Status: On a break but I'll be back soon enough!:D

Pour Some Sugah On Me

Dear Maria, Count Me In

"Come on please, just for a bit." Katie pleaded. They've just finished a show in Ohio and had to leave in a few hours for Indiana. She pulled his sweaty, shirtless form to the bus as fast as she could. 

"Where the fuck is all this coming from?"

"Maybe if you wore a shirt tonight I wouldn't be so frustrated!" She threw her hands up in the air. "And are you really complaining about the fact that I wanna do you, right here, right now?" She let him ponder on that for a while.

"Fine, but we'll be quick."

"Aren't you always?" She smirked but he ignored her.

He slammed his mouth onto hers, holding her in place by fisting one hand in her messy ponytail. She tried to back away for a second, but Kennedy knew a token resistance when he felt it, and flipped them over, Katie being under and him hovering like a starved man.

Katie tried to open her mouth to speak, but Kennedy took it as an opportunity to plunder her mouth with his tongue. The words suddenly turned into moans as Kennedy grinded his hips with her.

Tilting her head with the use of her ponytail, Kennedy started on his torturous path on her long neck. She gasped, unable to hide her pleasure when he sucked on the spot behind her ear and licked her earlobe.

“Oh shit,” Katie breathed out. “Kennedy, can you just-“ She gasped when Kennedy bit her neck, her knees turning into water.

She needed more. And as if Kennedy could read her mind, he brought his hands to her chest and squeezed her breasts.

“If I'd known that this is what Dennis Smith has been fondling with all Sophomore year, I would've kicked his ass and get me some of this.” He huskily muttered and gave her chest another squeeze. It amazed Katie that he could still come up with remarks like this even when he was trailing kisses down her torso.

But the sucking on her inner thigh was cut off by a vibration coming from her pocket.


"Kates, as much as I love that vibrating coming from your shorts, it's kind of a buzz kill." Kennedy pouted. I ignored him and checked the message id.

Phillip Jenkins

"I didn't know you and Jenkins were close." He said bitterly then marched over to the front of the bus. Way to be a real cock block, Jenkins. I lay down on my bunk and checked the message.

hey katie. how's life on the road?

nothing exciting. just shows, lots of boredom, sweat and food

Now, I didn't intend on being text mates with Phillip Jenkins. It just happened. Ever since he sent that first text a few weeks back, it just became routine. He'd text me 'Good Morning', I'd reply. He'd ask me how my day was, and I'd reply with a 'it's only 1 pm. I just woke up'. For the most part, we would just text as if we were face to face, having a normal conversation. A little flirting here and there but nothing too big. The guys would notice me smiling at my phone and tease me about it or give me weird looks. Talking to Phillip was... relaxing. It was nothing crazy or unpredictable. It was safe and maybe I just need some safe right now.

must suck

it's not so bad. i have the guys to entertain me from time 2 time. 

well that doesnt sound to bad. how is john and the gang?

fine. are we really going to talk about them right now?

i guess it's better if we dont huh

ill be more comfortable if we dont

understood. how are the uh groupies?

im really close to beating them off with an umbrella tbqh. 

what a badass. at least your out there in the world. im stuck here in my grandparents' house in fort wayne

fort wayne? as in Indiana?

the very same

the guys are actually going to have a show in there in 2 days

oh thats cool. where here?

embassy theater

ill swing by. and then maybe we could go out for a bit. ill show you around town

ill see if i need to be anywhere after the show

looking forward to seeing you

"Come on Kates, get up. There's a diner around the corner and I'm hungry." John said pretty irritated. He must've been really hungry. I walked with him silently to the diner. All I could think about was Phillip and our to be date. In all honesty, I haven't been on a date in a while. Most of the interaction I've had with boys, that are not the guys, is quick and easy. John and I took a seat across each other in a corner booth. The overly assertive waitress took our orders, a BBQ burger and fries for John, and a grilled cheese sandwich for me. 

"What's up with you?" He asked me as the waitress left, not before giving him an unnecessary wink.


