Status: On a break but I'll be back soon enough!:D

Pour Some Sugah On Me

Fuel to the Fire (Part 2)

"I can't believe you ate two cheeseburgers."

"I'm a growing man!"

"A growing boy." Jared corrected. The guys and I got a huge separate booth from our parents. It was in a semi circle with Kennedy and I on across each other on the edges while beside me was John then Shane, Garrett, Pat, Tim, Jared, Halvo then Kennedy.

"Oh stay out of this Jar!" Garrett stuck his tongue out at him. He turned his attention back to me. "How about John and Halvo! They got like three milkshakes! Each!"

"Hey don't point this all on us, we all know that Tim is the real fat ass here." Halvo pointed his straw at time then proceeded to lick the cream off of it.

"Why are you looking at me? Pat's the one who ate all the cupcakes during your birthday!"

"It's true!" Shane added.

"Okay let's all just agree that none of you guys know what a proper diet is?" I tried not to snort out my coke.

"Right, cause you know everything about healthy eating." Kennedy rolled his eyes. I was honestly taken aback by this. Apparently so was everyone else. He said it in a pretty condescending tone.

"So who's that new boyfriend of yours Katie?" Shane smirked at me. I flicked a macaroni from my mac n cheese at him. "Gee it was just a question. No need to get all physical about it."

"He is not my boyfriend! And his name is Phillip." I stuck my tongue out at him. "We were lab partners for one term. He just asked me out, that's all." I mumbled, hoping they wouldn't catch it. Oh god how I was wrong.

"Summer hasn't even begun yet and you already have a head start at your flings?" Halvo whined.

"Never underestimate the power of a good trip on the stage." Tim teased.

"Ha-fucking ha." I popped another macaroni into my mouth,

"Well I for one approve." John chimed in.

"Excuse me approve?" I raised an eyebrow at him. I know he has this whole protective brother persona towards me but he didn't have a say in my relationships.

"I don't. He looks like a tool." Kennedy said not looking up at his plate.

"Let's go back to the approving-"

"What are you talking about? He seems like a nice guy. Helped me out with my Math project." John defended, ignoring me.

"He just gives off a tooly vibe okay." Kennedy shrugged. "I don't trust the guy."

"But he's-"

"Okay that's enough! I haven't even gone on a date with the guy yet and you're already deciding if he'd be a good boyfriend or not? What's next? You'll be arguing over who'll be the best man in our wedding?" Kennedy looked like he was going to say something but then John interrupted.

"Okay we all know that I'm going to be the best man in your wedding no matter what." John put his arm around me and laughed. I flicked a macaroni at him then went back to eating my food. It was silent again. Halvo cleared his throat.

"So any plans for the summer?"

"Touring." They all (except for Shane) said at the same time. I choked on my ice tea. I kept coughing as John wrapped his arm around me and softly patted my back. After a full minute of everyone just staring at me as I tried to breathe, I was able to swallow the bitch.

"You okay? It looked like you were going to hack a lung out." John joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, just need some air. I'll be back in a minute, yeah?" I didn't wait for them to respond and just bolted for the door. Why didn't they tell me they were touring? Do they hate me or something? Ugh why was I being so moody? I went to my truck to get my nicotine gum from the glove compartment. Shit. My keys are in my jacket that I left in the restaurant. But I can't go back in there. A breeze rolled in, giving me goosebumps. Fuck I should've brought my jacket. And as if on command.

"You forget something?" There appeared a Kennedy with my jacket in hand. I snatched it from in and shrugged it on my shoulders. "A thank you would be nice." I stuck my tongue out at him causing him to laugh.

"I'll be in in 5 okay. Just leave me alone."

"Why are you so upset that we're going on tour?"

"I don't even know." I sighed.

"Well call me when you figure it out yeah?" He said rather harshly and went back inside. Stupid weird feelings.
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I realize this is pretty short but hey new chapter in a couple of minutes!

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