Status: On a break but I'll be back soon enough!:D

Pour Some Sugah On Me


"Jesus these are heavy." There were probably about 10 of these boxes here. They were filled with shirts, jackets, ballers, posters and cds.

"Well you know what you signed up for, princess." Matt laughed as he unloaded the box to the stand.

"Stop calling me that." I grabbed him by the collar and glared straight at him.

"You don't phase me, princess." He laughed. God! He was infuriating. Once the last box was unloaded, we started arranging the shirts. It was really tedious. I distracted myself from it's monotonousness by watching the guys sound check. Pat was aimlessly banging on his set, Jared was tuning his acoustic guitar in the corner, Garrett was replacing his strings and John was yelling random things at the mic.

My eyes landed on Kennedy. He was hunched over, drinking a bottle of water. His guitar was on the stool next to him. He was wearing a red sleeveless flannel shirt and ripped pants. I swear, I am taking that boy pants shopping, the first chance I get. I noticed though that there were bulges on his arms that weren't there a few months ago. He noticed me staring and winked. I shook my head at him and giggled in embarrassment.

Jason and Matt looked over at me. Jason looked confused and Matt had this big cheeky grin. I stuck my tongue out at them then went back to work. With our teamwork and mutual desire to finish this as fast as possible, we were done in less than two hours. Jason mentioned that he saw a Panera a few blocks away. I honestly never got their obsession with Panera. They were just fucking sandwiches. I remember mentioning it to John one time and he didn't talk to me for two days.

"You and Kennedy are getting cosy eh princess?" Matt grinned at me. I threw a piece of my bread at him.


"Matt stop terrorizing the newbie." Jason threw at my expense.

"Excuse me newbie? I've been on every tour with the guys."

"Yeah but you never handled merch. You still count as a newbie, princess." I shot Matt a death glare. Yet he was still unfazed my it. Matt is probably the only person I know who is unaffected by my glares.

"Don't worry you're doing a great job." Jason smiled sweetly at me. At least there was one decent guy on this tour.

"Oh I know." I grinned.

"You really are, considering you're stacking the shirts while staring at Kennedy during soundcheck. That's talent." Ok it's official all the guys here are dicks.

"You know if you guys keep using the Kennedy jokes on me, I'll be completely unaffected by them soon enough."

"We aren't joking, princess"
♠ ♠ ♠

I was out of town for 3 days and I wrote this chapter on the 2nd day:P I wasn't able to post it earlier cause I started blowing chunks last night:(

Thank you nothingpersonal10! Yes I will update as much as I can:)

Check out my friend' story here! It makes me want to eat my heart out:(((

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