Status: I Like Cookies. And You Like Commenting.

My Definition Of Love

I'm One Step Closer To The Asphalt

Life Sucks.
No matter what, every turn I make, everything I do, someone is always looking at us. He says just to ignore them, but I just can't. People walk by mocking us. Once a girl actually came up to my boyfriend and kissed him, she had asked him if her kiss was more satisfying than mine.
It's not like I've never thought of suicide, It's just that whenever he sees the worry on my face, when the thoughts start to unravel, he puts comforting word into my head. He's the only one keeping me alive. Everyone else, my family my friends, all of them. They hate me. I just don't know what to do at times like these. Times when there's fifty feet between me and the ground.
The song on my iPod blasted through my headphones. I closed my eyes listening to the lyrics. I started to sing quietly. It was one of those songs that was always stuck in your head.
"Believe me when I tell you I've been persistent. Cuz I'm more scarred, more scarred than my wrist is. I've been trying to long with too dull of a knife but tonight I made sure to sharpened it twice. I never bought a suit before in my life, but when you go to meet God you know you wanna look nice.
So if I survive I'll see you tomorrow, ya I'll see you tomorrow." I waited for the song to end. I looked at the sky seeing the clear weather. I wanted to leave. I wanted to disappear just like the clouds did. The next song come on. Only it wasn't a song, but a recording.
"I love you, I wish that we can stay together forever. I know you never listen straight through your iPod, that's why I left you this. I wanted to let you know that your never alone. That whenever you feel lost you can always turn to this part of your iPod to hear my voice. Never do anything stupid without me, okay? You can call me anytime, even if it's three in the morning. I'd rather be with you than anyone else." His voice was so calm. So relaxing. My eyes had finally given up on keeping the tears away.. I pulled the headphones from my ears and though my iPod off the edge. I curled up into a ball and cried my heart out. I felt so stupid.
♠ ♠ ♠
Read this. Cry. Then give your friend a hug.
Song: Bullet
Band: Hollywood Undead
Idea From: Laying In Bed.

This is no time for stalker jokes.