Status: Very Active (:

Love You, My Little Dreamer

One song. One shot.

"Here you go Miss. Moore, your key card and a map of the hotel,” said the friendly young receptionist. "You are in room 602, so just take the nearest elevator up to the sixth floor and make a left."

The receptionist gave me a kind smile as I took the key and map from her. "Thank you," I said politely before making my way to an elevator that I spotted in the corner of the hotel. To say the hotel was extraordinary would be a complete and utter understatement. The interior was beautifully decorated with an Victorian theme; it had ornate murals covering the walls, a beautiful chandelier that was placed in the middle of the lobby and a breathtaking spiral staircase which was the first thing that graced you presence at the hotel. As a child, if someone had told me that this was what my future held I would never in my right mind believed him or her. The younger me would have adored it here. She would have used her imagination and pretend that she was the princess and that this was her castle.

I was in my own little word as I exited the elevator and placed my key card in, entering the room. The room didn't fail to impress, it was just as luxurious as the rest of the hotel. I let out a little excited shriek as I ran through the enormous suite. I examined every single room and was excited to find a Jacuzzi in the middle of my bathroom and an incredible view of London from my bedroom. I placed my hands against the window and looked out into the city below. I watched as herds of people scurried throughout the city, all looking miniature from up here. I certainly wouldn't mind waking up to this view every morning.


I spent the next two hours getting ready for my studio meeting, before heading off to find myself a taxi. Sitting in the back of taxi car was the most excruciating thing that I've ever had to go through. I had ended up with an old man who had decided to torture me by driving as slow as possible, the crazy London traffic didn't help make the situation any better. When we finally reached the studio, I quickly paid the man and sprinted as fast as my heels would let me. I entered the building and ran over to the reception desk, receiving a dirty look from the receptionist.

"How may I help you?" She said. She spoke with a thick British accent that sounded very judgmental and snotty.

"I’m Madeline Moore, I have a meeting with Mr. Cowell." I said while taking in a deep breath, I couldn't have myself looking like a mess when I met the man.

"Your late," she said bluntly as she examined me head to toe."Mr. Cowell is in the auditorium, go straight through those doors." She said as she pointed to a pair of large doors that were towards my left.

"Thank you," I said sweetly, even though she didn't deserve my politeness. I ended up sprinting towards the doors, not wanting to make the man wait for me anymore than he had to.

I pushed the doors open and the first thing I saw was a very disgruntled looking Simon, standing on a gigantic stage. He gave me a hard glare as I made my way towards him. "Your late," he said dryly into microphone." Great way to make a first impression." I heard him mutter, which caused me to blush in embarrassment.

As I entered I noticed that I wasn't the only girl in the auditorium, their had to be at least twenty other girls seated. They all glared at me as I took a quick seat in the front next to a girl with bright red hair. I was very confused; I thought this was supposed to be a private meeting.

"Now that you're all here, you’re probably wondering why I'm not privately meeting with each and everyone of you," Simon spoke as he glanced down at all of us. "The reason is because only one of you will be getting a recording contract with me."

In an instance the whole room started to voice their complaints to Simon. "QUIET" He shouted, causing everyone to become completely silent. He looked as though he had enough. "If any of you have a problem with this, you all know perfectly well where the door is!" He said sternly. He stopped speaking for a few seconds to see if anyone had the nerve to leave. No one dared to get up out of his or her seats. "Good. Your all still here." He said as a smirk made its way to his lips. I was tempted to go up there and smack it off of him.

"Now let me explain to you guys what’s going to happen today." He said as he began his speech. “I’m looking for a new vocalist to sign onto my record label. I have searched for many months now, but I just can't seem to find one with enough talent. So brilliantly, I thought up idea to use the Internet and that’s where all you come in." I was slowly beginning to put all the pieces together, and I didn't like where they were heading. "I decided to invite all of you here and give you one chance to impress me. You will all sing one song in front of my producers and me. When it’s all done with, one of you will be signing onto my label."

