply.

I shook my head and let my body sink into the couch. I let myself enjoy his presence, the smell of his cologne with the scent of the intoxicating smoke. He was so tempting and a part of me wanted him so bad, and I could tell that he knew that I wanted him. He made me weak to my knees and that infuriated me to my core.

“Why'd you do all of this?” he asked, finally breaking the silence and pulling me out of my thoughts.

“What do you mean?” I asked, wanting him to elaborate.

“Help me last night and this morning.” he said, his voice was low and he spoke in an almost gentle growl. “We both know that I didn't deserve it.”

I looked up at him, trying to meet his eyes but he did everything he could to avoid them. I watched as he finished his coffee and was close to finishing his cigarette. Why did I help him? I thought. I truly didn't know. I tried telling myself that it was just my unconscious need to help others, but even I knew that I was lying.

“The same reason you helped me when my father was being abusive and the for the same reason you helped me when you found me out in the rain.” I admitted.

I watched as he pursed his lips together and turned to finally look at me. His eyes were gentle as they searched my face, taking in my words. He nodded. “I understand now.” he said simply as he went back to his cigarette.

I let a small smile slip, and I shocked myself with my next actions. I let my head fall against his shoulder and let my eyes droop shut. I could feel him tense underneath me but he quickly shook himself out of it. He brought one hand up to my hair, letting my hair out of my bun, and proceeding to run his fingers gently through it.

I took this as a sign, and I snuggled my body closer to him and took a deep sigh of relief. That peaceful feeling that I had felt this morning, had crawled through my body and left me all warm and tingly.

“I would do it all again,” I whispered into the crook of his neck.

He didn't respond, just placed a small kiss on my forehead.

My body was hot all over from his kiss, as I let myself fall into another deep sleep.

The next time I woke up, it wasn't because of Zayn but because of loud laughter surrounding me. I stirred in my sleep and quickly realized that my head was in someones lap, I looked up and saw Zayn laughing hysterically at something that one of the boys had said. He was unconsciously still running his fingers through my hair as he talked to them. I smiled at how cute he was when he was happy, it sent butterflies in my stomach seeing him like this.

After a few more minutes of faking sleep and just enjoying the jokes that the boys were throwing out, I decided to make my presence known. I let out a loud yawn, which brought everyones attention to me.

“Good morning sleeping beauty!” I heard Louis yell out and I let out an exaggerated groan as I lifted myself out of Zayn's lap. His hands had left my hair the instant I had yawned and I had already found myself missing the contact.

“Morning” I moaned as I sat up completely, ruffling my hair out a bit. “Thanks for waking me up with your laughter.”

“You've only been sleeping for the last five hours.” Louis said sarcastically as I sent an evil glare and stuck out my tongue.

“But you did look pretty comfy, all cuddled up with Zayn,” Addy said evily, while sending a wink my way. I immediately turned bright red and covered my face in my hands. Everyone bursted out laughing at my expense, only making me heat up even more.

I peaked through my fingers and looked at Zayn, who sent a wink my way, instantly creating butterflies in my stomach. He then, wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him so that the back of my head was against his chest. This little sign of affection made my heart burst with joy. It was the first time he showed any sign of affection towards me in front of his friends. Nothing could make me happier at this moment.

I removed my hands from my face and placed my hands on top of Zayns and watched as everyone cooed 'Awhhh', making me blush again and I felt Zayn's chest rumble with laughter.

“I hate you guys so much,” I muttered as all of their eyes twinkled evily as they all started to laugh again.

The next hour together was spent simply chatting, enjoying each others company and for the first time since the tour started, I felt as though I belonged. Music was playing in the background, and before I knew it we were all singing along, laughing at how terrible our voices sounded when we weren't trying. The moment was magical and it made me forget about everything that I had previously been worried about, I just let the moment take over my body. I let myself enjoy Zayn's warmth, his arms securely around my waist, and his rough hands that gently played with my own soft ones.

But just like everything good in life, it had to come to an end.

“Zayn what are you DOING?!” I heard someone screech, breaking the moment, making the bus fill with immediate silence.

I looked over and saw a furious Perrie standing; red in the face with her hands in fists by her sides. “GET OFF OF HIM!” I heard her screech again, making me snap out of my initial shock. Zayn and I both quickly untangled our bodies and separated from each other. My eyes were wide and I felt as though I had just been caught red handed.

“You stupid SLUT!” she screamed as she made her way over to me. “What do you think your doing with my man!” She was now up in my face and I was speechless, I was still in shock.

Thankfully Zayn took that moment to speak. “Back off of her,” he demanded stepping between us, and Perrie took an immediate step back.

“What do you think your doing, defending HER!!” she screeched at him while pointing an accusing finger at me. The whole room was now watching Perrie with mouths wide open.

Zayn didn't say anything, so Perrie decided to continue. “How can you do this to ME! I've never done anything to hurt you and look at what you do! How dare you, I am the best thing that has ever happened to YOU!”

Zayn was now clearly fuming, his eyes were giving her the deadliest glare I had ever seen. “YOU'VE never done anything to me??!” he shouted, fuming. “How about last night, when you were grinding with that guy at the club or when you flirted with Trey!!?”

She looked at him with shock and her mouth was now wide open, she clearly didn't have anything to say.

“Oh, what? You didn't think that I remember last night!” he asked with a scoffed. “Well I do, and you know what I'm not even that hurt. I just feel stupid for taking so long to realize who my girlfriend really was.”

Perrie was now shaking, and a part of me almost felt bad for her. “What are you saying?” she whimpered.

“I'm saying its OVER and I never ever want to see your face again.” He said in a tone that even made me recoil in fear.

Her face was a varied of emotions, it went from sad to pissed. “You think you can do better than me Zayn!” she shouted now up in his face. “You think she can make you feel how I made you feel!” She pointed to me and everyone turned to look at my way.

Zayn's eyes met mine and I saw the anger diminish slightly but I could still tell that he was pissed.”Well she can't, and you'll soon see. And you'll regret ever leaving me!”

She gave me and him both one last glare before stomping out of the bus.

Leaving us all in complete silence.

All of our mouths open in shock at what just had happened.
♠ ♠ ♠
THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU guys so much for all the comments and new subscribers (:! You guys had such nice things to say and I really appreciate it! I got some of my old subscribers back and that made me really happy, thanks for believing in the story again.
So this chapters finally done, its not my favorite but the next few chapters are going to get better and better, more drama coming your way and I'm so excited to write it!
I hope you enjoy, I love you guys and please don't be silent readers!
BTW: sorry for any grammar issues, didn't have a lot of time to edit, but you know.... (: