Status: Very Active (:

Love You, My Little Dreamer

You're that girl.

I took in a deep breath as I watched Simon Cowell and the rest of the producers walk back up the stage, after a half hour of deliberation. Addy held my hand and gave it a little squeeze as they placed themselves in front of the microphones.

“Well everyone let me be the first to say that I am very impressed with all of you.” Simon said, sounding truly genuine. “It was a very hard decision, but we finally narrowed it down to one lady.”

I felt the pace of my heart quicken and my hands slowly started to become sweaty from the all nerves. Addy turned towards me and shot me a quick smile before returning her gaze towards Simon. I had felt confident with my performance, but I knew that the other girls did just as well as me. Everyone had an equal opportunity at winning this thing.

“So I am proud to announce that the winner is.... drumroll please,” he joked, “The winner is Britney Webb!” He shouted.

At that moment everything froze. He didn't say my name. I didn't win. I was going back home. I felt my heart drop and I felt all my hopes and dreams being torn away from me. This whole time I imagined what it would be like to win and to be successful. I never took the time to imagine what it would feel like to lose. This was it; I was going to have to go back home. My parents would say, “ I told you so”, my friends would send their apologizes, and Trey would be disappointed in me. I think that would hurt the most, disappointing him.

I watched as a gorgeous blonde girl ran up onto the stage and gave Simon and the rest of the producer’s big hugs. She jumped up and down and thanked all the judges for picking her. That could have been me up there, but it wasn't. I looked over to Addy and she gave me a sad smile while wrapping one of her arms around me. “It'll be alright love,” She whispered to me.

“I would like to thank all of you for coming out today,” Simon said into the microphone. “I have paid for a three night stay at your separate hotels and I will have my people send you airline tickets, so that you can get back home safely.” All the girls nodded and made their way out the building.

I lifted my body up, taking one last look at the stage, and exited behind Addy. I wrapped my blazer around me as I stood outside with her. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. “Want one?” I asked her, she shook her head.

“Don't smoke,” She muttered as she leaned against the building.

I quickly took one out and lit it; I let the smoke travel down to my lungs, causing an incredible soothing sensation. I tried to keep my mind off this blown opportunity and focused it on taking in deep puffs of smoke. We stood outside for at least 10 minutes, before Addy spoke up.

“This is bullshit!” she exclaimed, pushing herself off the wall. “The night is still young and I'm not going to stand here feeling fucking sorry for myself, you with me?”

I nodded quickly while stubbing my cigarette into the ground. "What do you suppose we do?” I questioned.

“I have a brilliant idea,” she said excitedly, as she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the parking lot. “I got here a bit early and I ended up flirting with one of the producers,” she explained, sounding a bit proud of herself. “He ended up giving me 2 passes to go to an exclusive One Direction meet and greet.” I slowly understood where this was going and I felt my heart drop to my stomach. “We go to the meet and greet, meet 5 sexy lads and then go clubbing at this new club that opened up downtown! What do you say love?!”

“I don't know Addy,” I said as we stopped in front of a car, which I assumed to be hers. “I'm not a big fan of the band,” I explained, trying to think of an excuse.

“Who cares if your not a fan?!” she exclaimed, “Their so fit,” she gushed. “And plus we can go to the club and get completely wasted afterwards. Now who doesn't like getting wasted out of their minds?!”

I looked into her pleading eyes and slowly felt myself give in. “Only if you pay for the drinks.” I said, giving up.

She squealed in excitement and gave me a gigantic bear hug. “Ugh I love you!” she exclaimed “Now get in the car love, we have to go to the hotel and put on smoking outfits!”
I couldn't help but smile at her excitement, this night couldn't be that bad. Go to a quick meet and greet and then go get wasted, sounded brilliant. I quickly sat in her car and let myself get lost in her voice as she ranted on and on about what a brilliant time we were going to have.

Addy and me stood in front my hotel room mirror, and I think that we could be both agree that we looked pretty damn good. I had my hair straightened with a bit of volume thrown in and top eyeliner to make my eyes pop. I was wearing a short blue dress with two slits cut in at the sides, a leather jacket, my favorite Jeffrey Campbell heels with spikes on the sides, and a black purse with fringes coming from the side. Addy had a similar look; she was in a tight red dress that had a brown belt cinched across her waist and pair of my brown Jeffrey Campbell’s.

“Damn, is it hot in here, or what?” she joked as she pretended to fan herself.

“Nah, I think it’s just us,” I said with a wink as I grabbed her hand pulled her out of the hotel room. As we walked out of the hotel we got a few glances our way and a few woof whistles. I couldn't deny that it gave my self-confidence a bit of a boost. Addy and me let out giggles all the way to the parking lot, my mood had done a complete 360 and I wasn't going to let Simon Cowell and his producers bring me down.

Addy blasted Part of Me by Katy Perry through the speakers in her car, as we drove through downtown London. Her and me sang at the top of lungs and danced in our seats. I let myself loose that night, she just brought out the fun side in me and I loved her for it.

Time flew by and we were in front of a small little club, before I knew it. I knew we had reached our destination because there had to have been at least a thousand girls standing outside of the club screaming for One Direction. “Holy shit,” I muttered.

“Holy shits right” Said Addy, who looked utterly speechless for the first time since I've bet her.
I felt her slowly pull up to the side of the club and exit, handing her keys to the valet driver. I took a deep breath before following her out of the car. The instant I left the car, my ears were pierced with the sound of screaming girls. Girls were shouting, some were fainting, some crying, and some hyperventilating. I couldn't believe that anyone could get this worked up about a boy band.

