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Wings of Rebellion


The high powered train ran effortless across the tracks, the world whirling around me in a matter of seconds. I already missed home. The Meadow, where my house stood, was just a dream now. A happy memory.

Tears were starting to pool around my eyes, but I forced them back as I heard Ely Steward knock on the door to my cabin," Asha, it's time for dinner! Please change clothes and wash your hands before coming down."

I almost nodded before just saying," Yes ma'am."

She laughed and to my knowledge, left. I glanced around the room, looking for a closet. I saw an electronic speaker thing so I gingerly pressed the button. It came alive," Yes, how may I be of assistance?"

I jumped ten feet in the air," Uhhhh! Can I have something to wear?"

It said," Of course. Here select your wardrobe." A screen blazed up with different shirts, pants, shorts, and dresses. I lifted my nose up at the high class clothing; satin, velvet, the work. I just picked a simple pair of black pants and a grey shirt that matched my own orbs. I took my simple braid down, letting the curls loose.

I didn't recognize the girl in front of me. What I took as simple, looked great on me. I looked pretty, not the plain Jane blond I thought I was. I watched my expression in the mirror when suddenly a loud knock erupted from the door," Hey, Asha. Come on, Ely won't let me eat until you come!"

I narrowed my eyes but quickly slashed some water on my hands and face, turned the sink off then went running out the door. It slammed behind me, startling me. I almost screamed but I just trudged off in a direction hoping that it was a right way.

I eventually made it to the room, earning glares from Drew because his food was 'cold'. It still had steam coming off it. I sent daggers at him while taking my seat. " Sorry I'm late. I had trouble figuring out the closet speaker."

Ms. Steward laughed and petted my hand," Oh, that's fine dear! It's quite tricky you know. Now, Drew don't go with that sour face! What if your face freezes like that? Oh well, lets eat!"

I examined my plate, it had some soup along with a grilled cheese sandwich and a small glass of something. It wasn't something I thought my stomach would take fondly of I could already tell. I took small portions, making sure to wait a few seconds after each bite so I wouldn't get sick.

Drew just shoved everything he could get a hold of in his mouth. In fact, after dinner, he throw up all over the table. I turned away," Uh, I'm going to go back to my room. You might want to have someone clean that up."

Ely just sat there, stunned. "Ewh." I almost most cracked up but I walked back to my room, shutting my door.

I skipped over to the speaker," I need some pajamas."

It hummed up," Okay, please select what you wish to wear."

The screen popped up and showed me baby blue shorts and a plain white tank top. I tapped my finger and it was on in two seconds flat.

I yawned sleepily, before stopping. Drew was staring at me from the door he had opened at some point. I started screaming," Get out, get out!"

He blinked and he ran from me, slamming the door. What the heck was that about? I flung myself under the covers and tried to hide. I fell asleep to the soft sings of the mockingjays.


Something shook me awake, an Avox with huge green eyes. She pointed outside as if to say it's time to get up, it's morning. I asked," Are we almost there?"

She nodded then gestured toward speaker that gave me clothes. I shrugged the covers off me and blindly made my way over there. I requested," Clothes please."

The robot answered the same," Please select your choice."

The screen showed its self and I picked a pair of blue jean shorts along with a dark green shirt. The thing put the clothes on me and off I went to breakfast. Eggs sounded really good about now.

On the way to the parlor, the train suddenly halted which caused me to fling into the nearby wall. Didn't know I was going to get personal with it.

Looks like there won't be anytime for eggs. Ely came in the same hall as me, clearly flustered. " Anyone heard of a warning?" Her hair line was zigzagged now. I tried not to play much attention to it.

I asked," Are we in the Capitol?"

She looked up as if she was just noticing me," Oh, Asha. I was just looking for you."

I faked a smile," What for?"

She grinned, clearly not noticing my falseness. "For breakfast, silly! You need your strength to go win the Games! But I think we are going to have to wait on that, you need to see your stylist! We need you beautiful so we can string in some sponsors!"

I groaned inwardly but replied brightly to her," Well then we better get to it."

Oh, what a bad choice.
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So here's another chapter..
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