Sentimental Heart


Let me just say that I absolutely hate dressing up. Here in District Ten, men and women wear simple clothes. Men wear t-shirts and work pants and boots, and women wear simple dresses and flat shoes. However, at the Reaping, we're required to dress up and I hate it. Everyone looks fake and unreal to me. Seeing as it is a mandatory tradition, I suck it up and slip on my clothes.

As I step outside, I silently wish that Eden and I lived together with Tyson. Seeing as we're not married, the District won't issue us our own home, nor am I able to live with her until we actually wed. And, unfortunately, we decided to postpone our wedding until after this year's Reaping. It's our last, but we could deal with the fact of getting married only to find out one of us was being to sent to our doom.

I wish I could see her before we all go to the square, to help her get ready, to kiss her and hold her and reassure her that everything was going to be all right. I want to hold her hand, feel her soft skin against mine and not have to worry about anything else. I sigh and push the thoughts away. No use moping over things that can never be.

Out on the street I can't help but scoff at my fellow citizens. We all look so alike and very absurd at the same time. Many boys are wearing the same black slacks, shoes, and light green button up that I am. I've tucked mine into my waist but many have left theirs untucked. Girls wear light colored dresses that reach their knees, many with sparatic floral designs. Though we all look great dressed to the nines, our faces put all the work to shame. We're all wearing the apparent frown of worry and our eyes wold sorrow and fear.

We all make our way from the street and to the townsquare and what an odd sight it must be. Our walking is out of step and we just stare ahead blankly, not truly paying attention to where we're going or why. Everyone is too preoccupied with their thoughts to worry about what direction their feet are going. Finally, we all gather in our specific sections in front of the large stage used specifically for the Reaping every year- boys on one side, girls on the other, and parents somewhere on either side. Behind the stage the Justice Building raises up above us all, it's gray marble gleaming. It was amazing to me that such a beautiful building could represent so much terror. Banners hung on the pillars of the building, a large 10 printed on it, to designate to the viewing citizens of Panem what District we are.

A large banner hangs over teh stage as well, simply reading 'Happy 55th Hunger Games.' On the stage, there's a large podium and a microphone sitting upon it. Next to the podium are two small tables on either side, both supporting two large glass bowls, filled with the names of every teenager I known and have held the names of my loved ones. And currently it holds my name as well. And Eden's. Camera crews make their way to the stage, setting up in spots where they're sure to get nice views of the Justice Building, the citizens, and the Reaping itself.

A moment later, when they're sure everyone is in their place, our district escort saunters onto the stage. Somer Lullusk, our escort, is a small, petite Capitol woman. She's lanky and nearly pencil thin. Her skin has a delicate lavender tint to it and her long hair is vibrant blue. Today she wearless a strappless dress that stops above her knees. Silver colored tattoos ascend from her ankles and up her legs. Somer smiles big at all of District Ten as she steps up to the podium.

"Welcome to the 55th Hunger Games! I know you all must be very excited for this, so we'll get started right away!" Her voise is shrill and full of excitement. Though there is no sound I know that everyone around me is sighing inwardly. The Capitol woman grins and speaks into the microphone before heading to the first bowl, "Ladies first."

Her hand rummages around in the bowl, a lazy smile on her face. She pulls it out, reads it, and steps back to the podium. Suddenly, a flash of worry hits me. What if it's Eden? What will happen to Tyson? He'll be without his mom, I'll be without the love of my life. I bite my lip, trying to push away the thoughts taht were already making my eyes water. Somer leans in closer, "Prilla Listess!"

Relief floods through me and then I feel a pang of guilt. My fiance's safety meant the probable death of this young girl. She's pushed and pulled by the pack of girls until she's thrust up onto the stage. Somer grabs her by her arm, whispering encouragement. She puts her in place and waits a moment. There's a loud screaming and crying from the crowd, and tears streaming down her own face- but no one takes her place.

"Moving on," annouces the escort as she goes to the second bowl. She doesn't fish around in this one, just thrusts her hand in, wiggles it to the bottom and pulls one out. For a moment I worry that the name could be mine. My name is in there a total of nine times, who's to say that it's not me? I fight that feeling away because I have to be stong. I have too. I have a family to worry about. Not just Eden and Tyson, but my parents, and my friends, and even old Mr. Millan. They need me. I need them.

"Evander Levencross!"

False security fills me only to find that my ears had indeed mistaken me. It wasn't someone else's name, it was mine. I look around frantically. Just like when Prilla was called, there's crying from somewhere in the distance, and an even stronger wailing. My mind goes blank and all I can think is Tyson. I'm grabbed and shoved and some how I end up on the stage. Somer's long nails dig into my arm and she drags me next to the other tribute. Tribute. That's what I am now. Not citizen of District Ten but tribute from District Ten.

"Let's have it for you District Ten tributes, Prilla Listess and Evander Levencross!"

There's false clapping and more crying and I'm pretty sure someone's talking to me, but I tune it all out. My eyes are open but I can't see a thing. I'm in shock. I'm barely aware that some outside force is dragging me along, taking me to some unknown destination. When I finally focus back in, I'm being shoved into a room in the Justice Building and a Peace Keeper telling me I have a few minutes for goodbyes.

Not even three seconds later, Eden and her mother, holding Tyson, burst into the room. Eden's bawling her eyes out, her sobs loud and desperate. Her hair is messed up and stands up in several places, indicating that she'd been pulling at her hair. If there's a time to be strong, it's now. I can cry on the train. I wrap my arms around her and she buries her head in my chest, crying out, "You promised me! You promised"

I don't know what to say, so I just rub her back and hug her tighter. "I know, I know."

She looks up at me now. Her eyes are bloodshot. "You're coming hom to me, you have too. You have too," she blinks hard, "Tyson needs you. We need you."

"I'm coming home, don't worry, Eden. I'll have the strength for both of us."

Her mother steps forward and hands me Tyson, her eyes are bleary as well. Tyson's eyebrows are knitted in confusion and he looks around. "Where are you going Daddy?" I choke slightly.

"A little trip, Ty. I'll, uh, be home soon." I hate to lie to my child, but what could I tell him? That I'm being sent to my death? No. I am going to fight in the arena. I'll take a life if it comes down to it, if it means I get to come home to my family. I hug the boy tight.

Footsteps pound down the hall outside us and the door pushes open as I hear my mother yell, "That's my son in there!" She runs to me, embracing Tyson and I in a large hug. Eden and her mother join in as well. They pull away and my mother pushes my flat brown hair against my head, her hands finding my cheeks. She's crying, her long, wavy, dark hair in her jade green eyes. She looks at me longingly.

"You look like your father. If he could see you know, he'd be so proud of you," she coughs. "I'm proud of you."

The Peace Keeper comes in and warns us that we have a minute left. I blink back a fit of tears and clear my throat. "Guys, thank you so much, but I refuse to say goodbye. I'm going to come home, I swear. I love all you guys- Mom, Tyson, Eden..." I lean over and give her a loving, sweet kiss and shift our child back to her arms. She closes her eyes as I give her one last kiss on her forehead.

The Peace Keeper comes in and ushers them out of the room, but not without them trying to beg for more time. It's useless and they're gone within seconds, Eden's last look still implanted in my mind.

And just like that, I'm all alone when I need my loved ones most.
♠ ♠ ♠
Poor Evander.