Status: On a break but I'll be back soon enough!:D

Pour Some Sugah On Me

This Turbulence is Beautiful

"We're going hooooome!"

"I finally get to sleep in my own bed!"

"No more school too!"

"Easy for you to say."

"Will you guys keep it down!" I yelled from my bunk. They were having a small cheering party at the back of the bus, while I was here trying to fix our living arrangements for college.

"Come on, Kates! Live a little!" John pushed the laptop off my lap and carried me on his shoulder.

"Put me down now or I'll make sure that you sleep outside for the rest of your college life."

"Eh I'll live. Hey Ken! Catch!" Just like that I was hurled into someone else's arms. I was being carried bridal style now except I felt more like a sack of potatoes.

"Please put me down." I pouted.

"But this is just too much fun." Kennedy smirked at me.

"I'll give you a cookie."

"How bout a kiss?"

"Five dollars. Take it or leave it."

"Deal." He dropped me onto my bunk then climbed on top of me. "Where's my five dollars?"

I took five dollars out of my wallet and slipped it into the front of his jeans. He started to grind and gyrate which became really uncomfortable because we weren't exactly in the most ideal position. "Wow you put me down then give me a lap dance all for five bucks. Must be my lucky day."

"You drive a hard bargain, Sawyer." He leaned closer to me. I could feel his breath on my neck. He whispered "But I like it."  Then he got to work on my neck.


"So what happens next?"

"Again, Kennedy? We did it like five times already. I'm really sore now and you're really wearing me-"

"No no. I don't mean that, Katie." Kennedy shook his head, laughing. We were peacefully lying in my bunk now. In around four hours, we'll be back in Tempe. "I mean with us. Does this still go on? Or do we stop?"

"We don't have to stop." I watched as he played with my fingers. "I kind of like this arrangement."

"Me too." He smiled.

"But it won't be happening so often anymore." I clarified. "You'd probably get sick of me."

"If I could ever get sick of you, it would've been a long time ago. We've been friends for almost fifteen years. There's no turning back now."

"You're right." I nuzzled into his neck and closed my eyes.

"Katie, are you asleep?"

"Not anymore."

"Sorry." He didn't say anything after that.

"Well just spit it out, Brock."

"It's not important." He stroked my hair. "Just go back to sleep."

"Alright." I put my arm around his waist and closed my eyes again. Before everything went dark, I swear I thought I heard him say 'I love you.'


"Wakey! Wakey!"

"Go away!"

"Fine then, we'll leave you in the bus." Pat stopped bouncing on my bunk.

"We're here?" I mumbled sleepily.

"Home sweet home." He grinned. "Well we're actually parked by John's place but like he said 'mi casa, emu casa'."

"I'm pretty sure it's 'esu casa'."

"Do I look Mexican to you?"

"Right sorry." I rolled over to my side. I looked under the blanket and saw that I was already wearing clothes. I mean it was just a white spaghetti strap and black cloth shorts, but I'll take that anytime over my birthday suit. "Why do I have clothes on?"

"Kennedy put them on you before he went out to fix his stuff."


"Are you just going to lie there?"

"Maybe." I smirked.

"Good luck with that then." Pat stood up and left. I needed to get up sooner or later so might as well do it now. I checked for my bag but it wasn't in the compartment bin anymore. I went inside John's house to check if anyone's seen it. There were a few cars parked outside the O'Callaghan residence. John suggested that we park our cars here so that we wouldn't have to walk or call a cab. I silently thanked the heaven's that Halvo got my voicemail when I saw my rusty white pick up parked beside his white pedophile van.

I went through the front door and was greeted by a "You're bag's in your pick up already dipshit."

"Good afternoon to you to, O'Callaghan." I went into the kitchen. "Thanks for bringing my bag down."

"It was Kennedy." He told me as he downed a carton of orange juice. "I would've just left your bag and lazy ass in the bus."

"You're a great friend you know that?" I snatched the carton from him and drank some juice. John was about to open his mouth but was I cut him off. "Speak of the devil, where is he?"

"He went ahead. He's dealing with... stuff."

"Without saying goodbye?" John nodded. What stuff could he be dealing with and have the need to tell John but not me. I shook it off and went back to the living room. "Any of you guys need a ride home?"

"Yes, please." Jared stood up from the couch.

"Me too, princess."

"Mind dropping me off at Rachael's? She said that she needed to talk to me."

"Me too! Me too!" Pat raised his hand. "I mean to my house, not Rachael's. I'm not that weird."

"Alrighty then. Tim, you're not coming?" I took my keys out from John's key bowl.

"Nah. I promised I'd swing over to malady's place the first thing I got here. Hence, Pat carpooling with you."

"Speaking of which, when are you ever going to introduce us to this mysterious girlfriend of yours?"

"When I know you won't scare her away."

"Oh ouch. Right in the feelings." I clutched my chest in mock pain. "See you guys." I waved to the rest of the guys in the house.

"I call shotgun!" Pat yelled as he closed the door behind him.


A weird unsettling feeling was being erupted inside my stomach. Something is going to happen and I felt all quesy about it.

Garrett was so excited to be get to Rachael's, that he jumped off the back when we were on her street already and ran the rest of the way there. I guess it's normal to act like a complete idiot when you're in love.

I finally got to my place. It was already 5 o'clock and the sun was almost setting. Once I got inside, I crash landed on the couch. I didn't even bother to bring the rest of my stuff in.

And just my luck, there was a knock on my door. "What?!"

"Sorry. Is this a bad time?"

"You do know this is the second time today that you've woken me up?"

"Again, sorry about that. I'll just come back another time."

"Oh just spit it out, Brock."

"I fucked up, Katie." He scratched his head nervously.


"I said that I fu-"

"No, no I got that. Just explain what you mean by 'fucked up'

"It's just- it wasn't supposed to happen this way."

"Kennedy what wasn't supposed to happen? You're scaring me."

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."

"Kennedy wha-"

"I know this whole deal was just supposed to be about sex but I can't handle that. It's been like that for a while now and I feel like shit for feeling like this. It's not fair to you cause I was just taking what I could get. I'm in love with you, Katie.

"I know this wasn't part of the deal, but I am. Everything has just been so fucking insane, with the band progressing and you, Garrett and John going off to college. You are one of the only things that made me happy in my life and I fucked it up by falling in love with you. Besides, you're too good for me. You should be with someone who can buy you the moon. I fucked up. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He gave me one last soft kiss for the road and ran back to his car then drove off.

"You didn't fuck up." I whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'M SO SORRY IT'S NOT A NEW CHAPTER:( It's just and edit of the most recent one.

So if you haven't seen the old author's note, this story is going on hiatus until I regroup all my ideas and such. I also have school which makes it harder for me to write. I'm barely hanging on with my other fic:P

Speaking of my other fic, I have a Garrett fic, so do check it out if you want to:D

And a huge thank you again to elleeann. Your comments really encouraged me:D

So please do continue with your comments,subscriptions&recs. Thank you so much again and so sorry for not updating:(