He paused for a second, before continuing with his speech. "Your probably all wondering why I went through all this trouble to bring you guys here." He said, clearly reading our confused faces. "All of you have amazing vocal talent but you can't make it in this industry with just that. You need confidence. You need to get up on this stage, make me believe the lyrics of the song and make me believe that you’re passionate about music. Got it?" He asked. Everyone nodded his or her heads in unison. "Shall we get on with it then?"

Sitting through auditions was becoming more and more excruciating as each girl made her way towards the stage. I was nervous. Who was I kidding, I was extremely nervous. Each girl that went on seemed to be better then the last, I could feel my confidence slowly diminishing. I wasn't going to lie, I definitely had an amazing vocal ability but my on stage presence was lacking a certain something. I wasn't very loud and crazy, I preferred to stay quiet and keep to myself. I knew in this performance I would have to push my nerves aside and let my confidence pour threw.

I was watching a pretty blonde girl make her way across stage when I felt someone nudge my shoulder. "You alright love?" said the pretty red head, who was seated next to me. "You’re looking a little green."

"Oh I’m alright, just a bit nervous." I said while giving her the best smile I could manage at the moment.

I watched her examine my face before she spoke, "Oh you poor thing, your terrified. Don't psych yourself out love, I'm sure you'll do a magnificent job!" She sounded completely genuine.

I watched as she bounced up and down in her seat, her eyes full of excitement. I couldn't help but crack a smile at her child-like attitude. "I’m Adeline, but you can call me Addy" She said while wrapping one of her arms around my shoulder.

"I'm Madeline but you can call me Maddy," I replied and the instant I did we busted out into a fit of giggles.

"Maddy and Addy, I like that" she said excitingly, "See it’s a sign that were meant to be best friends!"

I chuckled at her excitement; I could already tell that I was going to really like this girl. I was about to respond when I heard a voice speak through the microphone, "Adeline Ward, please come up to the stage." Adeline did a little shriek of excitement as she gave me a big bear hug before running up to the stage.

I ended up being very surprised with Addy's performance. She was brilliant. She had chosen to sing Stronger by Kelly Clarkson, which I had to admit, fit her vocals perfectly. Her vocals were spectacular but her performance was ten times better. The girl rocked out the stage better than anyone else I had seen in my whole entire life. I enjoyed watching the little red head run around stage, doing cute little dance moves in the process. You could tell that she belonged up there. The stage was her home.

When she was finished she ran down the stair and attacked me with another bear hug. I let out a smile and returned her hug. "You were spectacular up there!" I said as we sat back down. I watched her face beam at my comment.

I spent the next few minutes listening to her go on and on about the feelings she got when she was on stage and how she knew that she belonged up their. She was eventually cut short by another voice coming through the speakers. "Madeline Moore, please come on up." I felt my whole body freeze as I heard my name being said through the microphone. I looked up at the awaiting judges and my heart started to pound rapidly. This was it. One song. One shot.

Addy gave me a little shove and whispered into my ear, "You got this love, go get them."

I smiled lightly at her before getting up and making my way up to the stage. "Look who it is," I heard Simon taunt. "Little Miss Tardy."

I blushed at his comment, I knew coming late would come back to bite me. "What are you going to sing for us today?" He asked me.

"Someone like you, by Adele" I said shyly into the microphone. I saw him nod his head and cue for the music to begin.

I heard the music start from behind me and I closed my eyes letting it take over my body. I thought about the people who told me I wasn't good enough and that I wouldn't ever make it in this industry. I used their insults and disbelief in my talent to fuel the passion in my soul. I let everything out on that stage. I let my passion take over the song and I made the audience believe the lyrics. I looked over at the judges and at their shocked expressions. They were in disbelief. Their reaction caused an automatic surge of confidence to blast through me. And as I hit the last high note, I knew that I had done it. I had just given the best performance of my life.
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FINALLY I have rewritten all the chapters that had gotten deleted. I can't wait to start writing new ones, I was getting so sick of these! (: This chapter isn't that great but its meant to be a filler. I promise the next chapter will have one direction in it!
Oh and thanks to all the readers and subscribers(:! and special thanks to the people who commented, don't be a silent reader. I would love to know your thoughts (: