Status: On a break but I'll be back soon enough!:D

Pour Some Sugah On Me

Everything I Ask For

"Remember that time when you were in the 5th grade and I was in the 6th, you called Garrett stupid, then he started flipping out."

"Hey I was bitter they let him into the 5th grade. If it was up to me, I would've kicked his puny ass all the way back to the 3rd grade."

"You were just jealous that someone was better than you were at math."

"Damn straight I was!" I pointed my chopsticks at Kennedy. I was especially pissed off that day cause Garrett was the only person whoever beat my test score. We were doing fractions at the time, which definitely was my weak spot but apparently Garrett's strong point. Still am bitter about it till now.

"If it makes you feel any better, you were the only one patient enough to want to tutor me."

"I don't blame Garrett and the rest of your previous tutors for giving up on you. Honestly, you are the slowest learner on earth when it came to your academics. But of course you could learn chords for a new song in less than an hour."

"Academics bore me." He faked a yawn. "It takes a lot to capture my full and undivided attention."

"Like what boobs?" I joked.

"Well yeah, but only a specific pair of tatas can really make me forget that the rest of the world exists." He winked at my chest. I chuckled and shook my head. I took a bite of my Kung Pao chicken. Shit this thing was really good. I kept digging in, not even caring that I looked like a pig. The only person who would notice anyway was Kennedy and he's not really someone to impress.

"Whoa slow down there girly. You might choke. Tip #7 don't eat like that in front of your precious boyfriend."

"Piss off." I grumbled. What was he even doing, sleeping with a girl like me? He was sweet, charismatic and it didn't hurt he was hot like the burning sun. He could have any girl he wanted but then he chose to sleep with someone as-

"What's on your mind, Sawyer?" He asked as if he read my mind. I opened my mouth to deny that I was thinking of anything but he beat me to it. "Oh don't try to tell me your not, Katie. I've known you long enough to understand you to some extent. Your eyebrows were all scrunched up like when you're frustrated, reading something or thinking. I don't see any reading material anywhere and I've been nothing but a perfect gentleman this whole after noon so I will ask you again-" He paused to look me dead in the eyes. "What's on your mind, Sawyer?"

"Why are you even sleeping with me?" I didn't mean to blurt that out. It's just that his stupid chocolate hazel eyes gets me all weird when he's so serious.


"Wow I did not mean for that to come out that way." I paused and rephrased my words. "I meant that, you could have any girl you want, you can bang any chick by just telling them your name but then you still settle for little pathetic old me." I took another stab of my chicken and waited for him to process everything I just said.

"I'm not settling."

"Excuse me?"

"Katie, I'm hardly settling. If anything, I'm the lucky one." My mouth fell open at what he just said. "You're a genius, you're funny, you don't get butt hurt, you can rough it up, you're not  toone of those girl who try to be cute by being "awkward" or "one of the boys". You have legs for days, glorious boobs, nice skin, soft hair and the most pinchable cheeks I have ever had the pleasure of pinching. The way you carry yourself makes me want to get into those little shorts of yours even more.

"The way you moan my name makes my insides go mush and tells me that I'm doing something right. Your laugh is the most contagious laugh that has ever traveled to my eardrums, your eyes make it hard to lie to you and your smile can lighten up the 9th circle of hell. So no, I'm not settling." He finally finished and went back to digging into his rice.

"Oh." How do you even respond to that? He basically just listed down all of my supposed good qualities and I'm just sitting here, looking down at my plate like an idiot. It was like the past 48 hours of him ignoring my advances never happened. It was hard keeping up with his mood swings because first he wants me, next he ignores me then he throws a curve ball making it hard to even be mad at him in the first place. "Thanks. You're not too bad yourself, Brock."

"Thanks." He chuckled. We finished the rest of our date in silence then proceeded to walk back to the bus. There was a slight breeze, making me regret my decision of wearing something that bared so much skin. Kennedy roughly tossed me his letterman jacket, almost making me fall back.

"Tip #8, if you're going to offer a girl your jacket, do it gently. Try placing it on her shoulders. That way she'll think you're some kind of gentleman." I said while shrugging the jacket on.

"But I'm not offering a girl a jacket, I'm offering it to you." He gave me a cheeky grin. That earned him a punch in the gut and he was moaning all the way back to the bus.

When we got to the bus, I leaned on the door to face him. "That wasn't so bad."

