Status: On a break but I'll be back soon enough!:D

Pour Some Sugah On Me

Angel With a Shotgun

"Would you mind putting on some shorts?"

"What's the point? The rest of the guys have seen me in less." I joked. John and Kennedy's eyes bulged out of their sockets. It was 10:00 and we were the only ones awake. John was on the couch, flipping through an AP magazine while Kennedy was eating his cereal on the counter. I was sitting with my legs crossed, right beside his bowl only in an oversized purple reject 'The Maine' shirts that reached halfway to my knees and my underwear. "Kidding."

"Will you just put some shorts on. Please?" Kennedy pouted.


"The curtains aren't closed." John pointed at the windows.

"Cause it's distracting." Kennedy said at the same time. Did Kennedy really just say it was distracting? John gave Kennedy a weird look. The tips of his ears turned bright pink. He noticed us staring. "You know what I mean."

"Someone needs to get laid." I mused in an effort to defuse the tension. I took a sip of the orange juice that was by my thighs.

"Hey!" Apparently it was Kennedy's.

"You snooze you lose buddy." I hoped of the counter and stuck my tongue out at him.

"You're in for it." He had a maniac grin on. His index finger slowly made its way to my sides. I realized what he was about to do and sprinted to the back of the bus. Take it easy, children. John's voice echoed through the hall. I tried to keep the noise I was making down since everyone else was sleeping. Waking up angtsy band boy at 10 am isn't the brightest idea in the world.

There wasn't anyone to disturb in the back room so pressed the button to close it. Kennedy was too fast though. He ran fast enough to be able to wedge himself through the closing door. There was that grin again. I was backed up onto the couch. He climbed on top of me with his grin still in place. What was his game?

"Now what am I going to do with you?" He licked his lips.

"Not rape me I hope." I managed to croak out without breaking.

"It's not rape if you're going to like it." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"You're a pig." I said, playfully slapping his face.

"Oh right where it hurts." He clutched his chest in mock pain. Lord knows what to do with this boy.

"Why are you doing this to me?"


"For what?"

"Distracting me." We didn't say anything for a while. He just stared at me, propped up on his elbows. Where was all this coming from? Ever since we made up five days back, he's been a lot more touchy. Not in the uncomfortable way though. Just a lot more putting his arms around my shoulders or waist, kissing my hair and the likes. He would even trace patterns on random parts of my body. He placed a light peck on my shoulder, interrupting me from my thoughts. "So what's the agenda for today cap'n?"

"I got to choose last time, it's only fair you have a turn." I brushed the out of place hair from his eyes.

"I was hoping you'd say that." He had a grin on again. But this time it was light and goofy. We sat up a bit flushed. I'm pretty sure that we both realized that we were in a pretty compromising position. He took my hand and led me back to the front of the bus. Everyone was already up and chipper. Some of the guys were on the couch playing video games, Max was on the phone and the rest were having late breakfast. "Well since this place is a complete borefest, wanna watch a movie in my bunk?"

I shrugged at him. The bus rides are always uneventful. We'd spend around two full days on the bus then half a day setting the venue up, and if we're lucky, we roam around for a bit before the guys had to go up and play. "What are we going to watch?"

Kennedy slid into his bunk, patting the space next to him to give me room. The bunks aren't as uncomfortable as you would assume. Yeah they'd get a bit hot and stuffy from time to time, but for the most part it's only when the curtains are closed. "I only have Mean Girls is that- hey stop laughing at me it's a riveting movie!"

"I'm sorry. I just didn't think you were fetch enough to own that movie."

"Well then get in the bunk loser. We're watching it."
♠ ♠ ♠
i apologize for this chapter

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