Status: On a break but I'll be back soon enough!:D

Pour Some Sugah On Me

Girl, You Should've Been a Drummer

"Need some help with that?"

"I think I'm good, Ken."

"You sure?"


"But you're going back to the delivery truck to get the rest of the boxes right?" He had a cheeky grin on him as he was rocking his heels back and forth. He looked like a fucking 5-year old.

"I guess so, yeah."

"Well at least let me accompany you there." I don't get why he kept insisting that he help me out with the merch boxes. They were honestly not that heavy anymore. Either I got some muscle on me from lifting all those boxes and using the guys as human punching bags or the shipments were just getting lighter and lighter (which is more likely).

"Fine but don't touch anything." It was a silent walk over to the truck. Honestly, these past few days with Kennedy were some of the best days I've had in a while. We'd talk, fight, kiss, get pissed drunk, have sex then repeat the whole cycle. You'd think that sleeping with your best friend on a daily basis would be awkward, but it wasn't. I don't know if it's cause it's generally not supposed to be awkward or because this was Kennedy. He was kind, charming, an amazing person and someone I'd trust my whole life on. Of course, it didn't hurt that he's been always good looking.

"Have I got something on my face?" He laughed at me.

"Oh nothing, you're just so handsome." I patted his cheek. I wasn't exactly lying. We finally reached the truck.

"Thanks, I guess?" His face was filled with confusion as he lifted one of the boxes from the back of the truck then loading them onto the cart. I swear his arms were just getting more and more unf. It's hard to find a single word to describe them. I bit my lip hard to keep myself from making any audible noises. But jesus, at the rate his whole body is progressing, this is getting ridiculous. He is the only person I know that gets leaner on tour. It's unbelievable, considering most of what they do when they're not on stage is eat, sleep and play video games. John even gets rolls.

"What are you thinking about?" He inquired as he loaded the last few boxes onto the cart.

"About how fat you all get during tour. It's a wonder how the crowd doesn't get disgusted at John shirtless form." I shuddered at the image.

"I'm not too bad though, right?" He didn't look at me as he said it.

"Someone's in need of assurance." I laughed in an effort to lighten up the mood. Of course, my efforts were useless cause he didn't say a word. "Kennedy, if I didn't think you were the hottest piece of ass in this whole tour, I wouldn't be sleeping with you now would I?"

"Sorry if I'm being such a girl. Just a lot's been happening these past few weeks. There's a lot of things to think about and I have a habit-"

"-of over thinking things, I know."

"You know all of my dirty little secrets don't you?" He dropped the last box onto the cart then took a step closer to me. Our faces were now just inches apart.

"One of the perks of knowing you for more than a decade." I tried to keep my cool as he leaned in closer and closer to me. It didn't take long for our lips to connect and for my legs to wrap around his waist. He carried me over to the inside of the truck then set me down on where the boxes were a few moments ago. I gasped at how fast he got us in there. I definitely wasn't the lightest girl out there considering I was pretty tall.

"Impressed?" He grinned against my neck as he peppered it with light kisses. A hum escaped my lips as his hands crept higher up my shirt.

"Very." I purred. Aw geez. I purred? What was wrong with me? I had just as much experience as Kennedy did (which trust me, is a lot), and never once have I made a sound even close to that. But wow it felt so good. Now it's my turn.

He seemed pleasantly surprised when I flipped us over. I used that as motivation to kiss him even rougher than I have before. He held my waist as he settled me in between his legs. But I was in-charge. Within seconds, his flannel was ripped open and my shorts were unbuttoned and unzipped. We finally pulled away. He had the biggest and cheesiest grin on his face.

"Impressed?" I teased.

"Very." He gave me a peck then scrambled to button up his shirt.


I stopped pushing my cart then ran over to the vending machine. 


"Don't get your knickers in a twist. I'm just thirsty." I inserted a few coins into the machine. 

"Knickers? You've gone english now?" He laughed at me.

"I've been watching too many You Me at Six videos" It's a guilty pleasure. You can't help but fall in love with the stupid things that come out of their mouths. It also helped that they had the most endearing Surrey accents.


"What's it to ya?" I snatched the bottle of water once it dropped to the tray. "You jealous or something?"

"Maybe I just don't like it when another band is capturing my girl's attention." He swung his arm around my shoulder.

"Excuse me, your girl?" 

"Yes my girl." He had a stupid look on his face as he said it. I didn't know if he was making fun of me or trying to pull a nerve. You can't deny though that it was the most adorable face ever. He was smiling from ear to ear. I didn't know if I should punch the boy or kiss him senseless.

"You're such a tit." I punched him on the shoulder. This boy was really something else. We went back to pushing our respective carts.

"Yeah, but I'm your tit." He playfully poked my boob, which earned him another punch on the arm. 

"I can't believe I'm sleeping with a tit."

"Well fine then, go find another fuck buddy. See if I care." He turned away from me and went back to pushing the cart. It was a silent walk again back to the venue. He didn't speak to me or even look my way. As we got closer and closer to the venue, I started to get worried.

"You're not seriously mad at me are you?" I turned to him. I tried not to sound so pathetic, which was really hard because it was really bothering me and I never liked it whenever we were mad at each other for too long. No matter how wonderful angry sex was, I kind of liked the tingly feeling in the pit of my stomach whenever he would do the little things like kiss my shoulder or play with my fingers. Oh god, what am I even thinking?

He just studied me for what seemed like minutes, shook his head then smiled. "I guess not anymore"
♠ ♠ ♠

yeah so i probably won't be posting for a while (cue the sound of no fucks given... maybe idk. i just kind of have this writer's block thing. which apparently you can have no matter how shit of a writer i am. i mean in just that last sentence i already have a grammatical error i'd rather that the next chapter be spectacular even though it'll take a while, than give you guys a crappy chapter the next day

thank youuuu very very much nothingpersonal10. i'm SUPER glad that my story made your day and your comment really made my day too. no joke i'm not just being nice i promise. i had the BIGGEST smile on my face when i read it

I tend to fan girl too much when you guys comment & subscribe so do it at your own risk

P.S. If you like WIlliam Beckett, be sure to check out this new william beckett tumblr made by the william beckett street team (which i am not apart of so i'm not exactly whoring out my own stuff). even if you're not from the Philippines, don't hesitate to follow cause it includes updates and beckett news. (little side note: turns out the team was actually formed on my birthday which i found super cool again cue the sound of no fucks given)