"You haven't spoken a word to me this whole time and you only ordered a grilled cheese sandwich." This boy knew me too well. "Now I'm going to ask you again, what's up?" I took a deep breath before answering him.

"I think I have a date." Right on cue, the waitress came back with two glasses of water. I noticed that another button on her uniform was undone. She kept glancing at John but he kept his eyes on me.

"You think? With who?"

"Phillip Jenkins. I don't know. He was all like-" I started telling him the story on when he first texted me and how innocent it was then how it progressed to a daily thing. "I mean he's a great guy and everything but I've probably been on as much proper dates as Kennedy has. I just really don't want to mess it up."

"So what you're saying is, you're clueless."

"Basically." I sighed. John burst into laughter, attracting the attention of some of the other customers. I kicked his shin to get him to stop. "It's not funny!"

"You're right it's not." He bit his lip to keep from smiling. "Very serious situation."

"I should've never told you!" I threw my hands in the air, in frustration. The waitress came back with our order, this time not trying too hard to get John's attention anymore. I took a big bite of my sandwich. I know there are children starving in Africa, but that doesn't make this any easier.

"Ok! Ok! I'm sorry! Look dates aren't very hard-"

"Yeah, cause you have all the experience right?" I snorted. He took a bite of his burger then pointed it at me. 

"Hey, do you want my help or not?"

"Sorry. Continue."

"As I was saying-" He continued with his mouth still full and munching. It was an absolutely disgusting sight. "-it's really not that complicated. You put on something pretty, he picks you up, maybe watch a movie, go to dinner, take a walk, he takes you home- in your case, back to the bus- then he kisses you goodnight and calls you a few days later."

"You make it sound so easy."

"Like I said, it's not all that complicated." He gestured to the waitress for the bill. "The difficult part is making an impression. You can't be too boring or too chatty. Don't go to the bathroom more times than necessary. What you wear is a very important- are you seriously taking this all down?"

I hid my pen back in my purse and scrunched up the napkin. "No."

"You are a real piece of work aren't you, Sawyer?" The waitress came back with the check. I pulled out a few dollars that would more or less cover my expenses and John did the same. He handed the waitress the bill then we got up and made our way over back to the bus. "I don't really know what to tell you. You'll learn more if you went on an actual date."

"Gee, ya think?" I muttered. He stopped dead on his tracks then gripped my shoulders.

"I've got an idea! Why don't we go on a practice date when we get to Indiana?"

"A practice date?" What the hell? He nodded. "What is that even supposed to be?"

"I can tell you what to do and not to do during a situation. It'll be much easier for me to explain it."

"Are you on crack? Why would I want to go on a date with you?"

"Who doesn't?" He ran his hand through his hair in an attempt to look cool. "And don't flatter yourself, sweetheart, it's only a practice date. You're still paying for your own food."

"You are quite the gentleman, O'Callaghan. Lord knows why you still don't have a girlfriend." I quipped. He dropped his hands on his sides and we went back to walking.

"What crawled up your ass this morning then- you know what nevermind. I don't need to know about you and Kennedy's sex li-" He was interrupted by a smack on the head. "Just for that, I'm not going to hold the door open for you." He huffed as he walked up the bus steps then slammed the door in my face. What was I supposed to do with this boy?


"Hurry up, Katie! It's a practice date not prom." Jason was banging on the door.

"I'm not even taking that long!" I brushed out the tangles from my brown hair then took one good look at the mirror. Everyone was taking this way to seriously. They even agreed to do role plays. Jared was the overprotective father, Pat was the overbearing mom, Garrett was the annoying little brother and Matt was the 'cool' older brother. I straightened out my outfit(x) and prepared for the worst. 

"You look great sweetie!" Pat pulled me to the 'living room'. Jared was on the couch reading a newspaper, and Matt & Garrett were playing a video game. This was the stupidest thing I have ever laid eyes on. There was a knock on the bus door and I sprinted over to it, almost tripping on a shoe.