I grabbed Addy by the hand and we walked towards the big security guard standing at the entrance. “Can I see your passes?” He demanded. Addy reached into her bag and pulled out two passes; he grabbed them from her causing her to stumble back. I watched him check the passes thoroughly before moving to the side and letting us in.

Walking inside the club was like a breath of fresh air; there was only a faint sound of girls screaming. The first thing I saw as I entered the club were the 5 boys sitting in front of a large table, signing autographs. There was a huge line of about 100 girls, waiting for autographs and pictures.

“I thought this was a private meet and greet,” I whispered into Addy's ear.

“This is probably as private as their meet and greets get,” She replied.

I sighed and looked back at the five gorgeous boys sitting at the table. I glanced over at Louis and watched him talk excitingly to one of his fans; he used elaborate hand motions to get his point across. A big smile spread across my face, he was just way to adorable and sweet. I was truly excited to see him again. I shifted my eyes to Zayn who had a big smile on his face as a fan snapped a picture of him. The strange feeling that I got at the airport slowly started to come back. I placed my hands on my stomach as I started to feel all tingly inside.

“Ugh Niall is soo hot” Addy faked moan, causing me to let out a chuckle. The whole time we were standing in line, I was debating on whether or not I should tell her about the airport incident. I decided on not telling her, if one of the boys brought it up then I would explain everything to her.

As we slowly drew closer and closer to the line, the feeling in my stomach got progressively worse. We were about to walk up the stage, when I pulled Addy back. “I can't go up there!” I said quickly.

“What do you mean you can't go up there!” she exclaimed, her eyes bugging out.

“I need fresh air, I think I’m going to throw up” I wasn't lying; I was really starting to get queasy.

“Oh dear, do you want me to come with you?” she asked frantically.

“No, I’m fine. Go meet them and then meet me in the back of the club” I said to her, she nodded and made her way up the stage.

I started to push my way to the back of the club, wanting to get out of there as fast as I could. “Where do you think your going?” A big security guard said, stopping me.

“I need fresh air,” I said quickly, starting to feel queasy. “Please, let me leave. I'm about to barf.”

The security guard moved out of my way and I pushed the back doors of the club open. I quickly ran over to a bush and barfed out everything that was building up inside of me. I took a deep breath and leaned against the back of the club, letting the cool air calm me down. I grabbed some spare tissues and a water bottle from my bag and wiped my face off and rinsed my mouth. I chewed up a mint quickly before pulling out my pack of cigarettes.
My hands shook as I put the cigarette to my mouth and inhaled a puff of smoke. I couldn't believe that I had acted like such a spaz. He was just a dumb boy who had taken my spot on an airplane, why was I acting so weird. Was it cause he was incredibly famous or was it because I was so attracted to him? Ugh, it had to be the first one. Please let it be the first one.

I heard the back door of the club open and I turned expecting it to be Addys worried face, but boy was I wrong. Standing there was Zayn Malik who was staring deeply at me and I could tell he was very confused. I watched him as he stood there in shock. He was looking very attractive in a button down plaid shirt, dark wash jeans, and a pair of red Nike sneakers. He looked directly into my eyes and I felt butterfly's erupt. I turned my head and looked at the ground, avoiding all eye contact, not enjoying the way he was making me feel.

I felt him slowly walk towards me and lean on the club wall. He took out a cigarette out of his pocket, lit it, and inhaled a big puff. I grabbed a new cigarette from pocket, having finished my other one, I took out my lighter to lite it but he beat me to it. He used his lighter and lit my cigarette; I turned my head and looked directly into his eyes.

“Your the girl from the plane, aren't ya?” he said softly as his eyes bore into mine. His voice was so deep and rugged, it sounded breathtaking with his British accent. I nodded my head; no words would come out of my mouth. “I’m sorry about that” he said, sounding extremely sincere.

“It's alright Zayn,” I spoke softly. He smiled his beautiful smile at me and I kindly returned it.

“ZAYN!” I heard someone scream, causing me and Zayn to break away from our trance. “WHERE DID YOU RUN OFF TO?” I heard the person shout. I turned my head and saw the bright and smiling face of Louis.

He stopped in front of us and then realization hit him “ MADDY!!” he screamed while grabbing me and engrossing me into a big hug. I laughed as he picked me up and twirled me in the air.
“Whatcha doing here beautiful?” He asked as he put me down.

I chuckled at his excitement, “My friend got meet and greet passes, and so I had...”

“You had to come and see me again, didn't you,” He said, interrupting me. “Couldn't get enough of me could ya,” He winked at me, causing a deep blush to take over my face.

“And Zayn what are you doing out here?” He questioned as he put an arm around Zayn.

“ Needed a smoke,” Zayn replied coolly.

“Ahhh I see, “ replied Louis. “So did you an Maddy kiss and make up?” he asked while giving Zayn a little nudge. Another blush crept up my face.

“I suppose so,” Zayn answered, his eyes meeting mine for approval. I simply nodded back at him.

“BRILLIANT!” Louis shouted, while grabbing both of our hands. “Now lets go inside, it's bloody freezing out here.”

He pulled us towards the door but then suddenly stopped. I saw him sniff the air, “It smells like barf out here,” he said. I watched him contemplate the thought before pulling us inside.
♠ ♠ ♠
YAY, two chapters in a day(:! I like this one much better then the last one, thats for sure. I`m so excited to put up the next one, I have a really good idea for Chapter 5.
Please keep reading(:<3