Status: On a break but I'll be back soon enough!:D

Pour Some Sugah On Me

Fuel to the Fire (Part 1)

"Who would've known you'd be graduating?"

"Cut me a bit more slack Kates."

"Honestly, you never did anything. I'm even more surprised you got accepted into a university!"

"Well good looks can take you far."

"Still doesn't explain you." I smirked at him. I was leaning on the door frame of John's room while he was buttoning up his polo.

"Ouch." John clutched his chest as he pulled some pants on. "Right where it hurts."

Auntie Jenny offered to take me to the ceremony since mom and dad wouldn't be able to come till later. I wore a green dress with stockings and boots with my leather jacket on my arm (x). It seemed decent enough considering we'd have the graduation gown dawned over it during the ceremony itself.

"You won't be throwing a party?"

"We've got a dinner thing with my family and yours remember." He rolled his eyes at him. "Ross had to raincheck though. He's got the flu."

"Some people have all the luck." I sighed. I noticed a green notebook on the dresser and flipped it open, playing this the pages. "What's this?"

"What's what?" He asked, muffled by the toothbrush in his mouth. Some days feel alone, on your own like a rolling stone a perfect waste of a perfect day. Some days feel like chores, you get more than you bargain for a heavy plate for one to undertake I hate to say I told you so, but I just thought I'd let you know

"Hey you know these are pretty good." I scanned through more pages. Sometimes you can feel so smart just like, a ghost in school clothes. But my days are mostly hazy. 3, 2, 1 here comes the hurricane baby. Yeeaaah identify Identify Yeaaah identify Identify "These are really good."

"Thanks I've been working on them for quite a while now." He snatched the notebook from me and put it back in his dresser. We headed downstairs to be greeted by a flashes of cameras.


The ceremony was such a bore. Those most exciting part was when John pumped his fist in the air when he received his diploma. That made everyone laugh. "Sawyer, Katherine Anne" I winced at the sound of my name. It caused a snicker from Kennedy so I gave him a glare to silence him. He bit his lip but i could tell we was trying to hide a smile. I almost shrieked when I shook our principal's hand. Her nails dug into my wrists somehow. I guess she's trying to get as much payback as she can after the torturing Nicole, the guys and I did to her over the years. I flashed my diploma and a smile at the camera and walked off the platform as fast as possible, almost tripping on one of the chords of the microphone. I could see out of the corner of my eye the guys rocking on their chairs and shaking from laughter. I gave them another death glare to shut them up.

Finally it was the time to throw our caps in the air. I threw mine just a couple of feet up so that i wouldn't have a hard time catching it. I could already hear two guys fighting over one cap. I pushed through the crowd and ran into Nicole. We just stared at each other for a few seconds then I gave her a hug. It took her a while before she hugged me back.

"I couldn't ask for a better friend. Thanks Nicole." I smiled at her.

"Ditto kid." She ruffled my hair. "Don't break too many hearts alright?"

"I'll try to restrain myself." I laughed and pulled away.

"I'm gonna miss ya, you old slut bag." She said as she walked away.

"Same here whore face!" That remark earned me a few stares from appalled parents. I didn't care. I just kept looking and pushing through the crowds of people. Where the hell are my parents? I had to dodge attack hugs and high fives. I even got included into a group hug of a group of people I haven't talked to since the 5th grade. I ran into a tall figure who I recognized as Phillip Jenkins. He was the back-up quarter back of our football team. He wasn't as bigheaded as the rest of the team. We were even lab partners last term.

"Sorry. There's just so many people."

"It's alright." He laughed. "You looking for someone?"

"My parents. Or even John really since they're probably all together already."

"I think I saw Jared some where over there." He pointed to his right. "I'm sure he knows where he is."

"Oh." I turned to the direction he was pointing and saw Jared chatting up some blonde.

"So are you going to the party in Jess's place later?" He asked with a hopeful voice.

"I can't. I've already got plans with John and our family." I sulked. I spend my time with them almost 24/7 so you can't blame me for being a little exhausted of the O'Callaghan brothers' constant pick up lines.

"Are you and John-"

"Oh god don't even go there." I shook my head in disgust.

"So I guess it's you and Kennedy then? I knew it. It's more probable than John."

"Oh my god no!" I fought my urge to gag. "Out of curiosity though, why is Kennedy more likely to be my boyfriend than John?"

"I don't know. I guess John seemed more brotherly protective of you rather than jealous boyfriend. Kennedy on the other hand…" He just chuckled. "Hey maybe we could go out sometime?"

"Yeah maybe." I smiled at him. I was about to say something more but then I heard my name being called out repeatedly followed by a 'Hey I didn't know Katie had a boyfriend!'. "That's my cue. Just call me alright?" I tried to keep the mood as light as possible. I turned around to see that everyone was standing right there. And I mean everyone. My parents, John, his parents, Shane, Jared, Halvo, Garrett, Pat, Tim and Kennedy. I tried to keep my cool and smacked the back of Shane's head.

"What I really didn't know you had a boyfriend!" He laughed. "I thought we had something special Kates!"

"Keep that up and you won't have a thing anymore." My eyes suggesting at his crotch. My dad stepped in front and gave me a really big hug. He told me how proud he was of me for not getting killed in high school. He finally let go and let my mom give me her congratulations, followed by Aunt Jenny and Uncle John IV. It was quiet for a while then my dad spoke up.

"Why don't the rest of you boys join us for dinner at Denny's?" I stared at my dad wide-eyed. What did he think he was doing? I already had to suffer with John and Shane and now I've got six more idiots to baby sit! Plus Kennedy and I aren't exactly back to normal. I mean we would still bicker but there wasn't anymore tender friendship moments.

"Oh we wouldn't want to impose." Kennedy said in a goody-two shoes voice.

"That's never stopped you before, Brock."

"What did you say, Katherine?" He stepped closer to me.

"Don't call me that. It's Katie."

"Katie? Sounds like a stripper name." He stepped even closer.

"You'd know all about that wouldn't you Brock." I glared at him. Everyone else was just watching us like a tennis match.

"You wouldn't be imposing, Kennedy." My dad interjected. "You can all fit at the back of Katie's pick-up."

"I call shotgun!" Pat grinned.
♠ ♠ ♠
Whooo finally got that done.

Part 2 in a little while:D

If i get part 2 up early enough I can post the next chapter cause I have that saved somewhere in my email:D

P.S. the girl in the outfit is not actually Katie. Just look at the outfit:D
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