"Could've been worse." He shrugged. "Don't I get a goodnight kiss?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"It's the middle of the day and this isn't a real date. Maybe you should grow some facial hair first."

"I paid for the whole thing!"

"Only because you put down the money then gave it to the waitress before I could even dig my pocket for some cash!" I glanced at the bus window. "Plus there are some people inside waiting for a show." I gave a small wave to Matt, Tim and Jason. You could hear the 'We've been compromised! Mission abort! Mission abort!' from the walls of the bus. Kennedy and I both laughed at the immaturity of the people on this tour. 

"I can't believe you have a boyfriend, and you're going out sleeping with me." He said dead serious now.

"No, see, because I was sleeping with you, as in past tense, before Phillip asked me out. Besides he's not even my boyfriend yet. It's just one date." I turned to walk inside but then he grabbed my wrist and spun me back around to face him. "We are not, in a relationship, Kennedy. I'm allowed to date."

"Fine. Have a boyfriend. I don't care." How many times did I have to tell him that he is not my boyfriend! He stepped closer to me, and before I knew it, he was kissing meIt wasn't rough, or possessive like most of our kisses. It was soft, and sweet and gentle,  yet at the same time passionate. He pulled back before I could coherently respond to anything and looked me dead in the eyes for the 17317913th time today. "Just remember that. I have to go to sound check."

He sprinted off just like that, leaving me dumbfounded.


"Boyfriend show up yet?"

"Shut up, Tim. He's not my boyfriend." I chewed on my nicotine gum anxiously. Phillip was supposed to be here 15 minutes ago. No biggie. I can wait.

"I gotta go. Just bring him into the lower left pit." He started rummaging his backpack for something then pulled out two laminated cards with straps. "These are your backstage passes. Just give them the name T-Bone when they ask for one."

"T-Bone?" I bit my lip, trying not to laugh.

"Oh shut it." He ran to the back door leaving me alone to my thoughts. I couldn't get that kiss out of my head. He was so sweet and gentle. Why did he have to do that? Now I'm doubting whether I should even go on this date or- no I can't. I can't do that to Phillip. He's been nothing but sweet and I didn't want to blow any chances before it's even started. 

"Boo!" Someone squeezed my sides. I punched whoever it was and accidentally swallowed my gum.

"Oh my god! Phillip I'm sorry!" I knelt down next to him as he was clutching his gut. "Oh god, I'm so sorry! I don't like surprises." He slowly got up, using my arm as support. "I'm really sorry."

"S'kay. Just remind me not to surprise you again alright?" He laughed. I laughed along with him though I didn't see the humor in what he just said. Whatever floats his boat I guess. We pushed our way through the crowd and into the spot where Tim said we should go. These was a pretty good spot. I had to crane may neck up a bit, but I had a good view of the whole stage.

The lights started to dim and the crowd started screaming. They kicked off the show with a drum beat, then the bass was strumming, followed by Jared then Kennedy. John finally came on stage and greeted the crowd with a 'Hellooooo Indianooo!. The crowd went along with it and shouted louder. They played around two songs then John started saying things.

"Wow this is a good looking crowd." This lead to millions of girls shrieking.

"I'm going to have to agree with you there, John." Kennedy said into the mic.

"I think I know why." Jared caught my eye and smirked at me. Oh crap. I know where this is going.

"What are you guys-" John's eyes met mine then the cheesiest grin was plastered onto his face. "Oh I see."

"What where is she?" Garrett whined. He made binoculars with his hands and scanned it over the crowd.

"She's there you dum dum!" Pat yelled at him while pointing his drumstick at me.

"What where- ooooh. Hi Kates!" Garrett waved like a little kid.

"Ladies and gents, let me introduce you to our best friend in the whooole wide world, Katie!" John gestured to the spot Phillip and I were at. On the bright side, he didn't say my last name so it'll take the fangirls 30 minutes longer to find my Facebook. "And to her date, Phillip! Hiya there Phillip!" He waved enthusiastically. Phillip managed to give him a sheepish wave back. I was beet red right now. 

"So this next song, we wrote it about our girl, Katie here. She is the greatest friend you could ask for and the guys and I are extremely lucky to have her no matter how much of a crackhead she is!" Boy was he gonna get it bad after this. "But hey! She's the only person out there who would willingly put up with the shit we do. So thank you Kates, love the guys." Okay maybe he wasn't going to get it all that bad. "P.S. Kennedy wrote the little bridge part so if that tells you anything-" He winked at me. I threw a water bottle, narrowly missing him and leading to Jared catching it instead. "Nice catch, Jar! This song is called 'Everything I Ask For'. This is for you Kates! With love from all of us!"