"Oh thank god you're here everyone's driving me-" I stopped talking when I saw who I was talking to. It was Kennedy with a small bouquet of roses.

"John had to do a last minute interview. He sent me over here as a replacement."

"Ah." I looked over at the bouquet in his hands. "He sent over the flowers too?"

"Nah. I just thought it'd be a nice touch."

"Been a while, hasn't it?" I chuckled.

"I don't exactly do dates." He explained. He was just as clueless about these things as I was. Nice going, John. We were interrupted by Pat's shriek.

"Honey aren't you going to let in the nice young man?" He gestured to Kennedy.

"Hi Mrs. Sawyer. I'm Kennedy." Kennedy shook Pat's hand.

"Well of course you are darling! You can call me Patty. Why don't you come on in? Oh! You brought flowers!" Pat snatched the bouquet from his hands then skipped inside. I shrugged at Kennedy and motioned for him to come in. I could already tell that this wasn't going to be painless.

"Kennedy? I thought you were John." Jared looked up from the newspaper.

"Improv, honey!" Pat said through his teeth. This was obviously not going as he planned. Kennedy walked up to Jared and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Sawyer."

"You have a nice firm grip, Kennedy. Sit down." Jared said sternly. If this wasn't the absolute most horrible situation ever, I would've laughed. Kennedy took a seat beside me and gripped my hand. It wasn't even the gentle kind that would make every girl swoon, it was a death grip like he was holding on to me for dear life.

"Now Kennedy, what are your intentions with my daughter.? Jared had already put the newspaper down and was looking him in the eye. His grip on my hand tightened, making me feel pins and needles on my fingers. I gave him a reassuring squeeze to try to calm him down a bit. 

"Jared!" Pat squealed. 

"Just to feed her, show her a good time then bring her back before soundcheck." It must've worked cause his grip on my hand loosened and he was talking to my 'dad' like how he talked to my actual dad. "Sir."

"Good answer." Jared nodded.

"This is fucking ridiculous." I muttered.

"Mom! Katie said a bad word!" Garrett whined.

"Tattletale." Matt said without taking his eyes off the game.

"Mom!" Garrett whined again.

"Oh will you stop bullying your little brother, Matt!" Then Pat turned to me with a stern look. It was my turn to hold Kennedy's hand tighter now. The look on Pat's face scared the living hell out of me. "As for you, young lady." He put his hands on his hips. "I will not hear you say any of those words under my roof! Do you understand me?"

"Ye-yes, mam." Fuck was he good at this kind of stuff. Then he did a complete 180 on me and had a sweet smile plastered onto his face.

"Now you two go ahead on your little date." He pulled us both up from the couch and pushed us out of the door. "Have fun!"

"But not too much fun!" I heard Jared call out before Pat slammed the door. Kennedy and I walked a for a bit, passing by a park on the way. He wouldn't tell me where we were going. He kept saying not to worry and that 'he's got this'

"John doesn't really have an interview, does he?" I had my hands in my pockets.

"Nope." He popped the 'p'. "He figured that they would pull something like that so he sent me in." Typical John. "He said it'll be good practice for me too, since someone let it slip that I don't do dates."


"Well you we're right there. I do girls, not dates."

"You're a pig." I laughed despite his repulsive remark. We finally reached the glass doors of a small Chinese restaurant. I took a deep breath and turned to him. "Let's get this over with shall we?"
♠ ♠ ♠

I have lots of thank yous to give out so let's start with...

Thank you and credits to Pauline for helping me with this chapter. Please check out her story and comment on it so that she'll update and I won't have to keep bugging her about 24/7...

Thank youuu to kidneytheft & nothingpersonal10 yes I love baby Garrett and the cape too. I got the idea from him being such an idiot in his Q&A videos:P You'll just have to wait and see where their whole thing goes:D

Thank you again to everyone who commented and subscribed! I'll update as soon as I can!:D

P.S. I have a tumblr! Then if you look at the FAQ, there's a submit box so if you have extra long comments and stuff or if you have a story idea that you want me to work on just dump it all in there:P