Status: On a break but I'll be back soon enough!:D

Pour Some Sugah On Me

In Bloom

"So how'd your date go?"


"What?!" Kennedy asked. Oh this boy. I slipped the garter of his boxers back onto his waist and rested my chin on my hands that were folded on his stomach.

I looked up at him and shook my head. "I don't kiss and tell, dear."

"So he kissed you then?" His asked, unamused.

"Or I kissed him. Who knows?" I laughed. But his expression didn't change. I took his hand and placed it under my chin. "Why is it bothering you so much?"

"I'll give you a call when I figure that part out." He sighed and ran his free hand through his hair, something I've seen him do many times when he's perplexed or frustrated. His face went relaxed as he gave me a small smile. "But really, how's it go? Did you have a good time?" His thumb from the hand I was holding, caressed my chin.


"Just fine?"

"Okay it was really great, okay!" I gave in.

"Do tell me more." He sat up as far up as he could, since we were just in his bunk, and propped his knees up. I followed suit and Indian sat between his legs with my head resting on his right knee. I sighed then recounted the events from that night.

Two nights ago...



 "You okay? You look pretty lost."

"I'm sorry. I just have a few things on my mind I guess." Again putting it lightly. Just remember that.

"You're smiling all weird. It's scary." Phillip chuckled. "What's on your mind?"

"It's nothing."

"Well you just said a few seconds ago that you had a few things on your mind."

"It's nothing important." I assured him. I genuinely like Phillip. He's a cool guy.

"Alrighty then." And he let it go just like that. No special speech on how he 'knew me' and that it showed in my expression when I was thinking. Nope, nothing, zilch.

I glanced over at a nearby clock. "It's getting late. I should get back to the bus before the guys start worrying."

"I'll walk you over." He smiled at me again. Wow he is all smiles and rainbow farts isn't he. A cool breeze hit us by surprise. It was a good thing I still had Kennedy's jacket on. Phillip, unfortunately had no protection against the cold.

"Here." I shrugged off the jacket and handed it to him. I felt bad okay. Poor guy only had a v-neck and board shorts on. We didn't say anything to each other on the way back to the bus. 

"Tip #8, if you're going to offer a girl your jacket, do it gently. Try placing it on her shoulders. That way she'll think you're some kind of gentleman." I said while shrugging the jacket on.

"But I'm not offering a girl a jacket, I'm offering it to you." He gave me a cheeky grin. That earned him a punch in the gut and he was moaning all the way back to the bus.


"Hm?" I turned to Phillip, to find that his face was a few uncomfortable inches from mine. I stepped back onto the road to widen the gap between us.

"What's on your mind?" He tried again.

"My thoughts ate just pretty scattered right now." I could see from the side, the bus headlights blinking at our direction. Idiots. "I had a good time though." We stopped in front of the bus door.

"I'll text you once I get back to Tempe. Then maybe we could have a date, wherein it won't take 15 minutes for the waitress to take down our food." He chuckled. I let out a small laugh too, remembering the bat old lady who took down our orders as 'bacon & legs' and 'dried vixen'.

The laughter dried up and his face was inches from mine again. Before I could properly gather my thoughts, his lips brushed against mine. He pulled away just as fast as he kissed me, leaving me wanting more. I pulled the back of his neck to bring his lips on mine again. It was gentle and soft, yet it still didn't compare to the kiss Kennedy stole from me ealier this afternoon.

"I'll text you, alright?" He was smiling from ear to ear. He took the jacket off and placed it gently on my shoulders. 

I was left standing there dazed. My thoughts were interrupted by Jason's wolf wistles and John's string of questions.


"I'll text you! That's all he said?!" 

"He was just as nervous as I was!" I defended Phillip.

"Not even a phone call. Cheap bastard." He muttered. Kennedy looked like he was about to punch someone. Seeing as I was the only person in a 1 meter vicinty, I took it upon myself to calm him down.  

"If it makes you feel any better," I started. "I couldn't concentrate during the whole thing." I wondered if admitting that was the right thing to do. The way his eyes lit up though made all the uncertainty go away. "Some idiot kissed me before my big date and that was all I could think about."

"Well maybe you shouldve just gone on a date with that idiot." He grinned at me with that stupid gap between his teeth showing. I'm glad his mood lightened up.

"I did, remember?" I laughed. "Does I'm not offering a girl a jacket, I'm offering it to you, ring a bell?"

"Sorry about that."

"I wouldn't blame you." I shrugged. "I'm a horrible date anyway."

"Shut up, Katie. You're perfect." He blurted out. 

"Hardly." I rolled my eyes. "And you're just saying that cause I'm half naked right now."

He fixated his eyes squarely at my less than decent chest. "So what if I am?"

"You know, sometimes I hate you." I said as I unhooked my bra and started kissing him again. He held my waist and settled me between his legs. After a few seconds, he pulled away from me then started working on my neck.

"You know, sometimes I love you." He said against my skin. I couldn't help but smile at his remark and sucking.
♠ ♠ ♠

lol yeah I'm sorry for not updating for so long it's just thta I didn't know what to do with the story anymore tbqh. I was even thinking of putting it on hiatus. But then someone commented and I all of a sudden felt a drive to keep up this story. So for the past week, I was thinking of what to do wth this chapter.

So a HUGE THANK YOU to Austin.Charlie. Your comment really helped me soooo much and 'fueled my fire'.

So do comment and subscribe cause it really helps:D Dont worry if you seem annoying by commenting a lot cause every comment does wonders and you aren't annoying:D

p.s. Do check out my tumblr if you're up for it:D