Running away

A daily routine

"Pack up your stuff and you can leave" Mrs Pearson called. Most children cant wait to hear the end of school bell, but for Rachel it was the worst sound in the world. It meant she had to go home. Rachel looked like your regular 14 year old girl, sure she wore a bit more eyeliner than other girls and dressed a bit diffrent but apart from that she she looked like any old teenager. But Rachel didnt feel like any old teenager.
"Watch it emo" some one yelled at Rachel as they pushed bye her to leave the classroom, Rachel didnt even look up to see who it was, she didnt care. She walked slowly out of school watching everyone running around with their friendslaughing.
"There are so many people at this school, but I feel so alone" Rachel thought to herself.

She dragged her feet with every step as she approached her house. She would do anything just to turn and run away, run far away. Rachel didnt care where just aslong as it wasnt home. Anywhere but home. She walked into the kitchen, as usual her mum was peeling potatoes for his dinner. She didnt even bother to look at Rachel, she never looked at Rachel. How could she? after what she lets him do to her. After a moment of awkward silence in the kitchen Rachel gave up and walked up the stairs to her room, She looked over at the clock, he'd be home soon, unless he decides to go to the pub after work which would be even more bad news for Rachel cause he always hits harder when hes drunk.

Rachel lay down on her bed and took out her i-pod, music always made her feel better. She let the sound of My Chemical Romance fill her head and began to relax. She lay on her bed for what seemed like ages, the smell of her mums cooking entered her room reminding Rachel how hungry she was. Her thoughts were interupted by the sound if a car door slam. She turned off her i-pod and ran over to the window. He was staggering towards the door, drunk by the looks of it. Rachel sat down on the ground and wrapped her arms around her legs, she knew what was coming next, this was part of a daily routine. She just wanted the ground to swallow her up, for her to dissapear forever. He was always so angry when he came home from work but why did he have to take ot out on her? It was funny to Rachel, most kids biggest fear was the dark, spiders, thunder things like that but Rachel's biggest fear was her own father. He slammed open the door of her bedroom, he reeked of booze and looked furious. Rachel closed her eyes as he lunged towards her.
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okay the first chapter of my first story, wat ya think? lol
be kind