After almost an hour of screaming girls, a sweaty and shirtless John and curious stares, the show finally ended. Phillip and I made our way to the backstage. The dressing room was empty for now since the guys were outside greeting fans like they always do after every show. I told Phillip to take a seat on the mono-block by the water dispenser. Howling filled the hallway, meaning the boys were near. John was the first one in the door. I grabbed him by the shoulders then straddled him on the couch. Not even in the sexy way, no, in the I'm-going-to-kill-you-slowly-then-use-your-flesh-as-jerky way.

"Ow ow ow ow" He managed to let out as I was punching him everywhere I could reach.

"You-think-that-was-funny?" I said in between punches. "Huh?- the whole crackhead- then brining up Phillip- and Kennedy!"

"Alright I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He yelped. "Please stop!" He grabbed my wrists and started cracking up. I knew he would've laughed even harder if I hadn't punched so hard him in the stomach.

I got off him then helped him off the couch. "It was sweet of you guys to dedicate that song to me, much less write it for me. Thanks." I smiled at them. There was a collective 'aaaw' then I was being squeezed to death by a bunch of sweaty guys. 

"Anything for you, Kates." Garrett piped up. "We can't all take credit for it though. Kennedy's the one who-"

"Hey don't you have a date to get back to?" Kennedy interrupted and gave Garrett the stink eye. Shit I forgot Phillip was even in the room.

"You're right. But I've got to get the scent of  sweat and boys on me now. I don't think it's very attractive." I turned to face Phillip. "You don't mind do you, Phillip?"

He stood up from the mono-block chair and draped his arm around my shoulders. It was a light hearted gesture but then he put his arm back to his side when all the guys started glaring at his arm. "I don't mind. I've had worse."

"I've got some baby cologne in Tim's backpack. I think he's by the merch stand." Pat grinned.

I narrowed my eyes at their innocent expressions. "Alright but don't get any ideas. I need him alive to go on a date with him."

"We promise." They groaned.

"I'll be back, Phillip." I laughed a bit at the dont-leave-me-here look on his face.

"So what are we going to do with you?" I heard Kennedy say as I closed the door and ran for the merch stand. And sure enough, there was Tim helping out at the stand with Matt and Jason.

"Hey Tim. These guys not giving you too much trouble are they?" I ignored the stares that people were giving me.

"We've been nothing but angels." Jason smiled sweetly.

"How's your date going so far, princess?"

"Hasn't even started yet. And I believe I was talking to Tim." I placed my hands on my hips. I realized that I probably look like a mother scolding her children.

"These guys were angels." Tim put his arms around them. "Couldn't ask for a better team. Job's definitely harder than I thought it would be though."

"Told you merch wasn't all fun and games."

"Don't you have a date to get back to, princess?"

"Oh no, you didn't leave him alone with the guys did you?" Jason looked legitimately worried.

"Yeah I had to get some of Pat's cologne to get the smell of sweat and rock n roll off me. Speaking of which, Tim, Pat said it was in your bag."

"Bad idea." Tim shook his head at me as he tossed the cologne from his bag.

"They won't try anything." I applied the cologne on my wrists and neck. "They know better than to mess with my stuff." I winked and them before I tossed the bottle back to Tim. I headed back to the dressing room then I heard someone shout. Shit what did they do this time. My pace quickened. I opened the dressing room door only to find all of them laughing at something Phillip said. "What's going on here?"

"Nothing, just locker room talk." Phillip stood up then made his way over to me. "Looking forward to hanging out with you guys when you get back from tour."

"Same here buddy." Jared said, still red faced. They all shouted out there goodbyes (well Kennedy more of muttered his, but whatever). He closed the door behind us and smiled at me.

"Finally, I can take you out." He chuckled.

"Lead the way, dark prince."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorryyyyyyy for not updating soon enough:(

But I just reached 100 viewers so thank you everyone!

I hope it's not too much to ask for but comments really fuel my fire and help me update faster. Only if you have anything to say though. You know thoughts on the chapter and where the going and such:) The feedback really helps me write because I know on what to improve on and what kme doing right:D

Thank you again everyone and I'll update as soon as I can!