Status: On a break but I'll be back soon enough!:D

Pour Some Sugah On Me


"Ken, there's a panti in your bunk." Fuck. "Is there something you want to tell me? You know if you were short on boxers, you could've always borrowed from me." John teased. I could hear they're voices from the inside of my bunk. John was probably looking for a DVD in Kennedy's bunk.

"I'll pass. It'll be bad for the band's image if they're guitarist caught an STD via their lead singer's dirty laundry."

"Don't change the subject. You had a girl over!" I peeked from the curtain. John threw his hands up. It looked funny cause his arms were so long and lanky looking. "You know the rule man-"

"It was just a random chick. I'll probably never see her again. Don't get you knickers in a bunch."

"Knickers?-you know what, don't even. Let's check if your mystery girl labels her wardrobe- well looky here!" There it goes. I'm toast. It was nice knowing everyone. The sound of foot steps got louder and louder, and my heart started to beat faster and faster. My curtain was pushed open and there was  John, holding my purple underwear by the tag written on in all caps 'KATIE', and a red faced Kennedy in the background. "Hey Kates, is there something you wanna tell me?"

"Nope." We just stared at each other for what seemed like hours.

"I'm going down with Garrett and Jared to buy a soda." Kennedy announced. Fuck was this boy really leaving me to deal with this? He turned to me. "Want anything?"

"I'm good." I watched Kennedy as he and his tight ass walked out of the bus.

"So how long have you and my best friend been fucking?"

"Hey I thought I was your best friend!"

"Don't change the subject, Sawyer." He said sternly. I hated it that he knew me so well.

"Few days, weeks, I don't know. I don't keep track. It just happens." I shrugged.

"Oh my god, you're really sleeping with Kennedy!" His voice became an octave higher.

"Shh! Someone might here you!" I jumped on him to cover his mouth. It was no use those since he started licking my palms, getting me to take it off. "Don't be too loud! We're not the only ones still on this bus you know."

"If you don't want anyone in the bus to find out, maybe you guys should tone it down a bit. Pat's been getting nightmares." He was smiling ear to ear.

"I- I'm not loud." I stammered. Fuck he knew. And we were loud. I couldn't decide which one's worse.

"Now if excuse me, I'm going to take a bath before you and your lover decide to take a christen the bus shower."

"Who says we haven't already?" I smirked at him in an effort to get as much revenge on him as I could for embarrassing me like that. Shit.What if he mentions this to the guys?. I sprinted to the bathroom and turned the doorknob in the hopes that he'd unlock it. "John, would you mind not mention-"

"You're dirty secret's safe with me." He yelled from the other side. The sound of the shower running startled me. "But I wouldn't worry too much about keeping it a secret for long, the guys maybe stupid, but they're not dumb."


Sure enough, John was right.

First Jared pat Kennedy on the back and said 'I knew you had it in you Ken. I mean courage not- the uh- uhm Katie. Whoo it's getting pretty stuffy in here. I'll go see if Tim needs any help with the papers. Have fun- but not-erm too much fun. Not if you want to. Since you guys are- you know- uh- grown adults. And it's not like I have a say in it or anything, it's between the both of you. Well, hopefuly only the both of you, unless you are- you know- into that type of stuff. Not that there's anything wrong with that! No! Threesomes are great! I should probably go now.'

While I was prepping the merch for the show, Jason leaned into my ear and whispered 'There's a closet just a few feet down the hall where you and Kennedy can, you know, without being disturbed.' Just as I was about to slap him, Matt spoke up. 'It's not classy enough for her, Jason. She'd rather he do her in a stuffy bunk than have a quickie in a closet. Am I right, princess?'

Garrett took me aside and politely asked 'Hey Kates, I don't know how to ask this but... could you and Ken tone it down a bit at night? Pat gets nightmares and when he wakes up, he climbs into my bunk. I love the guy but I really need my space, y'know?'

Then Pat... well like what Garrett said, we were loud.

Once Pat put the pieces together, he told his brother Tim, who told the rest of the crew. We didn't get as much shit about it as I thought we would, other than the occasional 'That was quick.' every time we'd come out of a room together, it's been dandy.

After a relativley exshausting day of lifting boxes of merch, I gave myself some alone time in a nearby 7/11. I was sitting on one of the tables outside, chewing on my nicotine gum and checking my messages. One from annoying group message from Jessica Lawrence, two from my mom, and none from Nicole. Not like I was expecting any from her, but it would be nice to know how she's doing. I kind of miss the bitch. My phone vibrated again. I looked down at the sender id.

Phillip Jenkins
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boy they have a habit of changing the subject don't they?

I don't even know why I name my chapters like this I just put in whatever song is stuck in my head at the moment:P

Thank you soo much to nothingpersonal10 it'llalwaysbeyou and dzsinidzsoni! I hope these blocks don't last very long cause I love updating this story:) I get writer's block in a sense that after I write a chapter, I don't know what to do with the next.

I'll try to put another one up as soon as I can! I'm just struggling with what to do with the next chapter and how things play out:(

Thank you so much to everyone who is sticking by this story!:)