Status: Slight hiatus

Pictures of You

Chapter 02

My dorm was my safe haven, my home away from home. With the lacking position of a room mate I had a room to fit more of my belongings in the tiny room. A decently sized bookcase was placed on the wall beside the window, my bed was on the other side of the window. A large painting of the periodic table was hanging on the opposite wall. Several old science fair ribbons peaked out from around the room, along with SOL medals and certificates.

I had a futon underneath the the painting, for no good reason. I had no friends to invite over. After I was denied by UK I became so obsessed with studying that I started to cut off all contact.
I was just so caught up in the theory that maybe a 4.0 wasn't everything that I had no time for parties and formals.

I set my bags on the futon and pulled out my camera. I placed my camera on my desk before retreating to the bathroom to freshen up. I splashed my face with water and cleaned my eyes of my running mascara. I changed into a pair of sweats and a T-shirt from my high school before grabbing a glass of tea.

I swiftly sat down in my chair, my drink raised slightly above my head so it wouldn't spill. I set the glass down and brought up the login screen on my computer. I watched my hands move across the keyboard and I waited for my homepage to load. I figure I could spend an hour or so editing these photos before grabbing a bit to eat and studying for my morning class.

The homescreen loaded and I pulled out my cord. I uploaded the photos as I opened my editing software. I felt envious as I scrolled through the beautiful pictures. Have you ever seen that? When two people are beautiful when apart, but unremarkable when together? That was these two. I didn't need to retouch anything.

I closed down my software and printed off my favorite shot, then loaded the rest to a CD. I waited for the shot to dry while I grabbed the book. I liked to surprise the couples with these little books I made of their wedding or engagement photos, and occasionally both.

The book was a pale yellow that matched the flowers in the brides hair and the binding was covered by a black fabric with tiny squares, rectangles, and triangles adorning it. The groom was a geometry major. Scrawled upon the top was the couple's name, the script matched that of the congratulations and thank you notes on the inside. The picture dried and I placed it on the second to last page of the book before closing it. I placed the CD in the pocket of the book and set it on my desk.

I had more pare time than I thought so I decided to check my email before going to grab some food. There were a few spam messages and some chain mail, I deleted what was useless before clicking on my confirmation email. I required my clients to send confirmation emails the day before so that all plans were set in stone.

Just confirming our engagement session tomorrow! Can't wait! -Vero